Luisa and Commanding in the Divine Will V30-6/29/32 I am in the arms of the Divine Fiat; Its Dominion extends in everything over my littleness, but Its Empire is not slavery-no, but Union, Transformation, in such a way that the creature feels that she Dominates together with the Divine Will; and by letting herself be Dominated, she acquires the Virtue of Dominating the very Supreme Will. V13–1/3/ "Daughter of My Volition, come into My Divine Will that you may Know the relations which exist between the Divine Will and the human will, which the creature (Adam) shattered from the very Terrestrial Eden. But the soul who Knows no other Life but the Life of My Divine Will, Rebuilds My Divine Will, Binds It once again, Giving back to It all the Relations which the creature had broken - Relations of creation, and of Principle of existence. These were Bonds of union between Creator and creature - Relations of Likeness, Sanctity, Science, Power… Everything I contain I (God) placed in relation with man (Adam) Relations in order of all created things; and to him (Adam) I (God) Gave PRIMACY over everything. Now, by withdrawing from My Divine Will, he broke all these Relations, and placed himself in relation with sin, with passions, with his fiercest enemy. Therefore, the soul who Lives in My Divine Will Rises so High as to leave everyone behind; she places herself in order between Me and her; she gives herself back to the Origin, and Places all broken relations in force. All created things form her cortege and recognize her as their legitimate daughter, feeling honored to be Dominated by her. The Purpose for which they were created - to be COMMANDED and to obey her slightest wishes - is already accomplished. Therefore, all nature remains reverent around her, and exults in seeing that finally its God receives the Glory of the Purpose for which He had created it - that of serving man. And so, fire, light, water, cold, will let themselves be COMMANDED, and will faithfully OBEY. V17–9/18/24 - “My daughter, the Living in My Divine Will is the Living that is closest to the Blessed of Heaven. It is so distant from one who is simply conformed to My Will and does It, faithfully executing Its orders - as much as Heaven is distant from the earth, as much as the distance between a son and a servant, and between a king and a subject. Moreover, this is a Gift which I want to Give in these times, so sad - that they may not only do My Divine Will, but Possess It. Am I perhaps not free to Give whatever I want, when I want, and to whom I want? Isn’t a Master free to say to his servant: ‘Live in my house, eat, take, COMMAND as another myself"? And so that nobody may prevent him from possessing his goods, he legitimizes this servant as his own son, and gives him the right to possess. If a rich man can do so, much more can I do it. V17–2/8/25 - I pressed Him to myself, and I kissed the wounds of his hands. Oh, how embittered they were because of many works, even holy, but which do not have their Origin in the Divine Will of God, so as to soothe Its pain. I squeezed them between my hands, and Jesus let me do everything; even more, He wanted it, and so I did the same with the other wounds, to the extent that He remained with me for almost the whole morning. 2 Finally, before leaving me, He told me: "My daughter, you soothed Me, I feel my bones in place; but do you know who can soothe Me and reunite my dislocated bones? (Luisa) the One who lets My Divine Will Reign within herself. When the soul puts her human will aside, giving it not even one act of life, My Divine Will acts as Master in the souls; It Reigns, It COMMANDS and It Rules. It is as if It were in Its own home – that is, in My Celestial Fatherland. So, being at home, I act as the MASTER, I dispose, I give of my own, because, since this is My dwelling, I can place in it whatever I want, to make of it what I want, and I receive the Greatest Honor and Glory that the creature can give Me. On the other hand, one who wants to do her own human will, she herself acts as the master; she disposes, she commands, and My Divine Will remains like a poor stranger, neglected and, at the occurrence, even despised. I would want to give of My own, but I cannot, because the human will does not want to give Me its place. Even in holy things, it wants to be the leader, and I can place nothing from My own. How uncomfortable I feel in the soul who makes her own human will reign! V19–3/14/26 - I continue to dissolve myself in the Holy Divine Will. I would like to embrace everything and everyone, to be able to bring everything to my God as my own things, given to me by Him as Gifts, in order to Give Him, for each created thing, a little WORD of Love, a ‘Thank You’, an ‘I Bless You’, an ‘I Adore You’. And my always lovable Jesus came out from within my interior, and with His Omnipotent Fiat, He called the whole Creation in order to place It on my lap, to give It to me as a Gift; and with Tenderness, all of Love, He told me: “My daughter, all is yours. For one whom Must Live in My Divine Will, everything which came out of My Divine Will, and which My Divine Will Preserves and Possesses, Must be Fully hers by Right. Now, it was my Omnipotent Fiat that extended the heavens and studded them with stars; my Fiat called the light to Life and Created the sun, as well as all the other created things; and my Fiat remained inside the Creation as Triumphant, Dominating and Preserving Life. Now, (Luisa) the one who has Won the Divine Will has Won the whole Creation, and even God Himself; therefore, by Right of Justice, she Must Possess all that My Divine Will Possesses. More so, since the Creation is mute for Its Creator; and I made It mute because (Luisa) the one to whom I was to Give It and who was to Live in My Divine Will, would, herself, have SPEECH in all created things, so that all things made by Me might be SPEAKING, not mute. So, you (Luisa) will be the VOICE of the heavens; and ECHOING from one point to another, it will make your WORD heard, which, resounding through the whole Celestial atmosphere, will say: ‘I Love, I Glorify, I Adore my Creator…’. You will be the VOICE of each star, of the sun, of the wind, of the thunder, of the sea, of plants, of mountains – of everything, repeating continuously: ‘I Love, I Bless, I Glorify, I Adore, I Thank the One who created us…’. Oh, how Beautiful will be the VOICE of My Newborn of My Divine Will - of the little daughter of My Volition - in all things! It will render the whole Creation SPEAKING, and Creation will be more Beautiful than if I had given It the use of the WORD. I Love you (Luisa) so much that I (God) want to hear your VOICE in the sun – Loving, Adoring, Glorifying. I want to hear it in the Celestial spheres, in 3 the murmuring of the sea, in the darting of the fish, in the bird that sings and warbles, in the lamb that bleats, the turtledove that moans… I want to hear you (Luisa) everywhere. I would not be content if, in all created things, in which My Divine Will has First Place, I did not hear the VOICE of My little Newborn who, rendering the whole Creation SPEAKING, Gives Me Love for Love, Glory and Adoration for each thing created by Me. Therefore, My daughter, be Attentive; I have given you Much, and Much do I Want. Your Mission is Great: it is the Life of My Divine Will that must be carried out in you, which Embraces everything and Possesses everything.” V19–6/15/26 - “My daughter, the Triumph of My Divine Will is connected with Creation and with Redemption – it can be called One Single Triumph. Since a woman was the cause of the ruin of man, it was a Virgin Woman that, after four thousand years, letting My Humanity, united to the ETERNAL WORD, be born of Her, provided the Remedy for the ruin of fallen man. Now that the Remedy for man is Formed, is My Divine Will alone to be left without Its Full Completion, while It has Its Prime Act both in Creation and in Redemption? This is why, after two thousand years more, We have chosen another virgin as the Triumph and Fulfillment of Our Divine Will. Forming Its Kingdom in your soul and making Itself Known, with Its Knowledge, My Divine Will has given you Its hand to Raise you to Living in the Unity of Its Light, so that you may Form your Life in It and the Divine Will may Form Its Life in you. And having Formed Its Dominion in you, It Forms the connection through which to Communicate Its Dominion to the other creatures; and just as, in descending into the Womb of the Immaculate Virgin, the Word did not remain in it for Her alone, but I Formed the connection of Communication for creatures, and I Gave Myself to all and as a Remedy for all - the same will happen with you: by having Formed Its Kingdom in you, My Supreme Volition Forms the Communications to make Itself Known to creatures. Everything I have told you about It, the Knowledges I have Given you, the ‘way’ and the ‘how’ of the Living in My Divine Will, my making Known to you how It Wants – how It Yearns for man to Return into Its arms and Enter once again into his Origin of the Eternal Will from which he came - are all ways of Communication, Bonds of Love, Transmission of Light, a breeze to make them Breathe the air of My Divine Will and therefore disinfect the air of the human will, and a Mighty Wind to conquer and uproot the most rebellious wills. Each Knowledge I (God) have given you (Luisa) about My Divine Will contains a Creative Power; and everything is in letting these Knowledges out, because the Power they contain will know how to breach its way into the hearts, to submit them to its Dominion. Did the same perhaps not happen in Redemption? As long as I remained with My Mama in the hidden life of Nazareth, everything was silent around Me, although this Hiddenness of Mine, together with the Celestial Queen, served in an Admirable Way to form the substance of Redemption and so that I might announce Myself as being already present in their midst. But when did Its Fruits Communicate themselves in the midst of the peoples? When I went out in public, made Myself Known, and SPOKE to them with the Power of My Creative WORD. And as all that I did and said spread and keeps spreading 4 still now in the midst of the peoples, then did the Fruits of Redemption have their Effects, and still do. Indeed, my daughter, if no one had Known that I had come upon earth, Redemption would have been something dead and without effects for creatures. So, Knowledge Gave Life to Its Fruits. V19–7/20/26 - As I continued to feel all abandoned in the Supreme Volition, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen all silent, in the act of looking at the whole Creation - at all of His Works. While looking at them, He was as though Enraptured Profoundly before the Magnificence, Sanctity, Multiplicity and Greatness of His Works; and I, together with Jesus, felt a Profound Silence within me in Contemplating His Works. Many things could be comprehended, but everything would remain in the depth of my intelligence, with no WORDS whatsoever. How Beautiful it was to be together with Jesus in Profound Silence. Then, afterwards, my dear Good, my sweet Life, told me: “My dearest daughter, You Must Know that My WORD is Work, while My Silence is Rest; and My WORD is Work not only for Me, but also for you. It is My usual way that, after I (God) have Worked, I (God) Want to Rest in the midst of My very Works – they are My softest bed in My Rest; and since you have listened to My WORD and have worked together with Me, with Me you must take Rest. Look, My daughter – how Beautiful the whole Creation is! It was the WORD of your Jesus that Worked It with One Fiat. But do you know what is the Enchantment that Enraptures Me? Your little ‘I Love You’ on each created thing. With this little ‘I Love You’ of yours impressed on each of them, they all SPEAK to Me of your Love, they SPEAK to Me of My Newborn of My Divine Will; I hear the Harmonious ECHO of the whole Creation that SPEAKS to Me about you (Luisa). Oh! how it Enraptures Me, how Happy I AM to see that My Fiat in Creation and the One Taught to you hold hands, intertwine together, and Fulfilling My Divine Will, they Give Me Rest. But I AM not content with Resting alone, I Want (Luisa) the one who Gives Me Rest together with Me, that she may take Rest, and We may Enjoy together the Fruits of Our Work. Look – do all Creation and all the Works of My Redemption not seem to you more Beautiful with your ‘I Love You’, with your Adoration and with your human will Transfused in Mine, carrying out its Life in the midst of the Celestial Spheres? There is no more solitude, nor that sepulchral silence that was there before in the celestial spheres and in all My Works; but there is (Luisa) the little daughter of My Divine Will keeping them company, making her VOICE heard, Loving, Adoring, Praying. Holding on to her Rights, given to her by My Divine Will, she Possesses Everything, and when there is someone who Possesses, there is no more solitude, nor the silence of a grave. This is why, after having SPOKEN to you at length, I keep Silent – it is the Rest Necessary for Me and for you, so that I may be able to Resume My WORD again, and therefore continue My Work and yours. But while I Rest I contemplate all My Works; My Love Rises within Me, and as it is Reflected in Me, I Delight, and I Conceive within Myself more Images Similar to Me; and My Divine Will places them outside of Me as Triumph of My Love, and as the Beloved Generation of My Supreme Fiat. So, in My Rest I Generate Children for My Divine Will, all Similar to Me, and in My WORD I Deliver them and Give them Development, 5 Beauty, Height; and My WORD keeps Forming them as Worthy Children of the Supreme Fiat. Therefore, My daughter, each WORD of Mine is a Gift that I Give you; and if I call you to Rest it is so that you may contemplate My Gift, and Delighting in It and Loving It, you may let More Gifts Arise within you, Similar to those I have Given you; and as you Release them, they may Form, together, the Generation of the Children of the Supreme Fiat. How Happy We will be!” V19–7/29/26 - In fact, as I departed from the earth, the One who, in the Light of My Divine Will, emitted the VOICE which, Forming the ECHO, Rendered the Creation SPEAKING and Operating, was no longer there. It happened as to those metal instruments which, with artfulness, enclose the VOICE of one who SPEAKS or sings: the instrument SPEAKS, sings, cries, laughs, but this happens by virtue of the ECHO of the VOICE that has SPOKEN; however, if the intelligence that produces that singing is taken away, the instrument remains mute. More so, since I did not come upon earth for the Creation, but I came for man, and therefore everything I did – pains, prayers, moans, sighs… – I left for the Good of souls as more than a New Creation. In fact, since everything I did was done by Virtue of My Creative Power, everything is in the Act of Saving man. In addition to this, Creation was Made for man – in It he was to be the King of all Created Things. But by withdrawing from My Divine Will, man lost the Regime, the Dominion, nor could he Form Laws in the Kingdom of Creation as is usual with a King when he Possesses a Kingdom. In fact, having lost the Unity of the Light of My Divine Will, he was no longer able to Rule, he had no more Strength of Dominion, his laws had no value; Creation was for him like a people that rebels against the king and makes of him its laughing-stock. And this is why My Humanity was Immediately Recognized by the whole Creation as Its King – because It felt in Me the Strength of the Union of One Single Will. But as I departed, It remained without King again, enclosed in Its silence, waiting again for someone who, in the Kingdom of My Divine Will, would emit his VOICE to let It Resound in It. But do you know who she is who will put all Creation in Feast once again – the one who will form Its ECHO and will render It SPEAKING again? It is you, My daughter (Luisa), who will take back the Dominion, the Regime, in the Kingdom of My Divine Will. Therefore, be Attentive, and let your Flight in My Volition be Continuous….” V19–8/4/26 - “My daughter, let us put everything aside – let us SPEAK of the Kingdom of the Supreme Will, which interests Me so much. Don’t you see how I AM always in the Act of Writing Its Qualities, Its Celestial Laws, Its Power, Its Divine Prodigies, Its Enchanting Beauty, Its Infinite Joys, the Order and the Perfect Harmony that Reigns in this Kingdom of the Divine Fiat - in the depth of your soul? First I Make the Preparations, I Form in you All the Properties of It, and then I Speak to you, so that, by Feeling Its Properties within yourself, you may be the SPOKESPERSON of My Divine Will, the CRIER of It, Its TELEGRAPH and the LITTLE TRUMPET which, with a Shrill Sound, may Call the Attention of those passing by to Listen to you. The Teachings I Give you about the 6 Kingdom of My Divine Will shall be like many Electric Wires, which are such that, when the appropriate Communications are Established and the Necessary Preparations are Made, a Single Wire is enough to Give Light to entire cities and provinces. The power of the electricity, with rapidity greater than that of the wind, gives light to public and private places. The Teachings about My Divine Will will be the Wires; the Power of the Electricity will be the Fiat Itself which, with Enchanting Rapidity, will Form the Light that will cast away the night of the human will, the darkness of passions. Oh, how Beautiful the Light of My Divine Will shall be! In seeing It, creatures will Dispose the Devices in their souls in order to Connect the Wires of the Teachings, so as to Enjoy and Receive the POWER of the Light that the Electricity of My Supreme Will contains. Do you want to see what will happen? Look: I take one wire of My Teachings Linked to your soul, and you Emit your VOICE within the wire. Say: ‘I Love You, I Adore You, I Bless You…’ – whatever you want to say, and be Attentive on looking.” I SAID ‘I Love You’, and that ‘I Love You’ changed into characters of Light and the Electric POWER of the Supreme Volition Multiplied It, in such a way that that ‘I Love You’ of Light would go through the Whole Vault of the Heavens, Fix Itself in the sun and in each star, penetrate into Heaven, Fix Itself in each Blessed, Form its Crown of Light at the foot of the Divine Throne, and enter even into the Bosom of the Supreme Majesty – in sum, wherever the Divine Will was, there It would Form its Electric Light. And Jesus continued: “My daughter, have you seen what POWER the Electricity of the Supreme Fiat has, and how it Reaches everywhere? The electricity of the earth diffuses down below at the most – it does not have the power to reach even the stars; but the Power of My Electricity Diffuses down below, up high, in the hearts – everywhere; and when the wires are Disposed, with Enchanting Rapidity it will Make its way into the midst of creatures.” *V20-11/16/26 - The human will renders man a slave; it makes him needy of everything. He feels strength and light continuously missing in him; his existence is always in danger, and whatever he obtains is by dint of prayers and hardships. So, the man who lives in his human will is the true beggar. One who Lives in Mine, instead, has Need of Nothing; he has Everything at his Disposal. My Divine Will Gives him Dominion over himself, and therefore he is Master of Strength and of Light – and not of human strength and light, but Divine. His existence is always Safe, and being the Master, he can Take whatever he Wants, nor does he Need to ask in order to Receive. In fact, before Adam withdrew from My Divine Will, prayer did not exist. It is need that gives rise to prayer; but since there was Nothing he Needed, he had Nothing to ask for or to impetrate. Therefore, he Loved, he Praised, he Adored his Creator, but prayer had no place in the Terrestrial Eden. Prayer came and arose after sin, as an extreme need of the heart of man. When one prays, it means he needs something, and since he hopes for it, he prays in order to obtain it. On the other hand, one who Lives in My Divine Will Lives as a Master in the Opulence of the Goods of her Creator; and if she feels any need or desire, seeing herself in the midst of so many goods, it is that of wanting to Give to others her Happiness and the Goods of her 7 Great Fortune. As True Image of her Creator, who has Given so much to her with No Restriction, she would like to Imitate Him by Giving to others that which she Possesses. Oh, how Beautiful is the Heaven of the soul who Lives in My Divine Will! …It gives her Its Strength, Its Light, Its Sanctity – everything, to be able to say: ‘She is a Work, Fully from My Divine Will; therefore I (God) want her to lack nothing, to be Like Me, and to Possess Me.’ Look into yourself to see the Work of My Divine Will – how your Acts Invested by Its Light have changed the earth of your soul. Everything is Light, which Arises within you and turns to wound the One who invested it. Therefore, the Greatest Affront I receive from creatures is to not do My Divine Will.” V21–3/5/27 Then, lowering His voice and embracing me, He added: “The reason, My daughter, for which I Want the Rights of My Eternal Fiat in Safety is that I Want to Enclose the Most Holy Trinity in the soul; and only My Divine Will can give Us the Place and the Glory Worthy of Us, and, by means of It, We can Operate Freely and Lay within you all the Good of Creation, Forming yet More Beautiful Things. In fact, with Our Divine Will in the soul We can do Everything, while, without It, We would lack the place in which to put Ourselves, and in which to Lay Our Works; so, not being free, We remain in Our Celestial Dwellings. “It happens as to a king who, loving one of his subjects with excessive love, wants to descend to live in his (the subject’s) little hovel. But he (the king) wants to be free, he wants to put his royal things in the little hovel, he wants (his subject) to COMMAND, he wants that subject to eat his good and delicate foods together with him. In sum, he(the king) wants (the subject) to live his life of king. But the subject does not want to except his (the king’s) royal things, or to command; nor does he want to adapt himself to the foods of the king. The king therefore does not feel free, and, for love of freedom, he (the king) goes back to his royal palace. V22–7/16/27 - “My daughter, when the soul PRAYS in My Divine Will, All Things and All Created beings Stand at Attention, Suspend All Things, Make Everything Silent, and while they are all intent on Admiring the Act Done in the Divine Will, All together, they Follow the Prayer. The POWER OF IT CALLS AND IMPOSES itself on Everything, in such a way that All Do the Same Thing. If all other prayers were united together in order to compare them with a simple prayer done in My Will, this one Surpasses them All, because it Possesses a Divine Will, an IMMENSE POWER, an Incalculable Value. I Myself Feel Invested by such a Prayer, and as I see that it is My Divine Will that Prays, I Feel ITS POWER that Identifies Me with that very Prayer. V22–8/28/27 - “My daughter, it is I who Move your soul to do what I Want, and many times I do not even Tell you the Reason. You Must Know that My Divine Will had Its First Act in the Conception of Me, Eternal WORD, and your Love and your Acts are Acts of 8 Justice, and are Necessary for the Conception of the Divine Will in the Humanity of your Jesus, because the First Kingdom It Laid was in My Holy Humanity. “Now, in order to Give you the Right that It Might Reign in you, with Justice It Demanded your Love while It Conceived in My Humanity. And since for My Supreme Fiat there is no past or future, but everything is present, while I Conceived in the Sovereign Queen, I Conceived in your Love, in your pains, in that very Volition that was to Reign in you. So, now you do nothing but give It Its Rights, Providing to It what is Needed so as to have It Conceive in you, and for you to Receive the Rights to have It lay Its Kingdom and Take in hand the Scepter of COMMAND with Absolute Dominion. V23–10/6/27 - After this, I followed my beloved Jesus in the Acts He did in Redemption. I tried to follow Him word by word, work by work, step by step. I wished nothing would escape me, so that I might press Him and ask Him, in the name of all His acts, tears, prayers and pains, for the Kingdom of His Divine Will in the midst of creatures. And my adored Jesus told me: “My daughter, when I was on earth, My Divine Will which Reigned in Me by Nature and that same Divine Will which was Present and Reigned in all created things, Kissed each other at each Encounter, and Longing for their Encounter, they would make Feast; and all created things would compete in order to Meet with Me and Give Me the Homages that Befitted Me. As the earth would hear My steps, it would become green again and flower under My feet to Give Me Homage. As I passed by, it wanted to release from its bosom all the Beauties it Possessed, the Enchantment of the Most Beautiful Flowerings; so much so, that many times I had to COMMAND it not to make these Demonstrations; and the earth, to give Me Honor, would Obey, just as, to Give Me Honor, it would Flower. The sun always tried to Meet with Me to Give Me the Homages of its Light, unleashing all the Varieties of Beauties and Colors from its solar bosom before My eyes, to Give Me the Honors I deserved. Everything and everyone tried to encounter Me in order to make their Feast for Me: the wind, the water, and even the little bird, to give Me the Honors of its trilling, warbling and singing; all created things Recognized Me and Competed among themselves to see which one could Honor Me and make Feast for Me the Most. One who possesses My Divine Will has the eyesight to be able to Recognize what Belongs to My Divine Will Itself. Man alone did not recognize Me, because he did not Possess the eyesight and the Fine Sense of Smell of My Divine Will. I had to Tell him in order to make Myself Recognized; but with all My Telling, many did not even believe Me, because one who does not Possess My Divine Will is blind and deaf and without the sense of smell to be able to Recognize what Belongs to It. Not to Possess It is the Greatest Unhappiness of the creature; he is the poor cretin, blind, deaf and mute, who, not Possessing the Light of My Divine Fiat, uses the very created things by taking the excrements which they release, while leaving inside of them the True Good which they Contain. What sorrow, to see creatures without the Nobility of the Life of My Divine Will.” V27–1/26/30 - “My daughter, all created things, by Virtue of My Divine Will in which they Live, Perceive when My Divine Volition Wants to Manifest a Truth that Belongs to It, a 9 Knowledge about It, or Wants to do one of Its Works. Since the Divine Will that Dominates all Creation is One, they feel within themselves the Communicative, Creative and Preserving Virtue that Wants to Operate and Make Itself Known; therefore they Feel as if another sister were adding into their midst, and they Celebrate the Newcomer. So, each WORD I have SPOKEN to you on My Divine Volition has been a Fiat PRONOUNCED by Us, that has come out like a child from the Womb of Our Divine Will. This Fiat is the same Fiat as that of Creation, that, Forming Its Echo, Makes Its Vital Strength Felt there where Our Will Resides. “It happens, when Our Divine Fiat Wants to Operate, Wants to Pronounce Itself by Making Itself Known and Manifest More of Its Truths, as to a family when they see that their mother is about to give birth to other little children. The whole family Celebrates, because the family becomes larger, and every time it increases by another little brother or little sister, they make Feast and Delight in the one newly arrived in their midst. Such is the Creation; since It has come out of the Womb of My Divine Will, All My Works Form One Family, and are so bound among themselves, that it seems that one cannot Live without the other. My Divine Will keeps them so United as to Render them Inseparable, because they Feel that One is the Will that Dominates them. “Now, hearing a SPEAKING so prolonged of My Fiat, the many of Its Knowledges It keeps Manifesting to you, they feel that the number of the Divine Generation of My Fiat increases in their midst, therefore the family of Creation feels Itself expanding and celebrates the Prelude of the Kingdom of My Divine Will. Therefore, when I speak to you of My Fiat, and It Pronounces Itself by Manifesting Itself, the Heavens reverently lower themselves to receive the New Birth and Its child into their midst, to pay him Honors and to Celebrate the Newcomer. My daughter, when My Divine Will wants to pronounce Itself, It extends everywhere and makes Its Echo and Its Creative Strength felt in all the things in which It Reigns.” After this, I continued to pray so that blessed Jesus would hasten in making the so longed-for Kingdom of the Divine Will come upon earth. And my beloved Jesus, as though wounded by such a prayer, for He Himself so much longed to see the Triumph of the Divine Will upon earth, told me: “My daughter, the prayers done in My Divine Volition to obtain the Advent of Its Kingdom upon earth HOLD A GREAT EMPIRE over GOD. GOD Himself cannot rid Himself of it, nor can He not Grant it. In fact, as the creature prays in My Divine Fiat, We feel the Strength of Our Will that prays with Its Empire; with Its Immensity, It extends everywhere, and embracing the Universal Strength, the prayer extends everywhere, in such a way that We feel surrounded from all sides, We feel Our Own Will praying within Us; and from prayer it changes into COMMAND, and says: ‘I Want.’ And as it Rules over Our Divine Being with its Sweet Empire, We say: ‘We Want.’ “Therefore, the prayers done in Our Divine Fiat can be called Decisions, COMMANDS, that carry the Signed Deed of what is Wanted; and if what is wanted cannot be seen instantly, it is because We are Disposing the Secondary Causes so as to let what We have decided to Give come out of Us. Therefore, it is not to be put in doubt that, sooner or later, one will see, Descend from Heaven, what, with Decision, has been Granted 10 to him. Therefore, continue the prayers in Our Fiat—prayers that move Heaven and earth, and even God Himself, if you Love to see My Kingdom upon earth; and I will pray together with you in order to Obtain the Intent. More so, since the Ultimate Purpose of Creation is precisely this—that Our Divine Will was to Reign on earth as It does in Heaven.” V28–2/26/30 - After this, I continued my Round in the Divine Fiat, and as I arrived at Eden, I paused in thinking of the Reciprocal Love between God and Adam innocent, and how the Divinity, finding no hindrance on the part of man, poured Itself in Torrents upon him, Enraptured him to Itself with Its Love, by Sweet Attractions, making him hear Its Voice, all tenderness, saying to him: ‘Son, I Love you, I Love you Very Much.’ And Adam, Wounded and Enraptured by the Eternal Love, repeated his Refrain: ‘I Love You, I Love You.’ And flinging himself into the Arms of his Creator, he would Cling to Him so tightly as to be unable to detach himself, as to the only Love he knew, and Living only to Love Him. But while my mind was wandering in this Reciprocal Love of God and of the creature, my sweet Jesus, all goodness, told me: “My daughter, what a Sweet Memory is the Creation of man. He was Happy, and We too felt the Fruit of the Happiness of Our Work; We felt such Pleasure in Loving him and in being Loved back. Our Divine Will Preserved him for Us Fresh and Beautiful, and carrying him in Its Arms of light, It let Us Contemplate how Beautiful was the Work Created by Us, Our dear son; and, as Our so
V28–2/26/30 - After this, I continued my Round in the Divine Fiat, and as I arrived at Eden, I paused in thinking of the Reciprocal Love between God and Adam innocent, and how the Divinity, finding no hindrance on the part of man, poured Itself in Torrents upon him, Enraptured him to Itself with Its Love, by Sweet Attractions, making him hear Its Voice, all tenderness, saying to him: ‘Son, I Love you, I Love you Very Much.’ And Adam, Wounded and Enraptured by the Eternal Love, repeated his Refrain: ‘I Love You, I Love You.’ And flinging himself into the Arms of his Creator, he would Cling to Him so tightly as to be unable to detach himself, as to the only Love he knew, and Living only to Love Him. But while my mind was wandering in this Reciprocal Love of God and of the creature, my sweet Jesus, all goodness, told me: “My daughter, what a Sweet Memory is the Creation of man. He was Happy, and We too felt the Fruit of the Happiness of Our Work; We felt such Pleasure in Loving him and in being Loved back. Our Divine Will Preserved him for Us Fresh and Beautiful, and carrying him in Its Arms of light, It let Us Contemplate how Beautiful was the Work Created by Us, Our dear son; and, as Our son, We kept him in Our House, amidst Our Endless Goods, and, as a consequence, as Our son, he acted as MASTER. It would have been against the nature of Our Love not letting the One whom We so much Loved, and who so much Loved Us, act as MASTER. In True Love there is no ‘mine’ and ‘yours’, but everything is in common. And besides, letting him Act as Master caused no harm to Us; on the contrary, it Gladdened Us, it made Us Smile, it Amused Us, it Gave Us the Beautiful surprise of Our own goods. And then, how could he not be master if he possessed Our Divine Will that Lords over everything and Dominates everything? In order not to make him Master, We would have had to place Our Divine Will in servitude, which could not be – wherever It Reigns, there are no servitudes, but everything is Mastership. Therefore, for as long as man Lived in Our Divine Fiat, he Knew no servitude; as he sinned, withdrawing from Our Divine Volition, he lost the Mastership and reduced himself to servitude. What a change! From Son, to servant! He lost the COMMAND over Created things, he became the servant of everything. By withdrawing from Our Divine Fiat, he felt shaken from his very foundations, and he felt his very person vacillating; he experienced what weakness is, and felt himself the servant of passions that made him feel ashamed of himself; and he reached the point of losing the dominion of himself. So, Strength, Light, Grace, Peace, were no longer in his Power as before, but he had to beg for them with tears and prayers from his Creator. Do you see, then, what Living in My Divine Will means? To be Master. A servant is one who does his own human will.” V30–4/2/32 - “The other fact is that I Myself taught the ‘Our Father,’ so that all would pray for My Kingdom to come, so that My Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven. If It were not to come, teaching such a prayer would have been useless—and useless things I 11 know not how to do. And then, the many Truths Manifested about My Divine Will—do they not say in Clear Notes that Its Kingdom will come upon earth, not by human work, but by the Work of Our Omnipotence? Everything is possible when We Want It; We place as much ease in doing small things as We do in Great ones, because all the Virtue and Power is in Our Act, not in the Good that the Act of Our Power Receives. In fact, when I was on earth, since in all My Acts ran My Power, the touch of My Hands, the Empire of My VOICE, and so forth, were all made Powerful, and with the same ease with which I Called to life the little girl who had died a few hours before—with that same ease I Called to life Lazarus, who had been dead for four days, who was already corrupted, and gave off an unbearable stench. I COMMANDED that the bandages be removed from him, and then I Called him with the Empire of My Voice: ‘Lazarus, come out!’ At My COMMANDING VOICE, Lazarus was Resurrected, the corruption disappeared, the stench ceased, and he came back healthy and hearty as if he had not died—True Example of how My Power can make the Kingdom of My Fiat Rise Again in the midst of creatures. V30–4/13/32 - “My daughter, My Divine Will Possesses the Inseparability from all Its Acts and Effects, as much if It Works alone in Itself and outside of Itself, as if It Works in the creature or the creature works in It, or else in order to carry out what My Divine Will Wants. In this way of Working It places of Its Own and retains them as Its Acts and Its Property, Inseparable from It. Now, if the creature Lives in My Divine Will, these Acts render themselves Common Property of the one and the other. If then, she makes some exits, she loses her First Rights that these Acts had been done in Our House. And then the Substance, the Life of the Act, the Sanctity, the Beauty, the Prerogatives that are needed in order to be able to Form one Act of Ours, has been put forth by Our Divine Volition. The creature has done nothing other than assist and concur with her human will to Operate together with Ours. But of the substance, she has given Us nothing of hers. Therefore, if she keeps Living in Our Volition, she COMMANDS together; if she escapes, with Justice she touches nothing. But if she Reenters, she Reacquires the Right of COMMANDER. V31–12/6/32 “Therefore Our Supreme Being feels that the creature who Enters into Our Volition Moves everything, she makes her voice run in all things, and not wanting to be alone, she Invests, Reigns and Makes all things Invested by the Fiat, say what she Wants. Does she Want to Love? Then she Makes all things say Love. Does she Want to Adore, to Bless? Then everything lends itself to Adore and to Bless. In sum, she is the COMMANDER over all Creation, and We let her do It. It is Our same Volition that Wants what she does, and Its same Power, Its Empire with which she was Invested. And We Delight so much in seeing the littleness of the creature run in Our Immensity, and We Feel the Company of the creature, because keeping each other Company means Recognizing each other, that We are already Together with her, to Recognize the Act that she does, its Value, so that she can Tell Us how Much she Loves Us, because the More she Knows that her Act is Great, the More she Gives Us, and the More We Feel Ourselves Loved, and the More We Love her. So, she alone is who comes from earth to Break Our Solitude, and the only All-Doer who 12 Wants to Move all things to Love Us, Bless Us, and Thank Us. It is True that other creatures are in Our Divine Will, but not Knowing that We are with them, and for Whom they work, and the Value of their works, they live as strangers and as far from Us. And this is a Great Sorrow for Us, to have children, to keep them in Our House, that is, in Our Divine Will, as if We did not have them, and they do not Recognize He who Gave them Life and Loves them So Much. This does not happen with one who already Knows she Lives in Our Will. We Know each other, we Live as between children and father, rather she Lives in Us, and We in her, and we Form One Single Will.” V32–4/23/33 - “My blessed daughter (Luisa), as My Life down here began, so it ended. From the First Instant of My Conception My One Act was continuous. I can say that in every instant I placed Myself in the Hands of My Celestial Father. It was the Most Beautiful Homage that His Son gave Him, the Most Profound Adoration, the Most Heroic and Complete Sacrifice, the Most Intense Love of Offspring that My Full Abandonment into His Hands Gave Him. It Rendered My Humanity SPEAKING, and with COMMANDING VOICE that asked Everything and Obtained Everything that I Wanted. My Celestial Father could not deny anything to His Only Son abandoned in His Arms. V33–11/26/33 – “My Divine Will is not content with her making her Round in Our Works, but after she has finished making her Round, letting her Know so many things about Creation and Filling her even to the brim with Love, It conducts her in Its Arms into the Womb of the Supreme Being, which casts her like a little stone into the Interminable Seas of Its Attributes. And the little daughter of Our Volition, what does she do? Like a little stone cast into the sea Makes all the waters of the sea Ripple, so she Moves all the Sea of Our Divine Being. “And while she swims in It, she Drowns with Love, with Light, with Sanctity, with Wisdom, with Goodness, and so forth. And O! how Beautiful it is to see her, to hear what she says while she feels Drowned: ‘All Your Love is mine, and I put It in Act to pray You that the Kingdom of Your Divine Will come on earth. Your Sanctity is mine, Your Light, Your Goodness, Your Mercy is mine. It is not my littleness that PRAYS to You, no, but Your Seas of POWER, of Goodness, that PRAY to You, that URGE You, that ASSAIL You, and want Your Will Reigning on earth.’ In fact, one sees the littleness of the creature acting as queen in Our Divine Being, Re-uniting Our Immensity and Power Together, and Making Us ask Ourselves what she Wants and We Want. “She understands well that there is no other Good than Our Divine Will alone, and in order to Obtain the Intent she Makes it asked by the Infinity of Our Divine Qualities, and one sees the little tiny one little and Powerful, Enriched with the Prerogatives of Our Divine Qualities as if they were hers, which Gives her such Charm of Beauty as to Enrapture Us, Debilitate Us, in order to make Us do what she Wants and We Want. She becomes Our Echo, and she does not know how to say anything else to Us, nor ask for 13 anything other, than that Our Divine Will would invade Everything and would Form One Single Will with all creatures. “…My daughter, one who does her own human will withdraws herself from everyone and works alone. There is no one who helps her, nor who gives her Strength, nor who gives her Light in order to do the best in what she does, such that everyone leaves her at the mercy of herself, isolated, without support, and without defense. One can call her the abandoned and lost one in the Creation, just suffering for one who wants to do her human will—to feel all the weight, and the lack of all helps, of the solitude in which she has placed herself. And O! the Sorrow that I feel in seeing so many creatures withdrawn also from Me. And I, in order to make them touch with their own hand what it means to do without My Divine Will, I remain as at a distance, letting them feel all the weight of the human volition, that never gives her rest and becomes her cruelest tyrant. “It is all the opposite for one who does My Divine Will. Everyone is with her— Heaven, the Saints, the Angels—because for the Honor and Respect of My Divine Will, everyone is Obligated to Help that creature and to Sustain her in those Acts where My Divine Will enters. She herself places herself in Communication with everyone, and she COMMANDS everyone that they Help, Defend, and act as Cortege to her with their Company. Already Grace Smiles on her, the Light Shines in her soul and Administers the Best, the Most Beautiful in her Act. I Myself remain Occupied in one who does My Divine Will, and I Make My Acts Flow in her Acts in order to have the Honor, the Love, the Glory of My Acts in the act of the creature who has Operated in My Divine Will. This is why she feels the Connection with everyone—the Strength, the Support, the Company, the Defense of Everyone. V33–2/4/34 - “Now the Celestial Queen Enraptured Us with Her Beauty, and Our Love ran, it ran. With Her Love She Wounded Us, and Our Love, Overflowing, Hid Itself in Her. And Looking through Her Beauty and with Her Love for all creatures, Our Love Poured itself out and Loved all creatures with Hidden Love in this Celestial Queen. In fact, We Loved everyone in Her. Through Her Beauty they did not seem ugly to Us anymore. Our Love was no longer Restricted within Us, but Diffused into the Heart of a Creature so Holy, that Communicating Our Divine Paternity to Her, and Loving everyone in Her, She Acquired the Divine Maternity in order to be able to Love everyone as Her children, Offspring of Her Celestial Father. As She Felt that We Loved all creatures in Her, so She Felt that Our Love Formed the New Generation of all mankind in Her Maternal Heart. Can one Give Greater Invention of Love, Stratagems more Loving, then Our Paternal Goodness in order to Love creatures, and even those who offend Us? To Elect from this same lot a creature, to Form Her as Beautiful as We can, such that Our Love would not find an obstacle in order to be able to Love Everyone in Her and to make Her Love Everyone? In this Celestial Queen Everyone can Find Our Love Hidden in Her. Even More because Possessing Our Divine Will, She COMMANDED Us to make Us Love Everyone. And We, with Our Sweet Empire, COMMANDED Her to be the Most Loving Mother of all. 14 V33–3/11/34 - “The second Temple, that is God, Temple of the soul, is not exposed to dangers, the enemies cannot get near, the passions lose life. The soul in this Divine Temple of Ours is like the little Host that has her Jesus Consecrated in It, such that with the Perennial Love that she Draws, Receives, and is Fed, she Forms the little Living Lamp that always Burns without ever going out. This Temple of Ours occupies Its Royal Place, Its Volition is complete, and she is Our Glory and Our Triumph. And what does the little Host do in this Temple of Ours? She Prays, she Loves, she Lives of Divine Will, she Substitutes for My Humanity on earth, she takes My Place of Sufferings, she Calls the whole Army of Our Works to make a Cortege for Us. She Holds Creation and Redemption as hers, and Acts as COMMANDER over them; and now she places them as Army around Us in the Act of Prayer, of Adoration, now as Army in the act of Loving Us and Glorifying Us. But she is always at the HEAD to Make Our Works do what she Wants, and she always ends with her little refrain so pleasing to Us: ‘Your Volition be Known, Loved, and Reign and Dominate in the whole world.’ V33–7/14/35 - “And then, there is the Queen of Heaven who, with Her Empire, continuously prays that the Kingdom of the Divine Will come on earth, and when have We ever denied Her anything? For Us, Her Prayers are impetuous winds such that We cannot resist Her. And the same Strength that She Possesses of Our Will is for Us Empire, COMMAND. She has all Right to Impetrate It, because She Possessed It on earth, and She Possesses It in Heaven. Therefore as Possessor She can Give what is Hers, so much so that this Kingdom will be called the Kingdom of the Celestial Empress. She will act as Queen in the midst of Her children on earth. She will place at their disposition Her Seas of Graces, of Sanctity, of Power. She will put to Flight all the enemies. She will Raise them in Her Womb. She will hide them in Her Light, covering them with Her Love, Nourishing them with Her own hands with the Food of the Divine Will. What will this Mother and Queen not do in the midst of this, Her Kingdom, for Her children and for Her people? She will give Unheard-of Graces, Surprises Never Seen, Miracles that will Shake Heaven and earth. We Give Her the whole field free so that She will Form for Us the Kingdom of Our Divine Will on earth. She will be the Guide, the True Model, It will also be the Kingdom of the Celestial Sovereign. Therefore, you also pray together with Her, and at Its time you will Obtain the Intent.” V34–1/1/37 - “She envelopes all the air in Her Seas of Love, so that Breathing, the Breath of Love of My Mother would be Felt. She covered all the evils with Her Seas of Love, every darting of the fish, and the sea murmured ‘I Love You O My Son,’ and the fishes darted, ‘I Love You, I Love You.’ There was nothing She did not invest with Her Love. And with Her Empire of Queen She COMMANDED that everyone would receive Her Love, in order to Re-Give to Her Jesus the Love of His Mama. Therefore every bird, some trilled love, some chirped, some warbled love. Even every atom of earth was Invested by Her Love. The breath of the beasts came to Me with the ‘I Love You’ of My Mother. The hay was invested by Her Love. Therefore there was nothing that I could see or touch, that I did not Feel the Sweetness of Her Love. 15 V34–8/2/37 - “So as the Celestial Lady came on earth, and then My Most Holy Humanity, the whole Creation set itself to Feast, they Smiled with Joy and Resumed the course by raining over Us Joys and Happiness. And as We went out into the open, they ran, they bowed, and they unleashed over Us Joys and Happiness. The sun gave Us the Joys of its light, it delighted Our Sight with the variety of its Colors, it Gave Us the Joys of the Kisses of Love that it possessed, and Reverently it extended itself under Our Steps in order to Adore Us. The wind rained Joys of Freshness over Us, and with its puffs it drove away from Us the putrid air of so many sins. The birds ran around Us in order to give Us the Joys of their trills and songs. How much Beautiful Music they made Us, so much that I was constrained to COMMAND them that they would move away from around Me, that they would take flight in the air to sing the praises of their Creator. “The earth bloomed for Me under My steps in order to give Me the Joys of so many flowerings, and I COMMANDED them that they would not make Me such demonstration, and it obeyed Me. The air brought Me the Joys of Our Omnipotent Breath, when Breathing on man We Gave him Life, overwhelming him with Divine Joys and Happiness. And as I Breathed so I felt come to Me Our Joys and Happiness that We experienced in the Creation of Man. In fact, there was no created thing that did not Want to put forth the Joys that they Possessed, not only in order to felicitate Me, but in order to Give Me the Homages, the Honors, as to their Creator. And I Offered them to My Celestial Father in order to Give Him the Glory, the Honor, the Homage, the Love, for so many Magnificences and Marvelous Works that We did in the Creation for Love of man. V35–10/12/37 - I AM at the Mercy of the Divine Will. I feel Its anxiety, Its fidgets of Love for desire of making Itself Known—not to be feared, but to be Loved and Possessed; to Make all one with It, and then to say to the creature: “Let’s Live together, so that what I do, you will do as well. I feel that My Love Gives Me the Need to Live Heart to heart; or better still, One Single Heart with you. Please, don’t deny Me your company! I Know that you lack many things to be able to Live together with Me, but, don’t worry—I will take care of everything. I will Clothe you with My Royal Garments of Light. I will Arm you with My Power. I will show off all My Love for you, making the Life and the Love of My Divine Will flow into your Most Intimate Fibers. If you only Want It, all is done.” I remained surprised, and I prayed that He would Give me the Grace to Live on the Divine Will, because I feared a lot for myself. And my sweet Jesus, doing His short little visit, All Goodness told me: “My little Daughter of My Volition, why do you fear? There are no fears in My Divine Will, but only the Highest Love, Courage and Firmness. Once It has Decided, It never moves; even more so, since the soul who Lives in It does not pray, rather—she COMMANDS, and she herself can take, as the Owner, whatever she Wants. We place everything at her Disposal; this, because all is Sacred and Holy in her; more so, since by Living in Our Divine Will, she will Never Want, Take or COMMAND Anything but what We Ourselves Want. So, her COMMANDS Delight Us—make Us Joyful; and We say: ‘Take. Tell Us—what else do you Want? The More you Take, the More you Make Us Happy.’ 16 “Further, when the creature wants Our Divine Will, all her Acts are like many Messengers between Heaven and earth; they go up and down continuously, being Messengers now of Peace, now of Love, now of Glory. Sometimes, they even COMMAND Our Divine Justice to stop, taking Its Just Fury upon themselves. How much Good these Messengers do! As soon as We see them coming before Our Throne, We Recognize Ourselves in these Acts which, disguised by the human veils of the acts of the creatures, hide Our Own Will—but it’s Always Our Will. So, Pleased, We say: ‘What an Art of Love It has! It hides inside the acts of the creatures, so as not to be Recognized. But We Know It anyway, and, since it is Ourselves Loving, We let It do whatever It wills.’ FIAT!