quarta-feira, 10 de março de 2021

Fusão na Divina Vontade


To FUSE oneself In the Divine Will


Volume 10 – October 14, 1911

Everything Is In Love.

How Scarce Is The Number Of Those Who Fuse Their Lives Completely In Love.

My always lovable Jesus made Himself seen, wanting to fall asleep inside of me; and I, distracting Him, told Him: ‘Jesus, what are You doing? This is not the time for sleep. Times are sad, and much vigil is necessary. What is it? Do You want to make something grave happen today?’

And Jesus: "Let Me sleep, for I feel all the need of it; and you, rest together with Me."

And I: ‘No Lord, You suffer very much and rest is necessary for You – I don’t.’

And He: "Then I sleep, and you hold the weight of the world – you’ll see if you can do it."

And I: ‘By myself I will certainly not make it, but together with You – yes. Besides, isn’t Love more than rest for You? I want to love You so very much, but with your own Love, to be able to give You the love of all. With Love I will soothe your every pain, I will make You forget all the sorrows, I will make up for all that the creatures should do. Isn’t it true, O Jesus?’

And He: "What you say is really true, but Love is also just. Oh! how scarce is the number of those who Fuse their lives completely in Love! I recommend to you, my daughter – make known to everyone you can that everything is in Love - the necessity of Love - and that all that is not Love, be they even holy things, instead of making them walk forward, make them go backward. May your mission be to teach the true Life of Love, in which there is all that is beautiful of creatures, and all that is most beautiful which they can give Me." And I: ‘How much it takes to make them comprehend this. To some it appears strange that everything is in Love, and that by loving, Love takes on the commitment to make them similar to You, who are all Love. But, after all, I will do what I can.’

Then I saw Jesus wanting to withdraw, and I: ‘Don’t leave me; now that we are conversing about Love You want to withdraw? How is it? You like Love so much…’ But after a little while He disappeared.

I add that on the 11th I had said to Jesus: ‘Either You will keep me on the cross, or I will keep You on the cross.’ And since Jesus had shown me Himself carrying a coffin, all black, upon His shoulders, and He was all bent over under that coffin.

He told me: "This coffin is Italy. I can no longer manage to carry it – I feel crushed under it." And it seemed that, as He rose, the coffin swung, and Italy received a terrible shake."


Volume 11 – January 30, 1916

When The Soul Lives Completely In The Divine Will, All Her Work Is Reflected In Jesus, And The Work Of Jesus Is Reflected In Her.

I was Fusing myself completely in my always adorable Jesus, and while I was doing this, Jesus came, Fusing Himself all in me, telling me: "My daughter, when the soul lives completely in my Will, if she thinks, her thoughts are reflected in my mind in Heaven; if she desires, if she speaks, if she loves - all is reflected in Me, and all I do is reflected in her. It happens as when the Sun is reflected in the glass: one can see another Sun in it, completely similar to the Sun in the heavens - with this difference: the Sun in the heavens is fixed and remains always in its place, while the sun in the glass is passing.

Now, my Will crystallizes the soul, and all she does is reflected in Me; and I, wounded and enraptured by these reflections, send her all my Light, so as to form another Sun in her.

Therefore, one Sun in Heaven and another one on earth appear. What enchantment! What harmonies between them! How many goods are poured out for the benefit of all!

But if the soul is not fixed in my Will, it can happen to her as to the sun which is formed in the glass, which is a passing sun; after a while, the glass remains obscured, and the Sun in Heaven remains alone."


Volume 11 – March 14, 1914

As The Soul Who Lives In The Divine Will Fuses Herself In Jesus, She Takes Possession Of All That Belongs To Jesus, And He Cannot Refuse Her Anything.

Today I was Fusing all of myself in Jesus, to the extent of feeling Jesus alive and real within me. As I was feeling Him, He said to me in such a tender and touching way that I felt my poor heart crack: ‘My daughter, it is too hard for Me not to content one who does my Will. As you see, I no longer have hands, feet, Heart, eyes, or mouth. I have nothing left of my Will, since you took everything - you took possession of everything. I have nothing left which is not yours. This is why deserved chastisements are not being poured upon the many and great evils which inundate the earth: because it is hard for Me not to content you. Further, how can I do that if I do not have hands? You don’t believe Me, do you? If hands were to be absolutely necessary to Me, I would be forced to steal them from you, or to convince you so that you yourself would give them to Me. How hard this is - how hard it is for Me to displease one who does my Will! I would displease Myself."

I remained astonished at this speaking of Jesus. Not only this, but I could really see that I had the hands, the feet and the eyes of Jesus; so I said to Him: ‘Jesus, let me come.’

And He: "Give Me a little more of life in you, and then you will come."


Volume 11 – August 00, 1914

Fusing Oneself In Jesus In Order To Relieve Him From His Pain For The Sins Of Creatures.

As I was in my usual state, my always adorable Jesus came, in a different way from the usual one which He has had with me during this period of my life - that is to say: if He comes at all, it is just for a little while, flashing by, and with almost total cessation of the sufferings which He used to communicate to me when He came. Only His Holy Volition is what compensates for everything...

So, this morning He came and stayed for several hours, but in a state that would make stones cry. He had pain everywhere, and He wanted to be soothed in each part of His Most Holy Humanity. It seemed that, had He not received relief, He would have reduced the world to a heap of rubble. It seemed that He didn’t want to go, in order not to see the slaughters and the grave sights of the world, which almost forced Him to do even worse things. I squeezed Him to myself and, wanting to relieve Him, I Fused myself in His Intelligence to be able to place myself in all the intellects of creatures and offer a good thought for each evil thought, in order to repair and relieve all the offended thoughts of Jesus. In the same way, I Fused myself in His desires to be present in all the evil desires of creatures, in order to place my good desire and soothe the offended desires of Jesus; and so on with all the rest. Then, after I relieved Him part by part, He left, as if He felt cheered up.


Volume 11 – August 27, 1915

Fusing Oneself In The Divine Will Is Filling Oneself With All The Qualities Of Jesus.

I was Fusing myself in the Most Holy Will of blessed Jesus, and while I was doing this I found myself in Jesus; He told me : "My daughter, when a soul Fuses herself in my Will, it happens as when two containers, full of different fluids, are poured one into the other; each one of them remains filled with what the other contained. In the same way, the creature remains filled with Me, and I with her. And since my Will contains Sanctity, Beauty, Power, Love, etc., the soul, filling herself with Me - Fusing and abandoning herself in my Will - arrives at being filled with my own Sanctity, my Love, my Beauty, etc., in the most perfect way given to a creature. And I feel Myself being filled with her, and finding my Sanctity, my Beauty, my Love, etc. in her, I look at her as if these were her own things, and I like it so much that I fall in love with her, keeping her jealously in the intimate place within Me - enriching her and embellishing her continuously with my Divine qualities, in order to be delighted and enamored more and more."


Volume 11 – November 15, 1916

The Soul Forms Her Paradise On Earth.

I was lamenting to my sweet Jesus that He no longer loved me as before, and He, all goodness, told me: "My daughter, not loving one who loves Me is impossible for Me. Rather, I feel so drawn toward her, that at the littlest act of love she does for Me, I respond with triple love and I place a divine vein in her heart, which administers to her divine science, divine sanctity and virtue; and the more the soul loves Me, the more this divine vein rises, and watering all the powers of the soul, it diffuses for the good of the other creatures. I have placed this vein in you, and when you lack my presence and do not hear my voice, this vein will make up for everything, and will be voice for you and for the other creatures."

Another day, I was Fusing all of myself, as usual, in the Will of blessed Jesus, and He said to me: "My daughter, the more you Fuse yourself in Me, the more I Fuse Myself in you. So, it is on earth that the soul forms her paradise; according to how much she fills herself with holy thoughts, with holy affections, desires, words, works and steps, so does she keep forming her paradise. To one more holy thought or word, one more contentment will correspond, and many varieties of beauty, of contentments, of glory, for as much more good as she has done. What will the surprise of this soul be when, once the prison of her body is broken, immediately she will find herself in the sea of as many pleasures and happinesses, as much light and beauty, for as much more good as she has done - be it even a thought!"


Volume 12 – March 8, 1921

With Her Love, The Virgin Called The Word To Incarnate Himself In Her Womb. With Her Love, And By Fusing Herself In The Divine Will, Luisa Calls The Divine Will To Have Life On Earth Within Her.

While praying, I was Fusing all of myself in the Divine Will, and my sweet Jesus came out from within my interior, and throwing His arm around my neck, told me: "My daughter, with Her love, with Her prayers, with Her annihilation, my Mama called Me from Heaven to earth, to incarnate Myself in Her womb. You, with your love, and with your continuous dissolving of yourself in my Volition, will call my Will to have life on earth within you; and then you will give Me life in other creatures.

However, know that as my Mama called Me from Heaven to earth inside Her womb, since the act She did was a unique act, which will never be repeated again, I enriched Her with all graces. I endowed Her with so much love as to make Her surpass the love of all creatures united together. I gave Her primacy in the privileges, in the glory - in everything. I could say that the whole of the Eternal One reduced Himself to one single point, and poured Himself upon Her in torrents, in immense seas; so much so, that all remain below Her.

As you call my Will into yourself, this too is a unique act, therefore, for the decorum of my Will which must dwell in you, I must pour in you so much grace, so much love, as to make you surpass all other creatures. And since my Will has supremacy over all, and is eternal, immense, infinite, I must communicate this to the one in whom the Life of my Will must have Its beginning and completion, endowing and enriching her with the same qualities of my Will, giving her supremacy over all. My Eternal Volition will take the past, the present and the future; It will reduce them to one single point, and will pour them into you. My Will is eternal, and wants to have life there where It finds eternity; It is immense, and wants life in the immensity; It is infinite, and wants to find infinity. How can I find all this, if I do not pour it in you before?"

On hearing this, I was frightened and terrified – if I wrote this, it is because obedience imposed itself - and I said: ‘Jesus, what are You saying? You really want to confuse me and humiliate me to the dust. I feel that I cannot even tolerate what You are saying - I feel a terror that frightens all of me.’

And He added: "What I say to you will serve to Myself; it is necessary for the Sanctity and dignity of my Will. I do not lower Myself to reside where I do not find the things that belong to Me. You will be nothing other than the depository of such a great good, which you must keep jealously. Therefore, pluck up courage, and do not fear."


Volume 12 – March 18, 1917

Effects Of Fusing Oneself In Jesus.

I was praying, Fusing all of myself in Jesus, and I wanted each thought of Jesus in my power in order to have life in each thought of creature, and to repair with the same thought of Jesus; and so with all the rest.

And my sweet Jesus told me: "My daughter, my Humanity on earth did nothing but connect each thought of creature with my own. So, each thought of creature was reflected in my mind, each word in my voice, each heartbeat in my heart, each action in my hands, each step in my feet, and so with all the rest. With this, I offered divine reparations to the Father. Now, all that I did upon earth, I continue in Heaven, and as the creatures think, their thoughts pour into my mind; as they look, I feel their glances in mine.

Therefore, a continuous electricity flows between Me and them, just as the members are in continuous communication with the head. And I say to the Father: ‘My Father, I am not the only one who is praying, repairing, satisfying, appeasing You, but there are other creatures who do within Me whatever I do. Even more, with their suffering, they make up for my Humanity, which is glorious and incapable of suffering.’

By Fusing herself in Me, the soul repeats all that I did, and continue to do. What will be the contentment of these souls who lived their lives in Me, embracing together with Me all creatures and all reparations, when they will be with Me in Heaven? They will continue their lives in Me; and as the creatures will think or will offend Me with their thoughts, these will be reflected in their minds, and they will continue the reparations which they did on earth. They will be, together with Me, the sentries of honor before the Divine Throne; and as creatures on earth will offend Me, they will do opposite acts in Heaven. They will guard my Throne; they will have the place of honor; they will be the ones who will comprehend Me the most - the most glorious. Their glory will be completely Fused in Mine, and Mine in theirs.

Therefore, may your life on earth be completely Fused in Mine. Do not do any act without making it pass into Me; and every time you will Fuse yourself in Me, I will pour new graces and new light in you, and I will become the vigilant sentry of your heart in order to keep any shadow of sin far away from you. I will guard you as my own Humanity, and I will command the Angels to surround you like a crown, that you may be sheltered from everything and everyone."


Volume 12 – March 28, 1917

The ‘I Love You’ Of Jesus. The Immediate Act Done With Jesus.

Continuing in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus just barely made Himself seen - but so afflicted as to move one to pity. I said to Him: ‘What is it, Jesus?’

And He: "My daughter, unexpected things will arise and suddenly occur; revolutions will break out everywhere. Oh, how much worse things will get!" All afflicted, He remained silent.

And I: ‘Life of my life, tell me another word.’ And Jesus, as though breathing on me, said: "I love you"; and it seemed that everyone and everything would receive new life from that ‘I love you’. I repeated: ‘Jesus, one more word.’

And He: "I could not tell you a more beautiful word than ‘I love you’. This ‘I love you’ of mine fills Heaven and earth. It circulates through the Saints, and they receive new glory; it descends into the hearts of the pilgrim souls, and some receive grace of conversion, some of sanctification; it penetrates into Purgatory, and pours upon their souls like beneficial dew, and they feel refreshed by it. Even the elements feel invested by new life in fecundating, in growing. All perceive the ‘I love you’ of your Jesus. And do you know when the soul attracts one of my ‘I love you’s’? When, Fusing herself in Me, she assumes the divine attitude and, dissolving herself in Me, she does everything I do."

And I: ‘My love, many times it is difficult to maintain this divine attitude constantly.’

And Jesus: "My daughter, what the soul can not always do with her immediate acts in Me, she can make up for with her attitude of good will. I will be so pleased by her as to become the vigilant sentry of each one of her thoughts, words, heartbeats, etc., placing them inside and outside of Me as my cortege, looking at them with great love, as the fruit of the good will of the creature. Then, when the soul, Fusing herself in Me, does her immediate acts with Me, I feel so much drawn toward her that I do what she does together with her, transforming her work into Divine work. I take everything into account, and I reward everything, even the tiniest things. Not one single act of good will remains defrauded in the creature."


Volume 12 – April 18 1917

Pouring Oneself Into The Divine Will And Fusing Oneself In Jesus,

Form Beneficial Dew Over All Creatures.

I was Fusing myself in my sweet Jesus in order to diffuse myself in all creatures, and Fuse them all in Jesus. So I kept flinging myself between the creatures and Jesus, to prevent my beloved Jesus from being offended, and to prevent creatures from offending Him.

Now, as I was doing this, He told me: "My daughter, as you pour yourself into my Will and Fuse yourself in Me, a Sun is formed in you. As you keep thinking, loving, repairing, etc., the rays are formed; and my Will, as background, becomes the crown of these rays. So the Sun is formed which, rising up in the air, melts into beneficial dew upon all creatures. Therefore, the more you Fuse yourself in Me, the more Suns you keep forming.

Oh, how beautiful it is to see these Suns which, rising and rising, remain circumfused within my own Sun, and pour beneficial dew upon all! How many graces do creatures not receive! I am so taken by this, that as they Fuse themselves, I pour abundant dew of all kinds of graces upon them, so that they may form greater Suns, and may be able to pour the beneficial dew more abundantly over all."

And as I was Fusing myself, I could feel light, love, graces, being poured upon my head.


Volume 12 – May 10, 1917

How Jesus Gives Motion And Life To All Creatures With His Breath.

Continuing in my poor state, I was trying to Fuse myself in my sweet Jesus according to my usual way; but as much as I tried, it was in vain.

Jesus Himself distracted me, and sighing strongly told me: "My daughter, the creature is nothing other than my breath. As I breathe, I give life to everything. All life is in the breathing. Without breathing, the heart no longer beats, the blood no longer circulates, the hands remain inactive, the mind feels the intelligence die; and so with all the rest.

Therefore, the whole of human life is in receiving and in giving this breath. But while I give life and motion to all creatures with my breath, wanting to sanctify them, love them, embellish them, enrich them, etc. with my holy breath, as they return to Me the breath which they receive, they send Me offenses, rebellions, ingratitudes, blasphemies, denials, and all the rest. I send the breath as pure, and they send it back impure. I send it in blessing, and it comes back to Me cursing. I send it all love, and it returns offending Me up into my inmost Heart. But Love makes Me continue to send my breath, in order to maintain these machines of human lives; otherwise they would no longer function, and would end up wrecked.

Ah! my daughter, did you hear how human life is maintained? By my breath. And when I find a soul who loves Me, how sweet her breath is, how she amuses Me - I feel cheered. An echo of harmonies is formed between Me and her; so she remains distinct from the other creatures, and she will be distinct also in Heaven. My daughter, I could not contain my Love, and I wanted to pour Myself out with you."

So, today I could not Fuse myself in Jesus, because He Himself kept me busy in His breath. How many things I understood, but I am unable to say them well - so I stop here.


Volume 12 _ May 16, 1917

Effects Of The Hours Of The Passion.

Finding myself in my usual state, I was Fusing all of myself in my sweet Jesus, and then I poured all of myself into the creatures, in order to give the whole of Jesus to all.

And my lovable Jesus told me: "My daughter, every time the creature Fuses herself in Me, she gives the influence of Divine Life to all creatures; and according to their own needs, the creatures obtain their effects: those who are weak, feel strength; those who are obstinate in sin, receive light; those who suffer, receive comfort; and so with all the rest."

Then, I found myself outside of myself. I was in the midst of many souls - they seemed to be purging souls and Saints - who were speaking to me and mentioning one person known to me, who died not too long ago. And they said to me: ‘He feels happy in seeing that there is not a soul who enters Purgatory without carrying the mark of the Hours of the Passion. Surrounded by the cortege of these Hours and helped by them, the souls take a safe place. And there is not a soul who flies into Heaven, without being accompanied by these Hours of the Passion. These Hours make a continuous dew pour down from Heaven to earth, into Purgatory, and even into Heaven.’

On hearing this, I said to myself: ‘Maybe my beloved Jesus, in order to keep the word He had given - that for each word of the Hours of the Passion He would give a soul - is allowing that there be not a saved soul who does not benefit from these Hours.’

Afterwards, I returned into myself, and as I found my sweet Jesus, I asked Him whether that was true.

And He: "These Hours are the order of the Universe; they put Heaven and earth in harmony, and restrain Me from sending the world to ruin. I feel my Blood, my wounds, my Love and all I did, being placed in circulation; and they flow over all to save all. As souls do these Hours of the Passion, I feel my Blood, my wounds, my anxieties to save souls, being put in motion, and I feel my own Life being repeated. How could creatures obtain any good if not by means of these Hours? Why do you doubt? This thing is not yours, but mine. You have been the strained and weak instrument."


Volume 12 – September 03, 1919

Fusing Oneself In Jesus Balances The Reparations.

I was lamenting to my sweet Jesus about my poor state, and how I have remained like a useless being who does no good. So, what’s the purpose of my life? And my lovable Jesus told me: "My daughter, the purpose of your life is known to Me, and it is not up to you to investigate it. However, know that just Fusing yourself in Me every day, and many times a day, serves to maintain the balance of all the reparations, because only one who enters into Me and takes from Me the origin of everything she does, can balance the reparations of everyone and everything. She can balance the Glory of the Father on the part of creatures, because an eternal Beginning and an eternal Will are within Me, and therefore I was able to balance everything: satisfaction, reparation and complete Glory to the Celestial Father on the part of all.

Therefore, as you enter into Me, you come to renew the balance of all the reparations and of the Glory of the Eternal Majesty. Do you think this is trivial? Don’t you yourself feel that you cannot do without it, and that I do not leave you before I see you Fusing yourself in each one of my members, in order to receive from you the balance of all reparations, as you substitute yourself in the name of the whole human family? Try to repair Me for everything as much as you can. If you knew how much good the world receives when a soul, without a shadow of personal interest, but only for love of Me, rises between Heaven and earth and, united with Me, balances the reparations of all!""


Volume 13 – December 15, 1921

Reordering Oneself In Jesus By Fusing Oneself In His Will. Only The Acts Done In The Divine Will Give Themselves Back To The Origin In Which The Soul Was Created, And Take Life Within The Sphere Of Eternity.

As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus, on coming, told me: "My daughter, reorder yourself in Me. And do you know how you can reorder yourself in Me? By Fusing all of yourself in my Will. Even the breath, the heartbeat and the air you breathe must be nothing but fusion in my Will. So does order enter between Creator and creature, and she returns to the origin from which she came. All things are in order, have their place of honor and are perfect, when they do not move from the origin from which they came. Once they move from the origin, all is disorder, dishonor, imperfection. Only the acts done in my Will give themselves back to the origin in which the soul was created, and take life within the sphere of Eternity, bringing to their Creator the divine homages and the glory of their own Will. All other acts remain down below, waiting for the last hour of life, each to undergo its own judgment and the pain it deserves, because there is no act done outside of my Will, even good, which can be called pure. The mere lacking aim at my Will is to throw mud over the most beautiful works; and then, the mere moving from one’s origin deserves a penalty. Creation was delivered on the wings of my Volition, and on those same wings I would want it to return to Me - but I wait in vain. This is why everything is disorder and confusion.

Therefore, come into my Will to give Me, in the name of all, reparation for such great disorder."


Volume 14 – March 28, 1922

All That Jesus Did Upon Earth Is In Continuous Act Of Giving Itself To Man. Correspondence For Each Created Thing.

Continuing in my usual state, I was Fusing all of myself in the Holy Will of my lovable Jesus; and He told me: "Daughter of my Will, if you knew the portents, the prodigies that occur when you Fuse yourself in my Will, you would be stupefied. Listen a bit: all that I did upon earth is in continuous act of giving itself to man, surrounding him like a crown. My thoughts form a crown around the intelligence of the creature; my words, my works, my steps, etc., form a crown around her words, works and steps, so that, by braiding her things with Mine, I may say to my Celestial Father that her works are like Mine.

Now, who takes this continuous attitude of Mine? Who lets herself be braided by my works, with which I crowned the whole human family? One who lives in my Will. As you were Fusing your thoughts in my Volition, my thoughts which surrounded you like a crown heard the echo of my thoughts in your mind, and identifying themselves with yours, they multiplied yours with Mine, and formed a double crown around the human intelligence. And my Celestial Father received, not only from Me, but also from you, divine glory on the part of all created intelligences; the same with words and with all the rest. And He receives this divine glory not only from the creatures, but from all other created things, because all things were created to make continuous love run toward man, and man, by justice, should give homage and love to his Creator for each created thing.

Now, who compensates for this? Who makes that FIAT, through which all things were made, her own, so as to spread homage, adoration, divine love for her Creator over everything? One who lives in my Will! She makes that Omnipotent FIAT her own almost at each word of hers. The echo of the Eternal FIAT echoes within her Divine FIAT in which she lives, and it spreads, it runs – it flies, impressing another FIAT on each created thing, and giving back to her Creator the homage and the love wanted by Him.

This was done by Me when I was on earth. There was nothing for which I did not requite my Divine Father on the part of all creatures. Now it is done - and I want it, I expect it - by one who lives in my Will. If you could see how beautiful it is to see my glory, my Love, my profound adoration united to yours, in every flickering of stars, in every drop of light of the Sun! Oh, how it runs - flies upon the wings of the wind, filling the whole atmosphere! It crosses the waters of the sea, it places itself in each plant, in each flower; it multiplies at each motion! It is a voice that echoes over everything, and says: ‘Love, glory, adoration to my Creator!’

Therefore, one who lives in my Will is the echo of my voice, the repeater of my Life, the perfect glory of my Creation. How could I not love her? How could I not give to her all that I should give to all the other creatures together, giving her primacy over all? Ah, my Love would feel constrained if I did not do so!"


Volume 14 – May 12, 1922

One Who Lives In The Divine Will Concurs In Everything That God Does.

I was thinking to myself: ‘Who knows in what I have offended Him, that my sweet Jesus does not come as usual? How can it ever be possible that without anything, the goodness of His Most Holy Heart, which easily exceeds with those who love Him, would resist so many calls of mine?’

Now, while I was thinking of this and other things, He came out from within my interior, and covering me completely with a mantle of most refulgent light, in such a way that I could see nothing but light, He told me: "My daughter, what do you fear? See, in order to keep you safe and well defended, I surrounded you with this mantle of light, so that no creature and nothing may harm you. And then, why do you want to waste time thinking that you have offended Me? The poison of guilt does not enter into one who lives in my Will. Besides, your Jesus would strike you lightning if He saw you with even the slightest stains of sin; I would put you out of the circle of my Will, and you would immediately lose the attitude of operating in my Will.

Ah, my daughter, the Sanctity in my Will is not yet known. Each kind of sanctity has its own special distinction. Many are surprised in hearing that I come often to you, since I have not been used to doing it with other souls. The Sanctity in my Volition is inseparable from Me, and in order to elevate the creature to the divine level, it is necessary for Me to keep her either identified with my Humanity, or in the Light of my Divinity. Otherwise, how could the soul maintain the attitude of operating in my Will, if my working and hers were not one?

Now, the soul who lives in my Will takes part in all of my attributes, and together with Me she concurs in each one of my acts.

Therefore, she must concur with Me also in the acts of Justice. This is why, when I want to chastise, I hide my Humanity from you, which is more accessible to the human nature, in such a way that, at the reflections of my Humanity, you feel the love and the compassion that I have toward souls, and you snatch from Me the scourges with which I want to strike them. Then, when creatures do so much as to force Me to strike them, hiding my Humanity from you, I raise you into the light of my Divinity; and as It absorbs you and delights you, you do not feel the reverberations of my Humanity, and I, being left free, strike the creatures.

Therefore, either I manifest my Humanity to you, making you concur together with Me in the acts of Mercy toward creatures, or I absorb you into the Light of my Divinity, making you concur in the acts of Justice. But you are always with Me; even more, when I absorb you in the Light of my Divinity, it is a greater grace that I give you, while you, not seeing my Humanity, lament that I deprive you of Me and do not appreciate the grace you receive."

On hearing that I was concurring in the acts of Justice, frightened, I said: ‘So, my Love, now that You are striking the creatures, making their homes collapse, am I doing this together with You? No, no, Heaven forbid that I touch my brothers! When You want to strike them I will make myself small in your Will, I will not diffuse myself in It, so as not to take part in what You are doing. In everything I want to do what You do. But in this - striking creatures - never.’

And Jesus: "Why are you frightened? In my Will you cannot be exempt from doing what I do. It is a natural thing, and this is exactly the Sanctity in my Will: to do nothing from one’s own, but to do whatever God does. And then, my Justice is Sanctity and Love, and It serves to balance the divine rights. If I did not have Justice, all the fullness of perfection would be lacking to my Divinity. So, if you want to live in my Volition and do not want to take part in the acts of Justice, the Sanctity done in my Will would not have its full completion. They are two waters Fused together - one is forced to do what the other does. On the other hand, if they are separated, each one follows its course. My Will and yours are the two waters Fused together, and whatever one does, the other must do as well.

Therefore, I want you always in my Will."

So I abandoned all of myself in His Will, but I felt great repugnance in me toward Justice; and my sweet Jesus, coming back, told me: "If you knew how heavy it is for Me to use Justice, and how much I love the creature!

The whole of Creation is for Me like the body to the soul, like the skin to the fruit. I am in continuous and immediate act with man, although created things hide Me, just as the body hides the soul. However, if it wasn’t for the soul, the body would have no life. In the same way, if I withdrew from created things, they would all remain without life. In all created things I visit man, I touch him and I give him life.

 I am hidden in the fire, and I visit him with its heat; if I were not there, the fire would have no heat - it would be a painted fire and without life. But while I visit man in the fire, he does not recognize Me, nor does he send Me one greeting. I am in the water, and I visit him by quenching his thirst; if I were not there, the water would quench no one’s thirst - it would be dead water. But while I visit him, he passes before Me without bowing once to Me. I am hidden in the food, and I visit man by giving him substance, strength and taste; if I were not there, in taking food man would remain on an empty stomach. Yet, ungrateful, while he lives on Me, he turns his back to Me. I am hidden in the Sun, and I visit him with my light almost every instant; yet, ungrateful, he repays Me with continuous offenses. I visit him in all things: in the air that he breathes, in the flower that gives off its fragrance, in the refreshing breeze, in the striking thunder - in everything. My visits are innumerable. Do you see how much I love him? And you, being in my Will, are together with Me, visiting man and giving him life.

Therefore, do not be frightened if sometimes you concur in Justice."


Volume 14 – June 15, 1922

The Divine Heartbeat Is The Little Cell Of The Soul Who Lives In The Divine Will, And Makes Everything Harmonizes Within The Creature.

Continuing in my usual state, I was thinking about the Holy Will of God; and while I was Fusing myself in It, my always lovable Jesus told me: "My daughter, my Eternal Will was the central point of my Life, from the first act of my conception up to my last breath. It preceded Me, It accompanied Me, becoming the Life of my act; and It followed Me, enclosing my act in the eternal sphere of my Will, from which it could find no way out. And since my Eternal Will was immense, there was not one point which It would not encircle, nor generation in which It would not dominate.

Therefore, it was as though natural for It to form my acts, and to multiply them for all, as if they were for one alone.

An individual can give only what he possesses; as much power as he may contain, he cannot give more than what he possesses. Now, my Will possessed the Immensity, the Power of the multiplication of acts into as many as It wanted, the Eternity in which It overwhelmed all things present to everyone, as in the beginning of all things, so until the end. This is why, from the first moment of my conception, the Power of my Will formed as many conceptions for as many creatures as would come to existence. It multiplied my words, thoughts, works and steps, and extended them from the first to the last man. The Power of the Eternal Volition converted my Blood, my pains, into immense seas of which all could avail themselves. If it wasn’t for the prodigy of the Supreme Will, my very Redemption would have been individual, circumscribed, and only for a few generations.

Now, my Will has not changed: what It was, It is, and will be. More so, since I Myself came upon earth, and I came to tie once again the Divine Will to the human. And for the soul who does not escape from this tie and places herself at the mercy of the Divine Will, letting herself be preceded, accompanied and followed, enclosing her act in my Volition, that which happened to Me, happens to her.

See, as you were Fusing your thoughts, your words, your works, your reparations, your little love in my Will, I extended them, I multiplied them, and they became antidote for each thought and for each work, reparation for each offense, and love for each love that is due to Me. And if this does not happen, it is the human will’s fault, which, not abandoning itself completely prey to the Divine Will, does not take everything, nor can it give itself to everyone. So it feels the sensations of what is human which make it unhappy, circumscribe it, impoverish it, and render it incomplete. This is the reason for all my interest that your will live in Mine, and that you understand well what it means to live in It, as much as it is possible for a creature; because if you do this, you will have obtained everything, and will give Me everything."

Having said this, He disappeared. But later He came back again, and made Himself seen all wounded. Those wounds formed many little cells in which Jesus called the souls, to enclose them and keep them safe. I said to Him: ‘My Love, what about my little cell – where is it, so that I may enclose myself in it, never to go out again?’

And Jesus: "My daughter, for you there are no little cells in my Body, because one who lives in my Will cannot live in one compartment of Mine, but must live in the heartbeat of my Heart. The heartbeat is the center and the life of the human body; if the heartbeat ceases, life ceases. The heartbeat maintains the blood circulation, the heat, the breathing, and therefore the strength and the activity of the members. If the heartbeat is not regular, all the human faculties are in disorder; even the intelligence loses liveliness, ingenuity and the fullness of the intellectual light. In fact, in creating man, I placed a special sound in his heart, to which I bound the eternal harmony, in such a way that if the heartbeat is healthy, everything is harmony in the creature.

Now, my Will is like the heartbeat in the creature. If It palpitates, sanctity harmonizes, the virtues harmonize - she harmonizes between Heaven and earth; her harmony extends up to the Sacrosanct Trinity. This is why for you there is my heartbeat that offers itself as a little cell in order to enclose you in it, and so that, palpitating with one single heartbeat, you may harmonize between Heaven and earth, circulate in the past, in the present and in the future, and be present in everything - you circulating in Me, and I in you."


Volume 17 – October 02,1924

Effects of the adoration done in the Divine Will, with the power of the Father, the wisdom of the Son, and the love of the Holy Spirit.

I felt all embittered because of the privation of my sweet Jesus. Oh! how much harder and more bitter my exile becomes without the One who forms the whole of my life! And I prayed Him to have compassion for me, and not to leave me at the mercy of myself. Now, while I was saying this, my beloved Jesus made Himself seen as He was squeezing my heart tightly with His hands, and then binding me all over with a little rope of light – but so tightly as to deprive me of the slightest motion. Then, afterwards, He laid Himself within me, and we suffered together.

In the meantime, I felt myself being transported outside of myself, toward the vault of the heavens, and I seemed to encounter the Celestial Father and the Holy Spirit. And Jesus, who was with me, placed Himself between Them, and He put me on the lap of the Father, who seemed to be waiting for me with so much love that He pressed me to His bosom, and identifying me with His Will, He communicated His power to me. And so did the other two Divine Persons.

But while They communicated Themselves to me, One by One, They all became One, and I felt I was being infused with, all together, the Will of the power of the Father, the Will of the wisdom of the Son, and the Will of the love of the Holy Spirit. But who can say what I felt as being infused in my soul?

And my lovable Jesus said to me: “Daughter of Our Eternal Will, prostrate yourself before Our Supreme Majesty and offer your adorations, your homages, your praises, in the name of all, with the power of Our Will, with the wisdom and with the Will of Our supreme love. We will feel in you the power of Our Will adoring Us, the wisdom of Our Will glorifying Us, the love of Our Will loving Us and praising Us. And since the power, the wisdom and the love of the Three Divine Persons are in communication with the intellect, the memory and the will of all creatures, We will feel your adorations, homages and praises flow within all the intelligences of creatures, which, rising between Heaven and earth, will make Us hear the echo of Our own power, wisdom and love, adoring Us, praising Us and loving Us.

Greater adorations, more noble homages, love and praises more divine, you cannot give Us. No other act can equal these acts, or give Us as much glory and as much love, because We see, hovering within the act of the creature, the power, the wisdom and the reciprocal love of the Three Divine Persons - We find Our own acts in the act of the creature. How not to enjoy them and not to give them supremacy over all other acts?”

So I prostrated myself before the Supreme Majesty, adoring It, praising It and loving It in the name of all, with the power, the wisdom and the love of Their Will, which I felt within me. But who can say the effects of this? I have no words to express them, therefore I move on.

Then, afterwards, I received Communion, and I was fusing myself in the Will of my highest Good, Jesus, in order to find the whole Creation in It, so that no one might be absent from roll-call, and together with me, all might prostrate themselves at the feet of my Jesus in the Sacrament, to adore Him, to love Him, to bless Him…. But while I was doing this, I felt somehow distracted in trying to find all created things in His Divine Will, so that one might be the love, the praise, the adoration to my Jesus.

And Jesus, in seeing me as though hampered, gathered the whole Creation onto His lap and said to me: “My daughter, I placed all Creation on my lap, that it may be easier for you to find and call everyone together with you, so that not one thing which came from Me may not give Me, through you, the return of love and adoration which befits Me, as things that belong to Me. I would not be fully content in you, if any of them were missing. In my Will I want to find everything in you.”

Then it became easier for me to find and call all Creation together with me, so that we all might praise and love my highest Good, Jesus. But – oh marvel! – each created thing contained a distinct reflection and a special love of Jesus, and Jesus received the return of His reflections and of His love. Oh! how content was Jesus! But as I was doing this, I found myself inside myself.


Volume 1 – January 04, 1925

How All Of Heaven Goes To Meet The Soul Who Fuses Herself In The Divine Will. How All Want To Place Their Acts In Her, And The Noble Martyrdom Of The Soul Is Formed.

Having completed my whole day, I was thinking to myself: ‘What else is left for me to do?’ And in my interior, I heard: "You have to do the most important thing – your last act of Fusing yourself in the Divine Will."

So, according to my usual way, I started to Fuse all my poor being in the Supreme Will; and as I was doing so, it seemed to me that the Heavens were opening, and I went to meet the whole Celestial Court, and all of Heaven came toward me.

And my sweet Jesus told me: "My daughter, Fusing yourself in my Will is the most solemn act, the greatest one, the most important of all your life. To Fuse yourself in my Will is to enter the sphere of Eternity, embrace It, kiss It, and receive the deposit of the goods which the Eternal Will contains. Even more, as the soul Fuses herself in the Supreme Volition, all go to meet her, in order to communicate to her all the goods and the glory they have. The Angels, the Saints, the very Divinity - they all communicate, knowing that they communicate in that same Will in Which everything is safe. Even more, in receiving these goods, the soul multiplies them through her acts in the Divine Will, and gives back double glory and honor to the whole of Heaven.

Therefore, by Fusing yourself in my Will, you put Heaven and earth in motion. It is a new feast for the whole Heaven.

And since to Fuse oneself in my Will is to love and to give, for each one and for all, without excluding anyone - in my Goodness, so as not to be won over in love by the creature, I place in her – in my Will – the goods of all, and all the possible goods I contain within Me. Nor can there be a lack of space in which to place all the goods, because my Will is immense, and is capable of receiving everything. If you knew what you do and what happens when you Fuse yourself in my Will, you would eagerly yearn to do it continuously.

Afterwards, I was thinking about whether I had to write what is written above, or not. I didn’t see it as necessary, or as an important thing; more so, since obedience had given me no order to do it.


Volume 17 – January 27,1925

Just As Things Created By God Do Not Go Out Of Him, Because The Divine Will Becomes Their Nourishment And Preservation, The Same Happens For The Soul Who Lives In The Divine Will.

While I was Fusing myself in the Holy Divine Will, I thought to myself: ‘Before, when I used to Fuse myself in the Holy Supreme Volition, Jesus was with me, and I entered into It together with Him; therefore entering was a reality. But now I don’t see Him, so I don’t know whether I am entering the Eternal Volition or not. In forming the act of entering the Divine Will, I feel, rather, like one who is reciting a little lesson, learned by heart, or that those words of entrance are just a way of saying.’

Now, as I was thinking of this, my adorable Jesus moved in my interior, and taking my hand in His own, pushed me up high, and told me: "My daughter, you must know that, whether you see Me or not, every time you Fuse yourself in my Will, from within your interior, I take your hand and push you high, and from Heaven I give you my other hand to take your other hand and pull you up into Our midst, in Our interminable Will.

Therefore, you are between my hands, in my arms.

You must know that all the acts done in Our Will enter into the prime Act when We created all beings. And the acts of the creature, in kissing Ours – because One is the Will which gives Life to these acts – diffuse in all created things, just as Our Will is diffused everywhere; they become return of love - continuous adoration and glory, for all that We have delivered in Creation. Only that which is done in Our Will begins, almost together with Us, to give Us return of perennial love, adoration in a divine manner, glory that never ends.

And since the love We feel for all the things We created is so great that We did not allow them to go out of Our Will, they all remained with Us, just as We created them, and Our Will became the preservation and nourishment of the whole creation. This is why all things remain always new, fresh and beautiful - nor does the substance of any of them increase or decrease, since they were created all perfect by Us, and therefore not subject to any kind of alteration: because they all conserve their origin, as they let themselves be nourished and preserved by Our Will, and remain around Us to sing Our glory. But, miserably, the creature of reason does not do so, when, by sin, she separates from Our Will.

Now, the work of the creature in Our Will enters into Our works, and Our Will becomes nourishment, preservation and Act of the very act of the creature. These acts done in Our Will by the creature, place themselves around Us, and transfused in all created things, sing our perpetual glory.

How different is Our Work, and the Love with which We operate, from that of the creature! In Us, Our love for the work We do is so great that We do not allow it to go outside of Ourselves, that it may lose nothing of the beauty with which it was made. On the other hand, if the creature of reason does a good work, or even one virtuous act, she is unable to keep it with herself. Rather, many times she doesn’t know what happened to her work, whether it got dirty, or whether they reduced it to a rag - sign of her little love for her own works. And since the creature, because of sin, went out from her foundation – that is, the prime Divine Will from Which she took origin – she lost true love toward God, toward herself, and toward her works.

I wanted man to be in my Will by his own will, not by force, because I loved him more than all other created things; and I wanted him to be like a king in the midst of my works. But man, ungrateful, wanted to go out from his origin; therefore, he was transformed and lost his freshness and beauty, and was subject to alterations and continuous changes. And as much as I call him to return into his origin, he plays deaf, pretending not to hear Me. But my love is such that I keep waiting for him, and I continue to call him."

And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: "My daughter, how can it not be important to make it known that Fusing oneself in my Will is to live in It? The soul who Fuses herself in my Will receives, as though in deposit, all my divine and eternal goods. The very Saints compete with each other in order to deposit their merits in the soul Fused in my Will, because they feel in her the Glory, the Power of my Will, and feel glorified in a divine manner by the littleness of the creature.

Listen, my daughter: to live in my Will surpasses even martyrdom in merit. Martyrdom kills the body, but living in my Will implies that the creature kills her own will with a divine hand, and It gives her the nobility of a divine martyrdom. And every time the soul decides to live in my Will, my Volition prepares the blow in order to kill the human will, and forms the noble martyrdom of the soul. But in order to reach this happy state, the human will and the Divine Will must be tied together: one has to give the place to the Other, and the human will must be content with remaining extinguished under the power of the Divine Will. Therefore, every time you dispose yourself to live in my Volition, you dispose yourself to undergo the martyrdom of your will.

Do you see, then, what it means to Fuse oneself in my Will? It is to be the continuous martyr of my Supreme Will. And you think it’s trivial, or not important?"


Volume 17 – May 10, 1925

Different Ways To Fuse Oneself In The Divine Will. Feast Of The Divinity And Reason For It.

I write only out of obedience, and I am going to make a mix of past and present things. Many times in my writings I say: ‘I was Fusing myself in the Holy Divine Volition’, and I don’t explain further. Now, forced by obedience, I will say what happens to me in this fusion in the Divine Volition.

As I Fuse myself in It, an immense void, all of light, comes before my mind, in which one can find neither the extent of its height, nor of its depth, nor the boundaries on the right or on the left, nor those on the front or on the back. In the midst of this immensity, in a highest point, I seem to see the Divinity, or the Three Divine Persons waiting for me – but this, always mentally. And, I don’t know how, a little child comes out from me; although it is still I - maybe it’s my little soul. It is moving to see this little child putting herself on the path within this immense empty space - all alone, shy, walking on tiptoe, with her eyes always fixed to the place where she sees the Three Divine Persons, because she fears that if she lowers her gaze in that immense void, she wouldn’t know at what point she would end up.

All her strength is in that gaze fixed on high. In fact, in receiving in return the gaze of the Supreme Height, she draws strength along the way. Now, as the little one arrives before Them, she plunges herself with her face into that empty space, to adore the Divine Majesty. But a hand from the Divine Persons raises the little child; and They say to her: "Our daughter, the Little Daughter of Our Will – come into Our arms."

In hearing this, she becomes festive, and makes the Three Divine Persons festive; and delighting in her, They await the performance of the office, which They entrusted to her. And with grace typical of a child, she says: "I come to adore You, to bless You, to thank You for all. I come to bind to your throne all human wills of all generations, from the first to the last man, so that all may recognize Your Supreme Will. May all adore It, love It, and give It Life within their souls."

Then she added: "O Supreme Majesty, in this immense void there are all these creatures, and I want to take them all and place them in your Holy Will, so that all may return to the origin from which they came – your Will. This is why I came into your paternal arms – to bring You all your children and brothers of mine, and bind them all with your Will. And in the name of all and for everyone, I want to repair You and give You homage and glory, as if everyone had done your Most Holy Will. But, please, I beg You, let there be no more separation between Divine and human will! It is a little child who is asking you this, and I know that You can deny nothing to the little ones."

But who can say all that I did and said? I would be too long. Besides, I lack the words to express what I say before the Supreme Majesty. It seems to me that here in the low world we don’t use the same language as in that immense empty space.

At other times, while I Fuse myself in the Divine Will and that immense void comes before my mind, I wander around all created things, and I impress in them one ‘I love You’ for the Supreme Majesty, as though wanting to fill the whole atmosphere with many ‘I love You’s’, in order to return the Supreme Love for His great love toward creatures. Even more, I go through each thought of creature, and I impress my ‘I love You’; through each gaze, and I leave my ‘I love You’; through each heartbeat, work and step, and I cover them with my ‘I love You’, addressing them to my God. I go down into the sea, into the depths of the ocean, and I want to fill every darting of the fish, every drop of water, with my ‘I love You’.

Then, after she has worked everywhere, as though sowing her "I love You", the little child presents herself before the Divine Majesty, and wanting to make for Him a pleasing surprise, she says: "My Creator and my Father, my Jesus and my Eternal Love - look at everything, and hear how all creatures say that they love You. Everywhere there is an "I love You" for You; Heaven and earth are filled with them. And so, now, will You not concede to your tiny little one that your Will descend into the midst of creatures, make Itself known, make peace with the human will, and take Its just dominion - Its place of honor, so that no creature may ever do her will again, but always Yours?"

At other times, while I Fuse myself in the Divine Volition, I want to feel sorrow for all the offenses given to my God, and I start my round again in that immense void, in order to find all the sorrow that Jesus felt for all sins. I make it my own, and I wander everywhere, in the most hidden and secret places, in public places, over all the acts of evil men, to feel sorrow for all the offenses. And for each sin, gathering within me all the sorrow for all sins, I feel like crying out in every motion of all creation: ‘Forgiveness, forgiveness!’ There is not one offense to God, even the slightest one, for which I do not feel sorrow and ask forgiveness.

And so that all may hear my plea of forgiveness for all sins, I impress it in the rumbling of the thunder, so that sorrow for having offended my God may thunder in all hearts. ‘Forgiveness!’ in the striking of lightening. Sorrowful repentance in the whistling of the wind, crying out to all: ‘Repentance, and plea of forgiveness!’ And in the tinkling of the bells: ‘Sorrow and forgiveness!’ In sum, the same in everything. Then I bring the sorrow of all to my God, and I implore forgiveness for all, saying: ‘Great God, let your Will descend upon earth, so that sin may no longer take place! The human will alone is what produces so many offenses that it seems to be flooding the earth with sins. Your Will will be the destroyer of all evils. Therefore, I beg you, make the Little Daughter of your Will content, who wants nothing else but that your Will be known and loved, and that It reign in all hearts.’

I remember that one day I was Fusing myself in the Holy Divine Volition, and I looked at the sky, as it was pouring rain. I felt great pleasure in seeing water pouring down upon the earth; and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, with unspeakable love and tenderness told me: "My daughter, in those drops of water that you see pouring down from heaven, there is my Will. It flows rapidly together with the water. It runs to quench the thirst of the creatures, to descend into the human bowels and into their veins, to refresh them, and to become life of the creatures, bringing them my kiss and my Love. It descends to water the earth, to fecundate it, and to prepare the food for my creatures. It descends for many other needs of theirs. My Will wants to have Life in all created things, in order to give celestial and natural life to all creatures. However, though It descends festive and full of Love for all, It does not receive a fair return on the part of creatures, and It remains on an empty stomach. My daughter, your will too, Fused in Mine, flows in that water that pours down from heaven. Run together with Me, wherever It goes. Never leave It alone, and give It the return of your love and gratitude for all."

But as He was saying this, my eyes remained enchanted. I could not move them from that pouring water. My will was flowing together with it, and in that water I could see the hands of my Jesus multiplying into many, in order to bring water to all with His own hands. Who can say what I felt within me? Jesus alone can say it – He, Who is the Author of it. And who can say about the many ways of Fusing myself in His Most Holy Volition? For now I have said enough. If Jesus wants me to continue another time, He will give me the words and the grace to say more, and I will start again.

In addition, I was saying to my Jesus: ‘Tell me, my Love, what is this void that comes before my mind when I Fuse myself in your Most Holy Will? Who is this little child coming out from me, and why does she feel an irresistible force to come to your throne and place her little acts into the divine womb, almost to make Him a feast?’

My sweet Jesus, all goodness, told me: "My daughter, the empty space is my unrequited Will, placed at your disposal, which should be filled with so many acts - as many as the creatures would have done, had they all fulfilled Our Will. This immense void that you see, which represents Our Will, came out from Our Divinity for the benefit of all in Creation, to delight everyone and everything. Therefore, as a consequence, all creatures should have filled this void with the return of their acts, and by giving their wills to their Creator. But since they did not do so, they saddened Us with the most grave offense that can possibly be imagined. This is why We called you with a special mission: so that this void may be returned and filled with all that the others should have given Us. And this is the reason for which We disposed you with a long chain of graces, and then asked you if you wanted to live in Our Will; and you answered with a "yes", firm and irretractable, binding your will to Our throne. And you did not want to recognize it any more, because human will and Divine Will do not reconcile, and cannot live together. That "yes", your will, exists, and is tightly bound to Our throne.

And this is why your soul, like a little child reborn in Our Divine Volition, is drawn before the Supreme Majesty: because as you rise up toward Us, your will – which is already Ours – precedes you, and you feel Our Will attracting you like a powerful magnet. And instead of looking at your will, you interest yourself only in bringing onto Our lap everything you did in Our Will, as the greatest homage which befits Us, and as the return most pleasing to Us. Your indifference to your will - as you’ve already lost sight of it - and Our Will alone living in you, make Us festive. Your little acts done in Our Will bring Us the joys of the whole Creation. It seems that everything smiles at Us, and that all created things make feast. And in seeing that you descend from Our throne with not even the slightest attention to your will – which is as though lost within Ours – and in seeing you going back to earth taking Our Will, is an infinite joy for Us. This is why I always say to you, ‘Be attentive upon Our Will’: because there is much to do in It. The more you do, the greater the feast you make Us - and Our Volition will pour out in torrents, inside and outside of you."


Volume 17 – May 17, 1925

(Continuation Of The Previous Chapter).

Other Ways To Fuse Oneself In The Divine Will; First, In Return For Creation, And Then For Redemption.

After I had the Confessor hear what is written above - with the date of May 10th - on Fusing myself in the Divine Volition, he was not satisfied, and ordered me to continue to write about the way to Fuse myself in the Holy Divine Volition. So, out of obedience, and for fear that my Jesus might be even slightly disappointed, I continue.

Now, I add that as that immense void comes before my mind, in Fusing myself in the Supreme Volition, the little child begins her round again, and rising up high, she wants to repay her God for all the love He had for all creatures in Creation. She wants to honor Him as Creator of all things, and so she goes around the stars, and in each flickering of light I impress my "I love You" and "Glory to my Creator". In every atom of the light of the sun that comes down, my "I love you" and "Glory". In the whole expanse of the heavens, between the distance from one step to another, my "I LOVE YOU" and "GLORY". In the warbling of the bird, in the beating of its wings: "Love" and "Glory" to my Creator. In the blade of grass which sprouts from the earth, in the flower that blooms, in the fragrance that ascends: "Love" and "Glory". On the peak of the mountains and in the depths of the valleys: "Love" and "Glory". I wander through every heart of creature as though wanting to enclose myself and shout from within, to every heart, my "I love you" and "Glory to my Creator".

And then, as if I had gathered everything together in such a way that everything gives return of love and recognition of glory for all that God has done in Creation, I go to His Throne, and I say to Him: ‘Supreme Majesty and Creator of all things, this little child comes into your arms to tell You that all of Creation, in the name of all creatures, gives You not only return of love, but also the just glory for the so many things You created for love of us. In your Will, in this immense empty space, I wandered everywhere, so that all things may glorify You, love You and bless You. And now that I have put in relation the love between Creator and creature, which the human will had broken - as well as the glory that everyone owed You, let your Will descend upon earth, that It may bind and strengthen all the relations between Creator and creature, and so that all things may return to the original order established by You.

Therefore, hurry, do not delay any longer – don’t You see how the earth is full of evils? Your Will alone can stop this current and save it – your Will, known and ruling.’

After this, I feel that my office is still not complete. So I descend to the bottom of that empty space, in order to repay Jesus for the Work of Redemption. And as though finding all that He did in act, I want to give Him my return for all the acts that all creatures should have done in waiting for Him and receiving Him upon earth. Then, as though wanting to transform all of myself into love for Jesus, I go back to my refrain, and I say: ‘"I LOVE YOU" in the act of descending from Heaven to be incarnated, and I impress my "I LOVE YOU" in the act of being conceived in the most pure womb of the Virgin Mary. "I LOVE YOU" in the first drop of blood which was formed in your Humanity. "I LOVE YOU" in the first beat of your Heart, to mark all your heartbeats with my "I LOVE YOU". "I LOVE YOU" in your first breath; "I LOVE YOU" in your first pains; "I LOVE YOU" in the first tears You shed in the maternal womb.

I want to return your prayers, your reparations, your offerings, with my "I LOVE YOU". "I LOVE YOU" in your birth. "I LOVE YOU" in the cold you suffered. "I LOVE YOU" in each drop of the milk you suckled from your Most Holy Mama. I want to fill with my "I LOVE YOUs" the clothes with which your Mama swaddled You. I lay my "I LOVE YOU" upon that ground on which your Mama placed You in the manger, as your most tender limbs felt the hardness of the hay – but more than of hay, the hardness of hearts. My "I LOVE YOU" in each of your wailings, in all the tears and sufferings of your childhood. I make my "I LOVE YOU" flow in all the relations and communications and love You had with your Immaculate Mama. "I LOVE YOU" in Her dearest kisses, in each word You said, in the food You took, in the steps You took, in the water You drank. "I LOVE YOU" in the work You did with your hands. "I LOVE YOU" in all the acts You did during your hidden Life. I seal my "I LOVE YOU" in each one of your interior acts and in the pains You suffered. I lay my "I LOVE YOU" upon the paths You covered, in the air You breathed, in all the sermons You made during your public Life. My "I LOVE YOU" flows in the power of the miracles You made, in the Sacraments You instituted. In everything, O my Jesus, even in the most intimate fibers of your Heart, I impress my "I LOVE YOU", for me and for all. Your Will makes everything present to me, and nothing do I want to leave, in which my "I LOVE YOU" is not impressed.

Your little Daughter of your Will feels this duty - as there’s nothing else she can do - that You may have at least my little "I LOVE YOU" for everything You did for me and for all. Therefore my "I LOVE YOU" follows You in all the pains of your Passion, in all the spit, scorn and insults they gave You. My "I LOVE YOU" seals every drop of the Blood You shed, every blow You received, every wound that formed in your body, each thorn that transfixed your head, the bitter pains of the Crucifixion, the words You pronounced on the Cross. Up to your last breath, I intend to impress my "I LOVE YOU". I want to enclose all your Life, all your acts, with my "I LOVE YOU". I want You to touch, see and feel my continuous "I LOVE YOU". My "I LOVE YOU" will never leave You – your very Will is the life of my "I LOVE YOU".

But do You know what this little child wants? That the Divine Will of your Father, which You loved so much, and which You did during all your Life upon earth, make Itself known to all creatures, so that all may love It and fulfill your Will, on earth as It is in Heaven. This little child would want to surpass You in love, so that You may give your Will to all creatures. Please, make this poor little one happy, who wants nothing but what You want: that your Will be known and reign upon all the earth.’

Now I believe that obedience will be happy in some way. Though it is true that in many things I had to make a few jumps, otherwise I would never end. Fusing myself in the Divine Volition is like a springing fount for me; and every tiny thing I hear and see, even one offense given to my Jesus, is occasion for me for new ways and new fusions in His Most Holy Will.

Now, I continue by saying that my sweet Jesus told me: "My daughter, to all you have said on Fusing yourself in my Will, another application must be added – that of Fusing yourself in the order of grace, in all that the Sanctifier – the Holy Spirit – has done and will do to those who are to be sanctified. Furthermore, while We - the Three Divine Persons - remain always united in working, if Creation is related to the Father, and Redemption to the Son – the "Fiat Voluntas Tua" was attributed to the Holy Spirit. And it is exactly in the "Fiat Voluntas Tua" that the Divine Spirit will display His Work. You do it when, in coming before the Supreme Majesty, you say: ‘I come to give love in return for everything which the Sanctifier does to those who are to be sanctified.

I come to enter into the order of grace, to give You glory and return of love, as if all had become Saints, and to repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to grace…"; and as much as you can, in Our Will you search for the acts of grace of the Spirit Sanctifier, in order to make your own - His sorrow, His secret moans, His anguishing sighs in the depth of the hearts, on seeing Himself unwelcome. And since the first act He does is to bring our Will as the complete act of their sanctification, on seeing Himself rejected, He moans with inexpressible moans. And in your childlike simplicity, you say to Him: ‘Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I beg You, let everyone know your Will, so that, in knowing It, they may love It and welcome your prime act of their complete sanctification – which is your Holy Will!’ My daughter, We - the Three Divine Persons - are inseparable and distinct, and in this way do We want to manifest to the human generations Our Works for them: while remaining united within Ourselves, each One of Us wants to manifest individually His Love and His Work for the creatures."


Volume17 – August 2, 1925

The "I Love You" Is Everything. The Work Of Luisa With The Most Holy Mama.

I was praying and Fusing myself in the Holy Divine Will. I wanted to wander everywhere, up to the Heavens, in order to find that Supreme "I love you" which is not subject to any interruption. I wanted to make it my own, so that I too might have an "I love you" which is never interrupted, and which might echo the Eternal "I love you"; and by possessing the source of the true "I love you" within me, I might have an "I love you" for each one and for all - for each motion, for each act, for each breath, for each heartbeat, and for each "I love you" of my Jesus Himself. And while I seemed to reach the womb of the Eternal One, making Their "I love you" my own, I kept repeating, everywhere and upon each thing, a lullaby of "I love you’s" to my Supreme Lord. Now, while I was doing this, my thought interrupted my "I love you", telling me: "What are you doing? You could be doing something else! And then, what is your "I love you"? How special could this "I love you" of yours really be?’

And my sweet Jesus, as though moving hurriedly in my interior, told me: "What are you saying? How special is for Me the "I love you" directed to Me?! My daughter, the "I love you" is everything! The "I love you" is love, it is veneration, it is esteem, it is heroism, it is sacrifice, it is trust toward the one to whom it is directed. The "I love you" is to possess the One who encloses the "I love you". The "I love you" is a little word, but it weighs as much as Eternity! The "I love you" encloses everything, involves everyone; it diffuses itself, it restricts itself, it rises up high, it descend down to the bottom, it impresses itself everywhere, and it never stops.

What, my daughter! How special can your "I love you" really be?! Its origin is eternal. In the "I love you" the Celestial Father generated Me, and in the "I love you" the Holy Spirit proceeded. In the "I love you" the Eternal FIAT made the whole creation, and in the "I love you" It forgave guilty man and redeemed him. Therefore, in the "I love you" the soul finds everything in God, and God finds everything in the soul. This is why the value of the "I love you" is infinite, it is full of life and of energy; it never tires, it surpasses everything and triumphs over everything. And so, this "I love you" directed to Me - I want to see it and hear it on your lips, in your heart, in the flying of your thoughts, in the drops of your blood, in the pains and in the joys, in the food you take – in everything. The life of my "I love you" must be long – long within you, and my FIAT which reigns in you will place on it the seal of the Divine "I love you"."

After this, a Sun came before my mind, in a very high point. Its light was inaccessible. Continuous little flames came out from the center of it, each one containing an "I love you"; and as they came out, they placed themselves in order, around this inaccessible light. However, these little flames remained as though bound with a thread of light to that inaccessible light, which nourished the life of the little flames. These little flames were so many as to fill Heaven and earth. I seemed to see our God as the beginning and the end of everything; and in the little flames, the whole of creation, as a divine birth, of pure love.

I too was a little flame, and my sweet Jesus pushed me to take flight through each little flame, in order to place on them a double "I love you". I don’t know how, I found myself outside of myself, wandering around, in the midst of those little flames, and impressing my "I love you" upon each one of them. But they were so many that I would get lost; however, a supreme force would make find again the order and the round of my "I love you".

Afterwards, I found myself in a vast garden, and to my surprise, I found the Queen Mama who, approaching me, said to me: "My daughter, come with Me to work in this garden. We must plant celestial and divine flowers and fruits. It is now almost empty; and if there is any plant at all, it is terrestrial and human; therefore it is appropriate for us to pull it up, so that this garden may be all pleasing to my Son Jesus. The seeds we must plant are all of my virtues, my works, my pains, which contain the seed of the "Fiat Voluntas Tua". There was nothing I did which did not contain this seed of the Will of God. I would have contented myself with doing nothing, rather than working or suffering without this seed. All my glory, the dignity of Mother, the height of Queen, the supremacy over all, came to Me from this seed. The whole of creation, all beings, recognized Me as ruler over them, because they saw the Supreme Will reigning in Me. So, we will unite all that I did together with all that you did with this seed of the Supreme Will, and we will plant it in this garden.

So we Fused the seeds which my Celestial Mama had, which were many, together with the few which were mine – and I don’t know how I found them. And we started to form little holes in which to place the seeds. But while we were doing this, from behind the walls of the garden, which were very high, we heard noise of weapons and of cannons, which roared in a horrible way; so we were forced to run out to give help. As we arrived there, we could see peoples of various races, of different colors, and many nations united together, which were waging battle and striking terror and fright.

While I was seeing this, I found myself inside myself, but – oh, with what fright! And also, with the sorrow of having said not even a word about my hard state, to my Celestial Mama. May the Most Holy Will of God be always blessed, and may everything be for His glory.


Volume 17 – September 17, 1924

How One Who Does The Divine Will Is Wounded By God And Wounds God.

I was thinking about the Holy Divine Will, and I was doing as much as I could in order to Fuse myself in It, to be able to embrace all and to bring to my God, as one single act, the acts of all, which are all due to our Creator. Now, while I was doing this, I saw the Heavens open, and a Sun come out of them which, wounding me with its rays, penetrated into the very depth of my soul; and my soul, wounded by those rays, turned into a Sun which, spreading its rays, wounded that Sun from which it had been wounded. And since I continued to do my acts for all in the Divine Will, these acts were overwhelmed by these rays and transformed into divine acts which, spreading through all and over all, formed a net of light, such as to put order between Creator and creature.

I remained enchanted at this sight, and my adorable Jesus, coming out from within my interior, in the middle of this Sun, told me: "My daughter, do you see how beautiful is the Sun of my Will? What power! What marvel! As soon as the soul wants to Fuse herself in It to embrace all, my Will, turning into Sun, wounds the soul and forms another Sun within her. And as she forms her acts, these become rays which wound the Sun of the Supreme Will; and overwhelming all within this light, she loves, glorifies, satisfies her Creator for all – and what is more, not with human love, glory and satisfaction, but with Love and Glory of Divine Will, because the Sun of my Will has worked in her. Do you see what it means to do acts in my Will? This is to live in my Will: the Sun of my Will, transforming the human will into Sun, acts in it as if in Its own center."

Afterwards, my sweet Jesus gathered all the books written by me on His Divine Will; he united them together, then He pressed them to His Heart, and with unspeakable tenderness, added: "I bless these writings from the heart. I bless every word; I bless the effects and the value they contain. These writings are part of Myself."

Then He called the Angels, who prostrated themselves, their faces to the ground, to pray. And since two Fathers, who were to see the writings, were there present, Jesus told the Angels to touch their foreheads to impress in them the Holy Spirit, so as to infuse in them the light in order to make them understand the truths and the good contained in these writings. The Angels did that, and Jesus, blessing us all, disappeared.


Volume 17 – October 6, 1924

How The Divine Will Is In The Creature Like Heartbeat In The Center Of The Soul.

I was Fusing myself in the Holy Divine Will, and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: "My daughter, how beautiful it is to see a soul Fusing herself in my Will! As she Fuses herself in It, the created heartbeat takes its place and life in the Uncreated Heartbeat, and forms a single one, running and beating together with the Uncreated Heartbeat. This is the greatest happiness of the human heart: to palpitate in the Eternal Heartbeat of its Creator. My Will makes it fly, and the human heartbeat flings itself into the center of its Creator."

Then I said to Him: ‘Tell me, my Love, how many times does your Will go around through all creatures?’

And Jesus: "My daughter, in each heartbeat of creature my Will forms Its complete round through all of Creation. And just as the heartbeat in the creature is continuous, and if the heartbeat ceases life ceases, in order to give Divine Life to all creatures, my Will, more than heartbeat, goes around and forms the Heartbeat of my Will in every heart. See, then, how my Will is in every creature: as primary heartbeat, because her own is secondary; and if I feel any heartbeat of creature, it is by virtue of the heartbeat of my Will. Even more, my Will forms in her two heartbeats: one for the human heart, as life of the body, and one for the soul, as heartbeat and life of the soul.

But do you want to know what this heartbeat of my Will does in the creature? If she thinks, my Will runs and circulates like blood in the veins of the soul, and gives her the Divine Thought, that she may put aside the human thought and give the place to the word of my Will. If she works, if she walks, if she loves, my Wills wants the place of her work, of her step, of her love. The love and the jealousy of my Will in the creature is so great that, while It palpitates, if the creature wants to think, It becomes thought; if she wants to look, It becomes eye; if she wants to speak, It becomes word; if she wants to work, It becomes work; if she wants to walk, It becomes foot; if she wants to love, It becomes fire.

In sum, It runs and wanders through every act of the creature in order to take its primary place, which is due to It. But to Our greatest sorrow, the creature denies It this place of honor, and gives place to her human will; and my Will is forced to remain in the creature as if It had no thought, no eye, no word, no hands, no feet – unable to carry out the Life of my Will in the center of the soul of the creature. What sorrow! What highest ingratitude!

But do you want to know who gives Me free field and lets my Will operate as heartbeat of Life within her soul? One who lives in my Will. Oh, how well does my Will carry out Its Life, becoming thought of her thought, eye of her eye, word of her mouth, heartbeat of her heart, and so with all the rest! Oh, how quickly we understand each other with one who is living in my Will; and my Will obtains the intent of forming Its Life in the soul of the creature!

And not only in the creature with reason does my Will hold Its primary place, being like heartbeat which, giving circulation to the life of the soul, runs to give life to all the acts of the creature, but in all created things my Will holds Its primary place and circulates as heartbeat of life - from the tiniest created thing, up to the greatest one; and none of them can move from the power and immensity of my Will. It becomes life of the blue heavens, maintaining their celestial color ever new and vivid; nor can it fade, change or turn pale, because my Will wanted it to be so, and once it has been established, my Will does not change. My Will is the life of the light and of the heat of the sun, and with Its heartbeat of life It preserves its light and heat ever equal and alive, keeping it immobile in my Will, unable to move, to grow or to decrease in the good it must do to all the earth. My Will is life of the sea, and forms the murmuring of its waters, the darting of the fish, the roaring waves.

Oh, how my Will shows off the power It contains within Itself, and It carries out Its Life with such great majesty and absolute dominion in the created things, that neither can the sea do without murmuring, nor can the fish do without darting. Even more, I could say that it is my Will to murmur in the sea, it is my Will to dart in the fish, it is my Will to form the waves; and with Its roaring, It makes all hear that Its Life is there present, which can do anything It likes the best. My Will is heartbeat of life in the bird that warbles, in the cheeping of the chick, in the lamb that bleats, in the turtledove that moans, in the plants that vegetate, in the air that everyone breathes.

In sum, in everything, my Will has Its Life, and with Its power, It forms the Act It wants. So, It maintains harmony in all created things and forms in them the different effects, colors, offices which each of them contains. But do you know why? To make Myself known to the creature; to go to her, to court her, to love her, with as many different acts of my Will for as many things as I created for her. My Love was not satisfied with placing in the depth of her soul my Will as heartbeat of Life, but wanted to place my Will in all created things, so that, also on the outside, my Will might never leave her, and so that the creature with reason might be preserved and grow in the Sanctity of my own Will, and all created things might be an incitement, an example, a voice and a continuous call to her, to make her always run in the fulfillment of my Will – the only purpose for which she was created. But the creature becomes deaf to the so many voices of creation, blind to the sight of so many examples; and if she opens her eyes, she fixes them on her own will. What sorrow!

Therefore, I recommend that you never go out of my Will, if you do not want to multiply my sorrow, and lose the purpose for which you were created."


Volume 18 – November 9, 1925

To Fuse Oneself In The Divine Will Is The Greatest Act Honoring Our Creator.

I was Fusing myself in the Holy Divine Will according to my usual way, to then make my adoration to my Crucified Good. And since more than once I was caught by sleep while doing My acts in the Supreme Volition – which never happened before – I could not complete the first thing, nor did I do the adoration. So I said to myself: ‘First I will make the adoration to the Crucifix, and then, if I am not surprised by sleep, I will Fuse myself in the Divine Volition to do my usual acts.’

But while I was thinking this, my sweet Jesus came out from my interior, and placing His face close to mine, told me: "My daughter, I want you to Fuse yourself in My Will first - that you come before the Supreme Majesty to reorder all the human wills in the Will of their Creator, to repair with My own Will for all the acts of the wills of creatures opposed to Mine. One Will came out from Us in order to divinize the creatures, and One Will do We want. When they reject this Will to do their own will, it is the most direct offense to the Creator – it is denying all goods of Creation and departing from His likeness.

Do you think it’s trivial that, Fusing yourself in My Will, you place this Will of Mine as if on your lap, and that My Will, although One, brings Its divinizing act to each creature? That reuniting all these acts of My Will together, you bring them before the Supreme Majesty, giving your will in return, together with Mine? And with your love, redoing all the acts opposite those of the creatures, you push My Will to surprise the creatures once again with more repeated acts, so that they may know this Holy Will, receive It within themselves as prime Act, love It, and do It in everything?

The adoration of My wounds - more than one already does it to Me; but giving Me back the rights of My Will, as the prime Act which I did for man – this, no one does it to Me. Therefore, to do it is your duty, you, who have a special mission with My Will. And if sleep surprises you while you do it, our celestial Father will look at you with love, seeing you sleeping in His arms - seeing His little Daughter, who, even while sleeping, holds in her little lap all the acts of His Will in order to repair them, give love in return, and give to every act of Our Will the honor, the sovereignty, and the right that befits It. Therefore, first fulfill your duty, and then, if you can, you will do also the adoration of My wounds."

May Jesus be always thanked. Last night, thanks to His goodness, I did both.



Extracts from Vol. I

"How Luisa travels out of body & How Jesus communicates with her."

By order of the current confessor, I move on to speak about something else. I will obey in manifesting the various ways in which the Lord has spoken to me:

It seems to me that the ways in which the Lord has spoken to me are four; but these four ways of Jesus’ speaking are very different from inspirations.

1 – The first way is when the soul goes out of herself. However, first I want to explain a little bit better about this going out of myself. It happens in two ways: the first is instantaneous, almost in a flash; and it is so sudden, that it seemed to me that the body would lift a little bit from the bed in order to follow the soul, but then it would stay there. And it seemed to me that the body would remain as dead, while the soul would follow Jesus, walking throughout the whole universe - the earth, the air, the seas, the mountains, Purgatory and Heaven, where many times He showed me the place where I will be after I die.

2 – The other way, then, for the soul to go out, is more quiet. It seems that the body dozes off insensibly and remains as though petrified at the presence of Jesus Christ; however, the soul remains with the body, and the body no longer feels anything of external things – even if all the universe turned upside down; even if they burned me up and reduced me to pieces.

These two ways, so different, of going out of myself, I have noticed sensibly, because in the first way, having to obey the confessor when he would come to wake me up, I would see him from the place where Jesus would lead me – that is, from the ends of the earth, or of the air, or of the mountains, or of the sea, or of Purgatory, or even of Heaven itself. Even more, it would seem to me that I would not have the time to let the confessor find my soul in the body, and therefore I would not be able to obey. It seemed that, so far away as I was with my soul – I say, it seemed to me – that I would bustle about, and become all anxious and worried that I might not be able to let myself be found there by the confessor in time, and therefore I would not be able to obey. However, I confess that I have always been there in time, and it seemed to me that my soul would enter my body before the confessor would begin to give me the obedience to wake up.

Even more, I tell the truth, many times, from afar, I could see the confessor coming, but in order not to leave Jesus, it seemed that I would not be thinking that the confessor was coming. But then Jesus Himself would hurry me to return with the soul into my body so as to be able to obey the confessor. And then I would feel great reluctance about leaving Jesus, but obedience would win; and upon leaving Jesus, He Himself either kissed me or embraced me, or would do something else to take leave of me. And I, upon leaving my dear Jesus, would say to Him: ‘I go to the confessor, but You, my good Jesus, come back soon, as soon as the confessor goes away.’

These are, then, the two ways in which the soul seemed to go out of the body, and in these two ways in which the soul goes out, God speaks to me.

1. - This way of speaking He Himself calls intellectual speaking. I will try to explain it: after the soul has gone out of the body, finding herself before Jesus, she has no need of words in order to understand what the Lord wants to tell her; nor does the soul need to speak in order to make herself understood; but through the intellect – oh! how well we understand each other when we are together. From a light that comes from Jesus into my intellect, I feel everything that my Jesus wants to make me understand being impressed within me. This way is very high and sublime; so much so, that the nature can hardly adapt itself to explain it with words – it can barely give a few ideas. This way of Jesus of making Himself understood is extremely rapid – in one simple instant one learns many sublime things, more than by reading entire books.

Oh! what a most ingenious teacher Jesus is – in one simple instant He teaches so many things, while it would take entire years for someone else, if he manages at all, because the terrestrial teacher does not have the power to draw the will of his disciple, or to infuse things in his mind without effort and toil. But not with Jesus: His sweetness, the loveliness of His gesture, the gentleness of His speaking are so great - and then He is so beautiful, that as soon as the soul sees Him, she feels so drawn that sometimes the speed with which she runs after Jesus is so great, that almost without realizing it, she finds herself transformed into the beloved, in such a way that the soul is no longer capable of distinguishing her terrestrial being so much is she identified with the Divine Being. Who can tell what the soul feels in this state? It would take Jesus Himself, or a soul perfectly separated from the body, because in finding herself surrounded once again by the wall of this body, and losing that light which before kept her submerged, the soul loses very much and remains obscured. So, if she tries to say something, she can do it only roughly.

To give an idea, I will say that I imagine one born blind, who has never had the good of seeing what is contained in the entire universe, and who, for a few minutes, had the good of opening his eyes to the light and were able to see everything that is contained in the world - the sun, the heavens, the sea, the many cities, the many machines, the varieties of flowers and the many other things that are in the world; and who, after those few minutes of light, returned to the blindness of before. Now, could he describe, distinctly, everything that he has seen? He could give a rough outline, and say a few things confusedly. Now, something similar happens when the soul finds herself separated, and then back into the body. I don’t know whether I am saying nonsense, but just as that poor blind one would remain but with the sorrow of the lost sight, the same for the soul: she lives moaning and almost in a violent state, because the soul feels always violently drawn toward the highest Good. The attraction toward Himself that Jesus leaves in the soul is so great, that the soul would like to remain always attracted within her God. But this cannot be, and therefore she lives as if she lived in Purgatory. I add that the soul has nothing of her own in this state – everything is operation done by the Lord.

2 - Now I will try to explain the second way that Jesus has in speaking: finding herself outside of herself, the soul sees the person of Jesus Christ, for example, as a child, or crucified, or in any other posture; and the soul sees the Lord pronouncing the words from His mouth, and the soul answers from her mouth. Sometimes it happens that the soul begins to converse with Jesus, just as two intimate spouses would do. The speaking of the Lord is very moderate – just four or five words, and sometimes even just one word; very rarely it lengthens a little bit. But in those very few words – ah! how much light He introduces into the soul. I seem to see a little rivulet at first sight, but in looking more closely, instead of a rivulet, one can see an immense sea. Such is one word said by Jesus. The immensity of light it leaves in the soul is such, that by chewing it thoroughly, she discovers so many things, sublime and profitable for her soul, as to remain astonished.

I believe that if all the learned united together, they would all remain confused and mute at one single word of Jesus. Now, this way is more suitable for the human nature, and it can be manifested easily, because upon entering herself, the soul brings with her that which she has heard from the mouth of Our Lord, and she communicates it to the body. It is not so easy when it is through the intellect.

To me, I think that Jesus has this way of speaking in order to adapt Himself to the human nature. It is not that He needs the word in order to make Himself understood, but in this way the soul understands more easily, and she can manifest it to the confessor. In sum, Jesus acts like a most knowledgeable, wise and intelligent teacher, who possesses all sciences to the highest degree, and no one can equal Him. But since He finds Himself in the midst of disciples who have not yet learned the first syllables of the alphabet, keeping all of the other studies within Himself, He teaches the a,b,c to the disciples.

Oh! how good is Jesus. He adapts Himself to the learned and speaks to them in a very high manner, in such a way that in order to understand Him, they have to study well what He tells them. And He adapts Himself to the ignorant, pretending to be, He Himself, a little bit ignorant; and He speaks in a low manner, in such a way that no one may remain on an empty stomach from the lesson of this Divine Teacher.

3 – The third way in which Jesus speaks to me is when, in speaking, He communicates its very substance to the soul. It seems to me that just as when the Lord created the world, at one word things were created, in the same way, since His word is creative, in the very act in which He pronounces the word, He creates in the soul that very thing which He is saying.

As for example, Jesus says to the soul: "See how beautiful things are, but as much as your eye may flow over the earth and in Heaven, you will never find a beauty similar to Me."

At these words of Jesus, the souls feels a certain something divine enter herself; the soul remains so very drawn toward this beauty, and at the same time she loses attraction for all the other things. As beautiful and precious as they may be, they make no impression on her soul. That which remains fixed within her and almost transmuted into her is the beauty of Jesus: of that beauty she thinks, with that beauty she feels invested, and she remains so enamored that if the Lord did not operate another miracle, her heart would crack, and the soul would breathe her last out of pure love for this beauty of Jesus, so as to fly into Heaven and delight in this beauty of Jesus. I myself don’t know whether I am speaking nonsense.

In order to explain myself better about this substantial speaking of Jesus, I will say something else. Jesus says: "See how pure I am – in you also I want to find purity in everything." At these words the soul feels a divine purity enter into her. This purity is transmuted into herself, and she arrives at living as if she no longer had a body - and so with the other virtues. Oh! how desirable is this speaking of Jesus. As for myself, I would give away everything that is on earth - if I could possess it - to have one of these words of Jesus alone.

4 – The fourth way in which Jesus speaks to me is when I find myself inside myself – that is, in the natural state. This also happens in two ways: the first is when, while being inside myself, recollected within the interior of my heart, without articulation of voice or sound to the ear of the body, Jesus speaks interiorly. The second is just like we do it; and sometimes this happens even when I am distracted or I am speaking with other people. But one of these words alone is enough to make me recollect myself if I am distracted, or to give me peace if I am disturbed, or to console me if I am afflicted.


Cumprimento do Pai Nosso

 Thy Will be done on Earth as It is in Heaven This petition in the Prayer of Jesus to our Father in Heaven is of the highest importance for ...