In recent months several individuals have been publicly promoting a series of apocalyptic teachings that are not consonant Catholic teaching. Among these unusual teachings are the following: 1) Falsehood: The Antichrist is alive today and will hypnotize anyone who looks him in the eyes or speaks to him. Truth: This is contrary to the Sacred Scriptures and Church teaching which reveal that not only does God never force, violate or hypnotize the free human will, but much less Satan, a creature, whose power is always held in check by God.
2) Falsehood: The devil lives in many Churches and he controls everyone. Truth: This statement is contradictory to God's divine providence that never allows Satan to yield as much power over the free human will as he desires. St. Thomas Aquinas relates that during the reign of Antichrist God will not cease to assist his creatures, as he will prevent Satan from harming us as he pleases by limiting Satan’s power: “Infidels and even Antichrist are not deprived… of the guardianship of angels. Although this help… does not result in… eternal life by good works, it does nonetheless… protect them from certain evils which would hurt themselves and others. Even the demons are checked by good angels lest they harm as much as they would. In like manner Antichrist will not do as much harm as he would wish” (Summa Theologica, Thomas Aquinas, Part I, Q. 113, Art. 4, Benzinger Bros. New York 1947).
3) Falsehood: We are to build safe havens, physical refuges, store large quantities of food, etc. as these will protect us during the chastisement and tribulation. Truth: While there is nothing unethical in providing food, clothing and shelter for oneself and those in need, and even making provisions for future times, amassing bulk quantities of these items for the future tribulation is nowhere to be found in ecclesiastically approved prophetic literature. On the contrary, we find in scores of Church-approved prophetic literature that the “only” refuge mankind will be given is the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Let us start with the TLIG messages that bear the Church’s Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat. In the TLIG messages Jesus reveals, “I am your Refuge, your Saviour and your Stronghold! when anyone calls out to Me, be reassured, I Am with him...” (Aug. 10, 2015). “take your refuge in Me, and I shall be your Song; I can read everyone’s heart, and I know perfectly your needs; so come to Me, your Saviour, be My Living Church!” (Sept. 5, 2016). “I am; today, My Sacred Heart is calling all nations to hear My Voice: I am Love, I am Peace, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; there is no other Refuge for the salvation of your soul than in My Sacred Heart; daughter, write with Me the prayer I had dictated to you last year; [Vassula relates]: ‘O Sacred Heart of Jesus, Teach me Your Ways, Sacred Heart of Jesus, lead me in the Way of Integrity, Keep me away from the evil one and do not abandon me to his will, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Be my Sheltering Rock for You are my Refuge, Assign Your Love and Peace to guide and guard me, amen;’” (June 1, 1989).
[Jesus reveal]: “I am; never doubt, I am the Lord and your Refuge; when you need Me in times of dangers remember to call out My Name and I will rush to your rescue; cling on Me, beloved, for I am your God who protects you” (June 8, 1989). “Satan is on his way to My Throne; summon your communities and tell them that I, Jesus, will dress your wounds when the time comes; our Two Hearts will be your only refuge in the days of your distress; so dearly loved by Me, listen and understand: I want you to be courageous, do not fear in the days of this great tribulation, continue to defend My Word, My Tradition and do not accept frills and human doctrines which My Enemy, with his pen, will add and sign; His signature will be in blood taken from infants used for their murdering initiations, these initiations for his promotion!….”1 (October 3, 1994).
Other references in the Church-approved TLIG messages where God assures us that our only refuge is in his Sacred Heart and in Mary’s Immaculate Heart are as follows: February 12, 1987, January 30, 1988, March 2, 1988, June 21, 1988, February 20, 1989, April 23, 1989, June 19, 1989, April 22, 1990, July 4, 1990, November 27, 1990, February 26, 1991, March 10, 1991, January 22, 1998, August 5, 2000, June 1, 2002, February 5, 2004, September 22, 2016. This divine truth is corroborated in other ecclesiastically approved revelations: The Diary of St. Faustina Kowalska (bearing the Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat) to whom Jesus reveals that he if offering mankind as a refuge in these End Times his infinite Mercy (the grace of total remission of all sin and punishment) through the annual Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday, which offers spiritual protection. It is also the found in the ecclesiastically approved Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta (bearing the Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat) to 1 “His signature will be in blood”: since so many nations have legalised abortion, it is easier for Satan to obtain power. Abortion is a hidden form of murder, thus giving Satan a cult, since it is human sacrifice.
To give power and promote the enemy, Satan demanded this hidden form of human sacrifice. whom Jesus reveals that meditation of these Hours obtains protection for one’s soul and also for the place where this soul reside. To Luisa Jesus reveals, “The divine justice imposes chastisements, but neither these nor [God’s] enemies get close to those souls who live in the Divine Will… Know that I will have regard for the souls who live in My Will, and for the places where these souls reside. They may be likened to the kings of the earth who have their own courts and quarters in which they are kept safe amidst dangers and among the fiercest enemies. Since their power is so imposing, their enemies, while destroying other places, dare not [even] look at their location for fear of being defeated. In the same way, I too, the King of Heaven, have My courts and quarters on earth: These are the souls who live in My Will and in whom I live; the heavenly court crowds around them. The strength of My Will keeps them safe, rendering their enemies bullets ineffective, and driving back the fiercest enemies [...] I place the souls who live completely in My Will on earth, in the same condition as the blessed [in heaven]. Therefore, live in My Will and fear nothing” (Diary of Luisa Piccarreta, Volume 11, May 18, 1915).
Nota bene: Here Jesus reveals to Luisa that in whatever place a person who lives in his Divine Will resides, He will offer his protection on account of that soul. He does not reveal that one must go to this or that place or location to find his protection. “These hours are the most precious of all, because they are precisely the re-enactment of what I did in the course of My mortal life, and what I continue to do in the Most Blessed Sacrament. When I hear these Hours of My Passion, I hear My own voice, My own prayers. In that soul I see My Will - that is, wanting the good of all and making reparation for all - and I feel drawn to dwell in her, to be able to do what she herself does within her interior. Oh, how I would love that even one single soul for each town did these Hours of My Passion! I would hear Myself in each town, and My Justice, greatly indignant during these times, would be placated in part” (Ibid., October 1914).
St. Hannibal di Francia writes, “If on account of only one soul doing these hours, Jesus would spare a city of chastisements and would give grace to as many souls as there are words of these sorrowful hours [one meditates], how many graces might a community [or any group of individuals] expect to receive?” (Letter of October 29, 1926). In the ecclesiastically approved apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Catherine Labouré at Rue du Bac, Mary reveals that She mediates “great graces” of protection “to those who ask for them.” In light of the preceding, one may conclude that if we serve God's interests, He will serve our interests, especially in these End Times. No matter where may find ourselves in the day of the tribulation, as long as we consecrate ourselves daily to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts and live a pious life of true devotion to God and Mary, they will protect us in soul and body and put in us the desire to go where and when God calls us. + Rev. J.L. Iannuzzi, Ph.B. STB, M.Div., STL, S.Th.D.