segunda-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2024

Cumprimento do Pai Nosso

 Thy Will be done on Earth as It is in Heaven This petition in the Prayer of Jesus to our Father in Heaven is of the highest importance for the Glory of God and benefit to the human race. The Catholic Church, founded by the Son of God, Jesus Christ, has been praying this Prayer since it was taught to the Apostles not long before the Death and Resurrection of Jesus— almost 2000 years now. This all important petition of Jesus and his Church is now being fulfilled in our time, beginning with one person, and this fulfillment is now spreading among souls throughout the world. The fulfillment of this petition began in 1889 with Luisa Piccarreta of Italy (1865-1947) and is spreading to souls by the knowledge of the Kingdom of the Divine Will contained in the 36-volume, “Book of Heaven” that Our Lord requested Luisa to write over a period of 40 years, while confined to her bed. The fulfillment of this petition that the Father’s Will be done on Earth as in Heaven requires a special Gift, which God is very willing to grant to those who truly want It. This special Gift is called the Gift of the Divine Will, which enables one to possess the Will of the Blessed Trinity and live in It as do the inhabitants of Heaven. This extraordinary Gift was given immediately to Adam at his perfect and immaculate creation and then to Eve whom God brought forth from the side of Adam. Without this “Gift of Gifts” it is impossible for one to do the Will of the Father as It is done in Heaven or possess the original Likeness to God given to Adam and Eve. With the Gift of the Divine Will, Adam and Eve, in the beginning, fulfilled the very Purpose of Creation. They lived in the Garden of Eden but also in the perfect, spiritual Place in God that He assigned to them in the Divine Order. Their souls were happy, holy and beautiful with the happiness, holiness and beauty of God. This was the original state of mankind, with the promise of immortality and direct passage to Heaven, body and soul, when their life in Eden would be completed according to the plan of God. Adam and Eve lost the Gift of the Divine Will Having been given everything: existence, life, paradise, perfect health, freedom from all evil, the Kingdom of the Father reigning in their souls, the promise of immortality and a future eternity of bliss in Heaven, it was the right of their Creator to ask of them a little test of fidelity and gratitude for so exceeding a demonstration of Divine Love. This little test was simply to obey God’s command not to touch or eat of one tree in the Garden of Eden—the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. These two parents of the human race, Adam and Eve, failed this little test, preferring their own will to the Will of their Heavenly Father. Having rejected the most generous benevolence of their Father and Creator, including the unsurpassable Gift of the Divine Will, they lost this divine inheritance that God had wanted for them and all their children, and the Gates of Heaven were closed. Divine Mercy promised Adam and Eve that a Redeemer would come to reopen the Gates of Heaven, but they and their children would be subject to death, sickness, and evils of every kind. Adam retained a certain measure of his original, infused knowledge of the Divine Will. This was helpful to the new but weak generations issuing from Adam and Eve and their sons and daughters, but after roughly 2000 years, the morality of the human race had deteriorated to such a point that God found it necessary to renew the world with the Chastisement of the Deluge, sparing only faithful Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives. That tiny remnant of eight persons regenerated the human race, and the population of men grew steadily as we learn from the Old Testament. Among the human population arises Abraham, the Israelites, Moses to whom God gives the Ten Commandments; and after approximately 2000 years from the Deluge, God renews the world again, but with the Precious Blood of his Son, the Incarnate Word, Jesus. The Second Person of the Holy Trinity, created his own Mother. Mary was conceived Immaculately but to be the Mother of God required even more. She was endowed with the supreme Gift of the Divine Will that provided Her the Divine Fecundity for such a unique and sublime mission. With infused knowledge at the moment of her Immaculate Conception, She was shown the creation of Adam and Eve, their initial lives in the Divine Will and how they lost this Greatest of Gifts by freely choosing to do their own will and disobey God. At that moment She solemnly promised God to never do her own will. She kept her promise all her life as Mother and Queen of the Divine Will.

The Promise of the Restoration of the Kingdom of the Divine Will to Humanity and the Return of Man to his Original State The Lord’s Prayer to the Father that his Kingdom come is part of the Deposit of the Faith, which was completed with the last Apostle, St. John. The explication of this Prayer is the operation of the Holy Spirit in the Church. He does so in the manner and time of his choosing. He does so through private inspiration, through commentaries by theologians, by Catechisms approved by the Church Magisterium, such as the Roman Catechism following the Council of Trent and the Catechism of the Catholic Church following the Second Vatican Council. The Holy Spirit often chooses to give greater clarity to doctrines contained in the Deposit of the Faith in later stages of the Church’s history and development. An example of this is the more perfect understanding of the Eucharist in the 13th Century, through the insights given to St. Thomas Aquinas and accepted by the Magisterium. This is what has occurred in the matter of understanding the “Our Father” prayer. Not only is this most important of Prayers made understood to us with unprecedented clarity in the 36-volume, “Book of Heaven,” but Our Lord and the Holy Spirit, explain the divine reasoning for withholding this great clarity until these times. When Jesus taught the “Our Father” to his Apostles and asked them to teach it to others, He wanted everyone to pray for the thing most important to Him—that his Father’s name be given the highest respect and honor and that the Father’s Kingdom come (i.e. be restored to the souls of men on earth as it was in Adam and Eve in the beginning) so that His Will could once again be done on earth as It is done in Heaven. However the mystery of how God’s Will is done in Heaven has never been properly explained—that is until now, in the writings of Luisa Piccarreta. From the time of the Fall of Adam until the Immaculate Conception of Mary, no one could do the Will of God as It is done in Heaven, because no one possessed the Gift of the Divine Will until Mary. And after her Assumption into Heaven, no one else has been able to do the Will of God as in Heaven for the same reason—that is, until the Father granted His Son’s Prayer in Luisa Piccarreta by giving her the Gift of the Divine Will! The Saints before Luisa did the Will of God as It is done on earth but not as It is done in Heaven. The reason is simple now that Jesus and the Holy Spirit have provided us with the explanation in the pages of the “Book of Heaven” that Luisa wrote under obedience, not only to Our Lord but to the Priests assigned by the Church to guide her in this great work. Our Father in Heaven has now opened the doors to humanity to return to the Order, the Place and the Purpose for which we were created, just as He did in the beginning with Adam and Eve. He chose to open these doors through one individual on earth, Luisa Piccarreta, and from her to all who are disposed and want to participate in this Divine Way of Life. The Gift of the Divine Will is available for the asking, and God is all intent to give It to whomever truly wants this Gift and is willing to set aside his own will to let the Divine Will reign in his soul. All these things are explained in the writings of the “Book of Heaven,” which was just approved (July 2010) by the theologians appointed by the Vatican to examine all 36 Volumes of this Book, which was written in Heaven and then communicated to the Church and humanity through the life of Luisa Piccarreta, who put it all on paper over a period of 40 years while confined to bed by the mysterious workings of Divine Providence. Luisa subsisted almost entirely on the Holy Eucharist, and willingly suffered the pains of the stigmata of both the flesh and the soul. Luisa had barely a first grade education, yet theologians are astounded by the sublimity of these writings, which Jesus calls the Manifestation of the Kingdom of the Divine Will. This is what Christians have been praying for during the last 2000 years—and it is happening now in our own time. It seems strange that God is giving such a Great Gift in these times so perverse, but then we read in the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans that where evil abounds Grace does more abound. And the “Book of Heaven” informs us that the present times of evil will soon pass in a dramatic fashion, giving way to a new time of holiness and happiness never before seen. “No other form of holiness even remotely approaches the holiness of living in the Divine Will,” said Jesus to Luisa. Today, there are thousands of souls in the Americas, in Europe, in Australia, Asia, Africa, even in the Jungles of New Guinea, who are entering into the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father while still alive here on earth. They are letting the Divine Will bring them steadily back to the original purpose of Creation and the original state of Adam and Eve. O! What a marvelous and happy life this is! And what an Eternity awaits the souls who live the Life of Heaven while still on earth in what Jesus calls the “conquering mode” of Life in the Divine Will, and then pass into the “enjoying mode” of Life in the Divine Will in Heaven, where they will be with God as Actors as well as spectators of ever new and everlasting joys.

Cumprimento do Pai Nosso

 Thy Will be done on Earth as It is in Heaven This petition in the Prayer of Jesus to our Father in Heaven is of the highest importance for ...