Ei ID TIMES AS REVEALED TO MARIA VALTORTA Editions Paulines CENTRO EDITORIALE VALTORTIANO SRL BREAKTHROUGH ON THE END TIMES Until recently, the End Times had been poorly understood because the best source on them, the Book of Apocalypse, is full of symbols difficult to interpret. But in 1943 there was a breakthrough. God lifted some veils off the Antichrist, the two Beasts, and the great Babylon; He shed light on the Woman clothed with the sun, and the two Witnesses; and He clarified many other Scriptural passages about the End Times. He did so in an extensive series of revelations to an Italian mystic, Maria Valtorta. Jesus did not grant those revelations to satisfy idle curiosity. Jesus bestowed them in these troubled days of ours to help you to persevere until your death and particular judgment. At times sad, at times exalting; at times soul-searching, at times comforting; Jesus' stirring dictations to Maria Valtorta are powerful prophecies, exhortations, rebukes, and teachings to shake us up, to show us our world for what it is, to enlighten our minds about public revelation and set our hearts on fire for God. — Find out why the period of the forerunners of the Antichrist is a concern of yours; — look carefully for hints on how to hasten the defeat of the Antichrist; — strengthen your hope by glimpsing Jesus' victory over the Anti¬ christ and Jesus' glorious blessings in store for His elect; — see the crackling tension between God's overflowing Love and His offended Justice; — heed Jesus's compassionate appeals to you for help to save your soul and the souls of others in these uncertain times of ours, these times of ours which are called ... ... the End Times. THE END TIMES AS REVEALED TO MARIA VALTORTA Translated by Paul T. Y. At worth Editions Paulines CENTRO EDJTORIALE VALTORTIANO SRI The extracts and complete texts in (his book have been translated hum HiC reprint of the original Italian edition of the following works by Maria VaStwIa: * I Qwrftrtti del 19*3 {&11 p.); *■ J Qwuftnudcl 33+1 ($?ft p.); * i QuOiizrm rifl/ ZEH5 33SO (6C5 p.|; all published a* [sola del Dri |FR, ltalyl by Cenlm EdilonnlL- VdkwtLsno, 1WS. 6 All rights resoivcd on die original edition of those lundts in all Coun¬ tries. Copyright 1985 by CLKlUO EDfTOEIAtE VrtLTORTIANO srl ., Viale Piseicelli 89-91, (flO# Isola del Lin |FR) Italy. English Title; TJif End Tfinrt as rruorJ'rri to Mark Vallerla. *> All rights reserved on the English translation in all Countries- Copyright 1994 by Editions Paulines 250, bou'l. St-Freruflois Nord, Slierbroohc, OC, |1L 209. Canada. Cu^iif: iUrJa 1 Ltf-ny ]5BN 2-S312LV221-0 (Edition* Paulines} LbBW 6&-7W<U5-7 (Centro Editffliale ValtwUaiw) Legal - 1 M Quark'? 1W4 Biblioth^ue rationale du Quebec National Libraiy of Canada Contents Foreword... ix, Maria Vnltorta and her writings ... Kin Context ... r , ....... .. * VI1 Translator's note... The End Times as revealed to Maria Valtorta ..... 1 I. The first hint.. - - 1 2- Sacrificial blood for the last harvest ... 2 3. The sign . ..... 3 4. Christ will not come again until Judgment Day.. 5 5- '’Over two thirds"...- . - 6 ft. The more real priests, the shorter the time of the Antichrist .. 6 7. Battle between Heaven and hell .7 8. The forerunners Of Christ's second coming.. 8 9. God's embrace after Judgment Day.. 9 10. Choosing the flesh is choosing Satan..10 II, It is the hour of the Beast.. . - 10 12. The world will crash down in the end.12 13. Tile fall of many priests...15 14. Jesus is to Judge everything.17 15- The Beast's breath ...17 V 16. Isaiah's prophecy on tlit Wicked Man .. ^ -17 I?. Sword and demons...2l IS. Curbed rationalism; the Antichrist . ..21 19. Judgment Day... ■ ..23 20. Job's Prophecy on the Wicked Mini; the Antichrist .... 24 21. A truce as opposed to peace . ►.. 27 22. Christ will reign And evangelize with new power.28 23. More about the new evangelization ..31 24. Hie judgment of the wicked...34 25. Tito overcomers of Apocalypse 2-7..36 26. The hidden manna of Apocalypse 2:17.. 3fi 27. A vt>id in the mystical forest.39 28. More about the Antichrist. ..39 29. The two witnesses t>l ApocaLypse 11 . ..43 30. World War II: one of thE opening battles ..44 31. The two beasts.... . 46 32. The seven scourges; Babylon; Waterfalls of grace .... .48 33. The two resurrections...54 34. A clea r sequence of historical periods ........... 56 35- The power of lov ing God...57 36- The banner of Christ the Judge - ..57 37. The period of peace and the end of the world ....... 58 33. Humanness: a fleeting phase of life.60 39. A reminder on the Spirit ..., - 61 40- Hither Grace or the Beast ., , - • 61 41. Cling to the Cross or become demons . .. . . . . 62 42. Judgment over the mighty., . , . . 63 43. More Oat the period of peace...63 44. The signs of the Second Coming; Yet more on the short period of peace ... 65 45- The crime of Crimes 70 46- A reminder.. .. 7l 47. A curse ..., , . . . 71 48 . God's Justice; Ch rist's appearance to usher in peace . . . 72 49. People's growth in Satan will deserve the Antichrist . . . 74 50. Hie Church of Rome during the short period of peace . . 75 51-After the short period of peace, the Satanic period . . . , 78 52. Mirages on the way to the abyss.SI 53. More on Uie forerunners of Christ in His Second Coming .. 83 54. Yet more about Christ's forerunners ............ 85 55. Break away from the Beast...87 56. Christen Judgment Day ... . , , 88 VI 57. A commentary on Haggai's prophecy ............ 89 58. lhe House of Judah....93 59. Teed My lambs'...96 60. Beware of idle curiosity ..98 61. After the dark times of the idol-shepherds, Christ will scatter their false doctrines.99 62. The King's Scepter on judgment Day ........... 102 63. The powerful Name of Jesus .102 64. The collapse of Italy ...I £15 65. Against a grave heresy ..... 108 66. Daniel's prophecy about the Satanic period..114 67. The four beasts of Daniel?.115 68- Priests vs. (he Antichrist .. 119 69. A vision of lhe final resurrection .............. 122 70. Jesus'commcnlaty on the previous vision ..125 71. A prophecy from Ezechiel .. 126 72. Spiritual salt flats vs. the Waters of Life .......... 130 73. "Come to the Lord"..133 74- Non-faith shall prevent miracles.134 75- The Enemy's signs; the flood of Sfltanic cruelties .... 134 76. The world is lost to God, but souls can still be saved . . 135 77. The Trinity always ready to help ub.. 137 78. A reminder on Judgment...138 79. Christ's voices on earth.138 80. God's unknown heroes.- -.140 81. Prepare for the time of the Antichrist , . , , ,.143 82- The need to be voluntary victims . ,.- - 145 83. God's judgment is impartial ,.... 146 84, 1950; An End-Times Holy Year.146 85- Wonder seekers .. , , ,.. 147 86. Woe unto those rejecting Jesus' revelations.. 348 Notes 153 VII Foreword The end times' mysleriousncss is no doubt aggravated by misunderstanding. Over the centuries, the Old Testament prophecies Jesus' own teachings and the writings of His Apos¬ tles, especially St-John's Apocalypse, have remained obscure to a great extent, as legitimate Church writers and commenta¬ tors did not manage to see through the veils, Meanwhile strange, biased, sometimes downright heretical opinions, spreading in many segments of Christendom, did not help to set things straight. The general outcome is one of darkness and confusion. In the 1940s, God compassionately decided to lift some of our ignorance about the end times, for two main reasons: * the end times had already begun; * most people were, and still are, ill-prepared, and jet a better preparation woo Id result in the salvation of more souls. Jesus Himself, the Word of God, willed to give an Italian woman,Maria Valtorta, "private" revelations meant for every¬ one, The revelations to her, of unprecedented breadth in Church history, mostly consisted of almost 700 visions that tl lustra ted the Gospel, and about 1000 dictations on a great variety of Christian themes, on current events in the 1940s, and on the limes to come. (Some of these dictations were dictated by heavenly persons other than Jesus; for more details see the section on Maria Valtorta and her writings.) Of all topics dealt with by Our Lord, especially in the dicta turns, the end times are possibly the one climactic and most urgent theme. Closely tied in with it, is the theme of the particular judgment awaiting everyone upon death. Hence the utmost importance for each one of us to prepare for dea th. And since such preparation is more difficult in these end times, Christ is trying to wake us up so we may react and be saved and help save others. Nothing that Jesus says to Valletta is meant to feed idle curiosity. Although some of His statements are astounding, they always serve a rational purpose, such as reminding us of God's a [mightiness. At any rate, everything Jesus says to Valtorta is meant to bring us all lo repentance from sin and to setting down to work. Christ wants workers, friends, co-work¬ ers in the work of atonement to save souls. But to shake us up. He deemed it fitting to give us an outline of history from the 1940s to the end of I he world, a precise chronology consisting of four major periods; • the period of the forerunners of the Antichrist, a Lready begun by 1943; * the period of the Antichrist; * the period of peace, a relatively short truce actual ly, not at all a literal millennium; during this truce a powerful evangelization, assisted by mighty supernatural mani¬ festations, will bring about the conversion to Catholi¬ cism of all people of good will; • the Satanic period, consisting in Satan's last war and persecution against the Church; this ends with Christ's second coming when Christ crushes Satan. Then the last judgment takes place and the world as we know it comes to an end. Eternity goes on. To shake us up from our complacency and lethargy, Christ has given us through Maria Valtorta the dearest and most complete picture of the end times ever penned, including chilling descriptions of the person of the Antichrist. To remove x false hopes, Christ dispels errors such as millenarlanism (the mistaken belief that He would physically reign on earth for a thousand years of peace), To prevent our being tempted to gi ve in to hopelessness or terror, Christ constantly reassures us of His love for those who love Him, of His infinite willingness to forgive those who turn to Him, of His power to save those who entreat Him no matter how bad the times are. Just as there is no room in the end times for idle curiosity, complacency, or yet again terror, there is no room either for anger or frustration. W* must be energetic, yes, to pray and act lo lessen the havoc about to be wreaked by the Antichrist; but our zeal must always stay within the perimeter of Christ's peace in our hearts. This is possible even in our times, the end limes; Christ's inward peace is possible even during the inhu¬ man times of the Antichrist looming over us. Maria Valtorta and her writings Maria Valtorta, one of the greatest Marian female mystics, was bom in Caserta (near Naples) in 1B97 and remained the only child of a mi li tary man andi a school teacher. After mov ing many times, the family in 1924 finally settled in Viareggio, a Mediterranean port near Pisa, By 1934 Maria was permanently bed-ridden, seriously dis¬ abled as the final outcome of a violent assault fourteen years earlier, when a young delinquent hit her hard in the lower back with an iron bar. Maria lost her father in 1935 and her mother in 1943- She spent the rest of her life in the family home until she died in 1961. While on the surface her bed-ridden years seemed com¬ monplace, her spiritual life grew powerful- In late 1942, her spiritual director, seeking to know her better, asked her to write her autobiography, Soon after she was done in 1943, she unex¬ pectedly began to receive private revelations from Heaven. Her director told her to put everything down in writing. Little did they know how much she would write from the spring of 1943 until late l95h * about 800 dictions from Jesus: deep, substantial rave- follows which, taken as a whole, are unique among all known private revelations in the history of the Church. • around 300 tevelaiioas by the Holy Spirit, by God the Father, by the Virgin Mary, or by Maria's guardian angel; • a series of almost 700 visions of Jesus' earthly life with Mary, the Apostles and tnany contemporaries of His, Mast of these took place in three years only {1944-1947) and filled nearly 10,000 hand-written pages in large scribblers. Besides ail that Maria kept up a plentiful correspondence with many priests, sisters, and lay per son &- By late 1950, the revelations to her were mostly finished; all of her writings pertaining to them had reached a grand total of 142 scribblers containing 16,420 manuscript pages. She now entered the last mystical stage of her life until she died on October 12,1961. By 1984, except for her abundant correspondence, all her writings had been published in the original Italian: 4 1956-1959, II Paema deii'Uomo Dio , first edition, four large books containing the TOO visions of Christ's life on earth; 4 1960-1967, H Poem deliVwna Dio t second edition, ten volumes; • 1969, Aidobiagrnfia, 445p„ written in 1943; • 1972, Li&fo di Azarin, 449p., containing the revelations by her guardian angel; • 1976 ,1 Qtmderni del 1943, S08p„ containing part one of the many dictations, apparitions, and visions to her on sundry topics; 4 1977, Lezioni SUiVEpistok di Panto ai Romani, 3l5p., con¬ taining a series of dictations by the Holy Spirit com¬ menting on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans; • 1980,1 Quaderm del 1944, 878p., containing part two of the many dictations, apparitions and miscellaneous visions to her; 4 1984, J Qtetdtfnri dal 1945 nl 1950 , 664p„, containing part three of the dictations and apparitions and various visions; KIV * 1993-?, flimr mi f state rioelalo, which is the reedition under a new name of Jl poema dell'Uormt-Dio. So far only the first few volumes have been repub¬ lished. As of 1994, the following have been translated and pub¬ lished in English: * 1986-1990, The Farm of lira Man-God, five large books, 4228p., containing the 700 visions of Christ's life; * 1991, Autobiography, 442p.; * 1993, Tfrc BooJt of Azariah , 334p-, the revelations of her guardian angel; 4 1994, Tiie End Times as revealed in Maria Valtoria , the present book, containing only texts drawn from her miscellaneous dictations, apparitions, and visions. Context What are the end times about? Essentially, they are the time for Divine Justice to settle everything concerning Kanet Earth, Let us start at the end. The end times end with the last judgment- On this occasion, Christ will publicly demonstrate E lis mercy and justice by taking all His loyal friends to Heaven everlasting and by consigning all His enemies to never-ending hell. It will be the most spectacular event in the entire history of earth. In a way, however, the last judgment is only the making public of the sentences already passed "at the hour of our death," Hence we can see the dire gravity of the particular judgment of each and every individual. As the last judgment closes the end times, so the particular judgment closes the earth-bound life of each and every one of us- In turn an individual's success at the particular judgment hinges on whether he managed, with the Savior's help, to use well the personal freedom given him by Cod during his life¬ time. In turn this freedom isgiven him to make achoice: to love Cod and neighbor and self, or lo pamper the self to the detri¬ ment of God and neighbor. Such freedom is necessary. God wants to Love His creatures and be loved by them, but He does not force love on anyone and expects human love for Him to be manifested freely, through frw will, which is everyone's greatest power Through it, one must God's command* mails. By obeying them, one passes the one-time life-test, By breaking them, one fails forever- Thus we know when the end times come to an end and what Happens then: at the last judgment, the Kingdom of God closes its doors behind the Elect who passed their test, and leaves forever outside the Rejected who failed theirs. But do we know when the end times begin,., or have begun? And do we know what happens then? Those are ques¬ tions to which, unaided, humanity could never have hoped to find an answer. But Jesus has given the answers to a certain mystic for the common good of all mankind- And here is the context of His telling. It is difficult enough at any time to win with the help of Christ the Savior a good account before His tribunal at the particular judgment. It is even harder nowadays because for quite a number of years the Church, by and large, has failed to pass on Christ's teachings in a life-giving way. Such was Jesus' assessment already in the 194U&, as expressed to that certain mystic. And to remedy the situation. He made a special, au¬ thoritative intervention in 1943-1951, precisely through that certain mystic, Maria Valeria. Indeed, to compensate for the lack of proper leaching from the Catholic pulpits in the mid- 20th century, Jesus inaugurated a new method of teaching the Catholic Faith and thus of spreading the Faith- Jesus thus presented the Church with new supernatural tools, namely His Revelations to Maria Valiorta. These consist of almost 7tK) visions of episodes of His Life on Earth, some previously known and others not. His Revelations to her also consist of about BOO dictations on a great many topics pertaining to the Church's Life and the salvation of as many people as possible. Now as part of His dictations to her, Christ specifically dealt quite at length with the end times- That is where He told her that the end times had already begun by 1943. And He went on making very specific explanations and prophecies about the end times, covering all aspects of the happenings as they started in the 1940s and shall follow one another until the end XYII1 of time, like dominoes toppling one another until the end of the line. In the entire history of the Catholic Church, there is nothing that can compare with these revelations that come from the very mouth of Jesus Ch rist. Proffitts prophesied about the end times vaguely. But the Prophet of prophets, Jesus Christ, in the mid-20lh century, prophesied about the end times with aston¬ ishing precision and unimaginable descriptions, as well as with most profound and clear explanations of the cause of so much horror to be witnessed by humanity from 1943 until the Last judgment. Thus we are in the end times. And this has an overwhelm¬ ingly important implication. There is no time to waste before joining the most sublime task there can be: helping to save as many souls as we can. For many are on their way to damna¬ tion—Jesus Himself says that "the majority" are. And they cannot work on their own at their own salvation. They need hilp, Your help and mine. What Jesus has to teach is serious. It is Divine Truth. And only Truth can save human beings, whose greatest and most despicable enemy can be none other than Satan, the Father of Lies and the Killer of Believers in God. And it is good to bear in mind that the goal of God's Plan is His glory through the sanctification of a certain number of His human creatures who are then brought into Heaven for eternity to share in His Love. When that happens. Earth will have reached the end of its existence, history, and purpose. In the meantime, we are in the end times, described in the pages of this book. Leo A. Brodeur, M-A-, L6sL., Fh.D,, H.Sc.D. President of the Maria Valiorta Research Center Sherbrooke, QC, Canada xi x Translator's note The revelations to Maria Valletta about the End Times L'nratilute only a small portion of all the revelations made to hi-r by Je$u& Christ and other heavenly persons {see the brief hm^raphy of Maria Valtorta preceding this note). Furthermore, this book does not contain all the passages about the End Times in all her works. Tfitf Pflfitt qf the Man-Cad and the commentary on St. Paul's epistle to the Romans oom- I ' strong words on the End Times, but they are not included here, since they already are in print or are to be in other boob. The present book consists of extracts only from Valforta's volumes entitled / Quaderm del !Sf3, f Quademidel 1944, and 1 Omiili'mi dal 1945 itf 1950 (throughout referred to as Q43, Q44, ,ind {)45). Page references to the Qtiademi all follow the model ■ if tJ43:S3-K5, which means 1 Quademidel 1943, pp,83-85. Sometimes the quotations retained ben? refer to other texts in tin? CJniiderifi which are too indirectly related to the End \ lines to be part of this book: the reference is given anyway to i hr original Italian (for example, Q45:222 would mean 1 {Juadrrni dal 1945 al 1950, p.222). Whenever a passage referred tn is indeed quoted in this book on the End Times, the reference vs given to ET (for End Times) and the page number, for iiiNtance ETi78. All notes are found at the back, on pp. I53ff. XXI Despite the restrictions on the contents of the present book, there is more than enough about the End Times to serve Christ's purpose; to rouse His followers to spiritual action (see Fore¬ word )- In the course of His teachings, Jesus sheds light on many a Scripture that had remained obscure until now. This book quotes the Bible from its Douay-Challoner translation, except that archaic expressions have been replaced with current equivalents. Since Heaven knows best, all the revelations to Maria Valtorta have been left in the chronological order in which they were given. It will be seen that the Lord adopts a cyclical presentation, as He first hints at something, then comes back lo it in greater depth, and touches upon the same topic several times more. Due to their specific purpose, however, the three Quaderni did not have Valeria's writings in their chronological order, and that is why the page references to Q43, etc, seem jumbled up although the dates are orderly. (The three QiHWfrmi were designed to reproduce the texts in the same order as they are found in the original handwritten scribblers. These in turn do not contain the texts in chronological order, because whenever Valtorta's spiritual director saw hen he took the scribbler she was currently writing in so as to read it and make a typewritten copy. At the same time, he returned the scribbler he had pre¬ viously borrowed and she simply continued writing in it to save paper.) Valtorta left Jesus' dictations to her untitled. I am the one who added tides. Most notes are translated from Q43, Q44, & Q45 and adapted for this book. Editorial omissions within texts in the current book are indicated by raised ellipsis points, like this; ■- ■ Ellipsis points found in the original Italian edition are rendered as follows;. Paul T„Y. Atworth KXLt The End Times 1, The first hint Ths Lnd Times were first hinted at in Maria Valtorta r s writings in the very firat dictation which shir received. When Jew* wys- "1 will cumcorily at the I jst hour," He already refutes the opinion of miLlenartantsls who mistakenly bd ievc that He would oome back on earth before the end of the world and physically rule for one thousand yean.. April 23, 1943 Complete dictation Q43:83 Jesus says: "The first time My Father, to purify the earth, sent a cleans¬ ing by water; 1 the second time He sent a cleansing by blood, 2 and by what Blood! Neither the first cleansing nor the second has availed to turn the human beings into children of God- Nbw the Father is weary, and to make the human race perish He Lets the chastisements of hell go wild, because human beings have preferred hell to Heaven, and their Ruler, Lucifer, torments them to make them blaspheme Us so as to make them completely his children. "I would come a second time to die, to save them from an even more atrocious death. But My Father will not allow it. My Love would allow it, but My Justice would not. He knows it would be useless. Therefore, I will come only at the last hour. But woe unto those who in that hour will see Me after choosing I Lucifer as their lord? There will bo no need of weapons in My angels' hands to win the bailie against the antichrists. My glance will be enough. "Ohl If people could still tum to Me who am salvation! 1 desire only that and I weep because 1 see that nothing can make them raise their heads towards Heaven horn where J stretch My arms towards them. "Suffer, Maria, and tell the good to suffer to make tip for the second martyrdom which the Father does not want Me to undergo. Everyone of those who immolate themselves is granted to save a few souls. Oniyafew. It should come as no surprise that only a few souls be granted to every little re- deemer if one thinks that I, the divine Redeemer, on Calvary, at the hour of My immolation, of all the thousands of persons present at My death, I managed to save the thief, 3 and Longinus/ and very few others." 2, Sacrificial blood for the last harvest June 1,1943 _ Extract _ Q43-15-16 Jesus says: "I look at My flock. My flock? Not anymore. You used to be My sheep and you have gone out of My pastures. Outside you found the Evil One who led you astray and you no longer remembered thal a( Ujc price of My Biood 1 had gathered you and saved you from the wolves and the mercenaries that wanted to kill you. 1 have died for you* fe give you Life , Life to the full as l have it in the Fattier. And yew, you have preferred death. You tore placed you nselweS itndiv the sign of the Evil Ow and he has changed you into wild billy goats. I no tor^er have a flock. The Shepherd is weeping. "I am left with just a few faithful ewes, ready to present their necks to tire sacrificer's knife to mix their blood, not innocent but loving blood, with My own absolutely innocent Blood, and to fill the chalice tltat will be elevated on the fetf day t for the last Mass , before you tire all coiled lo the dreadful Judgment. By means of fto! Blood and the others' blood, at the last hour, I will be able to reap My last harv est among the last ones to be 2 saved. As for the others, they will Serve as straw for the demons io rest on and as branches in the never-ending fire- "Biit My ewes shall be with Me, in a place chosen by Me lor tluHr blessed repose after so much strife Their place will be different from that of the saved: for the generous, there is a 'fwial place. Not among the martyrs and not among the saved- They are less titan martyrs and much more than the saved and they are in the middle, between the two groups. “Forsevere, all of you who love Me. That place i$ tdflrfft every present effort because it is the zone of the coredeemers, at the head of which is Mary , My Mother " 3, The sign June 3, 1943 _ Complete dictation _ Q43:Z1-Z3 Jesus says: "Many ask Me for a sign. What sign? Sign of the hour or Mgn of My power? "The sign of the hour, you already have it, 1 repeat/ '/ did tint come to change the Lato. ,J You are the ones who changed it. Ami 1 do nol change My Word. What t have said , t have said. Everything that had to take place —from the time I spoke as Man -i mon.g men, until the time I come, as God Son of God, to judge mankind—erwryfAis contained in My Gospel. "You fools with your heads full of a thousand useless minors and wicked thoughts, yon are the ones who no longer understand what 1 said. Are you by any chance not salted with fire, ilia I fire which will forever salt My enemies?* That which bums you now and comes down upon you to destroy you and lead you more and more into blasphemy and heresy is but an advance of wbat the fire lam speaking about will to, a fire destined for the -.caudal-mongers who are not converted. And you are among them. All you worry about is the body and wicked riches, and you trample on consciences and altars, and you defile every¬ thing you touch, and within ycui'se/ws you kill Me a second lime. "Those are the gifts which Lucifer knows how to give you, who have put yourselves under his sign. The Beast blows the fire from its mouth after having sunk you into the evil of 3 corruption- Such arc his gifts. He can give you nothing else, whereas I had given you, together laitfr Mywn self,oil tiie treasures of grace. "Doyou want a sign of My power? Why, I have been giving you this Sign for twenty centuries! Wha t was the use? I have opened above you the streams £>f My graces and from Heaven I have made them come down onto earth in thousands and tens of thousands of miracles. 1 have healed your sick; l have quelled your ware; I have prospered your businesses; I have replied to your doubts, even on matters of faith, because I know your weakness that does not believe unless it sees; I have come to repeat My teachings; I have sent My Mother so that with her gentleness she would induce you to penance and love- What was the use? "You have treated Me like an idiot, abusing My power and My patience, convinced that after performing a miracle I would not remember it anymore, No, children of My sorrow. £wry- tfting is written down in thegmt hook of My Intelligence and if is not ink that is used to write in it, but t#rc turning cad of Love. And everything is remembered. "You have exploited the coming of My Mother to human ends. You have turned it into a laughing-stock and a business. Don't you kmw? that Mary i$ My Temple tfrtrf My Tempie is a house of prayer and not a thieves' den? 1 * Her words, so affectionate, so imploring, so sorrowful, were meant for you who killed her Son—and you do not even know how to profit from such a sacrifice. To you her words sounded like a pointless old story. You have kept going on your path to damnation. "My messengers, the souls living as you should all live and which have become My town criers to repeat once more the words of My Heart, you have called them mad and possessed and sometimes you have killed them, always you have har¬ assed them. I too, by the adulterous and murderous generation of My time on earth, was called madman and possessed.'* "The signl You ftntw the sign and if is of no use to give you buck My Paternity. A sign other than ifrts nrjjj not be given to you , Seek for it in My words and in your consciences, if you Still manage to find them alive beneath the mass of lustful acts, adulteries. 4 fornications, thefts, murders, envious droughts, blasphemies nind pride with which you have stoned them- "it is the Ascension today. Before ascending I blessed My Mother and My disciples. 1 ' 1 had no one else to bless because the others had rejected Me and cursed Me. Now too I bless My disciples because the others do not want Me and blaspheme against My blessing." 4 Christ will not come again until Judgment Pay Thv following text shows that (he milienaiianist belief in a one-thousand- year period of peace is fa Ise- June5,1943 Complete dictation Q43r26-2.7 Jesus says: "You would like Me to come and show Myself to terrorize the guilty parlies and reduce them to ashes. Q poor people! You do not know what you are asking for! "Unfortunately, 1 will come, i say 'unfortunately' because My coming will be one ef judgmen t and terribk judgmen f 11 If f had to come to save you, 1 would not speak like this, nor would I strive to ward off the times of My coming, but on the contrary, would eagerly hasten to save you again. Bui My second coming will be a cflffEotg of stern, inflexible, general judgment, and for tire majority of you. it will be a judgment of punishment. "You do not know what you are asking for. But if even 1 .ippeared, where in people's hearts, especially in those chiefly at fault for today's disasters, is there enough of a glimmer of faith and respect to make them bow with their faces to the ground to beg Me for mercy and forgiveness? No, children who ask the Father for revenge: He is the Father of forgiveness! Even if My Face were to flash in your skies and My Voice, which made the worlds, were to thunder from east to west, things would not change. Only a new blasphemous chorus of insults, only a new whiri of abuse would be hurled at My Person. "I repeat: f could perform a miracle surf f would do it if I knew that aflenmrdsycu woitld nepenf and become tetter—yov, the great offenders who lead the little ones to despair and ask for re¬ venge, and you, the little offenders who ask for revenge. Elut neither you, great offenders, nor you, little offenders, would 5 repent and become better after the miracle, Worse than that, you would tread underfoot in a frenzy of guilty joy, the bodies of those punished, thus at once becoming unworthy in My eyes. You would climb on top of them to oppress others, in your turn, from that throne set upon punishment. "This is what you would like—that I should strike so you could strike in your turn, lam God mid I see in people's hearts and therefore, in this case, I do not listen to you. I do not want all of you to da mn yourselves. The great offenders have already teen judged, but I am trying to save the rest of you. And l his hour, far yon, is a sirur of salvation. They will fail under the power of the Prince of demons those who already have in them the devil's darnel, whereas those who have in their hearts the grain of wheat germinating the eternal Bread, will germinate in Me- in life everlasting." 5. "Over two thirds" June 7,1943_Extract_Q43;34 Jesus says: "In truth I tell you that over two thirds of the human race belong to the category that lives under the sign of the Beast. For them 1 died uselessly. "The taiu of those marked by the Reasi is the opposite of My Law. In one, the flesh rules and produces works of the flesh. In the other, the spirit rules and produces works of the spirit. When the spirit rules , there is the Kingdom tf God, Whew the flesh rules, there is the kingdom of Satan" 6* The more real priests, the shorter the time of the Antichrist June 10,1943 Extract Q43:lf>9 Jesus says: "Tlieday there would no longer be in the world priests who are really priests, the world would end in a horror that words could not describe. The moment of the 'abomination of 6 desolation' 1 * would have been reached, in fact reached with a violence so ghastly as to be a hell brought to earth. T^ray and tell others to pray for all the salt not to become tasteless in all except One, the last Martyr who will be there for the last Mass, because My Church militant shall exist until ihr very last day and the Sacrifice will be accomplished. "The more real priests are in the world when the times are ful filled, the shorter and leas cruel will the ti me of the Antich rist and of the last convulsions of the human race be. For 'the just' of whom i speak when I preach the end of the world, are the true priests, the real consecrated souls in tlie convents scattered on earth, the victim souls, unknown host of martyrs whom on ly My eye knows while the world cannot see them, a nd those who act with (me purity of faith. But these last ones are, even unknown to them, consecrated souls and victims." 7. Battle between Heaven and hell Jeau* explains the real uriftin of Itw .s^rigi- of World War If, and goes on In him iibou t fctte End Times. June 19,1943 _ Complete dictation Q01S2-133 Jesus says: "A few days ago Father |MiglioriniJ wrote that he was at a kiss about the real origin of today's scourge 'because a king¬ dom divided against itself is no longer a kingdom.' 14 f will show him that ibis can be, since ihe division is merely apparent, "Lucifer, in his manifestations, has always tried to imitate Cod. Just as God gave every Nation its guardian angel, Lucifer gave it its demon. As the various Nations' angels obey one God, so the various Nations' demons obey one Lucifer. "The order given by Lucifer in the present event to the various demons does not differ from State to State- ft rs only one order for all. For this reason one can understand that Satan's kingdom is not divided and therefore lasts. 'This order can be expressed like this: 'Sow horror, hopc- lessncss, errors, so that the peoples, cursing God, may break away from Him.' 'The demons obey and sow horror and hopelessness, wipe <mt faith, smother hope, destroy charity. On the rubble they 7 sow hatred, lust, atheism. They sow hell, and they succeed because they find the ground already suitable. "My angels too battle to defend whatever Country 1 have assigned to them, but My angels do not find a suitable ground. Therefore they tome off worst against the infernal enemies. To overcome. My angels should be helped by souls living in the Good and for it, souls living in Me. Some are found, but they ate too few compared to those who do not believe, do not love, do not forgive, do rot know how to suffer. "It is opportune to repeal: 'Satan has requested to si ft you. ' IS And the sifting prows titat corruption is what it ums in the titties of the flood, worsened by Ihefact you have had Christ and His Church, whereas in Noah's time they did not. "I said it™ and 1 repeat it: 'This is the battle between Heaven and hell/ You are all nothing but a deceitful screen. Mind your troops, angeh and demons are battling. Behind your excuses the real reason is Satan's fight against Christ. "This rs on?! of the first sertings-oift of mankind, which nears its last hour, to separate the harwsf of the elect from firs tomwst of (to* reprobates. Unfortunately the harvest of the elect is small com¬ pared to the other. "When Christ comes to vanquish His perpetual opponent through His Prophet , He. will find few spiritually marked with the. Cross." 17 8. The forerunners of Christ's second coming Although Christ's second coming will lake place only At (he end of the world. He already speaks of innocent children slain during World War 11 AS the forerunner* of His second coming. Such wards, iDgcthttr willi other wards of Jesus" quoted in Ihis book, may be taken as hints that wc are relatively clOK m fheerid of the world- June 24,1943_ Complete dictation _ Q4162-63 Jesus speaks again: "Again today which is the feast-day of My divine Body, Satan has struck Me in My Churches and in Mv children, I do not go by triumphantly. Host of Peace, in your streets, on carpets of flowers, amidst the singing of hosannas. 1 fall in the rubble, in the infernal roar of hatred unleashed with all its might against Charity. 11 "Hie flowers of today. Corpus Domini of the time of wrath, are My slain children. Happy, among these, are those who fall as innocents and whose death without hard feelings hecowtfs beautiful a$ martyrdom. One cannot see My Blood amid the blood of the slain. [ retain My whiteness as Host. It is the others' blood that spatters Me, just as it is the cruelty of those enslaved by the Enemy that strikes Me and strikes along with Me those who are victims like Me, From the greatest individual among you— straight as on a mystical cross between the temple and Heaven, and wounded, spat upon, pierced, scourged, like his Lord, by falsehood sold out to ihe Enemy—ail the way to the smallest baby slaughtered like an innocent lamb- Yet, these victims ftave not been immolated uselessly, in them there is no stain of hatred. They are the victims. Forever blessed for being the victims! "In My dearest children, in My real children, there is My mark. I haw ffurrfad all of you who love Me and whom 1 love. More than tiie tiara crowning him, that sign is divinely a sign on the forehead of My current Peter, H in the Pontiff of Peace in ivLin there is no leaven of hatred. More than any halo tltat sign sparkles on the heads of the victims who fall with Me under Satan's weapons and who arc the forerunners <f the second coming of Christ. "And the same angels of the smitten churches who pray, ivorshipping the knocked-down Hosts, gather the innocent souls whose tears will be soothed in Heaven." 9. God's embrace after Judgment Day July 1,1943 Extract Q43:ll4 Jesus says: "Corf is light. An immeasurably great light, majestic and calm, is given out by the Father- The Father is an irrflrrifc errrif who embraces the whale of Creation, from the moment it was said: "Let there be light,"“ until the world without end. For God, fl'/w hms from everlasting, has been embracing Creation ever since if ontre to be, and will continue to embrace whatever rewmiris of 9 Cnaition ih the last form, the eternal one, after the Judgment. He will embrace those who are eternal with Him in Heaven." 10- Choosing the flesh is choosing Satan July 3,1943 _ Extract _ Q4&194 Jesus says: "f am tfte Alpha and the Omega 71 and I embrace everything that is. Only contrary hitman will, which puts a person under the Beast's seal, turns aside My influence, because l have made you ail free and 1 do not coerce your i vills. If tlterejorc your ztrili is flesh and blood, in other words if it is Satan , My Will cannot act , ftenruse My Will is Spirit and acts on your spirit flrnf the spirit dies where matter rules." 11. It is the hour of the Beast jesus, having shown the 13east to Maria in a figurative vision,explained it 1s> her in a dictation, which we quinta in Ms entirety nn-d preface with sumc comments by Maria., July 20,1943_Complete dictation Qj3:224-225;22fr£l4 [Maria Valtorta giving the context; I Since the evening of the iBth the good Jesus has had me see a hideous beast, really so hideous it fills me with disgust and makes me feel like screaming.-" And the good Jesus makes me understand that its looks are nevertheless inferior to reality, because no human reality can manage to personify exactly supreme Beauty and supreme Ugliness. ■■■ Thank goodness too that, if the beast was in a comer, right next to me was my Jesus; white, handsome, blond... Light in the light! Comparing Christ's bright, cheering figure with that of the other one, Christ's very gentle, clear eyes with those wicked ones of the other, means that the wretched sinners who are set aside for the second one because they rejected Jesus should really be mourned for. Well, now that f have seen it... I would like not to see it any more because it is too ugly 1 will pray that as few wretches as 10 possible end up in its clutches, and l pray the good God to take this sight away from me, Today it is not as vivid and I am very grateful to the Lord lor that. And even more grateful because His dear Voice makes nu- understand why I had this vision which yesterday terror- iml me, since I thought it was meant as a warning to mg. Jesus says: "Consider My Radiance and Beauty compared to the Beast's black monstrosity. "Don't be afraid to watch even if it is a repulsive sight- You are in my arms. It cannot go up to you and harm you- See? It does not even look at you- It already has so many preys to follow. "Now do you think it would be worthwhile to leave Me to follow it? Yet, the world follows it and leaves Me for it. "Look how glutted and throbbing it is. It is its hour of fciisling. But look too how it seeks shadows to act- It hates Light, and it used to be called Lucifer! See how it hypnotizes those who are not marked with My Blood? It piles up its efforts h'-catise j'i ifcHflMfs that it is its hour and that My hour is drawing near when it shall he forever beaten. "Its infernal craftiness and satanical intelligence are a con¬ tinuous working of Evil, in antithesis to Otir One and Triune working of Good, to increase its prey. But craftiness and intelli¬ gence would not prevail if within people there were My Blood and an f rawest will. People lack too many things to Jmiw nwpMS to oppose to the Beast, and it kn&v$ it and acts openly, without even covering itself with deceitfitl appearances. "May its loathsome ugliness lead you to a greater and greater conscientiousness and a greater and greater penance, tor you and for your wretched brothers and sisters whose souls are senseless or have been seduced and who cannot see or, though they see if, run up to the Evil One, to have his help for one hour and pay for it with an eternity of damnation." 11 12. The world will crash down in the end People'* malice, On the increase, i* speeding the downward course 1 of the world. Our seiti>u* sio*tlesen e war and scourge which will help a few bo repent, though many will perish. July 21,1943_ Complete dictation_043:226-230 Jesus says: "l already told you [Maria] that what is said in the ancient books has a reference to the present® It is as though a series of mirrors would repeat and bring farther and farther ahead a sight seen behind. "The world repeats itself in its errors and in its repentance, with thi s difference, however: errors have become more and ft tuts perfect with the development of the human race towards so-called civiliza¬ tion, while repentance ftas become more and more embryonic. Why? Because as the world passed from childhood to a more mature age, the world's malice and pride have increased. "Mow you people are at the ape* of the world's age and have also reached the ape* of malice and pride. "However, do not think |Maria) that you people still have as much to liveas you have lived. You are at the ape*, and that should mean you have as much to live. But it will not be so. The world's downward course to the end will not be as long as its upward course. It will be a crashing down in the end. It is precisely malice and pride that are making you emsk two weights dragging you into the abyss of tire end, at the dreadful judgment. Pride and malice, besides dragging you into the downward course, so dull your spirits as to make you more and more unable to stop your downhill fall with sincere repentance, "But if you have proceeded like that: against Good, head¬ long towards Evil; I, the Eternal One, have remained immu¬ table in My exact measure of Good and Evil. On the day light came into being and the world began with it, 23 the Mind that does not err decided once and for all tuXat is Good and what is Evil Human strength, that slight human strength, cannot budge and undermine that eternal code written by God's finger on un¬ touchable paps that are not of this earth. "The only change since the moment when My Will created the world and mankind, is this: that beforehand you had to 12 control yourselves and behave according to the tables of the Law and the words of the Prophets: afterwards you had Me, (he Word and Redeemer, to explain the Law to you, to give you My teaching and My Blood, to bring to you with My coming the Spirit who leaves no shadows, and to sustain you through¬ out the centuries with the Sacraments and sacramentftls, "But what have you done with My coming? A new burden of sins you will have to answer for, "Do we wish to look together at the ancient pages which contain the explanations for the current hour? They felt like a goad to you, [Maria,] but 1 will show them to you better. "What is promised to those who keep the Law? Prosperity, abundance, peace, power, healthy and plentiful offspring, tri¬ umph over the enemy, because the Lord would be on the edge of His servants' swords against those who want to lift their flands on the children of the Most High. What are the Law¬ breakers threatened with? Hunger, shortages, wars, defeats, plagues, God-forsakenness, enemy oppression through which the ex-children of the Most High become like harassed, scared, *ihuightor-doomed herds,” "You people bewail the hour in which you live. In fact you find it unjust? Its sternness seems too harsh? No, It is just and less harsh than what you deserve. "I have saved you and resaved you in thousands of ways, I have forgiven you and reforgiven you for seven thousand arid seven thousand crimes. I came precisely to give you Life and Light. I, Light of the world* cattfe into your darkness to bring you the Wonl tfnd the Light, 1 no longer spoke amidst whirlwinds and lire through the Prophets' mouths. No, i Myself came person¬ ally. E broke My bread with you, I shared My pallet with you, E sweated with you at work, I consumed Myself in evangelizing you, I died tor you, 1 dispelled with My Word every doubt on the law, I dispelled with My Resurrection every doubt on My Nature, I left you My very Self so as to be your spiritual Food, lit to give you Life—and you gave Me death,” "1 gave yen God s Word and Uweand Blood, and you shut your ears against the Word, your souls against Love, and blasphemed My Hfiioi. 13 "The ancient Tabernacle contained two stone tablets writ¬ ten by a Prophet's finger and contained a little manna. 1 * I replaced it with the RtW Tabernacle which contains the mat Bread come down from Heaven and My Heart on whtdt the Covenant of Love is written, <t Covenant you break, f. "You can no longer say: 'Wc don't know what God is/ I took flesh so you would have a Flesh lo love, since it is not enough for your awkwardness to love a spirit. "Well? What have you done? What have you been doing more and more? Turning your backs on God, on His altar, on His Being—that's what, Not wanting God, the One and Triune God, the true God. "You wanted gods. Your present gods arc more shameful than the ancient gods or the fetishes of idolaters. Yes. The fetishes of idolaters. Idolaters still harbor respect for the image of God just as their mentality and ignorance can make it ou t. And in truth, in truth I tell you that natural idolaters will be judged far less fwrshly Shan you, idolaters of malice, who ha vescld yourselves to the icons/ idolatry; self-idolatry. "Yes, you have created for yourselves gods of flesh, of corrupt flesh, and before these gods you have been able to sing hosanna and bow your heads and backs that you were unable to bow before God. You have scorned, denied, scoffed at, and broken My Law; but you have accepted and obeyed, like slaves and tamed animals, the deceitful law given to you by poor men even more corrupt than you and whose doom is such as to make all of heaven tremble with horror. "Idolaters! Idolaters! Pagans! You have sold yourselves fo fire flesh, to money, to power, to Satan who is boss if these three evil kingdoms of flesh, money and power? "But why, why, O My people, have you gone out of tbe Kingdom I had given you? Why have you mn away from your King of Perfection and Love and preferred the chains and uncivilized stale of the Kingdom of Satan, Prince of Evil and Death? Is this how you pay back the Most High who is your father and Savior? And you are amazed if fire springs from the earth and fire rains from the sky to bum down the haughty and treacherous race that has disowned God and welcomed Satan and his agents? 14 "No, Satan docs not need to labor and toil to swallow you! i have to toil to try and draw you to Me again, because if you have disowned your origin, I remember being your Father and Savior, Until the last hour, when you are gathered for the implacable SOrting-out, I do not disown My wretched children and I still try to save them. "This, Maria, this punishment 2 * is not undeserved. It is just. 11 is harsh because the sins of you sinners arc extremely serious. But it is not, f repeat not, given out of mischief by a God who is all goodness. Your God would give Himself up to spare you it, if He knew this would help you. But He must. He must allow that you pun ish you rselves for you rfollies,for your prostitution with the Bpesf, " A thousand and ten thousand shall be lost in every comer of the earth. But in the agony that chokes you people, someone will hear God's Voiae resounding and will raise from the darkness his face towards the Light. Tftitt one coming back ipiil justify the scourge, because—die aware of this, [Maria,} and think u’lwf duty you [victim soutsj hove to twrfcA over it—one soul's price and wi/ue fs sucIj /Ac! the treasures of the earth are jtoI enough to buy d it takes the Blood of a Gat. My Blood." 13. The fall of many priests luly 23, 1943_Complete dicta!Lon_ Q45:5SQ-2frl Jesus says: " VV/jcp! the lime comes, many stars will be sump/ suvay by the coils nf l.itcifor 2 * who, to prevail, needs fo lessen the lights of souls . ■' This will be possible because not only the laity but also the . U rics have lost and lose more and more that steadfastness of I nth, uf charity, of strength, of purity, of detachment from the I'niitrments of the world—-qualities necessary to remain within the sphere of God's light. "Do you understand [Maria] who these stars I am speaking ’bout are? They are those whom 1 defined as salt of the earth in.j light of the world: My ministers,*® “The plan of 5it! hie's shrewd malice is to put out , by sweeping •■■■ m away, these stars that are lights reflecting My Light for the IS crowds. If despite the light still given off by the priestly Church souls are sinking deeper and deeper into the darkness, it can be guessed what darkness shall drive the crowds down when many stars have died down in My sky. "Satan knows it and scatters his seeds la prepare the weakness of the priesthood, lobe able to sweep it i«y easily into sins, not so much of the senses as of their minds. In a mental dittos, it toil! be easy for him to bring iihouf a spiritual chaos. In the spiritual chaos the weak, confronted with the torrents of persecutions, will commit the sin offaint-heartedness, wlten Huy deny the faith. "The Church shall not die because [ will be with it. Bui it shah experience irours of darkness and horror like those of My Passion , Aours multiplied in time because it »ru$t tweds be. "It must needs be that the Qwrch suffer what its Cmitm suffered, before dying to rise in an eternal form. It must needs be that the Church suffer much longer because it is not r in its ntembers, perfect like its Creator and if I suffered for hours, it must suffer for weeks and weeks of Jafluxs. “In the early times the Church was persecuted and fed by a supernatural power in her best children and then she sprang up. She witt have the same lot when the last times come, in which site will exist, subsist, and resist the satanicat tide and the battles of tite Antichrist with her best children: a painful, albeit just selection. "hr a world in which so many spiritual lights will have died, it is logical that there openiy begins the brief but dreadful reign of the Antichrist , begotten by Setatf just os Christ was begotten fry the Father. Christ is the Father's Son procreated by Love with Purity. The Antichrist will be Satan's son procreated by Hatred with triple Impurity. "Like olives between the grinders of the oil-press, the chil¬ dren of Christ will be persecuted, squeezed and crushed by the greedy Beast But they wilt not be swallowed, because the Blood will not let them be corrupted in the spirit. Like the first children, the last shall be mown down like sheaves of grain in the dire persecution and the earth will drink their blood, But forever iiJessfd for their perseverance are those who die faithful to the Lord" 14, Jesus is to judge everything July 26,1943 Extract _ Q43:3l7 Jesus says; "1 tell y&u all that I am the Father's Voice and that I speak rn His name. I tell you all that 1 am the One to whom every judgment has been referred by the Father” 15. The Beast's breath July 28,1943 Extract Q43 319^20 Jesus says: "In a world such as yours it is so difficult for Me to find disciples' souls’ And it is even more difficult to find, even among children, children's souls! The Beast's breath has cor¬ rupted you people so much that it has killed simplicity, trust, innocence, in which I took My rest, even in Little children's souls." 16 , Isaiah's prophecy on the Wicked Man Inly 29, 1943_Complete dictation_Q4fr321-325 Jesus says; "One m ust be able to read the Book not with one's eyes but wi th the spiri t. Then the supernatural Knowledge that inspired H is illuminated with the light of Truth- But to obtain this, one has to have a spirit united to My Spirit. Then it is My Spirit that leads you. "Now look: in the pages of Isaiah let us take. Like a mosaic's tesserae, the words of the chapters read together/ 1 and let us line them up with supernatural sight- They will appear clearer lo you. Begin with those I pointed out to you for the guilty. "tel us have pity on the wicked, hut he will not leam justice: in i In 1 IlIehI of the saints he has done wicked things, and he shul I nut see ih*- jdory of the Lord- 11 "Wherefore hear the word of the Lord, you scornful men, who rule over My people that is in Jerusalem. For you have said: We have filtered into a League with death, and we have made a covenant with 17 hell. When (he overflowing scourge passes through, il shall not came upon us: for we have placed our hope in Iks, and by falsehood we an? protected/ 4 * "'Your league with death shall be abolished, and your covenant with hell shall not stand: when the overflowing scourge passes, you shall be trodden down by it.... vexation alone shall make you under- Stand what you hear.' 34 "And now do not mock, lest your bonds bo tied strait. 45 J 'Wbe to you that are deep of head, to hide your counsel from the Lord: and their works are in the dark, and they say; 'Who Sees us, and who knows us?' This thought of yours is perverse. 14 '"Woe to you, apostate child ten that you would take counsel, and not of Me: and would begin a web, and nol by My spirit, that you might add sin upon sin.' 17 '‘Therefore thus says tile Holy One of Israel: 'Because you have rejected this ward, and have trusted in oppression and turn nil, and have leaned upon it: therefore shall this Iniquity be to you as a breach that falls and is found wanting in a high wall, for Uxo dcslmclion thereof shall come on a sudden, when it is not looked for, and it shall be broken small.' 14 "Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help, trusting in horses, and putting their confidence in chariots, because Ihey an? many: and in horsemen, because they are very strong: and have not Crusted in the Holy One of Israel, and have not sought after the Lord* "Egypt is man, and not Gqd: and their hOKCS, flesh, and not spirit: and the Lord shall put down His hand, and the helper shall fa LI, and he th.u is helped shall fall, and they shall all be confounded logGlhEr. w "Woe lo you that spoil, shall you not yourself also be Spoiled? And you tha t despise, sha 11 you not a Iso be despised? When you have made an end of spoiling, you shall Iw spoiled: when being wearied you cease to despise, you shall be despised. 41 "Before speaking about God and His promises, let ns com¬ ment this passage. "The heart of the man whom the prophet calls wicked, is a mixture of pride, bullying, rebellion. Tlif threefold lust indwells its a throne on which the Evil One is sealed to fill with demo¬ niacal thoughts that heart which disowned God and His Jus¬ tice. Nothing can come out of that heart but iniquity, because its King is the Spirit of Evil, who gives short-lived triumphs paid off later with everlasting ruin. As the wicked man who rules under the Beast's sign passes like a stream of sorrow and IB corruption in the land of the saints—and Rome is a land of saints—he sways other small-time ungodly people into evil and torments the Lord's children, "It is fair that the Lord should veil His glory in front of the wicked man, in this and the other dwelling. Twice the wicked man shall see My glory, and will not nwrrf So sec it because i t shal 1 hr dreadful for him: when he dies and on the last day Then 1 will ask him: 'What have you done with My people? with My gifts?' This question will hurl him, like an arrow from a bow, mto the depths no one can get out of. "My second earthly Jerusalem is Borne, It is a dearest land m which J wanted My Church. Since i t is the cen ter of the world, it should be treated like a shining mite by who is head of it. Instead, how have those who scorn God anew behaved? They have allied themselves with the death-dealing crime, married their souls off to Satan and thought, by such a whorlsh sacri¬ lege, to save themselves from the scourges they put others through. "No, Falsehood to not shut. The Father of Truth tells you. I he lord of falsehood entices you into it and at the right time turns it against you to make you perish. fM (lie one who saves, and no one except Me cm, "You will be Stripped of your false armor just at the hour when My punishment strikes you, because that is the way 'vtan behaves. He cannot behave otherwise because ail he can mve you is fleeting successes. I alone give protection that never ends and when [appear, to save or lo damn, Satan flees, leaving you atone, 0 foolish children of sin, ' You will understand who God is and who Lucifer is only m Ihe clasp of torture. Terrible lesson! And the mom you sin, rlw harsher the clasp will be because there is a limit even lo M.y i.. wjibrcss, boundless hut infofJrgwrf. Remember that- " Nothing i$ concealed prom ike Lord , that earthlings fi’iTJiJc up r;i fftc dark, even in the heart's secret darkness. And if your i i*sr siblings can see only the Outside and can be taken Ln by vmir hypocrisy, l see everything and act as your actions dc- N-rve And like a wall undermined by a small breach, your building, founded on sin, shall collapse when no one ihinks ■*honl it—neither you who consider yourselves safe in your 19 pnict with the Father of Falsehood, nor the people who fear you linn kirn’ vou invincible. ' Woe, woe, woe unto you who lead My people to believe I hat F protect your wrong-doings. Woe betide you who lead My children to distrust My Justice! You will answer for this too htYiiiHft' scaruLii fails iwd on whoever causes il. And what greater scandal is there than leading common folks to believe that God would unjustly protect the great who sin ? "How many souls you have snatched away from Me, O workers of iniquity! Yet they will sHW be children of My Mercy Not so With yvu to whom I had given everything to draw you to Me Itml turn you into instruments of Good, and toko have forgotten everything and iiaue put Me after Satan, 'Woe betide you who enter into alliances from which noth¬ ing but evil can come to My people: evil for both flesh and spirit, and you know it is evil and you do it just the same, misusing power for your owe persons to triumph on earth. And what arc your persons? Fistfuls if day which keep their diaftes as long as Mercy keeps them moist with 4 heavenly dm and wh ich, once dried out, turn to powder like sifted dial* and scatter. ''Your alliances , a real union of the forerunners of the Anti¬ christ, an? without foundation and have no force for victory, like yourselves they shall crumble, and they shall leave only a memory of horror in My poor children's bodies, homes, and souls, "'When God thunders, what are numerous horses and strong horsemen? Husks blown by the wind in every direction. I am the Ore 1 who strengthens armed forces, hut they must be moveti hy just muons, not by inhumanity and pride. "Rvcry sin shall be punished, and every jeering shall be punished by God, because Cod, says the Lord, will never be jeered at and it is not Lawful to oppress inferiors. "but notin' one thing, Maria. Inferiors too are held to respect ihe I w, #0 thai you people may always have your God with you." 20 17. Sword and demons The nrxiqintlNM is fmmi dictation in which Jesus comnwnts uh m-vitjI passages train Isaiah. We idjiM IjaiahSii and 4413-14. Jesus use* Ihwc bo tall us what to do to make IteEftd Times less awful. July 30,1945 Extract _ Q43t329,330 Jesus says: '"For My sword is inebriated in heaven: behold it shall come down upon ... the people of My slaughter unto judg¬ ment/ 'And it (the devastated land) shall be the habitation of ... demons../ "... A nation, Isaiah says, will be struck by Justice's sword, but many more will be struck, since the world has fornicated with tire devil in many of its parts. And ofiirrs yet are liiVKl fo sm, despite everything T have done to keep them on the way of life. Pray, pray, pray much to prevent new condemnations, caused by new fornications. "The demons... Oht The demons are already where l will punish. It is the demons , installed as bosses in people's hearts, whe lead nations to death . And there are nations in which few hearts are not demons' dwellings: legions and legions of de¬ mons move whole nations like poppets- And how can l reign where hearts have turned into the homes of Lucifer's chil¬ dren?" IS- Cursed rationalism; the Antichrist August 2, IM3_Extract Q4fr237-23Q Jesus says; "See, soul of Mine. There are few things that I condemn as sternly OS rationalism, which rapes and deconsecrates and kilts I Pw Faith. I say 'Faith' with a capital F to mean true Faith, absolute and royal, I condemn rationalism as an Assassin hired out against Me: it is the very thiffg that kills Me in people's hearts and that bus prepared amt is preparing why sad tintesfvr the Church and for tfie world. 21 "I have Cursed other tilings/* but I will ttever curse any os much as this Orff. It is the seed from which many, many other poisonous doctrines have come up. It has been the traitor that opens the doors to the enemy. In fact it has opened the doors io Satan whohad never ruled as n ru ch as since rationalism began lo rule. "But it is said: 'When the Son of Man comes He will not find faith in hearts-'" Consequently rationalism is doing its uwJt. I wilt do Mine. "Happy are those who, as they dose the doors on sin and on the passions, can close the doors of their secret temples in theface of science lhal denies; happy are those when llrty live, alone with the Only One who is Ail, unlit Ihe end. "Truly I tell you that I tw HI press on My Heart the wretch who itas cotton riled a hu man crime , and has repented of it, as long as iw has aJumys admitted that I can do everything, but I wrtt fwue a judge's face for those who, on tire grounds of an arrogantly despotic human science, deny the supernatural in the manifestations which the Father would like Me to give. "Someone bom deaf cannot hear, right? Someone whose eardrums were rent in an accident cannot hear, right? Only I could give them back their hearing by the touch of My hands. But how can 1 give hearing to a deaf spirit if this spirit will not let Me touch it? "Concerning the questions of Father [Migliorini | on the last opponent, let n$ idiir Horror wrapped in the shadow of mystery. It does not help you people at all to know certain things. He good and that is enough. Offer your goodness, in advance, in order to shorten the period of the monstrous reign over Adam's race, "Concerning time; '10(10,' '2000/ '3000' are expressions to give your limited outlook reference points. Now the Enemy's son is not a son ‘of the mill of the flesh/** he is a son of the Krill if the soul that has reached Ihe vertex and depth of self-identificaticm with Satan. His beastly sovereignty wilt be so cruet that every minute wili he a day, every day will be a year, every year witl be a century for those living at that hour. Bui ss regards God, every century rs a thousandth of a second, because clem ity is a stale of lime without a limit. That horror will he so immense that the dark of She darkest night would be noonday sunlight in comparison, pr the children of mankind sunk in it. 22 “The name of Ihe Enemy's son could be 'Negation/ because he wili deny God , will deny Life, will deny everything. Everything, everything* everything. "You think you are in those times? Oh! You poor things! What you are living now is like the far-away murmur of (bunder In tlwse times, it will be a crash of lightning on youriteads. "Bp good, aii of you- My Mercy is on you" 19. Judgment Day Maria Valtorta explains: "This is the ™m™nlfrry cm vt/se* 17-18 of ikupter 31 of (he Apocalypse, as Jesus commun(»Wi it foriftc-:" The-opening ivnrds rrffr in World War I] rafting in Italy. August 5,1943 Compile dictation_Q43;242-243 Jesus says; "This, the nations' anger, is the warning sign of My anger because it is to happen like this. It is a painful hour My poor children going through it, but it is unavoidable that it be so, because everyth] ng is to be fulfilled, of Good and Evi I, on Earth before My hour comes- Then T will say: 'Enough!' and 1 will come as Judge and King to take on even the rule of earth and toj udge the sins and merits of mankind. "When you read in John's book the words; 'the hour of judging the dead/ you think they refer to those who have already, perhaps centuries ago, passed on to other spheres of mystery, a mystery which one will know only when one is let in. Yes, Death means emigration of the soul into other zones, different from earth. But there is a broader meaning in John's words: the dead of whom he speaks can be alive too, according 1 l> the flesh, but in reality, in the eyes of who can see, are Dead. "They are the great Dead, because no resurrection is in store pr them. Dead to God, they will never have pr ever and ever the good of prissessing Life, fn other words God , because God is Life eternal. "In the same way, the prophets, servants and saints of whom John speaks have a broader meaning than what the mere words could arouse- Under those three titles, they hint nt aii the cr™ lures If nit hate been abie lo live in the spiril. "How many humble little old women, how many ptn>r children, how many simple and uneducated men, how many 23 illiterate women,, unknown to the crowds, are hidden and understood in the words: prophets, servants and saints. Were they made known to the world it would laugh at them. But in truth, in truth, I tell you that one of these paupers, according to the flesh, to more of a prophet, servant and saint of Mine than a proud scholar, a great swaggerer, even a minister of Mine, looking what turns jtou into saints in My eyes: being able to live according to My Word and being abie to do My Wilt unlit steadfast faith r charily and itope. J 'My smile at My blessed ones at the hour of My coming as King and Judge will light up a sun seven times greater than the common sun and My heavens will shine with it, while the angels" choirs sipg My praises and the praises of My servants. At that hour I will proclaim, against the stupid and blind world. My servants' virtues which make them My child ren. "But for those who are not such, and espec My for those utho by their actions have ted the Earth and the weak of the Earth to their ruin. My gaze will be a flash of lightning tint hurls them into the abyss, because it is unawidnbie tiuit Evil existent cursed forever are those who have become tlte slaves and administrators of Em/." 20, Job's Prophecy on the Wicked Man: the Antichrist August?, 1913 Complete dictation 013:263-2710 Jesus says; "It says in the Book: 'He (the wicked man) shall be brought to the graves, and shall watch in the heap of the dead- He has been acceptable to the gravel of Cocytus, and he shah draw every man after him, and there are innumerable before him, J “ "All of mankind is sinful. Only one creature did not taste, 1 do not say the bitter taste, but I say also: the bitter stink of sin. It was Mary, My most beloved Mother, the one who did not make Me regret the Paradise I left behind to become Flesh in your midst and redeem your flesh, because in Mary 1 continu¬ ally found the eternal purities and bright loves that are in Heaven. In her was the Father who caressed her as the Perfect One among creatures. In her was the Holy Spirit who with His 24 Fi re penetrated her to turn the Virgin into the Mother, Around her were the hosts of arygels worshipping the Trinity in a creature, "Mary's womb! Mary's heart! No, the mind most enrap¬ tured in God cannot descend to the depth, or rise to the vertex, of these two perfections of purity and love, l illuminate them tor some of you, 1 illuminate them for the dearest of My dear ernes. But only when you are where perfect Knowledge is found, will you understand Mary. "All of mankind is sinful. But there is the sinner who is just a sinner, and there is the wicked man, in other wards the one who takes sin to a demoniacal perfection. For the Devil knows how to reach the perfection in Evil, and his most devoted disciples are no less than their master. "[ have already told you: 'Lucifer strives to imitate God, in evil of course. He takes on, 1 will say, the lifestyle and form of cou rt that the Son of God had- The devil poses as Christ, and like Christ has apostles and disciples. Among these he will choose r he perfect one to turn him rrito the Antichrist. For now we are in the preparatory period of the forerunners of the Antichrist 1 already told you that.* "The wicked man shall be brought to the graves.' It is natural. Lucifer can give his favorites, his followers, his slaves all forms of help, but not immunity from Death, been use / alone :frw Life and I alone have conquered Death. Therefore when the sum lotal of evil committed by the wicked man is complete, l give orders to Death to take possession of that flesh. That flesh therefore knows the honor of the grave. For the wicked man it wil! be a real grave. "For the good, for the redeemed, for the forgiven it is not *o, because they believe and know on the basis of faith. The grave is a place where the mortal garment turns back to its nature of dust- Unto the spirit is set pee, auditing the hour when what was created will be formed again to enter into glory or damna¬ tion, with the perfection of creation which God created tor I mman beings: Ife unton of a spirit to a flesh. Immortal spirit like t Sod its Creator and Fattier, and mortal flesh made like an i'Lirthly animal, the sovereign of the earth and heir of I leaven lot: often prefers earth to Heaven and is on 'animal' not on 25 Amount of being 'animated/ but on account of living like a bmie no less than real animals, and sometimes more so, 'Sou Is, divided from bodies, have three dwellings. They will have them until there remain but two, after the Judgment that makes no mistakes. The blessed rejoice i rnmediately in the eternal rest. The souls in Purgatory actively carry out their expiation, thinking about the hour of freedom in God. The damned are restless, raging over the good they lost. The more wicked they were, the more restless they are in their terrible torture, "Now as for the Wicked Man, who with his godlessness swayed others to godlessncss and drove others to si n (these are the men and innumerable people spoken of by the Book), he will be like a sleepless tower in a stormy sea. Before him, the crowd of those killed (in their souls) by him; before him, the vivid memory of those many soul-murders committed by him, and remorse, which has given no peace to killers since the day Cain shed his brother's blood, 43 will Sash him far more dreadfully than hell's scourges. "He will watch over his Crime, he who hurled himself against God in God's creatures and like a furious wild beast wrought havoc in souls. How awful to have before oneself the proof of one's misdeed! Punishment upon the other punish¬ ments! Horror beyond numbers (fitting! the Wicked Man's countless sins among sinners. "Now, Maria, to comfort your heart which is becoming depressed before extracts from another world where God's Love docs not rule but His Sternness does, lift up your spirit as you listen to these words just for you and the souls li ke you, "Do you know what hearts given to Love mean to Me? They ate My Paradise on earth. You are the ones who bring a little piece of heaven onto this poor world, and on that little piece the Son of God sets foot to come find His delight among the Father's children, "Open your heart to your Jesus. Give Me you heart. Give it to Me completely. 1 want it as Physician and Friend of spirit and of flesh, as Spouse and God who has chosen you for your faith and your bold sentiment of love." 26 21. A truce as opposed to peace (■' H h* dictations to Maria Va Marta Jesus often, abuut current pvcnfr draw* spiritual teachings from Elwm. Here He warns about the true* jbout to follow World War IT, calling it a tfuce r nol real pnet. A ugusk 15j 1943 Extract Q43:1 32-133 Jesus says: "War means ruin for many, but a Iso profit for many, and/or tin* sake of one's profit, one disregards the collective profit. You hoe one another so Utile that each orif of you fives shut in his arm selfishness and armed with slings for his neighbor. ■ ■ ■ "That is not the turty to obtain what is asked for. The truce will come, because come it must, but it will be only a trttee. A truce is fwac ffrrrjg and peace another. Peace means external and internal harmony, sought for and wanted with spiritual sight and sentiment. "If only you could come to Me, with lips and souls dean andfired with true charity, 1 would give you this peace , / twufcf gibe rf to you against all the obstacles which Evil rvould set up to prevent it, because I am the eternal Conqueror. But even among the not many who will pray in the churches today for this, few, very few will have the requirements that make prayer powerful. It is a painful and ghastly truth, but it is no use hushing it up because its evil remains though hidden. "Poor people, how evil you are! Were this truth to thunder from the heavens, people would be offended tike the Pharisees when 1 used to denounce them, disclosing their secret vices. "But it is as 1 say. True and holy peace is net desired by all. You are so slow-witted and riddled with wicked tendencies that you do not even manage to hair tlx tone of truth which One better than you rmuiJs to yiiw. But that is the truth- Tfips be another truth IwAHse there is only one truth. "We are still back at that discourse: 'What if ten upright people should be found there?' 4 * But the just are so few against the mass of the unjust Satan has avast number of children and servants. The Son of God, when it comes to rent children and mri servants* has an insignificant number of them. It is in I his unbalance that the cause of your ruin is found." 27 22. Christ will reign and evangelize with new power Chrisl will Mt nignon earth phyjjti lly, as the mi]]e AJirianists would have us believe. He wiU neverthetoss reign spiritualty, spreading Hi» beneficial influence ill Over Hie earth. August 16,1943_Complete dictalkm_ Q43;I33-136 Jesus says: "] am thq 'First-born from the dead'" according to both the human and the divine orders. [ am first-born. according tg the human order because, on My Mother's side, I am a son of Adam. 1 uni the first of those generated in Adam's race to tore been born a$ nit the children of those created by My Father should have been bon\, "Don't open your eyes wide, [Maria]. By God's will, Mary was bom spotless W this preservation uns willed justly, to prepare My coming. But without a special will, Mary t bom of a man and woman joined together in accordance with the law of nature, would have been no differen t from all the other children coming from the contaminated root of Adam. She would have been a great upright woman, like many men and women of the ancient times* but nothing more. Croce, the soul's life , would have been killed in her by original sin, "ft is I who have conquered death and Death, l who have called back to life the dead of CiiuJu. They were asleep, like Lazarus, whose ne$urrectign w to'flteaf ffcs more real one. 1 called them, and they rose again. I was bom of a woman, a daughter of Adam yes but without original stain, in other words as all of Adam's children should have been, 1 am therefore the First-born of Adam according to fto natural order. I was bom alive in the midst of those begotten dead by Adam. "J am the 'First-born' according to the divine order toou/se J am the Father's Son, Begotten , not created by Him. "To beget means to produce a life. To create means to form. I can create a new flower. The artist can create a new work- But only a father and a mother can beget a life, "1 am therefore the 'First-bom' because, bom of God, I am at Ihe head fall those bom (according to grace) of Cod. 28 "By My Death 1 violently shook the doors of the beyond and drew out the sleeping unto the first resurrection. At the tame time, l opened the sluices of the mystical lakes in whose cleansing the sign that falls is washed off. Thus the Death of the spirit, the rea l Death, dies; and the Life of the spirit, t h e rea l Life, is torn. "At last, 1 am the 'First-born' from the dead because My Flesh was first to enter Heaven, which at the last Resurrection the fleshes of the saints will enter Meanwhile, their spirits await in the Light the glorification of their complete selves. This complete glorification is just, because they sanctified themselves by overcoming the flesh and martyrizing if to bring it to victory. It is just, because Ute disciples are iike the Master, out of the Master's loving will, and i, yout Master, entered dory with My Flesh that was martyred for God's glory. "Further cm l will speak to you about the two resurrections, which yqu people always see with human reference points, whereas they should be seen with spiritual sight. "My being divinely and humanly Firs!-ton* gives Me, there¬ fore, sovereign rights, because it is always a king's first-born who inherits the crown. And which king is more of a King than My Father? "He is the eternal King whose reign has neither beginning nor end, and against which all enemies are powerless. He is safe King, rival-less, who raises Me as He begets Me to His own .sovereignty because l am One with the Father, consubstanttal with Him, inseparable from Him, a living, active, perfect part of Him. He is the holy, holy, lady King of such Perfection that the human mind cannot imagine it. Blazing in Heaven, on earth and over the nether regions, overflowing over the mountains, investing with Itself all that is—such is My Father's glorious holiness, a holiness which We worship because it is from it that We are begotten and from which We proceed, "Glory, glory, glory be to the Father; Maria, always glory to I Jim because from Him every good comes and Ihe first Good is !, your Sftutor. "My reign is not of this earth, according to what reigning means on earth. But it is a Reign over the earth, because I will reign over the earth. I wiU have a real, manifest reign, not only 29 spiritual as it is now and over Jew. TAe hour will came when l am sole and true King ofthis earth u>fnch I purchased with My Blood, of which I was made King |fy My Father with all power ever it. When will t come? What is the hour compared with eternity? And what wi II the hour matter to you when you are in eternity? "I shall come. / will not have a new fiesh Iwcawse l already have a perfect one. I will evangelise, not as l once evangelized, but with new power, because then the good shall be not humanly good AS the disciples at My first coming were, they witt be spirit uailygood, and the wicked will be spiritually wicked , safanicaiiy wicked, perfectly wicked , Therefore the method will be in keeping with the circumstances, because if I used the method of 20 centuries ago it would be exceeded by the perfect in good, and it wouidgive the Satanic ones the means to offend the glorified Word in a way He must ndf be offended. Like a fine-meshed net I will drag behind My Light those ioho tome reached spiritual sharpness. But those who became clumsy from uni ting the flesh with Satan— iltey. the Dead of the spirit whom soul-decay keeps stuck in the mud —tlfey will not enter My light. They will complete their s eif corruption by un iting with Evil and E?arknes$. "For now [ prepare that lime art the future by an extraordi¬ nary use of the Word that comes down from the heavens to enlighten the souls ready to receive it. 1 turn you into the radiotelephone operators intent on hearing the teaching which is perfect and which I had already given and whidt 1 do not change, because titere is only One Truth. My teach ing, however, has been forgotten or twisted, forgotten too much and twisted too much, because it came in handy to forget it and twist it, "f am doing this because I have mercy on Mankind that is dying without the bread of the spirit. As I gave Myself as bread for your souls, likewise now I give My Word as bread for your spirits. And I repeat: 'Happy are those who listen to God 's word and comply with it-'" Sl 30 23, More about the new evangelization Augusl 16,1 M3 Complete- dictation Q43-136-139 Jesus says: "1 Said that My new coming will have a new method and power in keeping with the circumstances and I explained to you | Maria] what people will be like then. The time of the spirit must come. "Mankind started off from a deep darkness and from a dreadful weight of mud, after losing divine Light of its own will by giving heed to the enemy's seduction. The true essence of this seduction is hinted at in the fruit that teaches Good and Evil, which in other words revealed to mankind what God, for its own good, had concealed from the matter, from the mind, from the heart. How pure, how peaceful, how upright, how godly all of you would have been had you not bit into the th reefold concupiscence which is sweet to the mouth, but more bitter to the spirit than the vinegar and gall offered to Me on the Crossl 51 "Fallen from their paradisiacal dwelling on earth, crushed by the revelation of their flesh desecrated by lust, tortured by tlie remorse of having caused their own evil, anguished by the conviction that they had aroused God the Creator's punitive tinger, they were but poor animal beings in which all the lower forces struggled and gained strength. ,J [ already pointed out to you** [Maria] the difference be¬ tween the precepts given to Moses and Mine. Moses' were necessary, in their provoking crudeness, to curb the tendencies of people who were pieces of flesh barely moved by souls wounded to death and stunned in a spiritual coma. The mem¬ ory of the Light lost survived in their souls' depths and led their steps towards the light.** It was a very tiring Journey because matter is heavier than the spirit and drags downwards. Every so often the goodness of the Eternal One gave mankind ’beacons' for the stormy crossing towards the real Light. The patriarchs and the prophets were the beacons of mankind seeking the harbor of Light. 31 "Then ca me the One whom John, the Beloved, calls 'the true Light which enlightens everyone.'” "I can re, I Light af the world and Word ofthe Father, mid I brought back to you Fence with the Father, the embrace which makes people become children of the Most High again- "1 am the Oro? who rekindled the dying life of your spirits. "J am the One who taught you the necessity of being born in the Spirit, "1 am the One who gathered in My Person alt the Light, Wisdom and Love of the Triad and brought it to you. "I am the One iuJio with My sacrifice fixed the chain , where it ttad ftecn snapped off, binding you anew to the Father and to the Spirit afTrnth. "lam the One who, levering on My scaffold, raised your spirits iaid low in the mire and gave them a powerful thrust to proceed towards God's Light, towards Myself who m Heaven am awaiting you. "Over the centuries, however, few in the world have bene¬ fited from it because the world has been preferring darkness to the Light mow and more. 1, with My atrocious death, have obtained for you the coming of the perfect Spirit ; but, over the centuries, man¬ kind has rejected Him more and more, as it has rejected Mo, os it has rejected the Father. "Think of a liqueur being purified: what is heavy drops to the bottom and the dean parts rise. The same thing, throughout the centuries, has been happening to mankind. TAose who wanted to remain flesh and blood have fallen lower and lower, while those, the aristocracy of My flock, who wanted to live in the spirit, have become mew end more spiritual. In the middle ate the name¬ less lukewarm. There are two contrary mass movements. One group, unfortunately the larger one, ofcsarfes Safari more and more and sinks below the level of beasts. The other group, the smaller one, absorbs Christ more and more; it feeds on His Word—which for 20 centuries has not been silent— and so it becomes more and more able to understand the Spirit. "When l use special means it a fa hasten —because time is getting short —the fullness of the leaching of the Word and the fullness of the spiritual formation of the rea i disciples, the rea l subjects of Jesus Christ the King , 1 am not King of the Jews, as was 32 Ironically said and written* by a weak man who thought he w,is strong with his poor power, 1 him King of the World before the fudgment of the world. "Mankind, proceeding towards the Iasi hour, must achieve spir¬ ituality. But understand Me, [Maria]. God Is spirit; Satan is ipirit- God is Spirit of Perfection. Satan is a spirit of sin. The mass is split in two of its own will, which God respects; all follow the side of their choice. The children of the Most High and My brothers and sr'iVcs cfrwse God's side and out of love fir Us spiritualize the flesh. Satan's slaves and the Beast's offspring choose Lucifer's side , intdfor the sake of the slavery which they themselves wanted , they kid die spirit under carnality, they turn their spirits into foul and disgusting flesh and blood. "1 will reign over, and in, the spirits having reached that maturity tiriiich today is that of individuals and then wilt be that of the whole ma$$ of real ChrisfniHs, At that time 1 shall addtess this group only, perfecting if with the last teaching through a new evangeliza¬ tion, no different in meaning, which cannot change, but different in its power which they will be able to understand then and which they could not today. The proof is that I must choose special creatures worthy of that much through their own efforts or made worthy through a miracle of love, "Twenty centuries ago T spoke to everyone. When the time comes I will speak to these only, convinced as T am that speak¬ ing to the others would be useless. Thus tine sorting out of the elect from the reprobate will begin. "You, poor Maria, are one of these souls made worthy by My will. You have but one good thing: the goodwill of love. But that is the kind of will that is enough for Me, On it [can set My Master's chair to turn the little soul into a pedestal, to say, repeat and repeat again the words of love and invitation to Love, who guides and saves. "I shall come with My glorified Flesh. "By saying this I have aroused your curiosity. You would not be a woman if you were not curious, but I say what I think is useful to say for the good of all of you, and not what would be food for the useless curiosity of you all. If I appreciate being (he Master, 1 know how to choose within the Truth the truths which are helpful for you to know, and that is enough. 33 "So be content knowing this: since the subjects of the Kingdom of the spirit will have spiritualized the flesh, if is fitting fJwt the King be the One who dressed His perfect Spirit with flesh Jo redeem and sanctify every flesh, the One who sanctified His own fiesh luidi a twofold holiness, because it was an innocent , perfectly %innocent flesh and a flesh immolated in the sacrifice of lave. M l shall come with My glorified Flesh to gather creat ures for the fast battleagainsl the Enemy, 1 shall judge in My brilliant appearance of glorified Ffesh the bodies of those come to life again for the last judgment. I sfwU nefurn forever Jo Hefltwtf, after ffirttowiMg fo eternal death the flesim that did not want to become spirits; and l shall return to Heaven as resplendent King of a resplendent people. In these, the work of the Father, of the Son, of the Spirit shall be glorified with the creation if the perfect human body such as the Father made it in Adam, beaut fid with indescribable beauty; glorified with Hue redemption of Adam's seed by the Son's work; glorified with the sanctification wrought by the Spirit." 24 . The judgment of the wicked August 17,1943 _ Complete dictation _ Q43rH0-141 Jesus says: "When 1 put in the Beloved's month that also those who pierced Me shall see Me, w i do not mean to refer to those who pierced Me twenty centuries ago. "When [ come, the time of the triumph of My Kingdom shall have come, I explained to you” [Maria] what the King¬ dom and its subjects will be like. It will be the time of the testimony of the spirit, the divine pari enclosed in all of you and ivhich gives you the inline of God and likeness to Him. Being such, the spiri lual parts are what will be in question before the ruling, the judgment that separates the cursed from the blessedThe cursed sltall include those who with their sacrilegious spirits, which sought after the Beast, worshipped the Beast and prostituted with the Beast, have pierced over the centuries the divine spirit of the Son of God after having, in the founders of the cursed series, pierced the fleshes of the Son of Man, 34 "Son of Man. Have you ever reflected that the truth ex¬ plained yesterday is in these words? lam, by human ancestry, the (fi rst-bom) Son of Adam. "The swarm of those piercing Me is numerous like sand on the seashore. Countless are ils grains. " All the crimes, ail the sins committed against Me —by now untouchable by human suffering, but still susceptible to the offenses ii#fij'rist My Spirit —are written in the boolcs titfl call to mind the works of human beings. "A II tlte betrayals after My kindnesses, all the abjurations, all the denials and sins against the Truth brought by Me, all the sins against the Holy Spirit who spoke through Me and who through My merit came to illuminate the words of the Worrf, all these piercings, done over the centuries by the race I wanted to save lltough 1 Anew if hkk J iff opposed to Good—all will be present in the inner depths of flar gathered spirits. In the dazzling Light of My lightning , these shall acknowledge what they did with their stttbborn wills to challenge what iwis said and done by One who could neither fie nor do works useless according to the divine law of love. " The denier s of Love are those ttiluJ have pierced Me, those who ha tw sfrwclt Me and along with Me the One who generated Me and tire One who proceeds from Our love of Father and Son. Every judgment has been submitted to the S 0», but tire Son will pronounce judgment also on the sins committed against the Father and the Spirit. "The bringer if Life , the eternal Living One and ike eternal Immolated One—the world wanted Him dead, killed as a harm¬ ful criminal is killed, whereas I was the Holy One who forgave, I lie Good One who helped, the Powerful One who healed, the Wise One who taught. He Himself, the bringer of tlx Life lived in Heaven, shall open the doors of real Death and put in fire bodies and nouls of His piercers. He will shut Heit's doors On the untouchable group of the cursed, who preferred Death ffl Life. "That's what I shall do, because I, Jesus Christ, Son of God, your Savior and Lord, eternal Judge, have the keys of Death and of Hell." 35 25* The overcomers of Apocalypse 2:7 August IB,1943_Complete dictation_ Q43:141-143 Jesus says: "I continue explaining to you the passages that I think timely. "It is said: To the one who overcomes 1 will give to eat of the tree of lifeThat thought has been applied to Me. "Yes, 1 am the tree of eternal life and give Myself to you people as food in the Eucharist, and seeing Me will be the overcomers" joyful food in the next life. But there is another meaning unknown to many, precisely because many who com¬ ment upon Me are not 'overcome rs,' "Who is an overcomer? What does it take to be one? Works ringing with heroism? No, then those who overcome would be too few. Overconsers are those who overcome within themselves the Beast that would like to get the upper hand of them. In truth, between the dreadful but brief martyrdom assisted by super- natural and natural factors, and the secret, unknown and con¬ stant struggle, the one of greater weight on God's scales-^or at least the one of a weight of a different, precious kind —the struggle. "No tyrant is worse than the flesh and the Devil , And those who can overcome thefksh and the Devil and turn their flesh to a spirit and the Pethf into a loser, they are the overcomers, "But to he such they need to have given themselves totally to Love. Totally: those who love with all their strength keep nothing for themselves, and keeping nothing for themselves keep nothing far the flesh or far the devil They give their Cod everything and God gives those who love Him everything. "He gives fh*m fits Word This is what He gives thenvercomers to eat, starting on this earth, and He could have given them nothing greater. He gives Me, the Father's Word, to be food of the spirii consecrated to heaven. "My Words come down to feed the souls wholly given to their Lord Cod. My Words come to be priests and leaders for you people who seek true guidance and notice so many weak guides on account of the crowds that perish without true 36 guidance. Yoh who have understood Truth, you tome that only this « necessary: to live on My Words, believe in My Words , litwrtftng to My Won/s. "What do you think [Maria] of someone who wants to live on sweets, liquor and tobacco? You say he will die because that is not the food he needs to live healthily. The sante is Jrwf of someone who works hard for a thousand outward appearances and does not look after what the nucleus of the soul's whole life is: My Words . "Why do the Mass, the Eucharist, and Confession not sanctify you people as should ensue? Because for you they are for farm's sake; you do not make Ihemfru itfitl by paying attention la My Words. Worse yet, you stifle My Words that I send from cm High, from Heaven, to rebuke and enlighten you, smothering them with lukewarmness, hypocrisy and more or less serious sin. "You do not love Me: that's the problem. To love does not mean an occasional superficial visit of worldly courtesy. To love means to fit* with the soul united and fused with, and kindled by, the one and only fire that nourishes another soul. Then in the fusion, understanding also comes about. "1 speak no Longer from afar, from on High in the heavens. 1. and with Me the Father and the Spirit because We are one single thing, I settle in the heart that loves Mf*’ and My words arc ffo longer a whisper but full Voice, no longer now and then but uninterrupted- Then I am really the 'Master /1 am the One who Iwenty centuries ago tirelessly spoke to the crowds and who now finds His delight in speaking to His favorites who know flow to listen to Him and of whom I make My waterways of grace. "How much Life 1 give to you people! True Life, holy Life, eternal Life, joyful Life by means of My uxtrds which are tite father's words and the Spirit's love. Yes., how in truth 1 give the tivercomer' to eat the fruit of the tree of life. I give it to you starting on this earth with My spiritual doctrine which I come hrrcJt to bring among people so that not all should perish , 1 give it to you in the rieif life until My being among you forever. "I am the true Life. Remain in Me, My beloved ones, and you will no! experience death “ 37 26 * The hidden manna of Apocalypse 2:17 August 19,1943_Complete dictation _Q43:143-144 Jesus says: '“Still seeing the Beloved's words through My eyeSyOrtecan understand that 'the hidden manna' 61 too is My Word, if is manna because it gathers all t)te sweetness of love of Our Trinity which is Father, Brother and Spouse of your souls and loves you with the three highest lirves. U is hidden because it is said in tite depths of the hearts vf those worthy to taste it. "[ would really like being able to shower it on everyone and teed everyone with it. But it is said: 'Do not give the pearls to the pigs and the holy things to the dogs.' H Although they were cleansed in My Baptism and redeemed by My Blood, many are viler than pigs and mote doggish than dogs, "[Maria,] you have read that the manna in the desert spoiled for the ancient Hebrews unworthy to have it.** They were unworthy due to their lack of faith and iheir human worries. Can l have less respect Jot My Word titan I hod for the manna destined (a feed the belly, whereas lire Word is destined to feed the spiritT "Therefore I give manna tolfiotse wlm overcome the lower part with att its tendencies f«? lack of faith, to the senses, to narrow-mi tided and selfish cares. ] give the manna of My Word that fills your spirits with sweetness and light. I give 'a white pebble, and in the pebble, a new name written.'* 5 In other words, in the pebbie, a Truth is revealed which is withheld from the unworthy , It is the Truth which opens the doors of eternal Life fir you, tohich gives you the beys to ft and puts you on the W ay to reach the Cafe of My heavenly City. "I am the Way, the Truth, the Life.** Outside of Me there is no other way, truth and life. Those who overcome all obstacles to follow Me will become pillars of My temple. Through the Word they kept and put in practice, after being saved in the frightful hour of trial from the temptation that kills, they will have a seat on My own throne, together with the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit," 27. A void in the mystical forest A-list 19, 1943 _ Complete dictation^ _ Q43;144-145 Jesus further says: ■'The world is perishing because it has not kept My Wford, Ihxmus? it has neglected it and scoffed at it. No hu man power will Iv of use to stop the -world's rush to fite abyss because life world and its jwwers isick the thing that saves: My Law. "A void has been made in the mystical forest 1 had grown for you people so you would have a dwelling in the shade of My far-sighted love. Your sins have made it, and in this void the perpetual Serpent has taken over as ruler, poisoning you with his breath and killing you with his bite and preventing My Law from being an agent of Good within you. "You have smoke, poison, horror and hopelessness within you and around you. Yet you could ha% r e had Light, Peace, I lope, Joy. You could have had this, had you followed My Word, because 1 consumed all the horror of life to keep you Irom it a nd I did so with that atrocity of agony which I suffered for you. "But you have thrown My gift away and have called Satan your master and king. And Satan teaches you and controls you, ,md brines you and whips you to make you worthy of his hell" 28. More about the Antichrist A uyuSt 2.0 r 1943 Complete dictation Q43:l 45-149 Jesus says: "If one properly studied whathas been happening for some lime, and especially since the beginnings of this century that precedes the year 2000, one should think that the seven seals have been opened,** Never as now have 1 roused Myself to come back in your midsl with My Words to gather the troops of My elect to set out with them and with My angels to give battle to the occult forces that work to uncover for mankind the gates of the abyss. "War, faming, plagues, instruments of military manslaugh¬ ter—worse than the fierce beasts spoken of by My Favorite— 39 earthquakes, signs in the sky, eruptions from the depths of the ground; and miraculous callings:, to the mystical ways, of little souls moved by Love, persecutions against My followers, loft¬ iness of souls and vileness of bodies: none of the signs is missing by which the time of My Anger and of My Justice may seem at hand to you people "h the horror you are going through," you cry out: Time has come! It can't get any more awful!' In a loud voice you call on the end to free you. The guilty cali on it, scorning and cursing as always. The good call on it unable to see Evil triumph over Good any more. "Peace, My elect! A little longer and I will come. The sjurt total of sacrifice necessary to justify the creation of mankind and the Sacrifice of the Son of God is net yrt awjrpfefe. The deployment of My troops is not yet finished and the angels of the Sign have not yet put the glorious seal on all the foreheads of those who have deserved to be selected for glory.** "The disgrace of the earth is such that its smoke, little different from that arising horn Satan's dwelling, rises to the foot of God's throne with sacrilegious onslaught. Before the apparition of My glory, east and west must be purified to be worthy of the appearing of My Face "There are incense that purifies and oil that consecrates the great, boundless altar where the last Mass will be celebrated by Me, the eternal Pontiff, served at the altar by all the saints that heaven and earth will have at that hour. Those incense and oil are the prayers and sufferings of My saints, those dear to My Hearf, those already marked with My Sign, the blessed Cross, before the angels of the Sign mark them. "it k on the earth that the sign is engraved and ii is your wiil that engraves it. Then the angels fiil it with white-hot gold which cannot be removed and which makes yourforeheads static SiSic the sun in My Paradise. "Great is today's honor, 711 My beloved ones, but how much, how terribly much mote if must still increase to be the Horror of the end times! If it truly seems that wormwood has been mixed to the bread, wine, and sleep of people, much, terribly much more wormwood must still drip into your waters, onto your tables, onto yout poor beds before you have reached the total bitterness that will 40 h' tlu- ntate of the tost days of this race created by Low, saved by latx nflil which ha$ prostituted itself to Haired. "Cain roamed all over the land for having killed an inno¬ cent blood, albeit infected with original sin. He found no one who could pull Mm out of the torment of remembering, be¬ cause God's sign was on him for his punishment. He procre¬ at'd in bitterness and in bitterness lived and saw others live, ■Hid in bitterness he died. What then shouldn't the human race suffer, for having killed in fact and killing in desire the abso¬ lutely innocent Blood which saved it? "Accordingly, you are to think that these are the warning signs, but ii is not yet the hour. " They are here, the forerunners of the one who, as I said, can call himself: 'Negation,' 'Evil made flesh,' 'Horror/ 'Sacrilege/ of Satan/ 'Revenge/ 'Destruction/ and I could go on giving him dearly and dreadfully informative names- But he is not here yet. n "He will be someone very high up, high up like a heavenly Ivdy: not a human star that shines in a human sky, but a heavenly body from a supernatural sphere. Giving in to the Enemy's enticement, he will experience pride after humility, .ilhelsm after faith, lust after chastity, the craving for gold after evangelical poverty; the thirst for honors after concealment. " It would be less frightful to seen star of the vault of heaven $i «jcj# rfvttin titan it will to see this elect creature hurtle down into Satan's curls, copying the sfn of his chosen father. Lucifer, out of pride, became the Cursed and Dark One. The Antichrist, out of the pride nf u>ir hour, will become tite cursed and dark dii; after having been a heavenly body in My army. "His abju ration shall shake the heavens under a deep shud¬ der of horror and make the pillars of My Church tremble in the dismay brought about by his fall. As a reward for his abjura¬ tion, he shall get Satan's help in full. Satan will give him the keys of the hole of the abyss for him to open it,” in fact to throw ti completely open to let out tlte instruments of horror roJrrcfj Siifrm birs been puffing lagetiter for f/iausarttk of yours Is drive piiydc to idler hopelessness, so that on their own they would call upon Satan us King and rush after the Antichrist to fallow him. The Antichrist wilt be the only one who can throw the gates of the abyss ty ctr la let 41 Ittc King of the flfcyss out, fust as Christ opened the gates of the Heavens to lei out grace and forgiveness which turn human beings into gods tike God and kings of an eternal Kingdom in which 1 am the King of kings. "As Ifte Father gave Me ail power ; so will Satan give the Anti¬ christ ali power, and espectoHif all power of seduction, to sway into his retinue the weak and those corroded by the levers of ambitions as he, their head, is. But in his unbridled ambition he will find Satan's supernatural forms of help still too little and he will seek other help in Christ's enemies- These shall be armed with deadlier and deadlier weapons, such as their lust for Evil was able to lead them to create in order to spread hopelessness among the crowds. They will help him until God utters His 'Enough!' and reduces them to ashes with the radi¬ ance of His countenance,” "There has been much, too much aimless Speculation over the centuries on what John says in chapter 10 of the Apoca¬ lypse. It was not out of a good yearning and a respectable desire to find a remedy for the imminent evi I, it was only out of useless curiosity. But l want you to know, Maria, that 1 allow you people to know what can be useful to know, and J veil what I find good for you not to know. "You are too weak. My poor children, to know the names of horror of the seven Apocalyptic thunders. 71 My angel said to John: 'Seal up the things which the seven thunders have spoken; and write them not/ 73, / My that it is not yet the hour for what was sealed to be openedand if John did not write it down I will not soy if, "After all, it does not befall you to taste that horror 7 * and so - AH that is left for you lo dots pray for those who will have to go through if. Pray for strength net to fail them. Pray for them nof to go over to the crowd of those who, under the harsh scourge, shall not hear of penance and sltall blaspheme Cod instead of calling on Him for help. Many of these are already on earth and their off spring shall be seven (rrrrre seven more demoniacal than they. "I, not My angel, J Myself swear that when the thunder of the seventh trumpet is over and the horror of the seventh scourge has been carried out, 7 * without Adam's race acknowledging Christ the King , Lord, Redeemer and Cod, and calling upon His Meny, His Name in 42 itibrdi is- salvation, I, for My Name's sake and My Nat art's sake , swear that l will freeze the moment in eternity. Time wiil cattt* and the judgment will begin f* the Judgment that forever divides Good from Evil after thousands of years of cohabitation on earth. "Good shall go back in flic source from which it came. Evil will fall to where it had teen hurled down at the time of Lucifer's uprising and front where it came out to derange Adam's weakness in the seduction of the senses and of pride. "Then God's mystery shall come to an end. Then you shall know God. Everyone, everyone from earth, from Adam to the last bom, gathered like grains of sand on the dune of the eternal country, stall see the Lord God , Cf«f# r fudge, King. "Yes, you will all see this God whom you have loved, blasphemed, followed, scorned, blessed, held in contempt, served, shunned- You shall see Him. Then you shatl knoiv how rtmcA He deserved your love and itow praisewttrthy it tt«ts to sen* Him. "Oh! The )oy of those who will have worn themselves out in loving Him and obeying Him! OhE The terror of those who have been His Judases, His Cains, of those who preferred to follow the Opponent and the Seducer instead of the incarnate Word in whom Redemption is found; the Seducer instead of Christ the Way to the Falher; the Seducer instead of Jesus the most holy Truth; the Seducer instead of the Word true Life." 29*The iwo witnesses of Apocalypse 11 "And I will give Lmlo My two witnesses, and they shill pmphvsy a ihimMjrtid two hundred sixty days, clothed in sackcloth" (Apocalypse 11:3). August 21,1943 Complete delation_Q43:150 Jesus says: "All the masters in the faith—Pontiffs, bishops, inspired souls, doctors of the Church, souls permeated by the Light and by the Voice—all of them are hinted at in My two witnm’s. With a voice free from every human streak, they have pro¬ claimed Me and the truth of My doctrine and have set the seal of holiness, sorrow and also blood in confirmation of their voice. 43 ,J Hated like Me, Master of masters, Saint of saints., they were always more or less tormented by the world and those in power- My witnesses nn found to be those who by their very behavior fell the world and the great of this world: 'What you do is not right.' But when the hour of the son of Satan has come. Hell, coining up from t\ie abyss opened by the Antichrist, shall wage a ruthless war against them and, from the human point of view, shall Crush and kill them, "Bui if will not be a real death. In fact, it wilt be the Life of lives, real and glorious Life. Because if those who follow My Law in the commandments have Life, what infinite fullness of Life will be gTferi ft? those who fallow also My evangelical ccufjsfJs of perfection and drive their being with Me to total sacrifice out of love for titeir Jesus, the eternal Immolated One whom they imitate so far as to sacrifice ffterr lives? "Those who give up the thing dearest to a human being, iife , to follow Me out of k/ve for Me and the brothers and sisters, shall be called loan extraordinarily bright resurrection. I will never weary of repeating this: nothing is greater than love in Heaven and on earth, and no love is greater than that of someone who gives up his life for his brothers and sisters.^ 30, World War lit one of the opening battles August 21,1943 Complete dictation Q43:150-152 Jesus further says: ' r I told you one day" that in today's tragedy* 1 Satan's forces are already on the move and Satan has sent his dark angels to stir up earth's kingdoms against one another The supernatural Battle has already begun. H is going on. It keeps behind the scenes of the small-scale human battle -" "ft is not small-scale in size, it is small-scale as motives go. The small-scale human motive is not, I repeat is not, the bat tie's cause. It is nof, SoFrfPffrui.j else is the real motive which turns brothers info rnurctenfers wild beasts that take a bile out of each other and kill each other. " You fight with your bodies, but what is actually fighting is you r souls. You fight by orders of four or five mighty men. You think it is so- No, Only one executor is behind this ruin. He is on earth 44 tawuse you MMnf him there, but he is not of this earth. Satan is the one pulling the strings of this bloodbath in which it is wore (Jar souls rlntf rite than the bodies. "This is One of the opening battles. The kingdom of the Antichrist turds a cement made of blood and haired to heoorrte consolidated. ,J And you, no longer able to love, you serve him consdetv tiously and slit each other's throats, and you curse the One who is not to blame for this evil of yours. You curse God, who battle s u r jffi His angels to safeguard what is His; Faith in Christians'hearts. Goodness in the hearts of the good. "Iam not the on* making a selection, for now. You yourselves arc sorting yourseives out, of your own free wills. Those who despite the honor can recognize that God is always God, in other words Goodness and justice, and that salvation is found in following God's Law, set themselves apart from those who deny these truths. The first rise up to the Light; the others foil towards Darkness. " Really Satan aspires, with his devils, to scale Heaven a second time. But driven back by My archangel he hurtles down to earth lo vanquish God through His children's hearts. For every itist sow! is a defeat for God. And Satan easily succeeds because people's hearts no longer have the flame of the spirit. TJrey no longer have the life of tiie spirit. They aregnarls of sin iri which the tpirit-killing threefold lust thrives. "Blessed are those who have overcome by virtue of the l.amb's blood and have remained and will always remain faithful. Blessed are those who shall have rejected Satan and his enticements and not have been anxiety-ridden about his apparent triumphs, his efforts launched at this hour, which he knows to be brief for his reign of malediction. Blessed are those who will remain faithful to Christ and His Church, dismem¬ bered by antichrlstian persecution: the Church, unconquerable martyr like the Great Martyr her Spouse, the Crucified Christ; the Church, rising again more beautiful, after her apparent death, to come glorified into Heaven, where the true Pontiff awaits her to celebrate the wedding." 45 31. The two beasts Satan his his loya] a nch-demtms r cunt aping Michael, the other aping Gabriel- August 22, 1943_Complete dictalkm_ Q4$\ 152-1 $4 Jesus says; "T told you one day* 1 that the eternally jealous one tries to mimic God in all of God's manifestations. "God has His faithful archangels. Satan has his. Michael, Witness of God, has an infernal imitator, and so does Gabriel, Power of God. "The first beast, coming out of the sea, who with the voice of blasphemy makes the dupes proclaim: 'Who is like the beast?',” corresponds to Michael, beaten and wounded by Michael in the battle between the hosts of God and of Lucifer at the beginning of time and healed by Satan, the first beast hates Michael to the death and loves Satan—if one can speak of love between demons; better to say he is absolutely subject to Satan, "Staunch minister of his cursed king, he uses his intelli¬ gence to harm the human race, creation of God, and to serve his master. Power without end or measure he wields to per¬ suade people to strike out from themselves My sign,which fills with horror the spirits of darkness. Once My sign has been taken away {by sin which takes away grace, the luminous chrism of your being) the Beast can approach people to lead them to adore him as if he were a god/ 1 and serve him in crime. "If people only reflected to what subjection they hand themselves over when, they espouse sin, they would not sin. But people do not think. They look at the fleeting moment and its joy, and worse than Esau they barter their divine generation for a plate of lentils,* "Nevertheless, Satan does not make use only of this violent seducer of mankind. However little people do reflect, usually there are still too many who, not out of love, but out of fear of punishment do not want to sin mortally, and so behold the other Satanic minister, the second beast " Beneath lamb's cloth¬ ing he has a dragon's spirit. 46 "He is the second manifestation of Satan and he corre¬ sponds to Gabriel, because he announces the Beast and is its stronger power: he is the one that dismantles without being noliecti tml jvrsuades wif/i false sweetness that rf is right to follow the footsteps of the Beast. "It is useless to speak of political power and of the world, [f anyth ing, you may attribute the name of hitman Pouter to the firstandfruriMU Scifnw to the second. White human Power by it seif produces rebels, when Science is merely human it corrupts without producing rebetiion and drags to perdition a countless number of followers, How many are lost through intellectual pride which tfwtfcre fliewj despise the Faith, and how many kill their souls with the pride that separates from God! For though 1 will reap on the last day the harvest of the world," already a reaper is amongst you. It is flrfs spirit of Evil who maws you down and does not tur;r you into cars of eternal grain, but hay for tite dwellings of SatoH, "One, only one science is necessary. J will repeat it a thou¬ sand times: to know God and serve Him, to know Him. in all things, to see Him in what happens, and to be able to distin¬ guish Him from His adversary, so as not to fall into perdition, Instead you are concerned about increasing your human knowledge, to the detriment of superhuman knowledge, "t do not condemn Science, In fact 1 am pleased that mankind should learnedly probe tire knowledge which ft Inis brtrr accumulat¬ ing, so as to be more and more aide to understand Me and admire Me i n My works. 1 have given you intelligence for this purpose but you must use it to see God in the law of the stars, in the formation of fli.frw.TS and in the conception of beings, not use it to violate life or deny the Creator. ''Rationalism, Humanism, PhiLosophism, Theosophism, Naturalism, Classicism, Darwinism: you have school* and doctrines of all kinds and you are concerned with all of them, though the Truth is much perverted or eliminated in them. It is only the school of Christianity that you do not want to follow and examine closely. "Such resistance is natural, after all. If you examined your religious culture closely, you would have to either follow (he Uw, and you do not want to, or openly confess that you want 47 io trample upon the Law, and again you do not want to. And so you do not itKtnj to become learned in supernatural Science, "You poor fools! What will you do with your little schools and your little words when you have to take My exam? You have put out in yourselves the infinite light of true Science and you thought you could enlighten your souls with makeshift light, just like some poor lunatics who would think they have put out the sun and made a new one with many little lamps. But even if the fog hides them the sun is always therein My firmament. Earn with your doctrines you create a jog witkh veils Knowledge and Truth Truth and Knowledge still nisJ because they come from Me r who am eternal, "Seek true Wisdom and you wilt understand Science as it should be understood. Gear your souls of all their artificial superstructures, and set up in them the true Faith. Like Spires of a spiritual cathedral there shall flower in your souls Science, Wisdom, Intellect and Fortitude, Humility and Temperance, toeeffwse real scholars know net only what is humanly JbimMe, They bw also the most difficult of oil things: self-coiitroi with regard to fJwpsrssroira of the flesh and turning their lower parts info the pedestals for their souls to te taised and their spirits to hr bln rich til Heavenwards, towards Me, who come find am in ail things, and a>Ao four to be the true and holy Master of My brotfttrs and sisters." 32. The seven scourged; Babylon; Waterfalls of grace August 22,1943_Complete dictation_ Q4&154riti0 Jesus says: "The last seven** correspond to the seven un- desciibed thunderclaps” As always, they are figurative de¬ scriptions in which, however reality is no! totally excluded. I explain to you [Mariaj what I think is fitting in them to be explained to you. "The first scourge is the ulcer "Ever since Moses' times J have punished with Loathsome diseases the creatures who commit unforgivable sins against +B s to M iryam, Moses' sister, had her body covered with leprosy ini having ill-spoken of My servant Moses.* 1 Why should r'l Hr same and worse yet happen to those who speak ili of their (k»d? The leprosy, or whatever ulcer it may be, is spreading more and more iwotnstf you people have been increasing your sins jj.iiffh! Crfd and against Cod's wonderful work which you are, "When you rwaftoty tn Jus!, you think you are not sinning against ihwi? &ut you really are,, because each of you defiles his own body in urAirA his spirit dwells to welcome Me, the Supreme Spirit. And what stage is human lust coming to, carried out by a cool, i * luscious will? It is best not to probe into this abyss of disgust' iii)' human degradation. I tell you, [Maria,| certain animals used to be called unclean,™ but human beings have already outdone them and will outdo them more and rrrowand if a new animal could be made by crossing monkeys with snakes and with swine, it would still he less unclean than certain peoples whose apjnwranees are human but whose inner selves are nme indecent and more repulsive than lhe filthiest animals. "As 1 have told you, [Maria,] mankind is splitting wider ,md wider apart. The spiritual part, scanty to the utmost, is ascend¬ ing. The sensual pari , extremely large, is sinking. It is sinking into a ghastly depth of vice. When the time of wrath has come, mankind will have reached the ultimate in vice. '• And you expect that their dead souls' inner stench would not seep out and corrupt their flesh, which they worship more than Me and use for all forms of debasement? And as you people will bring about the ulcers, so you will fill with blood the sea and the rivers' waters. You are already filling them with your bloodbaths, and the creatures living in die waters are dwindling, killed by you, which contributes to your hunger. You have trampled SO much upon the gifls God gave you for your material needs, that land, sky and waters are becoming your enemies and withhold from you the fruits of the land and the creatures that dwell in waters, rivers, forests and air. "You murder, you do murder, you trample on the law of Love and forgiveness, you spill brotherly blood and especially the blood of the good, luhowr you persecute precisely because they are good, Take care , though, so that opw day God rrwy not rrwteyflj 49 satisfy your hunger and quench your thirst with the blood you have spitted, at odds with My order of peace and charity. "You rebel against the laws 1 gave you; the heavenly bodies and planets will rebel against you. Until now they have given you light and warmth as you needed, as they obey the rates I have marked out of goodness for you. "Repulsive illnesses as a sign of your vice; blood in the waters as a token of all the blood you decided to spill ind uding Mine; fire from the sun to make yon try an advance of the undying embers awaiting the cursed; darkness to let you know that darkness is waiting for those who hate the Light-^all that to make you think and lead you to repentance "But it will be no use. You will go on falling. You wilt go on with your coalitions with evil, paving the way for the 'Kings of the East/ tt in other words the itelpers of the Son of Evil. "ft seems as though My angels are the ones bringing the plagues in reality, you are the ones. You want them, and you shad get them, "When you yourselves have become dragons and beasts, for having married the Dragon* 1 and the Beast, you will fairow from your corrupt innards the unclean beings: the absolute demoniacal teachings which, by doing false miracles, will lead astray the powerful and drag them into battling against God. You will be so perverted as to mistakefar heavenly marvels that which is heil's invention. "Maria, I will now take you by the hand to lead you in the most obscure point of John's book- Commentators of John's book have exhausted their intelligence in many deductions to explain to themselves and to the crowds what the 'great Babylon’ may be» With human sight, with which the shocks due to desired events or events having taken place had some¬ thing to do, they gave the name of Babylon to many things. "But why have they never thought that the 'great Babylon' is the whole earth? I would be a really small and limited God the Creator had 1 created only the Earth as an inhabited world! With one pulsation of My will, I gave rise to worlds upon worlds from nothingness and hurled them, like luminous fine dust, into the hugeness of heaven's vault. SO "The Barth, which you earthlings are so proud of and so cruel to, is but one of the fine specks of dust rotating in ihe boundlessness, and not the largest one. Yet il is iindoMtidly tlte jjitret depraved. The millions of worlds which delight your eyes in dear nights teem with lives upon lives upon lives, and Cod's perfection will be apparent td you when you can see, with the intellectual sight of the spirit reunited to Cod, the marvels of those worlds. "Is Earth by any chance not the 'great harlot* that fornicated wi th all the powers of earth and hell? Haven't earthlings pros* i i t u ted themselves body and soul so as f o triumph in earth's days? Jl Yes it is so. Earth's crimes have all the names of blasphemy, as does the Beast with which Earth and its inhabitants have allied themselves to triumph. Tire seven sinsare like a horrible ornament on the head of the Beast which ieads Earth and earthlings to ifte pasture of Evil, and the ten horns™ a metaphorical number, show the infinite foul deeds done to get, wha lever the cost, all that fite Beast sfrenzied greed decree#, "Is Earth by any chance not soaked with the martyrs' blood? Isn't it drunken with this holy liquor which, being steal - lowed by its sacrilegious mouth, has turned within if into a potion of cursed drunkenness? The Beast which drives the Earth is the combination and synthesis cfall iheevii done since Adam onwards , 1m order to triumph in the world and in the flesh, it draws behind itself those who, worshipping if, will become sovereigns of one hour and of n ifDonid reign. You are sovereigns as children of God, ivith an eternal reign. But you become sovereigns of one hour and of a doomed reign when you worship Satan, iwfto can give you nothing but a fleeting triumph paid for at the cost of an eternity of horror, "The Beast, John says, trtl$ and is not^ At the end of fire world, if sJmi!/ be (lrus. Tl was,’ teams# if really existed; 'it is not,' tenause 1, Christ, will Jh)W defeated it and buried it because if will no longer lv necessary, then, for the triumphs of the ivarld ." "Isn't Earth sitting on the waters of its seas, and hasn't it used these to do harm? What has it not used? Peoples, nations, races, borders, the economy, food, expansion, everything has been of use far if to fornicate and carry <ntf boundless slayings ntrd Iscariot teal betrayals. Earth's own children, fed by it with sin-blood, wilt carry out God's vengeance on il, destroying it, destroying Itam- 51 wltvs, bringing ifw sum total of crimes against God and against humanity to the complete number which demands My thundering: 'Enough!' "At lha f hour the blood of martyrs and of prophets will boil again, steaming with an agreeable fragrance up to My throne. And the clods of the earth, which gathered the moans of those killed out of hatred for Me and which received their last tremblings, will give out a great yell, made of all those holy moans. And the clods will quake with dread's upheaval, shak¬ ing the cities and people's homes where sin and murder are committed, and filling them with a voice urging the vault of Heaven for Justice, "And Justice there will be. / will come. ! will come because I am Faithful and Truthful. I will come tog to* Peace to the faithful and holy Judgment to ftow who have lived. 1 will come with My name whose meaning is kno wn only to Me and whose letters indicate all of the main attributes of God of whom [ am Part and Whole. "Write down: GesiV;* Greatness, Eternity, Sanctity, Unity, Write down: Cristo: 5 ® Charity, Redemption, immensity. Sagac¬ ity 161 Trinity, Omnipotence {of God summarized in the name of the Word made flesh). And if you think that some attributes are missing, realize that Justice is included in sanctity, because who is holy is just; Kingship is included in greatness; Creating, in omnipotence. In My name, the praises of God are therefore proclaimed, "Holy name whose sound crushes demons. Name of life giving Life, Light, Strength to those who love You and call upon You. "Name which isa crown on My head lfll as conqueror of the Beast and its prophet who will be taken, thrust into, drowned and buried in, the liquid and never-ending Hre whose biting fierceness is unimaginable to human senses. "Then it will be the time of My Kingdom on Earth. There will be, therefore, a respite from demoniacal crimes to give people time to hear heaven's voices again. Once the force that unleashes horror has been driven away, great spiritual streams will come down like waterfalls of grace, like rivers of heavenly waters, to speak words of light. 52 "But as people over the centuries did not welcome the Mutated Voices which spoke about Good, beginning with the Voice of the Word, likewise people will be deaf, always deaf— tucvpi those marked with My sign, My most beloved friends aiming at following Me. The others will be deaf to the voices nl many spirits, to the voices which like the sound of many waters wi II sing the new canfek™ to guide the nations towards the Light and above all towards Me, the eternal Word. When (hi- last attempt has been triads 1 ” Satan will come for the last time and will find followers at the four comers of the earth, and tlvL-y will be more numerous than the sand of the sea 1 ® "Oh! Christ Jesus, You who died to save mankind! Only ( aid's patience could have waited so long, done so much, and obtained so little without taking His gif* back from mankind .ind destroying it long before the set hour! Only My Patience which is Lew was able to wait for you all, knowing that like sand tillered through a very fine sieve a few rare souls would come to glory compared to the mass which does not know, does not want Hi filter through the sieve of the law, of Low, of Sacrifice, to come to hie. "But at the hour of My coming, when in My capacity as Cod, King and Judge, 1 corp^ to gather the elect and curse the reprobate, casting these where the Antichrist, the Beast and Satan will already be forever, 1 * after the supreme victory of Jesus Christ, Son of God, Conqueror of Death and Evil, to titese elect tvfto were able to rrnidin 'a I i ve ' iw life, a live in the spirit while waiting for our hour of triumph, I will give ilte possession of the heavenly abode, f wM gittf Myself without pause and Kvlkturt measure. "Aim for that hour, Maria. Call it and call Me with all the strengths of your spirit. Here. I already come whew a son/ calls Me. Together with the Beloved who saw from the Earth the glory of the Lamb, Son of God, the glory of his and your Jesus, say* with your every heartbeat: 'Come, Lord Jesus.'" llp [Maria Valtorta comments:] In dictating to me, Jesus gives me to understand that when He says "Earth" l with a capital E|, He does not mean the globe of dust and water. He means all jreopSe taken as a unton of persons. 1 do not know if I can explain it well. When He says "Earth" 53 [with a capital EJ He meatis, I will pul it this way, corporate entity,'" and when Ho says "earth" [with a small c| He simply moans a planet made up of clods, mountains, water. The first is guilty, the second, innocent. This is why He can say without Contradicting Himself that the martyrs' blood became a poison for the Earth that drank it (in its earthlings) with sacrilegious wrath and spilled it (in its government powers) with a blasphemous abuse of temporal power; whereas the earth-globe, rotating in outer space, re¬ spectfully drank the martyrs' blood and lovingly welcomed their dying convulsions, and presents both to the Everlasting One, asking, maternal and compassionate, that they should not have been spilled or Suffered for nothing and that justice be done to them. 33. The two resurrections The fol tawing ratrocl shows Ihe vjtaJ link between Ihe Fftd Timra and the particular judgment. Just a* the End Times lead Il> the physical end of the world and the genera I judgment, so our personal lives come to a bodily end and the particular j ud^inent. August 22,1943 Complete dictation_Q43:16I-162 Jesus says: "Before end ing this cycle, someth ing needs to be said about the two resurrections, "The first 1 " begins when the soul is separated from the body and appears before Me in the particular judgement. Cut it is only a partial resurrection. Rather than a resurrection one could say a release of the spirit from the envelope of the flesh, and the spirit's wail until il is reunited to the flesh to rebuild the living temple created by the Father, the temple of the human being created in God's image and likeness. "A work with a piece missing is incomplete and therefore imperfect. The human being, a perfect work in its creation, is incomplete and imperfect if it is not reunited in its various parts. Destined to the luminous Kingdom or to the murky abode, human beings must be forever in these |heaven or hell] with their perfection of flesh and spirit. 54 "Therefore, one can speak of a first and of a second resutrre- n un. Hut consider. "The one who has killed his spirit with an earthly life of sin comes to Me, in the particular judgement, wilh a spirit already dead. The final resurrection will bring about that fiis flesh takes up again ike weight of the dead spirit lo die with it utterly. Whereas tlie one who has overcome the flesh in his earthly life comes to me, in the particular judgment, with a living spirit which, as it enters Heaven, increases its life. "Those in purgatory too are alive; ill, but alive. Having recovered through expiation, they will enter the place which is Life. At the final resurrection their spirits, alive with My Life to which they will be indissolubly united, take up the flesh again to make if glorious ami lo live with it completely, just as I five wilh it. "That is why one can speak of a first and of a second tfcalfi 11 ® and, consequently, of a first and a second resurrection. The latter iji eternal possession of Light—because in Heaven you possess Cod, and God is Light, Individuals must reach it of their own free wilts, just as of their own free wills they wonted to lose Light and Paradise. I give you the. help you need, but the witi must be yours. "I am faithful. I have created you free and leave you free. And if you think how worthy of admiration God's respect for human free will is, you can understand how duty-bound you are not to misuse it by doing eDil with it, and how duty-bound you lire to have respect, gratefulness and love for the Lord your i ^ h1, . "To those who have not deviated from their duty I say: 'Your dwelling in I leaven is ready, and 1 burn with desire that you be in My Bliss.'" 34. A clear sequence of historical periods In lhi» text, J«us pavo Maria Valhxfe a clear outline of (he historical ptiiOds to take place bum ]943 until the end of the world . August 27,1943 _ Complete dictation Q43:2ft@-289 Jesus says: "Even in the Apocalypse the periods seem to get mixed up, bott it is not so. It would be better to say that they have more and more majestic repercussions in subsequent times. J 'We are no w i n the period which I cal I that of theiformat tiers of the Antichrist* Then it will be the period of the Antichrist who is the forerunner of Satan, The Antichrist will be assisted by Satan's manifestations: the two beasts spoken of Ln the Apoca¬ lypse. ft will be a period worse than the current one. Evil increases more and more. Once the Antichrist is beaten, the period of peace will come to give mankind—struck by the wonder of the seven scourges and the fall of Babylon—time to gather under My sign, The antichristian. age will rise to its utmost violence in its third manifestation, in other tsftcn it is the tost taming of Satan. "Do you people understand? You must believe, not split hairs. Truly, Maria, you did understand, precisely because you don't split hairs. The dictations do not contradict one another. One must know how to read them with faith and simplicity of heart. "Like someone who cares to let someone else grasp some¬ thing, I always go straight to the most important thing, which here is My Kingdom. Because in My Kingdom there is the justification for My having become flesh and having died. Because in My Kingdom tliere is the proof of My infinite power, goodness, wisdom. Because in My Kingdom there is the proof of eternal life, of the resurrection of the flesh, of My authority as Judge, Consequently, when I spoke to explain ihe Apoca- lypse, the individual points 1 expounded were nearly always crowned with My Judgment, My triumph, My Kingdom, and Satan's defeat in himself, in his favorite, in his forerunners. "Read well, people, and you will see that there is no con¬ tradiction. What [ have said, 1 have said/' 56 35. The power of Loving God vplembcr 10,1943 Extract 043:336-337 Jesus says: "There is but one thing to do to come to Me without error; I he thing advised by Ecclesiastes 111 and modified by Me as follows: J Love God and keep His command merits.' 1 do not say: I car.' I say: 'LoM.’Lnvif much greater than fear and is tn are reliable !> ivin one's end- Fear is for those tuto are sf iff far from Gad, so that iJje'V would not stray. It is like blinders keeping the beastliness dm! up within people from getting the upper hand at every chimerical seducti ve will-o'-thq-wisp. But for those already near God, aiwve ali far those already m Cmf's arms, love rs what must be their guide, "God will take all your actions to judgment. But it is normal for actions moved by tove to never iw completely wicked and srrdr es to disgust the Lord- They may have the mark of your human limited¬ ness, but it will be covered by tire blazing sign of love which cancels out sins and make s people's actions agreeable to the Lord. "There, daughter of Mine, Whereas the world is full of the rumble of murder and hearts overflow with hatred, the two of us who love one another in peace and quiet, speak of love. And there is nothing that gladdens your Jesus as much as these I Lttlc Bethanies in which 1 am the Master taking His restand teaching u Marla in love looking at Him and listening to Him with her whole love." 36, The banner of Christ the Judge September 14,1$43 Extract 043:350 Jesus says; "My terribly sorrow fuk Mother! From My birth to My death she had to suffer because of this too: being unable to give her Child the first and last comforts which even the most wretched children of mankind have at birth and at death. She had to use her veil to clothe her newborn Son and provide 11 ini with ,i loincloth when He was being bled dry. 57 "That Blood has ftot been lost. It exists and lives and sparkles on the Virgin's veil. Thai divine purple on virginal while will be the banner of Christ the fudge on judgment day" 37, The period of peace and the end of the world Mariq v sltorta herself gives as Ihe contort for the foNnwirygdiclation. "As this morning Jesus swmed to be letting me res!, after I said llwr'Venr, Sanetc Spiritgs' ,li 1 usually do, I opened Ihe Bible at random. What turned up was Chapter 2 of Ihe book of Joel r precisely verses IB-32 [Vulgate's numbering; in oiher numbering systems, 2; IB to as). I was giving those words in interpretation such as my Italian heart dreams of with ail rls strength. But Jesus explains to me their much loftier meaning Maria the ItEl}^ fcHjI writes it dnthinking fc-o herself that only the Lord is learned/’ (Q43r355) September 16,1943 Complete dictation _ Q4ft3S3-35S Jesus says: . "It is not in the sense in which you understand it. The hour of pence and forgiveness shall come for you Italians too. The hour shall come when you return to contract an alliance with the Lord after having been in the hands of Satan who threw you about as though you were a hank of yam in the hands of a raving lunatic. But Joel's words (ch.2,w. 18-32) were not said especially for this or that nation. "T7ie words are meant for My people, for I he people of the One and Only, True , Great King, of the Lord your God, One and Triune, Creator and Redeemer of Ihe human race. That period of weil"being of which Joel spoke is Ihe anticipated anturuncement of what a long lime afterwards fohrt spoke about in his Apocalypse. "After the dreadful wars which Satan will have brought to the Earth through his Messenger of darkness, the Antichrist, the period of truce will come. During this rime, after having shown you with the blond-shedding trial what kind of gifts Satan can give, 1 will try to draw all of you to Me by showering you with My gifts. "Ohl My gifts! They will be your delight! You will not experience hunger, slaughters, disasters. Your bodies attd more so your souls will be fed by My fojncf, Earth will seem to spring from a sertwrd cnsntibiT, wholly renewed in the sentiments of pence and goodwill among the nations, and of peace between Heaven and Earth , 58 It* iiwse I will Itave My Spirit food oitfr you and penetrate into you mill jfiw you tiie supernatural sight of God's decrees. "II will be the Kingdom of tite Spirit , the Kingdom of God, which yuM unk for in the ‘Our Father '—and you dp not know what you •■re asking for because you never think about it. Where do you tkpecl the Kingdom cf God to come nhofil but in your hearts? That where My Kingdom on Earth must begin. A great Kingdom, but still limited .* "The Kingdom without limits, neither of land, nor of time, will came after. II is the eternal Kingdom which wilt turn ait of yew in to riernsd dwellers of tite Heavens, because, naturally I am speaking to those who are My Subjects and not to the reprobates who already have their ghastly king: Satan. "Your Cod will work all the miracles to draw to Himself the greatest number of living, because [ am God of Mercy, of forgiveness and of a love so infinite that however much you could seek lu understand its measure you cannot. What you think is the infinity of My love for all of you, is like a tiny pebble on the bank of a brook compared to a whole mountain range whose feet divide the continents and whose peaks are swathed in clouds, ■' "But do you think, Maria, that so many miracles of Love and so many lights from the Spirit will convert people to their eternal God? Undeceive yourself. If I cared for poor animals without reason as I will for you for your bodily needs, if I did only that and no more, these animals with their shapeless languages would praise Me from dawn to dusk, and if they knew where to find Me they would leave all the parts of the globe to come and give thanks to their beneficent Defender. But people won't. "Almost alt of them will be absolutely deaf to the spiritual voices and gifts, and almost stone-deaf to the bodily gifts. Instead of acknowledging My Goodness a nd loving Me out (jfgratefttlness, tiny will avail themsetves of the well-being I shall give them to sirtfr tower and lower into Ihe abyss they like. There, like unclean lnwasts in muddy soil, they wailow and wail for what seduces nine tcntJu of humanity: lust, lewdtiesSrfraud, violence, theft, heresy, supersl it iott and other sensual and spiritual corruptions, which are so hideous that their existence seems impossible lo hones! people, but they do exist and make the Heavens blush and Our Divinity stir with an indignant gesture. "Neither the paternal lavishing of gifts nor the terrifying signs lit the shy will be aide to (urn those living tn ftoif time into children of God. And then My great attd terrible day will came. "Not a twenty-four-hour day , My time is measured differently, U k called 'day' because it come s about in the daytime, and I will act during that time , I will carry out the last sorting-out of those living on the earth, And this will take place during the last unleashing of Satan. "Then if will be seen who has the Kingdom of God within and who has the kingdom of Satan within. Because the falter with their mouths, their acts, and above all their blasphemous hearts will hurl the last insults against My Law and perform the iast sacrileges against God, whereas the first, the Lord's children and subjects — while the iast battle strikes Earth with unspeakable horror—they will cling to My Cross , will call upon My saving Name ; and My canting as fudge will not terrify them , in fact it will be their jubilee because the faithful are those saved, those whom Joel calk the Lord's remnant, in other words those who remain the Lord's after Satan '$ plunder. "Blessed, blessed, blessed forever these children of Mine. Theirs is eternal Heaven. United to the Lord's faithful of all times, they will possess God, whose possession is eternal bliss." 38. Humanness; a fleeting phase of life September 22,1943_Erir«i_Q43:3$6-3S9 Jesus says: "Storms upsetting a lake do not abate all at once. Above al l, when abating they do not give back to the waters their former look immediately. Cloudiness remains for a while, spoiling the waters' color and clearness, and only when the waves have been totally calmed, even deep down, does the water clear up and turn blue and serene li ke the sky. The same holds true when hatred falls with its infernal wind into a heart. It takes time for the soul to be cleansed from its antichrist]an poison * "Mind you, Maria, I understand that as a result of certain grievous agents it is human that hatred should arise. Buf you 60 are not h umatis only. In foci h umanness is but a feeling phase ofyou r tiers, white what experiences no dtortness is the superhuman. For you exist from the moment you are created by the Father and you will always exist, in light or in darkness, depending on your behavior on earth—not only until the end of the world bu t for endless eternity, "Earth! The long, ten and ten and ten times millennial life of Christian earth and the seven times millennial life of Earth, planet created by the Father—what is that in My time? A mere twinkling of an eye in eternity." 39- A reminder on the Spirit October 16,1943 _ Extract Q43;456 Jesus says: "Everything you own on earth is something that dies with the flesh. You cannot take anything into the next life. But the spirit remains, in fact the spirit goes before you. It is the spirit that appears before the Judge and receives the first sentence. It is the spirit that will rouse the flesh at the hour of the last Judg¬ ment and quicken it to hear the decree that shall make them happy together or cursed together. 112 The flesh will experience centuries or moments of death before its resurrection, but the spirit experiences only one death and from it, it does not rise again." 40. Either Grace or the Beast October 21.1343_Extract_0**475 Jesus says: "hi the first commandment L, God, impose Myself to your reverential love with all the soleirmness worthy of MyNaiure compared to your nothingness: T am the Lord your God/” 4 "Tiw often yew forge l fl, O earthlings who consider yourselves gods <md, if you do not have within you a spirit quickened l>y grace, a re nothing but du$i and rot, animais winch join Jo sensuality the craftiness of intelligence possessed by flic Beflsf, tulrieA JMlfctt you do beastly things, worse than beastly: demonic." 41. Cling to the Cross or become demons [ft this extract, Jesu* is addressing World-War-II Italy in wtwds that .apply very well bovurniunlrL? here and now. October 23, bM3_Extract _Q 43-491492 Jesus says: "Where are your friends, O [and that did nnf God as a friend? Whoever betrays shall be betmyd. And it is useless and harmful to say now: 'So and so were the betrayers.' You have at! betrayed. Betrayed Gai your Ft lifter, betrayed His Word of Lift, Ivtrayed your consciences. You are so many judases. For a few pennies and for a few false promises you have sold If rose nearby and thosefar-au?ay, hoping your betrayal would pay off. But what would come out of it except poison? Except death? "You have rejoiced at the ruin of others- Why? Because it was to your advantage? Don't, it makes you doubly guilty You have worshipped the caif which you thought was gold but was only golden dust . You have served the forerunners of the Beast. The Beast is giving you the fruits of its shadowy kingdom: death, ruin, wretchedness, hunger, shame, slavery, collapse of the faith, of freedom, of honor. And if yon do not cling to the Cross, your last salvation, you will go so far as lo imitate wild toasts made furious bif hunger and angeri you will tear each other fy pjners and will think \fou can gorge yimrselves by killing God's servants. But you wilt merely destroy the Good that still springs in your midst and will become hyenas in ha man guise, demons in human guise. "Can't you hear within your consciences Cod's Voice call¬ ing loudly? Don't you hear it thundering across the sky calling you once more to save you? No you don't. And the bad thing in this evil is that not even those who should be used to hearing it and recognizing it can hear it anymore. They wear conse¬ crated clothes and have deconsecrated hearts. They are deaf. And if they cannot hear, how can they make others hear? "Look out, I am saying it again. Consider the signs, you who read God's books and lfou the simple faith fid. The signs dir terrible. Ward them off with the Cross. Bring out the crosses and My effigies. Drive Satan Dirt by means of CJirsf the Conqueror. Have faith. Have faith. You are dying for lack of faith. 1 would like you Ti t Wi h ss every region, every province, every (paw with Me-Redeemer, No feasts. No time for that. Have real adorations and pure irenniic- Jtotis to break free from the One turning you and your current and former riders info demoniacs. 1 ' 42. Judgment over the mighty I ii I his texl, Jesus speaks to the mighty atom? hour. October 28,1943 _ Extract _ Q43:50l-502 Jesus says: 'The real possession of the earth will not be given to the violent, to murderers, to corrupters, to traitors, to perverts. It will belong tq those who live according to My Law. You may k 1 able to take away from them this earthly day before sunset comes; but on the dreadful, blazing Day of My Coming they, with Me, will judge you, you who now think every illicit verdict is licit lor you. t "Woe betide you then! The dreadful Majesty of Christ the Judge will shake the worlds with a shock far greater than the one that opened the tombs and rent the Temple veil at the hour of My death. ,M Woe betide you when behind Me you see all tlmse whom you have killed and tortured and ip/ rose sorrows 1 wilt remember when I judge you for eternity." 43* More on the period of peace In theoriginal te^tju^tb€fore the foLLowirg^EractbeginsJesLis addresses l lujfi# among ihe priests who are toocow-ardl y fo uppOflt- the powef-abu sing mighty and who are thus- reSptsnSibk" for Ihe spiritual dea4h of many sheep. E In . 1 frUrfcg with Jesus lekLLng those unworthy priest* ab™ t the skwtp, ,ifid goes on Ed the period of ptan. L (whkti elsewhere bo be short, only -1 truce ffrr:5A|). Iteodf with Jehus' address In His beloved good souls. ()rtober 3&, 1943_Ealracb_Q43-5W-5CI5 Jesus says: "Now I tell you: Behold, I Myself shall become their Shep¬ herd- 1 will come to gather My sheep. I will gather them in My grazing lands away from the fog of the senseless and harmful teachings which give the deadly fevers of the spirit. I will separate My sheep, in fact they will separate themselves fmin 63 the Little goals and from the rams, because the/ will hear the Voice that loves them, they will hear it no longer like now, through My servants: it will gush out like a river of Life from the mouth of the Word come back to take possession of His Kingdom, "I will compassionately gather My sheep, even those whom your neglect has ruined. Away, away from My flock the wolves in sheep's clothing! Away, the lazy shepherds! Away, those grasping for riches and pleasure! Whoever follows Me must love what is pure and honest. Whoever follows Me must have charity for the brothers and sisters and not get fat while leaving toothers the pittance of dirty trampled grass and water clouded by human plots. And this holds good also for those in lay congregations who aspire only to the positions that stir up their vainglory. Doom with pride, if you want to be my lambs, down with hardness of heart They are the sharp horns with which yen wound and drive back the meek and oppress the weak. "When I have cleansed the flock from what is deceitful and impure, in My period as King of Peace, 1 will teach those who remained for the last instruction. They will know Me as now only the elect know Me, There will not be twelve, but twelve thousand times twelve thousand creatures called to know the King, Heresies and wars will vanish. Light and Peace will be thesun of the Earth, They will feed on the live seed of My Word and they will no longer be pining away from spiritual hunger. They will worship Me in spirit and truth, "When Satan's last revolt against God takes place, the last judases will not be missing among those called to know the King. The gold of the eternal City must be refined by three purifying actions to be able to become a censer before the throne of the glorious Lamb. And this will be the last purifying action. The 'faithful' will remain faithful, and will know that I am with them and that they are My eternal people. "Still, from now on, O My beloved ones and you soul of Mine who love Me and whom [ love, I want all of you to know that even before I come to gather My flock to bring it to the everlasting grazing Lands of Heaven, you are My dearly loved lambs. You will enter My Kingdom before the others because you are My Hock and I am the Lord your God, your Shepherd 64 who takes His delight among you and calls you to His dwelling to live with you in the Peace reserved for those faithful to Christ." 44, The signs of the Second Coming; Yet more on the short period of peace In the following passage it is good lobear Ifimind that a 'day' for the Lord i* not rtiKtssjj'ily An earthly 24-hou.rday; likewise an r eve r for Him could be some length of lime before a given 'day/ t Metier 29,1943_Complete dictation_043:506-61 L Jesus says: "When I put in Zephaniah's mouth that 1 will take away every thing from the earth, 1 am having him prophesy what will li .sp pen the day before the eve of the last time. L then announced I he same thing when I spoke about the destruction of the world, veiled behind the description of the ruin of the Temple and of lerusalem. Later the Beloved prophesied it again in his Apoc- ,ilypse. m The voices follow each other. In fact 1 can say that, as in a sacred building erected to testify the glory of the Lord, the voices climb from pinnacle to pinnacle, from prophet to prophet previous to Christ, until the highest point on which the Word speaks during His human life, and then they climb down from pinnacle to pinnacle, over the centuries, speaking through the prophets after Christ. "It is like a concert which sings the praises, the will, the glories of the Lord, and which shall last until the end-Then the angels' trumpets shall gather the dead of the tombs and the dead of the spirit, the living of the earth and the living of Heaven. AIL will prostrate themselves before the Lord's visible glory and hear the words of the Word of God—that Word whom countless have rejected or neglected, disobeyed, sneered at, scorned, that Word who came; Light in the world, .ind whom the world did not want to welcome, preferring darkness. 111 "1 am the peak of God's building. There can be no words loftier and truer than Mine. But My Spirit is in the mouths of the lessee * Words/ because everything t^s-tifyirtg what is of God, is a word inspired by God. "Famine and deaths due h> epidemics will be one of the forerunning signs of My second coming. These chastisements designed to punish you and call you back to God will carryout, with their distressing power, one of the sortings-out between the children of God and Satan's children. "'Hunger will arise from plunder and cursed wars, decreed without the justification of national independence, decreed only out of power's savagery and the pride of demons in human guise. Hunger will arise from the stoppage, by God's will, of the cosmic Jaws:cold will be bitter and drawn out; heat will be scotching and not moderated by rain; the seasons will be turned around and you will have drought in the rainy seasons and rain when the crops are ripening; plants and trees will be tricked by unexpected warmth or unusual coolness, plants will bloom out of season and trees, after having already produced, will cover themselves with new, useless flowers that will exhaust them fruitlessly. Because every intemperance is harmful and leads to death—-remember that, O people—hun¬ ger will cruelly torment this haughty race hostile to God. "The animals, lacking hay and fodder, grain and seeds, will starve to death, and to still people's hunger will be destroyed, given no time to breed. Birds of the air and fishes of the waters, herds and flocks, will be attacked cm all sides to give your bellies the food which the land shall but scantily put forth for you, "Deaths caused by wars and scourges, earthquakes and heavy storms will hasten both good and wicked into the here¬ after. The good, for your punishment, in as much as once you are deprived of the best, you will get worse and worse. The wicked, for their own punishment, in as much as they will have, before the expected hour, heLI for their dwelling, "Tlte victim prepared fry the Lord to purify the altar of fire Earth desecrated by the sins of idolatry, hist , hatred, pride, is yflw, people who shall ji erish fty the diottstwids and fe?zs of thousands, cut down try the Sharp scythe of fire dfoine thunderbolts. Like April gras* mown down on a field, you will fall on top of one another: holy flowers mixed with poisonous flowers, the delicate stems mixed with the prickly rambles. My angels' hards will pick the blessed and separate them from the damned, bringing the blessed to Heaven and leaving the damned to the demons' pilch forks for Hell's pasture. To be kings or beggars, learned or ignorant, young or old, warriors or priests, will make no difference, will be no bulwark against death. There will be a chastisement and a fearful line. "God's eye will choose the defined by taking away the ‘tights' so they no longer have to suffer from the fog caused by the people united to Satan, by faking auxty Ike 'darkness' generating darkness because possessed by the father of darkness: Salan. "God's eye enters palaces, churches, consciences—and there is no barrier and no hypocrisy that prevents its seeing. God’s eye will scrutinize the inside of the Church, today's Jerusalem, and will scrutinize tite inside of souls a rrd will write the one decree for the slothful, the indifferenl, tlu> lukewarm, ihe rebels, the trai¬ tors, the murderers of the spirit, the decides. No, people, do not think that God will do you neither evil trur good for ytfur works. I SEMMrit to you, I swear it to Myself, I SWiyar it For My \ usticc's sake, l swear with a triple oath, i i viildc you good for the good that you do and evil for the evil done by you. "Though, for you the uncleanness of the flesh and of your lives fit for brutes crust over the soul's eyes to prevent them from seeing God, for God nothing veils His eyes- f will weigh M.y hand down on those who enjoy being in the mud and who want to stay in the mud despite every invitation and every means I extend to them to get out of it. They wilt become mud in mud, because they turn the mud of sin into the favorite food of their impure hunger. "The day is drawing near, children who have disowned (he Father- Earth's time is long and short at the same time. "Wasn't it yesterday by any chance thal you enjoyed an honest well-being produced by peace and peaceful actions which yield bread and work? Wasn't it yesterday by any chance, O you living in this dreadful hour, 11T that you enjoyed the delight of the undivided, unruined family, the delight of children around the father's dining-table, of the bridal cham¬ ber—the groom by the bride—and of the father bent over the children's heads like a teacher and friend? And now? Where is all that? Swift like a bird flying lo far-away shores, that time is past. Jt was yesterday,., now you turn round and see it is separated from you by a number of days, which horror multi¬ plies with its blood-drenched intensity. You take refuge in your memories, but heaps of rubble and rows of graves destroy the pleasantness of your memories with the reality of the present. J 'Oh! people, people who insult Cod with the voices of both mouth and heart, thinking it is licit for you to do so, listen, people, to God's harrowed and Itarroiving voice, which is already thundering Coer the world because it is useless for Him to speak through His servants and friends. Hi s voice, announcing His wrath to you, stilt calls you because He suffers from punishing you. "Before the blindness of your spirits be total , come to the Physi¬ cian and to the Light. Before there be so much blcnidas to be a take of death r come to the source of Life. Gather up your scanty abilities to love and direct them to God. Low will forgive you on orcoun [ cf those Scraps of love, left over by the pi under of the flesh and of Satan, the scraps which you offer to Him , "God ought to be given the first produce and the totality of goods. But since you have been unable to do that, O children who have cost Me My life,gra the great, compassionate, powerful Lctd that which you stilt have. In your poverty of spirit, not tife evangelical poverty but human poverty , tear offfrom your hearts the last bit. Withhold that left-over from iht flesh and give it to Me. I know that it costs My beloved ones less to sacrifice their lives, because love inebriates them, than the sacrifice of a kiss costs you. And for your effort, out of proportion with f fte offering, I wilt give you a reward out of proportion with the gift. I wiitgive it to you, as long as you come. "Anyone who works welt at the last hour will be admitted to the Kingdom like anyone who, from dawn to anticipated dusk, held the plough until falling onto it- You wilt not com¬ plain for having different dwellings in Heaven: in Heaven there is no narrow-minded ness of human envy. But do conquer this Heaven which I created for yon and opened for you by My death on the Cross. Conte to the Lord before the Lord cewies ufwn you with His Judge's majesty. " Wi ih regard to you. My beloved ones, stay on the way you have chosen. Whirlwinds and storms will be unable to make you lose the destination that I am, whose Heart is open to receive you with a kiss of love more alive. Let kingdoms and nations fall. Let wh a t is considered powerful become ashes s nd rubble. Lei that alleged right to dictate wills and teachings turn to dust ground down by God's Will and Law. I Yet more on the short period of peace! "During My short rule over the world, 1 will be the One reigning I and the rest of My people, in other words the real faithful, those who did not disown Christ and cover the sign of Christ with Satan's IfakeJ tiara, Then the false gods of excessive power will fall, as well as the indecent doctrines that disown God, the almighty Lord. "My Church, before the hour of the world comes to an end, will have its glittering triumph. NuriTrrz# differs in the Mystical Body's Hff from that which was in Christ's life. There icpff be tlte hosanna on tlte eve of Passion, the hosanna when the nations, seized by the fascination of the Divinity, bend the knee before the Lord. Then the Passion of My Church militant witt command finally the giory of eternal JEwajjrircfreH in Heaven. "O bliss of tliat day when the conspiracies, retaliations, struggles of this earth, of Satan, of the flesh wi El be over forever! My Church will then be made up of real Christians, in that time, in the next-to-Iasl day. hew as in the beginning, but holy as in the beginning. The Church will end in holiness as it began in holiness. Liars, betrayers, idolaters will stay outside, those who on the last day will imitate Judas and sell their souls to Satan, harming Christ's Mystical Body. In them the Beast will have its replacements for its last war. "And woe betide those in Jerusalem, m the end times, who become guilty of such ti sin. Woe betide those who in Jerusalem will exploit their authority for human advantage. Ww betide those who will lei their brothers and sisters perish and will neglect to turn ihe Word 1 entrusted to them brto bread for the souls hungering for God. Woe betide them. flfthwwr those who openly disoton Gttd and those who disown Him by their actions, 1 will make no difference. And in truth 1 tell all of you, with tlte Sorrow of a sublime Founder, that at the last hour three quarters of My Church will disown Me, and 1 will have to cut them off from the tree-trunk as dead branches infected by an unclean leprosy. "But you who will remain in Me, Listen to Christ's promise- Faithfully and lovingly wait for Me and 1 will come to you with all My gifts. With the gift of gifts: Myself. I will come to redeem and heal. I will come to floodlight the darkness, defeat it and rout it. I will come to teach people to love and worship the eternal God, the Lord Most High, the holy Christ, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. 1 will come to bring you not the peace of this world, the endless destroyer of Peace, but the Peace of the Kingdom that does not die- "Exult, O My faithful servants. This is what the mouth that does not lie tells you- You will no longer haw to fear any evil because 1 wiil put an end to the titne of evil, f will anticipate this end out of compassion for My blessed ones, "Exult especially you, O today's beloved of Mine, For you the coming of Christ and His embrace of glory will be even more solicitous. For you the gates of the City of God are ahead y opening and your Savior is coming out to greet you and give you real life. "Yet a little more and I will come for you. As L did for My friend Lazarus, 1 will call you one by one: Gome out!' ,H Out of this life on earth which is a grave for the spirit jailed in the flesh. Out. Into Ufe, into Heaven's freedom. "CflJJ Me luftfe your faithful Utve- Let it be the blaze that melts the chains of the flesh and gives the spirit the freedom to come quickly to Me. Utter the best cry ever written by a man: 'Come, Lord Jesus.. 45. The crime of mines October 3C, 1943 _ Extract _ 0*3:514 Jesus 5 ays: "I am the Merciful One. I am indulgent and 1 forgive-There is so much that I forgive. I forgive what 1 see you do (wl of human weakness, not what is done out of deliberate human self-interest. t will never ibeas severe i judge as with those who, with their ifrrrifcrr^ Sd/rf to Satan, commit more crimes than outlaws, iead others to commit crimes, and above ail commit the crime of crimes: leading souls to mistrust Qod . "Nowadays this crime of homicide amt deicide is not the monop¬ oly ofa few. They kiii bodies and souls and kiii the idea of God in sou fe, making them blind like empty eye-sockets, "The crowds make it out too late. But I see at the instant you think and act, and all of you, ungodly of flesh and spirit, will be judged with an extremely severe judgment," 46, A reminder October 3-1,1943 Extract 043:516 Jesus says: "If everything ended on earth, it would not be very bad to seemevil fpra little while. Soon people would forget it,because memory is like a cloud of smoke soon scattered. But earth is not everything, T/ur whole thing is somewhere else. And in that 'whole thing' you will fmd, awaiting you, what you have done on earth. "Nothing wiii go unjudged. Think about it." 47, A curse November 5 ,1943 Extract Q43;536-537 Jesus says: "1 am not a god of flesh or god of day that is not always present and has no eyes to see. I am the One who ts r ““and who is everywhere, and from the high place of My throne I scruti- n l and note peopled works. 1 am the One who has spoken to give you a way to conduct yourselves. What I have said, I have said, and it docs not change over the millennia. Lam the Eternal God, the one and only God. I am the Lord your God, of whom there is no other copy 1 am unique in My Most Holy Trinity. "Cursed are those who do not care about Me and disown Me to follow the Beast." 70 71 48. God's Justice; Christ's appearance to usher in peace We now qutrtr M beginning and thv * ftd of a did* «lw by Jesus, omitting Ihe middle as it not pertain to lk- End Times- November 6,1943 _ Extracts _ 043:537,53^541 Jesus says: "I know that you people are under attack and ate weak-1 know that, and when i judge you J take that into account. I would not be just any mote if l did not bear in nund your weakness and the actions of the Evil One. "What makes Me become severe is that many times you do not fall out of weakness or because of demoniac snares. You fait knowingly. You deliberately throw yourselves into the atyss saying to yourselves: What do I care about Cod?' Vat is when l call you 'judases." You sell Me with My precious Eftwif. You put Me into Satan's hand as you give him your souls which are Mine iiffiiwsc l bought them back by My death. You betray Me, calling yourselves Christians hut dot ng Wings fit for antichrist inns. "... Happy are those who love You not only in times of joy, O Father's Thought whom Love makes the Word, Happy am they when they bless You even before there be joy and even under hurricane clouds, O Light who never cease shining. Happy are those able to praise You with tears on their eyelashes and trust in heart and are certain of your mercy. In truth I tell all of you, that those who, with an extremely beautiful act of faith, can hope in God while the looming darkness leads to hopelessness—those will know the eternal Sun. "These real believers are few, too few. In this night of powcrlessness come out of hell, the ill spirits fall like leaves rutted by water and blown off by the wind. Their own weight drags them and, added on to the flesh, they have Satan who keeps them blinded and tied up to prevent them from making an attempt to be uplifted which would be enough to save them, Fear and dishearlenment dull them, vice paralyzes them, hope le&ness scorches them They are ruins quivering before silly shadows and do not know that they should tremble because of themselves, who kill their own immortality. "The churches are emptying, there are no worshippers at the altars, the mystical Bread is not sought after, the threefold virtues, as well as the cardinal virtues, are weakening or haw died- There are anger and chaotic effort to seek safety. There is scorn, much scorn, for the children of the Light, worse than scorn: the enemy crave for oppression to blow out that Light which they find loathsome. But the more they scorn you and crush you, O dear children who are Mv light brought to man¬ kind, die more this poor world will fall into darkness- TtfCnm? and other crimes will be a wall and a barrier against the Light. And under these oppressive bulwarks, mankind will perish in a hopeless jail. "You people dismiss even the signs that I send you from Heaven and you laugh at the warnings from beyond earth. You also believe you may do anything. When you least think about it, I will make known a sign to you- You will fall before it r seized with terror, and the wrath that you now hurl against the helpless will recoil on you. "That sign is Me. When I appear, not on earth—the time has not yet come—bu t when I appear spiritual ly to the chi Idren of wrath and to the father of annihilation, your weapons and his will drop like dust when the wind dies down. And if, instead of cwrsfs, prayers had gone upfront the earth , I would have already appeared, and you wouid /woe been freed from your terrors, you wretches who quiver and cannot come to the one who loves you. "1 am the one who prevails. 1 am the one who knows. And to see you running here and there Hke seated sheep following the stupidest advice, obeying those who, besides being stupid, are evil, causes Me great sorrow, f would like to die a second time to open your souls' eyes and turn you into this holy, great and glorious people that God had decided to p roduce when He created the first Parent. L would like to create you a second time so as to not see you so unlike My Thinking- But whatever is, is. "f am spwiJn'rig to ail Fere will hear Me. Even fewer wilt under¬ stand. Wisdom is no longer loved and no longer understood. But to Us loyal followers, Wistiom will always give strength and light on 72 73 earth, salvation and bliss beyond earth. It will give Itself, and every one who served It and deserved It will be among the one hundred and forty-four thousand of whom John speaks, 111 and theirs will be the holy Jerusalem which contains the throne of Wisdom who immolated Himself to bring Himself to people of good will" 49, People's growth in Satan will deserve the Antichrist November 9 ,1943 Complete dictation Q43:41?-418 Jesus says: "'What peace? so long as the fornications of Jezabel your mother, and her many sorceries are in their vigor' 111 "I had said 113 that to obtain true peace, and not a mere pause in the war, you people had to remove from your midst what is fornication with Satan. I said it through My saints and I had My Mother say it. For decades I have been repeating this, and for decades you have kept on doing that-1 have told you with pressing words in these end times. But you have not changed. In fact you have turned fornication with Satan more and more into your lifestyles. "You have placed everything before God, And this God whom you call upon at the hour of fear is for you a Being so faraway, unknown, that were you consistent you should no longer call upon Him or blaspheme Him, since you have drawn away from Him so much. Even your invocations are blasphe¬ mies, because you call Him with filthy dirty lips, because you call upon Him while you ate still united to Satan, because you dare mix His holy Name with your criminal schemes. "Peace was promised to people of good will. 111 Christ came to bring Peace. But if you drive out Christ and if your will is not good, how can you have peace? You have respites. But these are only pauses between one slaughter and the other, to give your spirits sold to Satan time to learn from him new death¬ dealing theories and new tools of destruction. "Death to souls and death to flesh. Destruction of spirits and destruction of things. Your growth in Satan is shocking. 74 Soon you will reach the fullness of age in which he has nothing more to teach you, and then Hell will be able to farrow its son, the Antichrist, because the times will be ripe and mankind will have deserved to experience the horror that comes before the end." 50. The Church of Rome during the short period of peace Right after the dale, Valtorta pond lied in, unofficially as it were: ''Isaiah, ch.2,w.2-4." November 11,1943 Complete dictation Q43:545-547 Jesus says: "Let us gaze together at the times which, like a peaceful dawn after a stormy night, will come before the Day of the Lord, You, Maria, will no longer be there, But from your resting place you will delight in it, because you will see mankind's struggle about to end and sorrow already diminishing to give time to the living to gain new strength for Earth's last, short upheaval, before hearing the order that gathers it up in all its Jiving and in all its dead from Adam's time onwards. "I already told you , 1K My Church will have its hosanna day before its last passion. Then the everlasting triumph will come, "At that time the whole world will know the Church of Rome, because the Gospel will resound from the poles to the equator and the Word will go from one side of the globe to the other, like a belt of love. Catholics, leaving behind the terribly savage struggle of which this one 116 is but the prelude, weary of murdering one another and of following ruthless rulers, will turn from the unquenchable thirst to kill and the insurmount¬ able violence, turning towards the triumphant Cross, found again after they had been so blind. Above such a great roar of havoc and so much blood, they shall hear the Voice that loves and forgives and they shall see the Light, whiter than the lily, which comes down from the Heavens to train them for the Heavens. "Like a march of millions and millions of tribes, people will go towards Christ with their spirits and will put their trust in Eftrffc's only bring in whom there is no craving for oppression or longing for revenge "Tt will bo Rome that speaks. But not the more or less great, more or less lastingly great Rome which rabble rouserscan win, It will be the Rome of Christ. The one that conquered the Caesars, conquering them without weapons, without battles, with one force only, love; with one weapon only, the Cross? with one rhetoric only, prayer. It will be the Rome of the great Pontiffs which, in a world darkened by barbarian invasions and dazed by their destructions, was able to preserve civiliza¬ tion and to spread it among the uncivilized- It will be the Rome that stood up to arrogant men and through its holy, \fenerable Old Men was able to stand for the weak and sting with a Spiritual punishment even those who appeared to be immune to any remorse. "You cannot, you dissimilar nations, reach lasting agree¬ ments among yourselves. All of you have the same yearnings and the same needs, and like the pans of a scale, the weight of one nation's good share is detrimental to the other. You live in order to always have the better share and you kill one another for it. It is an up-and-down situation which is getting worse and worse- "Listen to the voice of someone who has no craving for power but wants to rule in the name of his Most Holy King, only on you r spirits. The day is coming when, disil lusioned with men, you will turn to the one who is already more a spirit than a man and who keeps just enough humanity to convince you of his presence. His mculi i r which f inspire, will speak iwrds like those S would tell ytfi i, I, Prince of Peace. He will teach you to infinitely precious pearl of mutual forgiveness. He will convince you that there is no weapon more- beautiful than Site ploughshare, which wounds the clods to make them fertile, and to sq/the, which Cuts the grass lo make it more beautiful. He will teach you that the holiest work is the one done to give the brothers and sisters a loaf of bread, a garment, a house, and that only fry Unnng one another as brothers and sisters can you no longer experience the poison of hatred and the tortures of war. "My children, set out on your march towards the Lord's Light. Do not pass by, groping in the gloomy darkness. You, My beloved ones, set out at the head, overcoming every human fear because I am with you, O those dearest to My Heart. You, the others, be won over by the example of My saints. All of you, My children, set out on this new Exodus towards the new Earth which I promise to yew and which will Ik your very Earth , lirau^h changed by Christian love. "Separate from those who are idolaters of Satan, of the world and of the flesh. Without scorn, leave them. Scorn does no good: it uselessly wrecks. But separate from them to avoid being contaminated by them. Love them with tlx love of redeemers, putting between you and them your faith in Christ as a bulwark, You are not strong enough to be able to live in their midst without danger. Too many centuries of increasingly bad spiritual decay have weakened you. Imitate the early Christians. Learn to live in to world but set apart from to workthy virtue of your love for God. "And never be inclined to consider us a sutwrman the wretch who is not unlike the beasts because dike them, his best part resides entirely in his instincts —the only thing that does not make him worse than a beast- The Prophet says: 'Cease therefore from the man whose breath Is in his nostrils/ 117 1 want all of you to interpret these words as follows. ''The animal without breath is but a loathsome corpse. Its only life is in its breath. Once its nostrils are shut to this breath, it ceases to exist and becomes a rotting carcass. There are many human beings no better than animals, jin# they have no life frd the animal life which lasts as long as breath remains in them. Their spirits are dead, those spirits made for She Heavens, It is therefore right to say that there are human beings whose souls are the breath of their nostrils and from whom it is best to remain spiritually far, so that the breath of Satan and beastliness which comes out of them, may not undermine your humanity and make it like theirs. "Pray for them, O you blessed ones. That is cha ri ty, and that is enough. Words do not enter those closed to the Word. And do not consider as outstanding those who exhale and puff their arrogance and pride from their nostrils Like mad wild beasts. The only outstanding people ate toist who have living spirits and are therefore God's children. Others are poor things whose sham 76 77 nubility is doomed to a great fall and whose memories do not live on except as the memories of scandal and honor."' 51. After the short period of peace, the Satanic period November 12,194.1 Complete dictation Q43;54B-551 II 111 ■ ■ . .^ Isaiah, th,4, w.2-6. Jesus says: "When the lime of My peaceful Kingdom comes—and it shall come because! promised i t and I do not fail to keep My promises—the good people on earth will all tome to Me. It shall be the period of which l have spoken to you,' 5 * the period in which the spirit will have reached that development by which you will all separate of your own free wills info two sides. Those living outside the spirit will lie idle in their darkness waiting to be troops for the Prince of Evil- Those Living in the spirit will come in the retinue of the holy Son of Clod, the Scion of the Lord, loved and blessed by people in grace, who will understand then what is nowadays understood by few elect and they will Know what My glory is and what theirs as children of God is- H T will gather My saints because a suwf is ^burwr femes Me andfolimvs Me obediently umi faithfully. 1 will gather them from the four comers of the Earth. And for the sake of their love 1 will forgive people's Laiqui ties. The sain (s'prfnfSS lUtf f douse t he sternness of justice, anti My few and that of ike saints will, itfdft iis fire, cleanse the Earth- The Earth reconciled with itself and with God will be like a great altar, and on this altar the Master will teach mankind in the exact knowledge of Truth, so that the good may not waver when Satan, raging £t the sight of man¬ kind worshipping Christ, goes wild for the last battle. "Struggkif spirit against spirit. Satan will counter My spiritual Kingdom and My teaching, with his satanic warfare against spirits to lead as many astray as he cum, the weakest- From his reserves, ;rorn his strongholds, containing those who remained faithful v die Beast even after its defeat and that of its minister, he will inw the agents of seduction to ruin one last time God's wqrk. the ruin of which he began at the foot of the tree of Good and Evil. 1 " "Thesatanic period will be three times more ferocious than the period of the Antichrist, But it will be short because for those living at (hat hour the whole Church triumphant will pray amidst the lights of Heaven, the Church suffering will pray amidst the cleansing flames of love, the Church militant will pray with the last martyrs' blood, "Those will be saved who, while Satan's darkness and fierce heat, storms and thunderbolts devastate the world, know how to be shielded by the tabernacle from which all strength springs, because 1 am the Strength of the living and whoever feeds on Me with faith and love becomes one with My Strength. And these who will be saved shall be few, because after centu¬ ries upon centuries of My love for mankind, mankind has not teamed to love. "Cut no one will be able to accuse Me if one is damned. 116 And what more could I have done for you, O children of God who preferred to wander far away from the Father's house and at times sell your divine sonhood and daughterhood to God's Enemy? Do notsay that I, powerful, could have prevented Evil from laying snares for you and could have made you good by My authority. Jn that case you would have been less deserving than a blade of grass which the foot tramples without feeling it because grass sprouts from the seed thus obeying God's decree- It sprouts and grows by itself. And it does not get the slightest share of those attentions that you get from the Most High. The stalk gets sun and dew from God and a clod of dirt. You have intelligence to cond net you rsdm, Grace to enlighten you, the Law to control yourselves, you have Me as Master, My Blood for salvation. "I have given you everything and you have given Me so little, less and loss in fact! With God's patience I have looked after you and you have always revolted against Me. The less guilty have always beet r sluggards. You have always been worried of doing f on much for your God who has done everything for you. "That is why chastisements come upon you. They are stilt a call of love to convince you that there is a God, and that the other gods whom you serve with that faithfulness which you withhold from Me tan give you only deccilfui promise and inraifoWf From chastisement to chastisement increased as you increase idola¬ try and fornication, I come to the great chastisements,, and fto's 131 is one of them, so that it is no longer one row in My vineyard, it is fire whole vineyard that is open and overran, laid tonsic and devastated by the one you serve and whom 1 allow to convince you of his death-dealing gips. "For this reason 1 tell you: 'Come to God, call on God with truthfulness of thoughts and of heart, and God will show Himself on the blood-stained horizon and Satan the torturer shall flee, leaving you free.' "But you, you do not call on God. You are content thinking about turning the common evil into your individual good: increasing your wealth, obtaining by trickery greater and greater powers, enjoying and enjoying- You do not care about those who suffer—the best among you. You care even less about God. In fact you rise to defiance, daring to call on Him, O blasphemers, to ratify your Satanic actions and thoughts. You challenge Him to show Himself because you tell one another: There is no God. We are God.' Onto your cursed tongues and your sold souls Satan is already heaping up Hell's embers and I Myself kindle them with My rag$- "Icurse you from now On, Spates in human guise.' Yes, you hold My saints' excommunications and My good people's loathing as sparrow feathers that do not hurt if they fall on your backs— because you own hea rts of granite. Nevertheless, My cu rse shall go in to torment you because I am the one wfrt? opens the valleys, deave s the mountains, divides the seas, shakes the earth with the will of My mind, and l can penetrate into the stone of your hearts and crumble it as though it were a fragile bubble of blow tt ghtss. "Desecrators, liars, you wicked people, be Curbed for all tire evil you do, fir ail the souls I carefirwhich you throw? into despairing of God 's goodness, which you corrupt by your examples, and which ecu entbettle from Me by ruining them in every way. But do not worry. As I will be just arid compassionate for the weak whom you with your force have swayed into evil, likewise I will be just and relentless with you, From this earth onwards. Your power, your stolen wealth, distilled from the affliction of thousands of people, uriti go up in smoke between your hands like Ifte smoke of m straw being burnt because it is too mucky to keep. And no defense will be of any use for you who have exceeded all bounds. "Let those who have ears to hear, hear. The blood-stained hand shall not be stretched out against the white purity of the Saint who speaks rn the name of the Holy of Holies. Nor shall it be stretched out against the Sanctuary choicer than the temple of Jerusalem, because its foundations, even before they were started on, were baptized in My heroes' blood, and its stones have had tor dew the purple cleansings of countless martyrs. In it™ there is the bed on which rests, waiting to rise up at his Master's side, the flesh ofMy chosen Rock, w And I swear to aJL of you: that place is far holier than Solomon's Temple was. It is already Para¬ dise—it is Up to you to understand why—and the desecrators of this place will be struck by what befalls all those who defied the glory of the Lord" 52* Mirages on the way to the abyss Shorty before the start of our extract, the text mentions the Kaoe<rf Cod, "which humans have compelled h> rfrflw back, away from the rising flood of crimes which, after tiyinft waste the Earthy hur] themselves against the Hwvwtt-"." November 16,1943 _ Extract _ Qt3:560-S6l Jesus says; "People have forced God's Face back. They refuse to ac¬ knowledge It, They do not believe in it. They have replaced It with what is their undoing. They are in the hands of the occult powers rebellious toGod's sign, and it is those that they serve, that they believe in, that they obey. Voices and more voices come out of deceitful sources and not one cf them felts the truth or a glimmer oftruth. They are demons' laughs that mock people, laughs that change into lying words to lead people more and more astray—and people listen to them, "They want to know the future to know what to do. The future is here: in My Word- To avoid this present time™ which is worse than both a nightmare and a punishment, you should have studied this Word , you should have known how to read it and act according to its moraihistorical and supernatural teachings. To moke SI the Jut ure ies s atrocious you must mcf fljsin study this Word which teaches Good and Truth. W I repeat; 11 * leave the dead where they are. If they are blessed, they can tetl you only what the Word is already telling you, because the Lord's saints speak the same language as the Lord. If they are damned ', they can tell you only the words of their father, the master and king of falsehood- Can you believe that the Deceitful One could have one atom of mercy and grant you a light that would be light of salvation? Of course not, Of the contrary, pursuing hi$ aim, he thinfa up, for you, mirages among which the chasm of the abyss Opens up. H And you are falling headlong into the abyss since you no longer hove as your guide the morning light: God your holy Father. Blind guided by the blind, your corrupted spirits wander from error to error, from ruin io ruin. You crash into one another and hurl one another again and again with new wounds and new disasters, you hate one another for the evil you do to one another, and you pick handfuls of that hatted swelling in your hearts and throw it at Cod as you consider Him to be responsible for your evil. And since hatred cannot reach Heaven, it falls back on you as fire, and flames, hunger, deaths, devastations, hopelessness, and dark¬ ness. There will hr no truce until you have realized the hard way that violence is no use, that blood lies heavy on the stomach and does not feed, that hatred cfocs not create, it destroys. And therewillbe no truce until your hearts turn hack to God. "I am the One who can give you peace, and not by using your murderous weapons, but by using My holy weapon: the Cross, and by smashing your murderous weapons with My love, "Do nol hasten God's Judgment by going loo far in sinning. Oo nol ad so Ikrl the respite between the iime of the Antichrist and tlx time of Christ be too short. For fit is true that tlx last days wiil be shortened out of lovefor the elects it is also true that you must have a peace-pause to gain new strength far the test satanic battle. "I will knock the stone back onto Lucifer's lair after the defeat of the Beast and its slaves; but you, do not by cheering Ein7 giwr the Devil the strength to sltate that lock off.Donottry devoting your spirits to flesh and to Satan turn them into levers to open the infarm! prison and Set out the Cursed one far the last looting before people's hearts have been rebaptited in the Lord's Word.” 53. More on the forexuniteia of Christ in His Second Coming Our extract is the end cf 4 rfkUHonOft Isaiah, chapter 10, Addressing all social classes at first, Jesus ends by addrVMing His farwurtnersin these End Times whidi will usher in His Second CwingU the end trf the world. November 17,1943 _ Extracl 043:562-564 Jesus says: "You are turning into instruments of Satan. But I, more powerful than Satan, when I deem it is lime for a new flood, take you and use you against one another: nations against nations and, on a small-scale, relatives or friends against rela¬ tives and friends, to turn people into (he punishment of people, punishing people's sins by weans of their neighbors' sins. You op¬ press? And I allow others to oppress you. You plunder a country? And ] allow others to plunder yours. Isaiah expresses it well: 'the rod and the staff of God's angef-' 111 That's what you are to one another when you go too far. "Therefore, those favored by war and smiled upon try victory would do well not to think, they had been God's darlings from everlasting, mucift less think they are so perfect that fljey would deserve from Gad every human success. "No. If the tfictorioMS misuse their triumph 1 will strike them and throw them down to the dust. 1 am the King and the Lord and no one is greater than Me, I am the Just One and 1 do not consent to unfairness. My eyes see everyone in the same light. All of you come from the same stock, your duties towards God your Creator are the same, and His concern for all of you is the same. The most civilized among you is to Me like the least civilized, like the primitive unaware of everything that is not his virgin forest Scrutineer that I am of the truthfulness of your thoughts and of ihe innocence of your sentiments, many times 1 lovingly look at the primitive prostrating himself before, and worship¬ ping, the figure which to him is god and for which he becomes good, and I angrily turn My eyes away from (he civilized who &2 83 refuses to acknowledge God known to him* with blasphemous words, denying thoughts and cursed deeds. "Whenever the hour of chastisement is over, i say My 'Enough!' and I ga ther the stricken, scattered crowds, and l give them peace and bread- For I am Father, do not forget, and if you were no( drunk with blood or intoxicated with the. desire to drink it. i would always give you peace and bread. Vie mote HUffwrojrs God's upright people are amidst the crowds of lunatics, the faster and more abundantly and certainly do Igive bread and peace , They, tire upright, are hit in the general chastisement not for their own pjreisirnciMt, but for your redemption, Because Good, in order to thrive, always needs the saints’ tears and the holocausts of redeemers, "Oh! Happy are these christs whom you do not know, whom My Heart gathers like gems into a case! Oh! Happy are these angels who, amidst the chorus of the blasphemies and indecencies in which you perish, know how to sing the 'Glory be' and the 'Holy, holy, holy' to their God! They purify this earth from the stink of your sins. They live, burning liktf cen¬ sers., and offer to God the most sacred fire: that of love- Through them I will perform again the miracle of forgiveness, the mir¬ acle of gathering the remnants of My people and making them understand that only in God there is salvation. The others, those who do not want to be My people—and remember that l do not measure with your yardstick—the others will continue to follow the standard of their king "Tlte world must not die without Christ's army being gathered under His command. Scattered, afflicted, disheartened, made similar to sand wind-blown on the sea-shores, you will hear My command and come to Me. For a time will come when 1 am King of these poor crownless kingdoms and, of these kingless subjects, / already see the spirits oftltat time fafcmg up the call and coming, struggling against all the obstacles strewn £jy centuries of error, coming towards Ihe. Light and the Truth. I say 'spirits/ frftflMSC only those spiritually alive t vili he flWc to recognize the Vtotftf catling She m. "O you who are now already spiritually alive, you forerun¬ ners of Christ in His second coming, you opposites of the forerunners of the Antichrist who do in his name the prelimi¬ nary work for the desolation, prepare the way for Me with your holocausts. The forerunners of the son of Satan have appear¬ ances of human d ignity; theforerunners of fits Sun of Gird fotw the sante cruwn as their King, and their throne and chair are the cross and sorrow. "But as always, and especially as at the hour when Sorrow had to defeat Sin, it is always sorrow that saves, if is always sacrifice that redeems. And now the world, to be redeemed, does not need to be covered with ears of grain as much as with heroic sou/s, victims of charity ." 54. Yet more about Christ's forerunners The very next time Jesus save VaLtorla a dictation after the end of the pTL".'ii.nj* pxlr.ici. He began by addressing His forerunners. Then He went on to another topic, which we do not quote- Withuvri transition, GmJ the Father began tospeak,and westaitqmrtinRHimwhm HerttvmstO HteScuV^inileal Subject. November IS, 1 ( M!1 Extracts Q43;565,566 Jesus says: "L continue speaking to My forerunners, to those who with their holocausts prepare the ways of the Lord and evangelise without any form except their holy lives. "Be glad, Q My faithful servants who, not content saving your own souls, offer yourselves for the Light to defeat the Darkness, And for salvation to be given to many who for now are not eager for it. When r( is My hour, I will not reign aione- Vok will be with Me , From this earth onwards you will be with Me during My Reign of love and of peace. Haven't L promised it to you that you would be where L am and that you would have a place in My Kingdom? Like the dignitaries of a royal palace, your spirits wi II be My crown on earth, serving Me as min isiors of Light, and they will inherit that possession of the Earth which I promised to the meek 1 * and which will become pos¬ session of the Heavens when the Earth no longer exists.---" [God the Father says:J "... you will be My Son's dignitaries. You will see the miracle of love of an Earth immersed in peace and turned to hear God. You will know what it would have been like for mankind to live had it not lowered Itself by its unlawful union with Satan, "You will not be cheated out of this hour, O loving followers of Love made flesh. What you ntfte hear resounding within you. My Scw's words to His most beloved ones , you iwrff hear resounding ail over the globe, ami yftu will see people luJSteHirt# over out of thirst for true Knowledge. I said 'people': not the brutes in human guise, not the demons with human faces, not the perpetual }utta$e$ who sell My Son and wound with their trafficking the triune Love which is inseparably One. "if now is the time when troops of angels under God's command fight against troops of demons that want to subju¬ gate the Earth, then if will be the time wfien t roops of upright peopie plough the Earth to prepare it for the Ward, the Word riding only one time over the Earth before the disappearing of the world. "Wherever the Master is, there the disciples are, and you will be there, because you have loved the Master more than yourselves, you shall be where He gives the last lesson, J 'And then with Him, as army of light behind the Light reascending to the Heavens, you will go back home to pray for the living of the last hour and wait for the Hour of Judgment at which you shall still be by My Son, no longer Savior but Judge of the world, 1 * because the time of salvation will have ended and the number of the elect been completed, 'That hour shall be a triumph within your triumph. My children. And because I love you I tell you that you must have mi restraint irt the active will to win holiness, beams* that hour shall be sc great for you that a thousand lives immolated for it and the treasures of the earth forsaken for if would not be enough to equate the glory of tbit tour and the bliss of the everlasting possession of God" 55* Break away from the Beast The lk'jiL is political pf>wer at the devil's service. Elsew-hert Jkus lv<- plaln^d ihjit Rnbylon is thvwhwle lyirth (ET^O>. November 19,t943 Complete dictation Q43:S67*568 Jesus says: "Followers identify tkmsetoes with their god, and children with their fitter. Therefore it is not incorrect to say about Satan's forerun¬ ners what Isaiah says in his fourteenth chapter, verses 12-15. "Didn't those I call the forerunners of Evil want to imitate their master and father in their trying to declare themselves gods and oppressing the crowds? Haven't they talked about God with a shameful condescending attitude as if they were supergods? Haven't they usurped the rigjit to command what is most sacred, what even God respects in human beings? They dared to give or take away not only permission to live, but even that to think. 41 1 gave human beings free thought because every thing God gave you is free from constrictions of any kind. It would have been freer, because not even the flesh would have hindered that freedom, had the flesh first remained free from the slavery of sin. Now thought is infringed upon by these supeigod s of mud and of horror. They do nor demand obedience to holy laws of love such as those I Lovingly enjoin on you without forcing you to keep them. They enforce harsh obligations which enslave you worse than oxen with yoke-crushed necks and nostrils wounded by constricting rings. They impose them on your whole being, and not one of your three intrinsic characters— physical, moral, spiritual—is exempt from that slavery. "Yes, even the spiritual. The giant squids of the ruling Evil slip through and stretch even towards your spirits, and as they please they want or do not want them to turn to God or to His Law, Their spite as Satan's children bursts into fierce persecu¬ tions. but even when they do not drop the human masks hiding their infernal serpents' heads and come to the point of great persecutions, they use shrewd tricks, they crumble the frame¬ work of the faith, they introduce lifestyles tending to replace £6 U7 religion with paganism and entangling your spirits to throttle them. "And you do not always have the strength to remain faith' till, because you have spirits not fed on love and Gospel- Yon bend to human slaveries, you who consider obeying God's commandments to be unworthy of human beings- And for a man or several men you lose God's most beautiful gift: free will. You are puppets moved by one or several men. You could have been, in this life and beyond, free beings of the kingdom of God your Father. "Move away, break away, ms much as you tan, from the: taws of the B east- Leave the Beast. Its doom t$ already sealed. Witett God's ax chops off the horrible Beast's parts which torture the Earth and are the forerunners of the Unify of Evil which will devastate the Earth, see to it that you ate very far front them as they hurtle down So the abysmal furnace as the rotten limbs if this manifestation of dread - "Babylon, which is now arising and will have its climax of dominion, shall be succeeded one day by holy Jerusalem. See to it that on that day and on the end less Day you be not marked with the mark of Babylon's mighty, of the lesser lucifers, of Satan's offshoots and outgrowths, see to it you be marked with the holy, unmistakable, glorious sign of the Son of God." 56- Christ on Judgment Day the following passage ■} the end ofatcxt dictated in its entirety by God the Father. November 24,1943 Extract _ 0*3:583. God the Father says: "But not all of you ate lepers and satatiized beings. Among vou, rare like pearls in the sinuses of oysters, there are those faithful to My Son and to Me. To these I say: 'Remain faithful to Us and 1 swear to you that I will be with you- Be the town cners of My Word and the witnesses of Our Justice, Mercy, Holiness. In this life you will hove Us dose by and hr flte neit you wilt be close to Us and will see the works of the GwfPwwff. WPicn the Our to u’toorn t deferred every judgment comes to sefwrate the wheat form the darnel and to bless the lambs and damn the venomous wrrpfnJs and the rams, you will be around Him, wheels of joyful Ugh! around the tremendous and majestic Light of the incarnate God. Yew shall be the new people of Cod, the everlasting people over whom My blessed and most holy Son wilt reign. You shall announce His praises to the stars and to the planets because everything that ziws made was made to be a throne for the Victim , the Hero, the Saint on whom there is no stain and itt whom the Father's delight rests: and stars and planets must, at the hour of His triumph r be a carpet of gems for the King of the universe as He passes by, followed by His procession of saints , to enter the eternal Jerusalem, when this event cf creation has come to an end with the destruction of Earth and the judgment of Mankind " 57. A commentary on Haggai's prophecy Jesus again appliesScripture toour modem world. Among other thinf^ He ptwnLfarS to OOiW and try hearts' dorws one by one, a coming not to be confused with the Second Coming which puts an end to the world- December 2,1943 _ Complete dictation _ 043:607-611 Haggai, chapters 1 and 2. Jesus says: "Always, whenever people Itave withdrawn front God and front the supernatural to give themselves up to their own egos and lo natural things, I hey itave lessened their own happiness «? possess even the natural. "The first thing that dies out is supernatural joy, that security and peace which strengthen people in the ups and downs cf fife, because individuals do not feel alone , even if they are by themselves in a desert, even if they are survivors in a destroyed village , because they sense above and around fftem a Father's love and the presence of incorporeai forces perceptible to their spiritual senses. Blessed are those who live in this joyJ They possess everlasting wealth. "The second thing that is destroyed is natural well-being. Do not him envious eyes on those who, although living in disgrace before God, seem to have hill plates- You do not frttnu what and how many thtngs are lacking in their ileuses, or how long their plates will be fill. "In any event I want you ft? know that the more ihe present weti-being of rebels against God grows, the more the harshness of their fl9 mrjrt life i rt creeses. It is not people like the rich man of the parable who shall be in Abraham's bosom. It is people like Laiarts™ with hearts full of holy works and obedience to the holy Will. "Rebels, and also those heedlessof the Lord, live and do all they can to enlarge purse and bam, increase houses and estates, multiply appointments and honors. O wretched dupes, who the more they strive to be sa tisfied, the more the germ of sin gnaws them, as a rodent does in a sack of grain which always goes down even if it is always refilled, because God's punish- merit is upon Lheir deeds! ‘What have you done today with the present when your life-goals are falling through, and you no longer have the eyes of the spirit to see God, or a throbbing of the spirit to think about God? Have your undertakings succeeded? Has your wealth increased? Has your happiness grown? No, Like the blaze of a hay-loft they had a quick flare, which led astray the simple (not the simple in spirit). But it lasted like a flash in the pan, and died leaving a little ash that the wind scattered and made bitter to the palate and hostile to the eyes. Your seeming Iriumplts turned cul to be. defeats mrd sorrows, and have routed both you iwrd those ted astray by you. "Return to God-1 say it once more. Above individual and national interests there is a lofeier htteresh God's. And that $ the one ihot should afuMyjs have priority. If you did give it the priority, you would not fait info Ihe errors and entries into which you fall, whether individually or nationally, because Cod's interests do not consist tfwicked things bui of holy things. And where hotness is, f/wre is no error or crime. "Acting as you do, you not only induce God to punish you in your fields, in your herds, inflicting hunger and drought on you. You also prevent (he pouring from Heaven of a dew far more life-giving Iban the night-rime dew which pearls up the stalks of the meadows and makes crops and hay grow. f( js tire dew of grace into hearts which you prevent feom being given to you. ll is CArist xufrn ranefll ad luriftfn you. “Itis useless to say: 'Let the heavens rain down the Just One onto the earth/ 1 * 1 He did come down once, but you remained unfruitful lands and barren stones, and have become more and more so. You are shut within your spirits ringed round by flesh W and blood, killed as you are by flesh and blood, and the Savior cannot come in to save you. "Yet, I will come. Tirelessly I will come, to try hearts' doors, one by one, and where I find someone who opens to Me, I will come in to set up a dwelling of peace-1 shall come, because 1 am still the One longed for by the just of the Earth and by the saints for the Earth. I wjtl come to assume My Rule for the sake of My second coming and final triumph. " I will draw to Myself everybody alive in Spirit; raees and nations will converge towards Me to see My glory which is crowned with a cress. Pence will sf ream, fiem use I am the Lord of peace. II will st ream life a river of milk onto the world to virginize it with snow-white purity after so much blood has cried out to God on all continents , crying out its sorrow for having been bled feom its veins by brothers' hands , "As for the blood shed from Abel 1 * 5 to the day of My death, I washed it off this Earth with My Blood. But afterwards, the crime of human hatred, which is a satanic fruit, has again fouled the Earth, and there is no dirt-clod on your planet that has not tasted blood. From these clods soaked with human blood a stink rises which makes you more and more bestial. Nothing but My power cmr purify what rings you round and what you have within. A rid when it is the hour, I wilt come to cleanse you and the Earthfeom A rmrnn hatred so that the Earth and the living may he presentable So God. "The last battle shall be that of purely satanic hatred and then there shall be only Satan and his children who hate. Now all of you bate. Even the holy in your midst more or less hate the enemy and the neighbor. And this makes Satan's actions azsrcra?zd hinders God's actions whether in individuals or nations. "Do not have impulses of ill-will or scorn , you who are dearer to Me, at least you- 1 died for all, remember that. Italians, French¬ men, Englishmen, Spaniards, Germans or Rumanians, are equally tinted with My Blood. I have uni ted all of you with the divine Vincstock by My Blood. Why then do you hate one another? No racial distinctions, no religious distinct ions justify-your Hl-WiSl. "I alone am the Judge- Whoever acts cruelly with the neighbor in the name of Faith or Homeland clashes with Charity and therefore 91 with God. I will rfuJ curse (toss sent to fight because l have taught f<J (they the authorities. But My anathema has been uttered already, and it shall fib the vault of /forum with a mil of thunder on Judgment day, for f hose who hide behind a false cloak ofpat notism and ofdefense of the Faith and unduly claim cr right to plunder and kill to help themselves. "Do K0J a flag you do not believe in. Do not pronounce tlx defense of what you scorrr in your Courts. Do not say: 'I am the defender of God and Homeland, of God's cause and the cause of Homeland.' You tie. You are the first ones seeking to endanger injtft Homeland and God, and though you do not harm Gtid who is above your attempts, you do harm your Homelands- Start defending God within yourselves and the Homeland within yourselves, and do not barter Faith and Homeland for a dish of lentils'® or for thirty cursed denarii, 1 * "Destroyers and liars. Adulterers of tlx FuiiJi and of She Home land. Mockers of your own doctrines and minds , because you say one thing and do another, beca use you know that what you do a, 1 ? evil arcd you do it all the same, because you marry an idea or the Faith atid then be-tray if for a low love, because you He to yourselves and to others, because you destroy what others fostered to give it to you fit r your inheritance. "O cruel men, who destroy even God’s work and kill the temples of your bodies, in which there are. dead souls, and kill the temple of Gad, because in the churches the faithful and the priests who are ‘alive’ are only loo scarce. * "What are your riles done with a dead soul worth? Don't you remember that God is to be offered living, perfect victims, (he best victims? 1 * 3 And you offer the left-overs, the lame, the dead? Dead because what you touch with your dead souls you kill, lame because tofuji you give to God with your diseased souls you deform, left-overs because you keep for God what is left over after you get rich for your mm ertprymen t. "Return to God, Return to Christ. Priests, return to Us to (vrame 'priests.' You need His consecration, with the oil that comes from the eternal Priest. Too many of you have been reduced to lamps Without oil, and ite faithful are straying because they have no light :n the darkness. Take the Ughi (o them, 1 am the Light of the world.'® But you can not take Me in ihem if you do not have Me in you, fi "And do not insult My megaphone if she tells you this. Bless her instead since she lets you know the truth and gives you the means to look at yourselves in the midd Le of your souls' wounds and take away much dust that sullies them. If the truth is bitter and displeases you, do think that it is your fault if it is being said to you. You did not need to deserve that truth- [t would have been better not to deserve it. But since you do deserve it do not spark at My megaphone who in tears tells you. Because if [ chose her to do this, it is because I love her and can see in her spirit a dwelling in which l am always welcomed with a subject's respect for her King and a child’s simplicity with her father. "I have said it: 'Whoever loves Me performs the same works as 1 do.' 1 * 1 Because 1 live in those who love Me, the victims who humble themselves in love so far as to die from if, and l work in litem the marvels of My power.” 58, The House of Judah Decembers, 1943 Complete dictation Q43^£3-625 Zechariah, ch.8, vv.7,12,13,16, 22. Jesus says: "Since 1 am the Savior of mankind, T cannot nd be the Savior of My people, r My people' according to the ancient law, 'My people' according to the new law, "Humanly, I descended from that stock, and though it mocked Me, refused to acknowledge Me, betrayed Me and killed Me, though it did that with souls weighed down and ensnared by the magma of the sin which My Blood does not wash off-^as this stock is a bough that does not want to be grafted onto the stock of God's vine—it is no less true that J died for it too and have over it My rights as King and for it My love as Creator, '’Harshly and cruelly the fathers' fathers of these people of today rejected the gift of the Eternal One and asked for My Blood to satisfy the hunger of their hatred for Truth . ia Patiently, intelligently, powerfully and kindly, I will draw them to My¬ self, 93 "People '$ good or evil works alway$ serve a supernatural pwrptise. because human wickedness is gathered by God and tlw touch of His hands turns if info art instrument of good- God leaves no stone unturned in His far-sighted work to achieve His purpose, which is to gather human beings into one single nucleus for the last day, just as f rom one single nucleus they did spread out on the Earth, dividing like brooklets overflowing from the bowl of ei fountain. 'The work has already begun and the persecutors who harm and offend what is human ito net knout they are se.f ting up by their iniquity the great day of the Lord. On fftaf day t will gather tike scattered sheep My huge flock at the foot of the Cross, I will re-call by the name of'lambs' the yronry that became wild in f teapot which was already Mine, and I will drive Out those who under My sign are the vipers and wolves of human society. "When you know how to acknowledge Me and weep with contrite hearts, I will change the centuriesrold condemnation of you, deicides, into forgiveness and blessing, because I cannot forget the good done by your ancient Fathers, who from the Kingdom pray for you the astray. Therefore you too, who were thehrst to have had the Uw as a gift, give up what is ungrateful toGod- "The same commandments which J give to My own who were bom of the mystical labor of the Cross* 1 give to you too who have turned the Cross for yourselves into a sacrilegious scaffold and a source of condemnation. "Tetf the truth and seme Truth. Come to the Truth. Bp remorseful for those who modrerf Truth and hoped to kill It. They killed none but themselves because Truth is immortal in Its drome rtuhjre. Do not cloak yourselves with Its flags for a human purpose. But once you have drawn near fo It, love li as a groom and bride love oire ffrrothw- Traih is Ehe One that must procreate eternal Ufo for you. Bid tfrere can he pro conception if ihe two do not become one single thing by pursuing not the pleasure of the senses, but holiness of purpose. Be upright and sincere whfh all and especially with God, whitse eye pierces hearts from side to side and sees them es rue /I as, end better than, the scientists and bacteriologists who can sec in your bodies the diseases that waste you away and the germs that eat tato you. 94 "Apply love to truth hi your relations with God and with people. Do not betray. Tzeenty centuries ago a man ef your stock betrayed, being incited and followed by crafty and lofcibif men. By your fair and loyal behavior, take away that shame, which /ms been crushing you for centuries. "To hr toned, cue must win the others' love. Vbu hap? forgotten it many, too many limes. Dwe peace. It is the sign of Christ, whom your fathers killed, drawing onto you the endless warfare which, after the pauses of truce. s r explodes and comes up again like an unbeatable disease in Earth's body, and which gives you no security and no rest. Now you must learn to love this peace to be able to hftojjy to Christ and thus end the never-ending exodus of your stock. "Every diri-dod in the world shivers utuleryourfeel and drives you away, even your ancient dirt-clads. But j/f r Lord of the universe, stretchout My Hand and open My moitfh to say: ’Enough! They are Mine again!' the Earth will no longer be able So [tersecute you. The supernatural awnings if Heaven will be above- you to protect you. "Remember when for your sokes I persecuted the mighty, spl it the sea, ]W made springs gush in the barrenness of deserts 150 and food rain down from the sky/" when I posted My angels to carve a way tor you among your enemies to bring you to the Land which I had promised to the first Saints of Earth, 1 " I am still, and always. Hint powerful a nd compassionate God. lam so twice more now, nozv that I am not only the Creator Father but also the Savior Saw, nozv that the Third Person has preduced the miracle of the Incarnation of a God to turn Him into the expiatory Victim for all of mankind. "1 am waiting for you to be able to say to Earth: 'Peace/and to Heaven: 'Open up to welcome the living. The time is ended!' Come. My heart is no different, now that i am in Heaven, from what it was on Golgotha when 1 was praying for your fathers and forgiving Dismah-" 155 95 59. "Feed My lambs" The follow in^n trtt&a re taken from a declaims whkh cents in* a m-ttage Item Jesus to Pius XI I. The message itself is quobed in its entirety. December 9,1943 _ Extracts _ Q4W2-M5 ZechiriaK ch. XI, verses 4,7, JO, 13,14,15,17. Jesus says: "Never as a I this moment must I repeat to the one who represents Me: 'Feed My lambs. J,u "Many of them have become wild, but it is not entirely their fault and for this reason T feel sorry for them. "... Well, due to all the wormwood given to the crowds as food which leads them to despair even of God, and due to alt the hunger suffered by my children's bodies and souls, and for the sake of those who in this collapse remain the lambs of God's flock and whom no passion 1 " changes into rebels against God like their seducers and owners, children of Evil and forerun* nersof the Antichrist—due tuall that I come from on High with My Words and My Loveto feed the poor of My flock and repeat to you who are My Vicar: "Feed My iambs, giving them the tireless words and the blessings with which I have filled your innocent hand, which knows no blood except My Blood which you lift up on the altar for a rite of propitiation, and knows no gesture except that which was Mine: blessing others for whom you, as T, feel sorry. "I have given your hand two rods and you are dear to Me because you have used that of love. But love, which has power even on God's Power, falls like pebbles thrown against rock, when it is addressed to some who, though having a human appearance, are granite-hearted demons. So strike with the other rod. Let the faithful know you are no accomplice in the sins of the great. Those in charge become accomplices too, when they dare not thunder against the foul deeds of the great. Your Master does not like curses and thunderbolts. But there are times when one must know how to use them, ncl ifl order In prrs uade the mighty, whose Satan-possessed minds cannot be persuaded, but in order to persuade the poor of the world first God, jruf Gad's upright people., neither share nor uphold the methods and bullying of those who hove exceeded all bounds and think themselves gods whereas tltey are hut filthy wild beasts. Speak out in the name of the Justice you represent. It is time- May the multitudes know that My Doctrine 1ms not changed and that there is One single Law, that there is only one God, that His first commandment is love/* that os throughout the centuries before My coming, du ring which l confirmed the Law, He stilt orders not to steal, not to fornicate, not to kill, not to lake others' belongings.™ Say it to today's robbers, who not satisfied with money mb souls from God and countries from nations. Say it to fornicators, today's powerful fornicators, whose fornication is not the beastly kind with a woman but the demoniacal kind with political power. Say it to today's killers, who usurp the right to slay whole nations after having in other nations—their own- killed faith in God, honesty of every type, love for whahsgood. Say it to today's greedy who, voracious like jackals, attack where they find what they like and consider every crime of theirs lawful, also taking wha t is not thei rs. ‘Speaking out means sorrow and sometimes death . But remember Me. I am more precious than 'joy'and life/ because I give those faithful to Me a joy and a life that knout no end or measure. Remember Me who knew how to cleanse My House from filth and steadfastly keep to One srrt^fe purpose: My Father's glory. With this 1 obtained hatred, revenge, and death, because those struck by My fury found someone who sold himself, who for thirty denarii gave Me into their power. "Always, and among those we trust moat, we have an enemy, someone who has sold himself. But it does not matter. The disciple is not above His Master .™ / Jfcnfa; that the whip of My words, more than the rope-whip ,w —a means more symbolic lhan real—rests bringing about My death . Yet l spoke out ; you too, speak out. And if, out of love for mankind and tove for you, {Pius,! / pwl up with an enemy who had sold himself and with the repugnance of a bet royal kiss, 1 * you, the first among today's chi Idren of Mine, must not draw backfrom wiiat the Master underwent before you. "For if later on, despite every means, justice were to perish and rulers and ruled alike were swayed more and more by Satan wi th evil camouflage, and withdrew more and more from Gat, then J would take atvay Light and Truth. And this will come about when even in to 97 My dwelling, the Churth, there are too many who, out of human self-interest and unworthy weakness, arc among those ruled by tf« sowers of Evil in their various teachings Then you will bo able to distinguish the shepheid who does not care for the forsaken sheep, the idol-shepherd spoken of by Zechariah, " Remember John 's Apocalypse. Remember the dragon™ the. Evil breeding thefut are. An tichrist and preparing for h is kingdom mu only by unsetiling cottsciences but also by stooping away in its toils one third of the stars and by laming the heavenly bodies into Mud. When ffits demoniacal harvest lakes place in Christ S Court , among the powerful of His Church, then, in the light dimmed down ton mere glow and preserved as the sole lamp in the Afarts of tltose true to Christ—for Light cannot die amy, 1 promised if, 1 ** and the Church, even in periods of terror, shall preserve just enough Light to become itright again afler ifre irwi— then Ihe idoLfhepherd trifi! come, who will be and Stand where hi$ comma riders tell h im , "Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear. 541 For those alive in that time, death will be a blessing." 60 . Beware of idle curiosity December 9,19*3 _ Extract _ Jesus says: “What l dictate is not dictated for your entertainment or to Comply with your morbid yearnings to ioiow the future. When you know, do you change? No. Don't be deceitful or naive. You don't change. People with upright spirits already have more titan enough of what ums s aid for all ruif/muf lifting up the deeper veils. The others... oh! the others! When they do not turn Shat into an instrument toltarm many, they turn if inform instrument to harm themselves, because they study, they do no! welcome, they Study My new Words irt only a human light and mitii ottlya human Method- And haven't I said that that method was a killer?" 61 + After the dark timed of the idol-shepherds, Christ will scatter their false doctrines December 11,1943 Complete dictation. _ $43:649-652 Zechariah, chapters 12-13-14, Jesus says: "My Church has already experienced periods of obscuran- tism due to a number of various things. It must not be forgotten that if the Church, taken as an entity, as a work, is perfect like its Founder, when taken as a group of people it involves the shortcomings characteristic of what comes from people. "When the Church—and by this I am now referring to the combination of its high dignitaries—acted according to the dictates of My Law and of My Gospel, the Church experienced bright times of splendor. tow betide il when , putting the interests of Earth above those of Heaven, it defiled if seif with human passions! Woe betide it three limes when it worshipped the 'Beast of which John speaks.™ namely political Power, and let itself be enslaved by il. Then the tight necessarily darkened into more or less deep dusks, either due to the personal fault of the Heads risen to that throne by human cunning, or due to their weakness against human pressures. "Those [dusky times] are the times during which there ate the 'Ldol-shepheids' of whom 1 already spoke, 115 the outcome , after all, of everyone's errors. Because if Christians Were what they should be, be they powerful or humble, no abuses and intrusions would occur, and God's chastisement would not be roused, Cod withdrawing His light from those who rejected it. "In the past centuries, from these errors there came the antipopes and the schisms, which, the antipopes as well as the schisms, split consciences into two opposite camps thus caus¬ ing cou ntless downfall s of souls. In the centuries to come, these same errors wilt be able to bring about line Error, namely the Abomination 154, in God's house, the forerunning sign of the end of the world. "What will it consist in? When will it happen? You do not need to know that, f will only tell you that from a priesthood that 44 99 loves rationalism ton much and servespdHicat power too much, there am hut fatally come a very dark period for the Church. "But have no fear. The prophecies of Zechariah and ttfjuhn arc united like chain links. During this period of painful labor the Church will be persecuted by heirs forces. Like the mystical Woman spoken of by John, 141 the Church wilt flee to save herself, by taking refuge within the beat members and losing the unworthy ones in a mystical flight—I said: 'wystfoi! flight. ™ Afterwards the Church will give birth to the saints destined bo lead her in the hour that comes before the last times. 'They will have a father's and a king'A hand, those who are to gather the races around the Cross to prepare the assembly of Christ. No race will be missing, in its best children. "Then I will come and 1 shall set up My power as bulwark against all of Satan's traps and wiles, attacks and crimes against My earthly Jerusalem, the Church nulitant. "I will pour out My spirit on all the redeemed of the earth.™ And even those who now suffer, paying for their fathers' sins and unable to find salvation since they dare not turn to Me— they shall find peace. Because they will repent and will, quite differently from their fathers, call onto themselves that Blood already shed which trickles inexhaustibly from the limbs whidi their fathers pierced. 1 ™ Like a fountain I will be in the midst of My wholly reassembled flock, and I wilkkanseinMe all their past ugly deeds which repentance shall have begun to cancel. "In those days, as King of Justice and Wisdom, 1 will scatter the idols of false doctrines, I will purge the Earth of the false prophets who have led you into so many errors. J Myself will replace all the scholars, all the prophets, more or less holy or more or leas wicked, because the last education rnusl be free from imperfection, as it must prepare for ffnn ifiSt Judgment those who have no purgation time since J hey will at iwt? he called to the dreadful inspection. "Christ the Kafceme?', whose goal is to redeem you and who leaves no stone unturned to do so, is already beginning and hastening His second teaching to refute, with a truthful voice, the cultural, social and spiritual henries sprung up every¬ where. And in those days He wit! speak with the Signs cf His Torment. Rivers of light and grace shall stream out cf My Wounds-, Wounds which killed the Son of God and heal tire children of mankind. "These bright rabies of My wounds shall be a sword, against impenitents, against the stubborn, against those sold to fjaiutt, and they will be a caress to the Tittle ones' who love Me as a loving father. This caress of Christ will come down onto their weakness to strengthen them, and My hand will take them to the trial in which only those who love Me with true love can resist. One third. But this third shall bo worthy of possessing the City of Heaven, the Kingdom of Cod. "Then I shall come, no longer as Teacher but ftS King, to take possession of My Church militant, by then made One and Universal 1 ” as My Will made it. "Tlio centuriesr-old labor shall have ceased for her- The Enemy shall have been crushed forever- The Earth shall have been cleansed by the rivers of Graoe come down one last time onto it to make it a$ it was in the beginning, when Sin had not corrupted thi3 planctaty aitar—destined to sing with the other planets Cod's praises, instead this planetary aitar became, on account of human sin, the foundation for the scaffold of its Lord become Flesh to save Earth. All the seducers shall have been defeated together with all die persecutors who with a pressing rhythm had distressed the Church My Spouse- She will expe¬ rience tranquilily r and glory. "Together we will go up for a last ascension, I and My saints, to take possession of the City wittejutcontaminatUir, where My throne is prepared and where everything will be new and painless. Immersed in My Light, you shall reign with Me for ever and ever- "This is obtained for you by the One who for your sakes was made flesh in Mary's womb and was born in Bethlehem of Judah to die on Golgotha." 100 101 62. The King's Scepter on Judgment Day The dictation femi wfliidi the following passage is quofod was l*:guii by Jeaua and contimu-d by Ci id Hue father. In tbe follow ingest tract, uur hta verity Father spoilt* abnulHis servsints- December 17 , 1945 Extract Q43:672 God thclathei says; "After they have, during their lifetimes, glimpsed God's Face, kind and smiling, through the veils of distances and of His Will, they shall know 'the Star risen out of Jacob/ 171 My holy Son, the Upright One in whose pierced IXand I have put the king's scepter, the sacred staff which on Judgment Day shall mark the blessed and the damned and which for My servants shall be gentle as a caress, "Follow from now on the everlasting Ruler. He leads you up a safe path to the possession of die Kingd imt of Cod if only by [iber/jtfttre, exemplified by the man spoken of in the Book, yi>u do not intend to do good or bad as you think fit, bat only rufoat the Lord tells you to/' 63. The powerful Name of Jesus De cember 29,1943 Complete d ictaEkm _ £43:7105-708 The Eternal Father sayet "Write, beca use there i S someone wishing for it and think¬ ing about it. "Paul of Tarsus, formerly a convinced Sanhedrist and im¬ placable persecutor of C hrist's disciples, then going back to the Light by means of a divine thunderbolt and becoming My Son's untiring Apostil at the Areopagus of Athens announced to the Athenians that unknown God to whom they had dedi¬ cated an altar. 173 "Mow too many living altars are bereft of their God and could write on their religious nakedness at least these words: 'to the unknown God/ "They do not even write that I hey are weaker in their paganism than the Athenians of old who, dissatisfied with thetr semblances void of true life and not clouded by religious faintness as you a no, sensed that above the false Olympus of their gods, to whom they had lent their own passions and vices, there was a hue, holy God, With that altar dedicated to Him' they were begging Him to reveal Himself—with that altar on which there was not yet a statue or a name, waiting as they were for the divine Revelation to aifiv them bo it- "But you, you know die true God because I revealed Him to you hundreds and hundreds of years ago and, not content revealing Him, I sent God Himself to you, not for a deceitful apparition or a short stay, I sent Him fitted out with human Flesh and living in your midst for a whole lifetime. "I, to that Perfection of God's Perfection.— remember, O peo¬ ple, that God is Chanty, and the quintessence rtfitl perfection of Charity is found in Christ who took flesh to give you Lift —I, to that Perfection that came down to act in your midst, have given a name. A holy Name willed by Me because in His Name there is the epitome of His Perfection and of His outstanding mis¬ sion. A Name whose real meaning is known to God alone. A Name before which the Godhead pulsates more ardently, be¬ fore which Heaven with all its processions of angels and saints Shines happier and brighter, before which the abyss shakes, and before which the forces of the Universe subject tlieir might, because they recognize the name of the King through whom al I th ings were made. 1M "The splendor anti glory of the One and Tri one God a re in the thrice holy and powerful name of Jesus, because He is the Holy of holies in whom, as in God's Temple, the living, true, perfect God is, as He is in Heaven, eternal and acting like a wheel foa t knows no welded Joint and does not cease its motion for ever and ever before mankind and for ever and ever after mankind. Therefore, it is well put in the Book: 'You shall not build Me a house, but your Son, that shall come forth out of your loins. He shall build a house to My Name.' 175 "The Son of Man was bom of a woman of holy stock, a woman consecra ted to Me. He was conceived by foe wil l of foe Holy Spirit without the burden of carnality, only by an infusion of love. The One born of Mary did not open her virginal womb in being born, just as in conceiving Him no one profaned that womb consecrated to Me. He was your son owing to His 102 T03 Mother O Mankind, and My Son owing to His divine origin. tie shall build with Himself the House on which the Glory if My Harm is engraved. "For We ace inseparable in Our Trinity and in Christ there is the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Son is but the Father's Word who has taken shape to bo Redemption for you. But His self-abasement does not break the union of the Three Persons, because God's Perfection towns m fifflitatioras and separa¬ tions r "How could you have contained God in a temple so infinite and holy as the Godhead implies? Only God Himself could have been a temple to God and bear His Name, without being irony and insult. Qnlv God could dwell within Himself and make, man-made temples alive with Himself temples on which the name affixed by man is jto longer untruthful because [Myself gave you that Name. "Otdy God, O Christians, could have given you His Same, as a sign of salvation over ail the races of the Earth, that Name which the angels will read on die foreheads of tho&c who shall not die forever and will preserve them, by that Name, from the scourges of the last hour, just as it has already preserved from the second death the elect who in the heavenly abode sing the holiness of My Son's Name- "Woe betide those who deny that Name and insult it by replacing that holy name with the demoniacal sign of Satan, or who even only allow the faintness of the spirit to forget It as tlwugh a corrosive substance were eating it out of their selves which have Life by that Name. Death, the real Dflfllfc is awaiting ihose who refuse to acknowledge My Son's Name, to whom J defer red aEE power arid every judgment and in whose Name My Majesty complies a?ith every miracle, juet a$ throughout the LfortWtei? every crflulif/t’ bow in holy and agreeable worship. "Ohl Children of My Sonl He brought His Name to turn purple with divine Blood on the steep slope of Calvary and to shine, the one acid only light of the darkensd. world, in the darkness of Good Friday 11 * so that it might be the warning which from the top of a Cross points to Heaven for which you were made- It has been shining for hundreds of years to con¬ tinue reminding you of Heaver. And it has never flashed as much as now to call you to Ttsclf in this wrath created, called on and yearned for by you, in which you perish in the contin¬ uous gurgling of blood and the demons" laughs. O children of My Son, carve, again with your sorrow going hack to Corf, with your hope rousing itself Godwards, with your faith rettypfized by tains, with your love finding the way of Charity again, the holy Name of Jesus Christ on the attars of your Godless hearts, on the profaned temples of your minds. Free those and those from the semblances of rites which give you spiritua I death. Put in them and on them the true God. Love, sing, call on, bless, and believe in. My Son's Name. "The Name of the Just One, of the Holy One, of the Strong One, of the Euler, of the Conqueror. The Name of the One before whom die Father does not resist and through whom the Spirit pours out His streams of sanctifying grace. The Name of the Merciful One who loves you so much that He wanted to experience earth's life and death, and wanted to become Food to nourish your weakness, and wanted to become Sacrament in order to remain in you t midst after His return fo Heaven and in order to bring God within you. "I swear to you by My Holiness: there is not, there lias not been, there never shall be a name greater titan This One. In It I Myself, One and Triune, am with My supreme manifestation of power and love-" 64* The collapse of Italy Tkmgh rhe EiolJowLiig [ext is specifically addressed to Italy, much of It unterhmatdy applies lo many oituT countries. December ftJ, 13J3 _ Extracts 043:7100-709; 709-71 1 Jesus Gays: "And the word of the Lord is addressed to you [Maria] in these terms, even if you do not want to hear it because it makes you r heart shudder with both fear and compassion, on account of the days reserved for you [Italians], and of the brothers and sisters who in the days of terrifying wrath will not have Me in their hearts for their comfort, and will see hut Satan's horror and hear but Satan's blasphemies and exptfrieiice but Satan's hopelessness. *'■” O My people, listen. "I had chosen you for the loftiest destiny and had entrusted you with the gems of My Redemption and with ±My Doctrine in the Church, which thrives in your land like a palm-tree and a cedar; the Church, from which honey and wine stream, and in whida all the Jiving who want to have shelter in foe true ark of eternal salvation do find shelter. "From you My people as from a sun there issued rays of perfect civilisation because it was Christ's Civilization, which is carpeted not with discoveries calculated to make life loose and fate cruel, but with holy laws, dedicated to raise mankind, relieve its miseries, an d teach it out of its ignorance,, since they am laws derived from the divine Source of Holiness, Charity, and Wisdom. J 'I liad given you a mission iike Mine a s Li ght in the world. "You have disowned Me. New Jerusalem, you have betrayed Christ and acted cruelly against Ilis saints and His prophets, and you are getting ready to act even mom cruelly. You have tolerated the cross and the churches as art forms and as means to achieve your neopagan pturposes- You have re¬ jected the. Food in order to fill up your hearts with mud, "You have longed to know and taste all the kinds of mud, and with your teste depraved like that of filthy animals, mud now seems sweet on your palates. And lust, arrogance, cruelty, greed, falsehood, corruption, and satanism are the dishes you heap on vour tables. And punishment you draw on you reel ve>s, punishment you devise with your own hands, punishment you inflict on yourselves, and you call upon the one who ruins you, and you do not cull on the One who would still forgive you. "S have acted mercifully with yew ones mure and yet again, and l zuarned you not to turn litis mercy if Mine into new harm fir you by using it with umvorthy intentions. And one more time and yet again yaw hove turned God's gift fotua sin bu wsjngit with unlawful intentions. "Just as the Prophet says: 'The rod has blossomed, pide has budded. 177 I had given you an olive shoot so that you would grow it and it would become for you a leafy branch of justice and peace-1 cautioned you that the ground had to be cleared of error for My holy shoot not lo run wild from an impure contact and not to germinate in boughs and fruit of 106 greater guilt. But you did not listen to the Lord who, as bather and Master, was giving voll advice, and tits bloom became poison, and pride brought Jwth crime. And another crime raiff follow, and yet Others. "For that reason I tell you: not one of you will be tearless. Both property owner and the destitute will weep, because Owners will lose their property, and the destitute no longer will rind someone to clothe them. Hunger, fury of war, and pesti¬ lence will fas ten your bodies with their ropes, and hopelessness and terror will clasp your blind souls. "Yes, you will be like Ihe blind, walking in the darkness foil of hidcousnesS and wreckage, knowing that every step you rake can lead you to betrayal and death. Yo\j will walk as on ground shaken by a tremendous earthquake. Indeed the Earth quakes under your steps because, though it is but a planet, it is marc of a child of the Creator than vou are, and it sees Cod's angry Face staring at this land, the same as when Tie looked at Hi$ children deserving the flood™ and the fire,™ and it begins to q uake deep down for fear of His puni shment, "Material and intellectual values have been thrown into confusion and stripped of their just essence. Knowledge has become a hindrance instead of a help. Even the holy knowledge of Cod has become a condemnation because although you inm 1 it you disown it. Light and Wemcl tfvp in your throals and cannot go down and enlighten and feed your spirits, foecwwsf the nooses of your wicked passions prevents you from taking them in. "As you see foe collapse of the idols of mud you had set up in foe place of the true God, you will realize you had adored rubbish and you will no longer have faitli, no longer plllt in anything, either in truth , or in falsehood. "And as punishment for the den tecs, the faithless, they will be run over by those who hate the Christ of Rome, by the wicket! of the Earfh, by those closer and closer to Satan, by those destroying foe Cross not so much on church domes its luffirr?! hearts that still bear a fracie of My Sign." 107 65, Again&t a grave heresy Je$us ded If- wilh a hcrrsy engi fleered favour of tfa* greatest sons of S-itnn in the period of \W forerunners of tho Antichrist then JeiuS pcftwerfu]ly churls us dll to follow tho truth. After the dictation we quote Valtorta's oommenton the heresy, which sh^w role down on a lousw s3ieeL We do not know if that was her own inteiprctaHun or an interpretation bused on faer "vuices" frrf Lnstancf in ET:125). Jesus Himself wjis noL that specific in the dictation; the hurttfiatch could bo somefioe elae. January 17-1S, 1 ; J44 Complete dictation _ Q44:77-83 St- Paul to the Colos-dans. Chapters 2 and 3. Jesus says; "Listen: this dictation is teas for you and many like you, [Maria, j than it is part of (he group of the 'seven dictations/™ When someone has begun to unhinge a system, it is not wrong to go on hitting with a battering-ram. And this form of think- ihg ]n is a system of steel. One must persevere to overcome. "Tlicrc is only one Faith that is (rue: Mine, just as I gave it to you people, a divine gem whose light is life. It is not enough to remain in that faith nominally just as a piece of marble stays in a room once put in there by chance. Hut you must merge with it and turn it into a part of yon, "Is the clothing you wear life for you? Does it by any chance become flesh and blood? No. A garment is useful but if you take it off to put another one on, yon take nothing away from your inner you. Whereas the food you intake turns into your blood and flesh and you can no longer take it away from you. It is a part, an essential part, of you, because without blood and flesh you could not live and without food you would have no flesh and blood. "It is the same with the Faith. It must not be a thing resting on you at certain times, just like a veil to look more beautiful and seduce your brothers and sisters- If must be an intrinsic part of you, inseparable from you, vital in you. The faith in not only l he hope of things bdieved in. lhefaith is the reality of life, the Life which starts here, in this pipe dream of human life, and which is fulfilled in the hereafter in that eternal life waiting for you, "Nowadays a grave heresy is taking place, a heresy sacn- legions to the highest degree, a heresy by the son of Satan, by 108 one of his sons, I could say (his one is one of Satan's greatest sons, not the grea test in the pa&t who Judas wa g, not the greatest to come who the Antichrist will be, but one of those living nowadays 11 * 1 for the chastisement of mankind. For mankind hag worshipped itself, not Cod, thus dealing itself death through itself; wherea $ I, God, had given mankind Life by My death - meditate that difference. This son of Satan proclaims a new faith which is a tragic, sacrilegious. Cursed caricature of My Faith. Anew gospel is bring proclaimed, a new church is being founded, anew altar is bring set up, a new cross is being raised, a new sacrifice is being celebrated. A gospel, church, altar. Cross, sacrifice of man. iVri of God. "There is only one Gospel: Mine. "There is only one Church: Mine, Catholic, of Rome. "There, is only one Altar: the one consecrated with oil, wafer and wine; the one founded on the bones of a martyr and of a saint of God. "There is only one Cross: Mine. The one from which the Body of Ihe Son of God, Jesus Christ, hangs. The one which repeats the shape, of the wood 1 carried with infinite love and with such toil up to ihe top of Calvary. There are no other crosses. There can be other signs, hieroglyphics like those sculpted in the I’haraohs' hypogea or onto the Aztecs' steles, signs, nothing more than human orsafanic signs, hut not crosses , not the symbol of a whole poem of lone, of redemption, vf victory over all the forces of Evil, whatever they may he. "From Moses' time until now, anti from now until Judg¬ ment day, there will be onr: cross: the one like Mine, the one that first bore the 'snake, ' lw symbol of eternal life, one that boro Me, toe one I shall bring with Me when I appear to you as Judge and King to judge everyone: you, O My blessed believers in My Sign and in My Name; and you, cursed parodists and sacrilegious people who have thrown down from temples, sta tes and consciences My Sign and My Name, and substituted your satanic initials and your names of satanic individuals. "Tftere js only one Sacrifice: the one which mystically Jigpertte Mine, and in the bread and wine gives you My Body and My Blood immolated for you. There is no other body , no other blood that can replace the Great Victim. Yet you immolate blood and bodies, you savage sacrifices of those under you, those whom you control. 109 Yes, vou have turned them into bodies of galley slaves, you havennarked them with your sign as though they were animals lo be slaughtered, you have made them unable even to think because you have robbed, forbidden, struck this human sover- eignty over brutes, and you have turned in telligent beings into a huge herd of brutes over whom you wave the whip and whom you threaten with 'death even if they dare, only Min themselves, to judge von- And this blood iJtr d these liodies which you immolate do ml celebrate the sacrifice, do not replace it , do not serve for ii. "My sacrifice obtains graces and blessings for you- "Vluirs o&lfrrras eternal condemnations and curses for you. I hear and sec the groans and tortures of the oppressed, whom you butcher in soul and mind even more than in body. Not one of your subjects is safe from your knife which deprives them of free¬ dom, of peacg, of serenity, of faith, and which turns them into moral- idiots, scared; despairing rebels- 1 hear and see the death-rattles of the slain and the blood that wets 'your' altar. Poor blood for udridt l have compassion be-yond every measure and for which i forgive even error, because m*m have already become punishment against it and God dues not act ferociously where there has already been atonement. "But J swear to you ffifll f ftiffl turn that Mood and those groans brio your eternal punishment. You shall eat, bring up and vomit blood, you shall drown in it, your souls shall be stunned by those death-rattles and groans until you go crazy, and you shall be b a unted by millions of ghostly faces which will shout to you your millions of crimes and will curse you. This is what you shall find where your father is awaiting you, the king of lies and cruelty. " And where among you is the Pontiff, the latest to celebrate the rite? Yen are (weewtronenf, not priests, lhat is not an alinr: it is a scaffold. That is not a sacrifice: it is a blasphemy. It is not a faith: it is a sacrilege. "Climb down, Q cursed men, before I crush you with horrible deaths. Die at least the death of brutes that withdraw into their dens to die, full up with prey. Do not wait on your pedestals of infernal gods for Me lo hand you over to suffering, not of the spirit, but of your beastly bodies, and make you die amid the scorn of the masses and the abuse of today's ill- treated. There is a limit, I am reminding you. And there is no mercy f(rr those icfte ape Cod and become like Lucifer. 11 * "And you, O nations, N Strong in Truth anti Justice. Human philosophies and human doctrines are all defiled with dross. Today's arc stuffed with pofseji. Nobody plays with poisonous snakes. The time comes when the snake snaps ou t of its bewil¬ derment and deals you the deadly bite. Do not let yourselves be poisoned- "Remain united with Me. in Me there is peace, justice, and love. Dc not seek other doctrines, Liar the Gospel- You will be happy Live on Me, in Me. You will not experience the great bodily joys. I do not give those, 1 give the true joys which are not (|nly the flesh's delight but also that of the spirit , the honest , blessed, holy joys which I have granted and ratified, Dio sc which I did not decline to hrxoe. a share in. ''Family, children, an honest well-being, a thriving and peaceful hometandr genuine harmony with your brothers and sisters and with the nations: that is what I cal! holy and zohat f bless. Tn that you also find health, because family life honestly lived gives the body wholesomeness? in that you have serenity, because business and professions honestly carried out give peace of mind; in that you have peace and prosperity of homeland and hometown because, os you live in good harmony with your fellow-villagers and the neighboring peoples, you avoid grudges and wars. "In your blood Satan's poison is fermenting, I know, My poor children. But 3 have given you Myself as an antidote. I have taught you to engrave on you and within you My Sign which crushes Satan. "Circumcise your spirits with Me: a much loftier and much more perfect circumcision! Yes, it takes away from your flesh those cells in which, the deadly germs He concealed, and inserts intoytru the Life which I am. Yes, it strips you of animality and clothes you with CJarrst. Yes, it buries you (is children of the guilty Adam^- and you too are gui Ity d ue to original sin and your own sins. Ye. s, it buries you in the. Baptism and Confession of Christ , tiurf retires you us children of the Most High , no in "Da rtuf part from Me. Ohl i really wifi bring you to itoHroaeris if you remain part of Me. Bui since- you are not wholly 'heaven' and some of Earth's mud always remains in you, here goes, I even promise to you that you will not lack the Father's blessing even on this mir(f of yours. For Ike Father will be able only to Wess Hin Ain; atid if you remain in Me anti ifyou pm y with Me saying'Our Father' hist as l have taught you,™*My Poorer willvvershadoaryou so much that the Father will give you both the Kiwgtium of the Heavens, as asked for in the. first part, and the daily brmt and the forgiveness of sins, as asked for in the second. "If you remain in Me, like babies in a mother's womb, our Father will be able to soe only (fie garment clothing yon: Me, your Redeemer, the one begetting you for Heaven, His Son; and He will shower His graces onto His Son, the object of all His delights, for Whom He created, besides a II things, also forgive¬ ness and glory, for His Son's joy who wants you to be forgiven and glorious. "Thave destroyed the death of each oneofyoubyMy death. I have annihilated your sins by My blood. I have offset them for you beforehand, I have made everything powerless to harm you in the future life of each one of you by nailing your evil, from Adam to every individual among you, onto My cross. I can say that I consumed all the poison of the world when I sucked the sponge soaked in gall and vinegar on Golgotha and that I restored that Evil into Good for you because, dying from it, I distilled it and 1 turned death's blew into water of Life, which sprang from My rent chest. u Remain in Me with purity and fortitude. Do not be hypocrites, be genuine in the Faith- H is not outward protciicdw thal constitutes faith and love. The sacrilegious too practice outwardly, doing so to take you in and get human glory- You must not be like that- "Remember as I regenerated you for the Life of Grace to which you had died, SO I raised you with Me to Life everlasting. Accordingly, gaze at thal place of life. Seek all things that are currency for you to writer it. All brings (fihe : Faith, Hope, Charity, ffa: other L'iriijcs zohich turn people into children of God. '‘Seek tin? Knowledge (Jjcrf mates no mutates: the one contained in My teaching, Tfars is the one thoi enables you to behave so that Heaven may be yours. "Scat Glory, but not the oft-guilty, laughable glory of earth. 1 often condemn that glory and always deem it not to be true glory, but only a mission which God gives you, so that you may turn it into a means to reach heavenly Glory. True Glory is obtained by reversing the world's values. The world says; 'Enpoy yourselves, hoard, be proud, arrogant, heartless, hate in order to win, lie to triumph, inflict cruelties to rule.' i say to vou: T3e moderate, self-controlled, without craving for flesh, gold, power, be frank, honest, humble, loving, patient, meek, merci¬ ful. 1 " Forgive those who offend you, love those who.hale vou, help those less happy than you. Love, love, love.' "In truth 1 tell you that not one act of love will go unre¬ warded, even if it is very small, like a sigh of compassion for one who suffers. It will receive in Heaven an infinite reward, and even on earth a great reward, not understandable except by the one experiencing it. That is the reward of Christ's peace for all My good people, of the Word's brightness for the best in whom 1 come to find My comfort. "My dear children, whom I love with a love much greater than all the hatred that flows like an infernal fluid on Earth, love Me i n your turn; whatever you do or cay, do it in the name of your Jesus, thus giving thanks through Him to God your Father, and the grace of the Lord shall remain over you as a shield on earth and a sure halo for Heaven." [Maria Valtorla comments on the deadly heresy;] That 'speech' [by the hetesiarchj was given about eight days ago, around the 10th or 11th of the current month. In it it was claimed, after various otheT things ■ ■ ■ that priests are not necessary either to God or to souls, because they are iruotrev- grlibbers and so on and so forth, bent upon nothing but ad¬ vancement in their profession and so on and so forth; tfiat when the war [World War II] is over, of course with Germany's victory, a new real religion will be set up, new rail temples will be opened, and there the believers of the new faith will go and see the consummation of the sacrifice during which there will be brought the bread given to the German people and the blood of the same. Words and promises uttered by Hitler to his citizens, 112 113 66, Daniel's prophecy about the Satanic period January 2%, 1944 _ Complete dictation Q44:97’93 DanieL chapter 12, Jesus says: "The archangel who defeated Lucifer, and who watches over My Kingdom and its children, is the one who will rise as a heavenly sign in the last time. This shall he the time when Israel is joined or again to the Rome of Christ there no longer will be the two branches of God's people, the one blessed and the other cursed for its deietde; there shall be only one tree- trunk known as of Christ, because it will be alive in Me. "Ih those days, since the number of the saved will be complete, the resurrection of the flesh will come. Like a sleep¬ ing crowd woken up by a trumpet summon: ng i t to a gathering, the dead—lying in the countless graveyards, in the deserts, in the seas, wherever human remains are lying—will rise to come to Me, the supreme Judge. "Oh! Light, you who are an attribute of Mine and shall set aglow like stars those who knew Wisdom and taught Justice and lived it, how joyfully you will be shed that day on My blessed] "The last time of three years and six months will be more awful than what mankind ever experienced, Satan shall be inflamed with utmost Spite, because even the split between the two branches of God's people will be over, and with it the cause of so many material, mural and spiritual evils- Satan, through his son, shall use his absolute, ultima to wiles to harm, ruin, kilt Christ within hearts and kill hearts belonging to Christ, "The wise will understand Satan's pitfall, Satan's countless pitfalls, because whoever possesses true. Wisdom is enlightened, and by their faithfulness to Groce they shall become pure and tried like fire, worthy of being chosen for Heaven. The godless will follow Evil and will do Evil, unable os they are to understand Good, because of their man free wills they shall have filled their heart? with Evil. "Then the time shall come when, crushed to an extent never reached before, the Church is no longer free to celebrate the perpetual Sacrifice, and the abomination of desolation shall be lifted up on the Holy Place and on the holy places, just as the prophets have said and 3 have repeated, I who make no mis¬ takes. "Daniel says: 'There shall be 1290 days' (of this oppression). And: 'Blessed is he that waits, and comes unto 1335 days.' 117 "This means that during the three years and six months coming before the end, a short time will be laid aside in the end for the faithful to gather to listen to the last Words, resounding ;?i ffefrr spirits, as an invitation to Heaven, norite Michael with hi$ ungefc crushes Satan and his demons, 'Blessed is he that waits, and comes unto 1335 days' means: 'Blessed fs he that shall pers&tere. unto the end' ietfBHse he shall be saved . tH "And to you IMaria] l say: 'Go your ways until the time appointed '—of your time as a woman living on earth —'and you shall rest and stand in your lot unto the end of the days.'" lfl, 67* The four beasts of Daniel 7 January 25 ,1944 Complete dictation Q44:99-102 Daniel, chapter 7. Jesus says: "Daniel is the one who has the same tone as John, and John is the one who receives and amplifies Daniel's starting note. This is why, Little John, 190 you like him so much, "Like a fish in a clear fishpond, [Maria,] you are happy when you move in the atmosphere of your Christ, who will have His supreme triumph at the hour when Satan and his son and his fawners have been made forever powerless. And in Daniel you find this atmosphere. Isaiah is the pre-Evangelisl who speaks of My coming into the world for the salvation of the world, 191 Daniel is the p re-Apostle, the pre-John who fore¬ tells the glories of My eternal triumph as King of the imperish¬ able Jerusalem. "Now see bow the signs of the diabolical ministers of the Apocalypse 1 * 4 are anticipated in the four beasts described by Daniel. 1 ” CommcnLators have striven to give these four mon¬ sters a historical, human meaning, but it is necessary to gaze much further ahead, and much further above. Wfatn you people meditate 114 115 the holy books, arise from the earth, break anxty from the jiresent mOTftent, gaze into the future and into the supernatural There is tfie key to Hie mystery. "The four beasts are the four errors tliat will come itrfbre the end, Ihe four errors that will be four horrors for mankind and wilt beget the final Horror. "Human beings were demigods by Grace and by Faith, Like eagles and lions* the} 7 knew' how to assail and crush the dangers of the senses and lift themselves to range in God's dimes- There the soul is joined in supernatural wedlock to the Lord in swift, frequent unions of fervor. From those the soul comes down to earth refreshed every time in strength, joy and charity which it pours out onto the brothers and sisters. Then the soul hurls itself again, even more impetuously, towards God, because every union is an increase of perfection which is fulfilled when the joining become* eternal in My Heaven. " Atheism tore off the eagles' wings and the demigods' hearts from people, and turned them into animals walking on mud and carrying over the mud and mudwards their heavy hearts all flesh and blood, People cany loads heavier than lead in their egos bereft of the spiritual wings of the spirit, weights that bend them, stretch them, cast them, down into the tnud, "People were demigods on account of Charity' living in them, By loving God and His Law, which is a law of Charity, they possessed God, and with God Peace, which is a main attribute of God, and with peace much universal and individ¬ ual good. "People rejected God's Law to adopt many other teachings- But none was or is from Gad and so true Charily is in none of them, Therefore people, who by embracing atheism had changed from eagles and lions into mere human beings, by infernal witchcraft bred themselves into bears , wild devour&rs of their fellowcreatures. "But horror leads to horror. Horror escalates. It gets worse and worse because in their cursed unions with Satan, people— whom Qirisl had brought back to their nature of demigods— beget increasingly monstrous monsters. And these are the offspring of their error, as people sell themselves to Satan to have his earthly help. "From the dtfmijjfld human there came the from the human, the bear, from the bear, the new monster, blood-thirsty and treacherous like the leopard, endowed by Satan with many wings to be swifter in its harming. I told you people 394 that Satan apes God, So he too wanted to give wings to 'his' creature, to Faithless, Godless mankind, by f hen Satan's enuture. He gave it no eagle's wings, but vampire's wings so that it might be its own incubus and bo quick in its rushing to fallen parts of itself, victims of itself, to suck their blood. "I, mystical pelican, have opened My heart to give you My blood. Satan turns people, lo whom I gave My blood, into vampires that sudkpart of themselves and deal death to them¬ selves in torment, "Doesn't it sound like an incubus legend? On the contrary it is your reality, ft is not a mythical monster, Vou are the ones who, diabolically hungry, devour parts of yourselves, slashing each other's veins, maiming one another and then producing new parts while devouring the parts already formed, stead¬ fastly with something maniacal about it, something of a dia¬ bolical maniac, "Deliberate extremist power enfbrved nil the way to crime , is the third Since it is a /ojthijm power, sold out to Sntor to be more and more powerful, against every divine and moral law, it far rows rte iTKiHsfprcatted RenrtfufaTm: tute'r/t, by its nature, carries in f.lteprotru¬ sions of its monstrosity aii the ugliest horrors of revolutions, the social shipwreck of Good and Faith. "Honesty, respect, morality, religion, freedom and good¬ ness die when this monster breathes onto a nation its infernal breath. Litre a pestilential emanation its breath spreads beyond the bonders, infecting by itself peoples upon peoples, until it infects the whole world, On the scraps of the victims which it killed and tore to pieces, and on the ruins of the nations reduced to rubble, it is preparing the cradle for the final monster: the Antichrist. "1 told you people 195 that he will be the hoo of mankind's lust, bom from lust's union with the Beast. I told you- f not change in what I .say. What I say is true , I know it without needing to read it, I remember it without needing to reread it. ii is written in My divine mind before which all human events 116 117 throughout time. unceasingly pass by, me above, the otiier, without one hindering the vision of the other. "The Antichrist will be perfection of Horror as I was per¬ fection of Perfection, With his countless weapons, symbolized by his fen hemp, by his iron-toothed jaws, by his ferocious feet and finally by his small horn, he will torment beyond measure those who, small faithful flock, remain My f t>1 Sowers. The small hom [also] symbolizes the extreme malice with which Satan will endow his son to intoxicate mankind wriule seducing it with his lying mouth, having himself worshipped as a gpd. Hour by hour the Antichrist's small horn shall grow in order to harm, his satanic intelligence shall grow to put infos mouth the most disturbing falsehoods, and he will grow in power as L grew in wisdom and grace, 1 ™ armed as he will be with eyes to read the thoughts of holy people and kill them for those thoughts. "Oht My end-time saints’ If the living of the earliest saints amidst paganism's persecutions was heroic, the living of My last saints will be three times, sown times, seven times seven times heroic, Only those fed on the marrow of Faith will be able to have Lions' hearts to face those torments, and eagW eyes and wings to state at Me-Sun and fly to Me-Truth, while darkness overwhelms them on alt sides and Falsehood seek* to persuade them to worship it and believe in it. "After the forerunners of the Antichrist, the Antichrist himself will come. The antichristian period is symbolized by the Beast annod with fen horns, Satan's ten sltrfJtfs, who consider themselves CI luce of these —note well —will bo torn off and cast into nothingness, namely into the abyss where Cod is not and so where AWftfogfless is, the opposite of God who is Eitfrythbig.) The antichristian period will dimax in the birth and growth, until its greatest power, of the eleventh hom, the reason for the fall of its three forerunners, and E he seal of the real A ntichrist , The Antichrist will blaspheme God as no son of man has ever done. He will ride roughshod over Cod's saints and torture Christ's Church. I le will think, because hois son of [the union of J demoniac pride with human lust, tlut he can do great things, changing the times and the laws/ and for three and a half years he will be Horror ruling over the world. "Then the Father will say; ’Enough' in front of the great chorus which sludl be made in Heaven by Llic ‘noiseof the great words' of the sainfe; and die wicked beast shall be killed and thrown into the shaft of the abyss and with it all the lesser beasts to remain there with Satan, their breeder, for eternity. "I shall then bo called by the Father to 'judge the living and the dead' in accordance with what is said in the Symbol of the Faith. And the 'Jiving,' those who have kept life within them by having kept Grace and Faith alive, shall inherit 'the king¬ dom, the power and the majesty of God.' The dead of the spirit shall have never-ending Death in accordance with what their will chose to have. "And there shall no longer be Earth and carnal human beings. But there shal 1 be on Ey 'ch ild ren of God/ creatu res free from every sorrow, and there shall no longer be sin, and there shall no longer be darkness, and there shall no longer be fear. But only joy, joy, immense, everlasting joy inconceivable to human beings. Joy to see God, to possess Him, to understand I lis thoughts and His love. "Come, O people, to the Fount of life. I open its spring for you. Draw from it, strengthen yourselves in it to be fearless in the trials and to manage to dive wholly Inio it, into Me, the spring of bliss, in Heaven, lfos beautiful Heaven was created by My Father for you. There you are awaited by the threefold Love of the One God and by the Purity of 'our' Mother, and by those who, for having been faithful, have already obtained Life." 6$. priests vs. the Antichrist Since priests havu a role Lo p]ay In postponing Lhe 1 jmenc Lhe Antichrist in (hating hijn when he does manifest himself, their faults have fairibLe cepCM:?a^ii>nSu. That is why Jesus rebukes 1 lis priests in the Icriloavinp Extract, exposing fonr deadly slrtsdy frtu rid arrirtrig mart y rtf th£ aa> irt the 1 QA Hr. January 27,1M4 _ Extracts _ Q44:lQ7jl09-112 Jesus says; "This is a. page &ad to dictate, to write, and to read. But it is the truth and must be told. Write. It is for the priests- 118 119 f have called you 'shepherds.'” 7 1 called you neither Toners' nor 'captains/ The Inner lives by himself. The captain marches at the head of hi& men. But the 'shepherd'is in the. middle of hie flock and twitches over it. He does not keep to himself because the flock would scatter. He does not walk at the head because the heedless sheep nr the flock would wander from the wap and he prey to tiaflfes and thieves. "The shepherd, if he. is not a madman, lives in the. midst of his flock, calls it, gathers if, unflagging!# goes back and forth beside it , goes before it in difficult mailers, is first la frwf difficulties, smooths them out as best he can, (oris to make the awkward thorough¬ fares safe, then slaps at the hard spot fn watch his sheet* pass bp and, if he- sees a fearful or weak one., ftifas ff on his shoulders and carries it past the. hazardous spot , and if the wolf comes he does not run away but hurls himself at it, tr front of his sheep, and defends them, even at the cost of death to save them, tie immolates himself for them, to satisfy the wild fomfs hunger, so it may ntr longer feed tlie need to tear to pieces. How many wild beasts there are against souls! The shepherd does not get lost in pointless chats with passers-by and does not amuse himself at the back with things ihsf are net up to him. He takes care of his flock and that is enough. "Now look. Doesn't ii seem like reading chapter 8 of Ezechiel? "First idol : Jealousy. "You should be charity, right? Charily to induce others to charity. What are you? Jealous of one another. You take offense if a layman criticizes you. But don't you criticize one another, and often unjustly? The superior criticizes the subordinates. The subordinate criticizes the superiors. You are jealous if one of you is noticed, if one of you docs better than you, if ocie of you becomes richer. This, iriiifJi should horrify yuw, is on the contrary what makes your mouths water the most. But was 1, the eternal Priest, rich? Bo perfect and you will be noticed and praised, however much you should cure tmly about God's glory. Be perfect and you will do well in the only purpose worthy of your garment: that of bringing souls to God. "Second idol, actually many idols: the various heresies that replace in you the creed you should have. 120 "You too, like the seventy elders spoken of by Ezechiel,™ are incensing idols, each one the idol he prefers. And you do fio in the dark hoping that people's eyes may not see you. But they do. And you scandalize them. Because the faithful, and people in general, are like children. They do not seem to be wa tching, but they never stop keeping an eye and an car on the grown-ups. "But don't you know that even if people did not see, God does? Why then do you give, off your incense before the power of gold or that of man? Don't I noticefrom the height of My throne too many of My priests busy devoting their time—that time l give them to spend in their priestly mission—fowling their time in human business to increase their well-being? Yes, 1 see that- Don't i notice—a nd i f nauseates Me —too many of My priests abjuring My Law to abide by the law of wretched men, expecting honors and money? Yes, i see that. "Oh! politicking priests! Today's Scmhedrists! let them re¬ member, tiwugh, what end the Sanhedrin met precisely at the hands of those at whose feet they had thrown their consciences flat and broken My Law. And I say no more. This is as far as mankind is concerned. TVur rest will come from the eternal and just Judge. " Third idol: the senses. "Yes, them is this too. And I say no more out of respect for My 'megaph one-' B?v f let each one examine himself lo see if in the place when: the only women lawful to remember with love by a priest , My Mother und his own mother, there, might be a pagan goddess. Think: yw touch Me, you receive Me. And that i& enough, Do no! put the. Most Pure in contact with a flesh stained with lust. "Fourth idol: the worship of the orient.™ "The sects.™ Yes, this too. And shouldn't I look at many of you indignantly and have for many the rebukes that I had for the Pharisees and Doctors [of the Law] of My time?*” And shouldn't I kindle some Tights' among the lay people who love Me a* many of you do not, out of compassion for the souls whom you leave in the cold, in the dark, in impurity the souls for whom you are not a way to God but a path leading down¬ wards? And how dare you repeat My Word and preach My Law when Word and Law are a condemnation to you? May 121 (Tutor who are imdefrled become even cleaner; r nay those who are defiled petrify themselves. "Mankind is at a great mod-fork. Two ways branch off: one climbs up to Cod, the olher goes down to Satan. At the. road-fork there in' a rw± That is you. If you turn info a bulwark and a thrust towards the first way, Satan will nut hurst in and souls will be spurred on to God. But if you are the first ones to roll down Satan's slope, you will drag mankind, ivith anticipated time, towards the frorrors of the Antichrist. "And although he must come, turn? betide fTutoei who anticipate his coming and lengthen it, hL’cau.',^ he shall cease to live at the hour setfrom everlasting, and the longer the l ime ofhi$ stay, the more- souls shall be lost , Not one of these shall go unavenged, remember that- Why,if your God sees the sparrow that dies, how could He not see a soul that dies? Those who kill it, whoever they are, skill hive to render an account to Me, and I shall mete out Ikeir condemnation." 69. A vision of the final resurrection At Maria VaJtoLta describes the following vision, she ddLlnisstt, her spiri¬ tual director, Fr. MigLiorini. January 2 % 1 V44 C romp lete text Q44; 112-115 What I see this evening: A vast expanse of soil, so boundless as to be like a sea, I say "soil" because there is soil as on the fields and on the streets. But there are no trees, not a stalk, not a blade of grass. Dust, just dust. I see this in a light that is not light. A barely sketched, wan glimmer, of a greenish violet as tan be seen at times of very strong storms or total eclipses. A frightening light if burnt-out stars. That's It: the sky is starless, there is no moon, no sun. The sky is emply, as the earth is empty. Ttie Otie has been stripped of its flowers of light, the other of its plant- and animal-life. Both are huge sloughs of what used to be. I have all the time to see this desolate vision of the universe's death. 1 think it will look the same as at the first moment, 3 * 4 when skv and ea rth a [ready existed, but the sky was void of heavenly bodies, and earth was bare of life- It was an a Iready sol idifted globe but still uninhabited, hur tli ng in space, waiting for the Creator's finger to give it herbs and animals. Why do I understand the vision fo be tha t of the universe's death? Because of one of those "other voice$" I do not know whom they come from, but they do in me what the chorus does in the ancient tragedies. They point out special aspects of the play that the protagonists do not explain. This is precisely what I would like to tgil you and which I will Cell you after. As l look around on this desolate scene, the need of which I do not understand, T see, springing up from I don't know where, standing in the middle of the endless plain, I sec Death.*® A skeleton laughing with its uncovered teeth and Its empty eye-sockets. Sovereign of that dead world, wrapped up In its winding-sheet as in a cloak, ft has no scythe. It has already reaped everything. It casts its empty gaze around on its harvest and sneers. It lias its arms joi ned on i ts ch est. Then i t opens them, these skeletal arms, and opens its hands, nothing more than bare bones; and, beca use it is a gigantic figure present ever ywhere— better to say near everything —.it leans a finger, its right forefin¬ ger, onto my forehead. I feel die ice of the sharp bone dial seems to pierce through my forehead and go in my head like an ice-needle. But I understand Hut this has no other meaning than that of cal iing my attention to what i s happening, Sure enough with its left arm it gestures at the desolate sweep on which we rise, i t the sovereign, I the only living being. Upon its silent bidding, given with its left hand's skeletal fingers and by rh ythmically turning its head right an d left, the soil cracks into thousands of clefts. And in the bottom of these dark gullies, scattered white things shine white, but I do not understand what they are.“* As I strain to deride what they are, Death goes on furrow- ing the clods with its gaze and command, as with a plouglishane. The clods cleave open more and more, as far as the far-away horizon, and Death ploughs the waves of the sail-less seas, and the waters gape open, forming liquid abysses, Titen from tlm- earth-gullies and from the sea-furrows, the white things, which 1 saw scattered a ud unbound, come up and 122 L23 reassemble. Millions upon millions upon millions of skeletons emerge from the oceans and stand tip from the ground, Skele¬ tons of £ill sive*: from tiny infant-skeletons with tiny hands like little dusty spiders, to adult skeletons, even gigantic ones whose bulk evokes some antediluvian beings. And they ate amazed, somewhat shaking, like people waking up with a.start from a deep sleep, who cannot make out where they are. The sight of all these skeletal bodies, shining while in this Apocalyptic "non-light," is frightful. Then a cloudiness not unlike fog rises from the open ground and open seas, and slowiy condenses around these skeletons. Taking shape and becoming opaque, it turns to flesh, bodies like ours who now live. Eye-sockets are filled with eyes and irises, cheek-bones are covered with cheeks, over bare jaws gums now stretch and lips are remade and hair grows again on Skulls and the arms are fleshed out and the Augers turn nimble and the whole bodies become alive again, just like ours. Though like ours, the new bodies look different- Some are wonderfully beautiful, with a perfection in shape and colors which makes them like art masterpieces. Others are hideous, not on account of Lameness or real deformities, but on account of their overall appearance mors beastly than human: sidelong eyes, twisted faces, looks of a wild beast and, what strikes me the most, a darkness given off by those bodies which increases the leaden color of the air around them- Whereas the wonder¬ fully beautiful ones have smiling eyes, peaceful faces, pleasant looks, and shed a brightness that makes a halo around their whole being from head to toe and spreads to the inside. If all were like the murky ones, darkness would be so complete as to hide everything. But because of the other ones, brightness not only Lasts, it increases, so much that I can see everything as one should. The ugly ones' cursed destiny is not in doubt, because this curse its marked on their foreheads. They say nothing, casting around them frightened, sidelong glances with their faces low¬ ered, and they gather to one side, upon an inmost command which I cannot hear but must have been given by someone and heard by the risen. The wonderfully beautifu l ores also gather, smiling at one another and looking at the ugly ones with pity mixed with horror. And these exceedingly beautiful ones sing, singing to God a slow, tender hymn of blessing. T can sec nothing else- I understand I just saw the final resurrection, 70. Jesus' commentary on the previous vision After.Hhnwtnj; Maria the vision of rhe final reeu/iatitivn, fcsiis commented On Lt for her, beginning with a thought which she expressed very near ttuf start of the vision. January 29,1944 Complete dictation Ql4:11 !> ] 17 Jesus says: "When time ha s come to an end and life must needs be only Life in the heavens, the whole universe, as you thought, will again be what it was in the beginning- Then, after I have judged, it shall be completely destroyed. "Many think that from the moment of the end until the universal Judgment there will be only an instant. But God will be good to the veiy end, O My daughter- Gaud and jusL "Not all the people living at the last hour will be holy, and not all will be damned. Among the holy ones, there will be those who are destined to Heaven but have something to pay for. 1 would be unjust if I quashed their expiation whidi I inflicted on alt those who came before them and were in the same condition when they died. "Therefore, those alive in the last hour and who die at the last hour anti who deserve Heaven but need to be cleansed more, will go into the purifying fire. Meanwhile, justice and the end shall come for other planets, and one by on* the stars shall die out in the sky like flames on which someone blows, and darkness and cold shall increase, throughout My hours which are your centuries —and ihe knur of darkness hss already begun, rn both sky and hearts. 1 will increase the heat of the purifying fire so that the purification may be quicker and the blessed do not wait too long to bring their holy flesh lo glorification and delight it too in seeing its God, its Jesus in His perfection and His triumph, "That is why ytru saw the earth bereft oi herbs and trees, of animals, of people, of life, and the oceans without sails, a Still 124 125 expanse of still waters Becau&e the waters, no longer called to give life to their fishes, will no longer need motion, just as the earth, no longer called to give life to the grasset; and other beings, will no longer need warmth- This is why you saw the sky lacking its luminaries, without fires anymore and without lights anymore- Light and warmth will no longer be necessary to the earth, by then a huge corpse bearing within itself the corpse* of all those who lived from Adam to the last son of Adam. "Death „ My Last servant on Earth, shall carry' ou t ity last task and then it too shall cease to exist There shall no longer be Death, But only eternal Life- Jn bliss Or in terror. Life in Cod or life in Satan for yon r stilus reassembled in soul and body. "Enough for now- He&t and think of Me," [Maria Valtorta explains to her spiritual director;] I forgot to tell you. Father, that all the bodies were naked but it was not disgusting, as though malice were dead too in them and in me. And then the bodies of the damned were shielded by their darkness and the bodies of the blessed were clothed by their light. So what is animality in ns disappeared under the emanation of the inner spirit, a very happy or very desperate master of the flesh. 71. A prophecy from Ezeehiel January 51,1 [ J44 _ Complete dictation Q44rll8-121 EcechieJ, chapters 10 and 11, 2W Jesus says: "The Tau sign i$ a T-shaped cross- It is fair that the cross which marks the subjects should be so, since they cannot have a canopy above their throne, with the name of sovereigns. They are children of God but not 'firstborn children of the Father.' Only the Firstborn Son sits on His kingly throne. Only Christ, whose earthly throne was the Cross, bears high up on His Gross, on the beam above the bead. His glorious sign: J Jesus Christ, King of the Jews.' inT Christians bear the sign of Christ with the top humbly missing, as befits children of royal stock but not fi rstborn of the Father. "Wliat is the Tau sign made up of? Where is it affixed? Oh! Let go of material forms when you immerse yourselves into the knowledge of My kingdom which is wholly of the spirit! "It is not a material sign which will make you immune from the verdict executed by the angels, In characters invisible to human eyes but very visible to My ministering angels, it will be written tm you r spirit s. And it is your own works, your very selves, which wit! hive carved during the lifetime of each one if you that sign which makes you worthy to be saved for Life.. Age, social standing: all that will be nothing in My angels' eyes. The only tking of value wdl he that sign. It will equalize kings and beggars, women and men. priests and warriors. All wilt hear it equally, if in their respective lifestyles they have equally served God and obeyed His Law. Aral the reward shall be Ike same, to see and enjoy God forever, for all those who appear before Me with that shining .sign in their spirits. "Just being very' convinced of the need, the. duly' to give God all glory and aTl obedience carves into your souk that holy sign which makes you Mine and instills into you a pleasant similarity to Me, the Savior. And on account of this you, like Me, grieve for people's sins, since those sins both offend the T*>rd and deal spiritual death to your brothers and sisters. Charity us kindled, and where there is charity, there is salvation. "Ezeehiel gays he heard the Lord commanding the man wearing linen to take the burning coals that won?between the cherubim and to cast them onto the city to punish the guilt} 7 , starting with those of the sanctuary, For the eye of the Lord was tired of seeing the works of people who think they can do evil with imp unit} 7 because God fete them do it, and who dorei ve themselves that God sees nothing but the hypocritical outward appearance^ "No. With His infinite power Cod reads the bottom of your hearts, Q you ministers of the sanctuary, O you mighty of the earth, O you married couples who sin, O you children who break the fourth commandment, O you professionals who lie, O you dealers who rob, O all of you who disobey My ten commandments. 2 ” Any covering is useless. Like your X-rays 126 127 of which you arc so proud, and far mom yet, Cod's eye searches you, penetrates into, pierces you, reads you, dissects you for what you really are. Remember that- "Fire taken from between the cherubim Co punish is not a symbolic action. "What do you lack when you are at fault? Charity. 1 already explained it to you people when I spoke of Fuigatory and Hen,™ these two Iruf hs which you consider fairy tales. Charity towards God: the first three commandments. Charity towards the neighbor: the other seven¬ th! Many times you will hear Me coming back lo this, subject. It would be better if you did not need it so muchf It would mean you are improving. But you are not improving. On the contrary, you are hurtling down quickly like meteorites towards anti-charity- "Your deeds, in fact your misdeeds against Charity are multiplying more and more, increasing like a mushroom bed sprung up on the decay of a piece of Land, I see this farther- and farther-reaching, thicker and thicker growth, this thriving of misdeeds upon preexistent misdeeds, as though from a layer of rot another, more poisonous layer sprang up, and so on, The atmosphere of sin and crime, Ehesoil of sin and crime, the layer of sin and crime in which you live, on which you settle, from which you spring up—that's wbat feeds with its corruption the new layer, soil and atmosphere yet more corrupt and blood¬ thirsty It is a perpetual motion, a revolving chaos of evil, like that of certain pathogenic microbes which go on reproducing non-step and with greater and greater virulence in infected blood. "Now if is fair that you should be punned for your sins against Charity by theftre off he Charity which you have rejected. It was Love. Moor ft is Punishment- Cod's gift is not to be scorned. But you, you have scorned it. The gift turns into chastisement- God iuitft’ draws Charily from you and leaves you in your dtrifncfiffrify. Gad hurts at you, like thunderbolts, the Charity which you looked down upon, and He punishes you. In order to cal! you n^ufn, if not many of you, still those who can have a change of heart and meditate , J The cherubim, the symbol of supernatural Charity, keep between them the embers of Charity. The action, which seems only symbolic, conceals a real truth. "When you are summoned to the great Judgment, those who lived in Charity will not appear burnt by tire punitive fire. Already ablaze with themselves, due to the holy love which filled them, they will not have been bitten by the burning divine punish¬ ment; they wiJ have received the divine kiss which will make them more beautiful. Whereas those who were flesh, only flesh, will bear on their flesh the scars of the divine flashes of light¬ ning, because only the flesh can be marked by such scars, not the spirit which is a fire Jiving in the Fire of the Laird. "At this Judgment, on the sides of the Judge that I arm there will be My four Evangelists. They wore themselves out to bring the law of Charity into hearts, and after they died they contin¬ ued their work with their Gospels, from which the world has life because to know Christ is to have Life within one's self. It is therefore fair that John, Luke, Matthew and Mark be with Me when you are judged far having or not having lived the Gospel™ I am not a jealous and stingy' God. I call you to share My glory- Shouldn't 1 then give these faithful servants of Mine who made My Word known to you and undersigned it with their blood and their troubles, give them a share in the glory of Judgment? "I will judge you not while you are alive, but 'at the confine*'of earthly ifa, namely where life comes to an end to become eternity. I will judge you for the life each one of you has lived. I will judge all of you, from first to last, once and for all, for the good you have done or have failed to do. As you saw, Maria, 211 a t the resurrection you will all be equal, poor unfastened bones, poor ha ve thickening into flesh, things you are so proud of now, as if those bones and that flesh were so great as tu be greater than Cod. "As matter you are nothing. Nothing. Only My spirit infused into you turns you into something, and only by hoping in you My spirit, which became a soul in you, do you deserve to be clothed with that imperishable light which will be it garment far your flesh, by then made incorruptible for eternity. "I will judge you, and already among yourselves you will judge one another, and within yourselves you will judge yuur- 128 129 selves, even before I appear, because then youwill see yourselves. The Earth for which you are so grasping will be dead r and with it all the flavors of Earth, and you will come cut of (he drunk¬ enness you fill yourselves up with, and you shaft see. "Ohl dreadful sight for those who liviid only for Earth and its falsehoods! Oh! joyful sight for those who beyond Earth's voices 'wanted' to listen to Heaven's voices and remained faithful to them- "The first shall be dead,, the second, alive- They shall be darkness or light, depending on their lifestyles which are either with the Law, or against the Law for having replaced it with the human ov demoniac law. They shall go either into the dread fu I embrace of never-ending Darkness or into the beatific one of triune Light, which glows, waiting to fuse you to itself, O Mv saints, O those who love Me, for ail Eternity." 72. Spiritual salt flats vs. the Waters of Life February 6,1944 _ Complete dictation _ Q44:l93-l96 EKechid ch.47. Jesus says: "I have said: 'I am fin whoever welcomes Me) a fountain of living water springing up into life everlasting / 211 “Whether it is jiit individual or a nation, blessed are those ivfaj welcome Me and have within themselves the marvels of the Water of true Life, Bui by now there are too few individuals who wel¬ come Me and even fewer nations, .4™ 1 the fruits of rejecting Jesy$ Christ, or even only overlooking Him, can. fie seen, They can be seen in their whole tragic aspect and tasted with their poisonous tang which lead you people io despair, to death, after having made you rave with llie anxiety for the futu re which makes you almost go insane. And you Itave every reason to go insane . J 7jf you could only see the whole truth about the approaching future, not Owf of you without Satan's support could up. I nay: 'Satan's/ because supporting yourselves with Cfirisf is something vow do not think about- In fact, the more you need compassionate support, a light in the dark, a word that comforts and guides you, the Trtflnf you turn asnay your eyes hostile to those ffe’rcgs, accusing God and bearing Him the grudge you should bear against your wicked passions and against the one who causes you so much evil—Satan. "Look at what you have already turned into, and sJiurfder. Shudder, as you think of what you will become? worse than barren salt flats in which every life form is absolutely impossi- bit. They are found in the most desolate spots in the deserta, and their desolation does not know even the miserable cover¬ ing Stretched out on the desert's desolation: a covering of wretched grasses, thorny shrubs, thinly scattered animals dwelling there, which gives that solitude a life of flights, chirps and slithers, and shows that that strip of ground is not dust dead for centuries. You will become worse than those saline regUms, where no thing can live and no seed can strike root and no bind can interrupt its flight and no reptile can stop on the ground or even brush with a swift movement its glossy skin on it. This is what you will become, what you are becoming, what you have already become to a great extent for having rejected Christ , flit Water that makes fertile. ''From My heaven, 1, T fead of the mvstirai Body composed of all the Christians., I pour out My waters of life, and from My Church I spread them on the world. I would spread them, but the world, erects dykes and damn and blockades Ivly pouring. Really the world thrusts these dykes against the Church to choke her and bury her, and Me with her. It is a tmoeless fight- h is the real War, which all the. wwre of all imtnfcfed jri the Christian era come from: Ihc fight against Christ, "Take note: one need n otlaunch great persecutions or ca use great schisms to fight against Christ, The sinal i-scale, individ¬ ual, innermost struggle of each one of you against My law: that too is a fight against Christ The hidden, crafty state struggle of a country against the voice of Catholic Rome* against the voice speaking in My name through My Vicar's mouth and drawing people, espedal ly leaders, to the law of honesty, duty and love: that too is a fight against Christ, Those individual and statu struggles are guerrilla warfare- Nowadays you are so familiar with military expressions that you understand Me if I call them like this. They are guerrilla warfare. Then there come out of these the real, actual attacks, decisive advances, impressive manoeuvres and cruel slaughters. 130 131 "Satan is the Captain of tharmed forces which began in Jerusalem, within the Sanhedrin, among the caste of the Fhar- isees, Scribe* and Sadducees; aimed forces which found their ensign in Judas; armed forces which became forger and forger over Hie centuries £rf persecutions against Christians. Like avalanches they have overburdened themselves with newer and newer elements with the 5chisms r demagogic doctrines, political parties, and new,' forms of government; and they will climax with the Antichrist, who shall set against My stream of t Sr ace a stream of savagery and blood - In it you shall wallow and fall, and very low shall fall as holy victims calling upon Christ. Most shall fall like slaughtered beasts, glutted with vioes and grown fat on vices, disturbed, poisoned satanized by curbed doctrines, demons in their blaspheming way of speaking, in their rejecting minds, in their abjuring hearts. "Ohl Water of divine Crace! Going by, you would have brought life, would have purified and fed the sands, and would have taken away salinity and decayed matter from the waters in which you would have blended! Thus you would have enabled the sands to cradle stmng trees loaded with fruits of every kind, and the waters bo be home to fishes of every species' O flowery language of My Prophet! 2 ” The water that purifies is that water flowing out of My Heart opened for love of mankind. It brings along the essence of that divine love at whose contact every impurity falls as it would fall due to a blessed filler, “Your humanity filtered through Mine 1 - Could there be a greater marvel of love tfcfoi this: Gad rrtoitmg Himself a man to save, through Himself, all of mankind? "'{he sands are the souls, as many as the grains of sand, which by contact and union with Me are made fertile, good, fit to produce a tree of life. "And the plants are the svul$ again which, on account of living in ground irrigated by Grace, prosper until they reach Heaven and yield fruit of every kind, in other words all the virtues. *The waters that were bitter, and which Grace cures so that many fishes can thrive in them, are the good works, "Understand the language of My Prophet. It is so dear when looked at with eye3 purified by love of God. No longer desire to be decayed swamps and low-lying shores, where the bitterness of salt stagnates, namely where evil stagnates, anti where decay bolds sway, namely where the greatest evil holds sway. For if the evil of little charity, of lukewarmness, of care¬ lessness, is salt forbidding life to good works; the decay of th* great evil, namely of the seven vices, of anti-christianity ,forbids even the swift passing by of a good thought, "Do not sink down to such decay. Strive to dimb up again from your baseness- Climb up towards God's fountain. Blend with It. See to it that by coming nearer and nearer to Me, it will submerge you, rule you, quash your poor egos under its great redemptive power, and make you holy, make yon blessed, make you happy Even in this life , My children. This life contains so much grief already that to awep no one needs to add on the grief of being against Christ, which causes so many individual and collective ruiMS- "Listen to the Voice calling you. Listen to the Voice of the One who loves you - There is none, none whatsoever, who loves you as your God does, and there is none who tells you words truer than Mine. Open up to receive them. Open up to Grac*?. It comes to heal vour sicknesses, comes to wipe off your tears. It comes and waits at the threshold for you to say; 'Come in/ to rush into you with all its graces of peace, of calm, of salva¬ tion, of eternal life in the end, since in it there is the combin a ti on of every joy," 73* "Come to the Lord" Thu following short extract i* taken from near the end of a dictatim’. commenting LWiti 93 (Vul^ate'ii nvmb^rinp). February 26, 1»M _ Extract _ Q44;215 Jesus says; "My people, oorne to the Lord. I, the Lord, will not turn down the people that comes to Me and, if it stays do#* to Me, I will look after it 'until justice be turned into judgment/ (v,15) in other words until time comes to an end and eternity begin*." 133 132 74* Non-faith shall prevent miracles Hue following quotation come- 1 * trYam a vision in three parts which Maria Vnh-nrta hfld ahniut llie Gospel according to St-John, In 194G she saw the eanue Gospel events in mutii greater detail, and it is the ledger vtfrsirrfi which is found in TJif Poop of tht Man-Gad (vol^ pp.27-31,41-47, & 47-t>4'). In ourust wt P JhsuiS Jsapealdxifl to 1 Ees Apostle*. The efmtext is Lazarus" death and upcoming - resurrection, and f esua is srelerTing both to th& htue He will be Op the *nad lo Golgotha and to the end Limes. March 23,1944 Extract 044:232-263 Jesus says: "The hour shall come when I can no longer move a finger Or say a word to work a miracle. The world shall be vend of My force. It shall he a dreadful hour of chastisement for mankind; not for Me, for mankind, which will not have wanted to love Me. Ttoit hour shall be repented by the will of mankind u.'tecfi shall have rejected the Divinity so for as to becoming u Godless follower of Saian and of his cursto son. That hour shall come. tekm the end of this world is near- The prevailing non-pith shall nullify M\j miracle- power. Not because I could lose it. But because a miracle cannot be granted there is no faith and no will to of? tom j'f, and where ffer Mirada would be turned into a laughing-stock and tm instrument of evil, by people using the obtained good to bring about a greater evil." 75 . The Enemy's signs; the flood of Satanic cruelties The frdkHving extract comesfrom a text on J&aiah c!nMafedliyCod the Fattier. M arch 25.1944 _ Extract _ Q44:26 3-289 God the Father says: "You people do not have a sign from your God because I do not show Myself to those who refuse to acknowledger Me. Instead, you luive the many signs of the one you worship like slaves. He, the Enemy, multiplies his signs and you, already near the time when t!ie apocalyptic Beast is worshipped, 2 ^ are led astray by them and you cons! tier that the author of such signs must be greater than I, must be the only one that exists. You ask yourselves: 'Who is God? What is Tie?' and inwardly you reply, tr> justify your wicked deeds^ There is no God. r "l am who I am. 115 1 am so much greater than you that no manifestation of Mine would by now he understood by the world sunken into the most awful darkness and stupidity. What you consider progress is your regression towards the twilight of the early times in which people, having lost God and His Heaven, were hardly superior to the beasts and pushed their corruption to a point that induced Me to exterminate the race over which T was indicant. 211 "The end will be like the beginning. The circle is coming together, grafting the two murky unfinished works to one another. The new flood, in other words God's wrath, will come in another form. But it will still be wrath. Faithful to My word, 217 I will not send the flood anymore. Ref I will let the saianic fortes send the flood of Satanic cruelties." 76. "The world is lost to God, but souls can still be saved" Although Jesixs dit.-hah'd the following on Lister evening. Maiia Vailcuta Lftminmtvd: "jesus spt’ifcs, and speaks to me so painfully, and it is such a sad topic, that I am wriLing it eEsewliKCfc." Slue inched wirt Jt-sus' ward a to tier on a Jour-page Ltuflst apart from Iut regular uotcbcoks. April 9,1944 Complete dictation Q44:31S-320 Jesus says: "Last year I told you, 215 [Maria,] and it was the first dicta¬ tion: The Father is weary, and to make the human race perish He will let the chastisements of hell go wi Id. 'I also said—it was Good Friday— T would come a second time to d ie r to save them from an even more atrocious death. But My Father will not allow it.... He knows it would be useless,... Ob J If people could still turn to Me who am salvation]' "I refer you people to all My dictation!; prior to the recent ones. I spoke using the prophecies of the Holy Book, explaining them to you, applying them to today, and if I fell silent after¬ wards on this, it is because I understood that it was useless for the purposes of Good and unsafe because those divine words could have become weapons of diabolical torture against My 134 13a servants who heard them, repeated them, spread them and welcomed them- But that is My Thinking, and ever, if it is rot expressed in Wordy, it does rrni change. "Maria, T told yon in late May L943: 'Regarding the future, what do you wart to know, poor soul?' (dictation of May 3i, '43) Thank My mercy thatjw now, it hides from you, to a great extent, the truth about the future.'™ Poor, poor soul] "Another time (said: 'You would Like Me to come and show Myself,,. But even if I appeared, when: in people's hearts ... is there enough of a glimmer of faith and respect to make them bow with their faces to the ground to beg Me for forgiveness and mercy?' (dictation of June 5,1943)-™ "Even now you people ask Me for a sign of power. To be a Saint's Power, the Power of the Saint of saints, it would have hr be s refattl&s, terrible punishment of a amwltess number cf people. Because—l repeat wdiat I have said a thousand times — m there are guilty mighty men because the masses are all more nr less guilty of the same sinning is the mighty. T tell you, poor wool to whom I granted seeing Me trium¬ phant 311 tri strengthen your being, worn out in the flesh that is dying, and grieved in spirit by the trial you underwent and by the horrors around you, I cannot give this sign, this sign of My Power. It is impossible fur Me to do so. Not because Gi«l would have lost His power to do so- Nothing is impossible to Me as God- Rut it is the hour of the puzwr of Darkness. And people have wanted it of their own free wills. The Kingdtmt of Evil is already set up. Whatever i did would he nullified by people's free, wills. Whatever Good would be destroyed by Evi f- " Powerless, I witness this rush of all mankind into spiritual death. There is no gift of Mine, no kindness of Mine, no rebuke of Mine, no punishment of Mine of use to stop mankind, redeemed by Me, from voluntarily ruining itself in Satan. Like an enraged bull, mankind runs over everything—mason, mor¬ als, faith—and goes and crashes against what is killing it. People's desecrating hands are being raised fir a nzw crime which does not deserve forgiveness- And the Father does not want to forgive. Ho lots you perish as you wanted, "The only thing 1 can do, and am doing, is to hold back My Father's wrath—and I am doing it out of compassion for the 136 saints who, rare like flowers in a desert, still pray, pray and do not make protestations of custom and hypocrisy. Weary of the crimes of a brood for which My Blood was shed uselessly the Father wants, really wants to wield His Justice on you. And justice, since you are guilty, would mean tremendous punish¬ ments which My Mercy does not want ty be meted out in addition to those which you already mete out to yourselves. "Maria, I know T am hurting you and crushing you. You had expected joy from My Easter, roses after the thorns, smiles after the tears. You are a victim. The thorns and tears remain even in the Easter season, because it is necessary to stay on the cross for this wicked mankind. "1 ask you to stay on the cress for Me. To save the world has been My dream; to save souls. My joy. The world is lost to God,, but souls can still be saved: those who still have a soul, listless but alive. I beg your charity for them. It is Jesus, a beggar for Jove in His capadty as gh >iious Risen Man, who is asking you for this offering of soul s so that His Kingdom may still have subjects. "Go in peace." 77. The Trinity always ready to help ua Lnfcr the sarru 1 day, RtffrJTTMfciftri Easter, the prci'ic-us dictum wa* balanced out by ii “comforting * in*. April 9 r 1944 Complete dictidim Q44:320 The Holy Spirit says: "I am the Comforter. 1 comfort those crushed by dismay and tortured by the present. I am the One who heals and sweetens the bitterness of the Words that speak the truth, which nowadays is really bitter. "Today Is the triumph of Charity, as Christmas is its loftiest manifestation. For Christmas is the beginning of Redemption which is Charity in action, whereas Easter is Redemption ful¬ filled- Easter is Life's victory over Death through Love exalted to a voluntary holocaust to give you Life. Easter is the act which, made it possible for Me to descend into you, iesanctified by the Blood of God the Son, to reunite you with God the Father by 137 means of Charity, without which Cod cannot be ill you or you in God. "On this triumphal day i come to tell you |Maria]: trust some more- Even if everything seems Lost, trust. Even if the abyss of Evil spews out i ts demons to tormenl die Earth and fertilize it to bear the Antichrist, and even if the abyss of the Heavens seems to shut itself by fleers of the Father—from Whom Wfe proceed, We r the Word and the Spirit—even so. We are still working aond loving bo save you people and defend you, I-Charity and tho-Word-Charity, i-Sanctification and the- Woid-Uedemption; We do not cease pouring forth, the One the merits of His Blood, the Other the eliarisms of His power for the good of you people. "Trust. Love has always conquered." 78. A. reminder on Judgment May 15,1944 _ Extract Q44:346 Jesus says: "If T am the First, in Heaven and on Earth— T who respect the Eternal Father's decrees—I am also the One to whom every judgment has been deferred by the Father ■ ■ 79 . Christ's voices on earth Augusts, 1944 Complete dictation Q44:57J-573 Jesus says: "I have prepared you [Maria] to meditate on My Glory. Tomorrow, 121 the Church celebrates it. But 1 want My Little John 113 to see it in its truth to understand it better 22 * I am not choosing you only to know your Master's sorrows and griefs. Those able ft? remain with Me in sorrow must have a sfj are zoilh Me in joy. I want you, before your Jesus showing ITimself to you, to have he same sentiments of humility and repentance as IMy apostles. 221 “Never have, pride. You would be punished by Losing Me. Remember constantly who I a??; itrai who you axe. Ctiwsltrnfiy (hint about your sftorfctwiiegs and about My perfection so as to have a heart cleansed by contrition. Bui together with that, have fpvat trust in Me. I have said: 'Do not be afraid. Stand up. I jet us go. Let us go among the people bcca use I came to be wi tb them. Be holy, strong and faithful in memory of this hour/ T say it to you too [Maria] a nd bo all My beloved ones amidst mankind, to tfnwp mho have. Me ipz a social manner. "'Do not be afraid of Me.' J shore Myself So lift you people up, not to ffpfntfrrlflfe yew. 'Stand np r : let the joy of the gift give, you strength, let it ttoi dull yon in the stupor of quietism, by considering yourselves already saved because I have shown you Heaven. 'Let us go together among the people.' J have invited you lo superhuman works iffth superhuman visions and lessons so that yen may be of greater help to Me. I associate you in My work. "But I did not, and do not, know rest. Because Evil rawer rests and Good must be always active to cancel the Enemy's work as much as possible. We will rest when Tune lias ended- Ncrtv one must go on tirelessly, work constantly, wear oneself oul untiringly for God's harvest. May My incessant contact sanctity you. My incessant teaching strengthen you, My low of predilection make you faithful d^ijraii every sjian?. "Do not b« like the ancient rabbis who taught Revelation and yet did not believe it, to the extent that they did nor recognise the signs of the times and God's messengers. Recog¬ nise the forerunners of Christ in His second coming, hearts; the forces of the /tnh'Dirizif tire On the match. "Yes, they ate. 1 imposed a limit on Myself because I know that you people drink in certain truths not in a supernatural spirit blit out of the thirst of human curiosity But 1 will now make an exception- In truth, I tail you all, that zvh&t many consider a victory over the Ant ichrist, the peace now at hands 1 * is hu t a break to give time to Christ's Enemy Id gain new strength, to heal his wounds, to regroup his armed forces for a cruder fight. "Recognise, you wlio are ihe 'voices' of your Jesus --the King of kings, the Faithful and Truthful One who judges and fights justly and will vanquish the Beast and its staves and prophets—recognise wwr Good and fallow it always. Sat no deceit fill looks seduce you and no ptnitfcjftibn overcome you. Let year 'voices'soy My words- Let yoyr hw.? be. devoted it? this work. 13S 139 Mttrf if you share ike destinies, on earth, of Christ, of His FopvrwrneT 233 and of Elijah , J ™ a bloody destiny or a destiny tortured by moral abuse, smile oi your future and secure destiny which you will share with Christ, with His Forerunner, a>ifh His Prophet. We will be similar in work, in sorrow, and in glory Here, 1 was the Master and Example. There, 1 am the reward and King. Having Me will be your bliss. Tt will mean forgetting sorrow. It will be what every revelation is still not enough to make you understand, because the joy of the future life Is too far above the imaginative abilities of creatures still united to the flesh." SO. God's unknown heroes Tire long fxtTac L that follows Is almost a complete dirt? tirm, as we omittud oiiJva few lines at thebt®m5tuig.;einsNtnirLjPiae&on to allude to VVcnld War II. When Me starts denorinritig the Fhaiisak Lifestyle Indulged by most pcorite. He mentions', by name n T'haiijee of His* uw:n time, Jshniaei. whose tviishness ls described in TkeFoemoftlse Cod Mtto, joO, pp.32U-.5ii2.. Filially Jesus sfioalts about Cod'* unknown forties who &tiiv*ofi Cod's punishments 1> V their saciiftL'ea. He ends* wiLlra perwmal prophecy for Maria VaJtarfe. September 12,1944 _ Extract _ Q44;630-633 Jesus says: "The world is heading for its peace, which is not Mine. Because Mine is the peace of holiness and justice, and the world's, that of bullying and corruption. What has happened and is happening is horrible, isri E it? "I refer yon people to My first dictations. I always said™- that this was not a war of nations, bur Satan's war against God, one of the wars preparing the coming of the Antichrist, whose forerunners are around now. I always said that Satan was waging war against spirits through the horrors inflicted on bodies, and that many would break down because the spirits of people, no longer fed on grace and faith, are extremely weak against evil. I said that My angels, through the sacrifice of the good, wxaitd fight to prevent a widespread mowing in the human race by the demons. "I said, in the particuter case of the Italians, that if they could not use their first grace uprightly and if, after worship¬ ping as a god one less than an idol and serving him servilely like brutes, they went on to use the same cruel methods as he did, ehastisemen t would come down. For a grace deserve* on people’s part an effort towards goodness and not towards wickedness-And you Italians have enjoyed yourselves, cursed, hated, you have become Judases of your petty' master and of his closest friends, Yesterday, only yesterday, you were pros¬ trate like slaves, and today, here you are with tight fists, curs¬ ing, with grasping talons to stK;re- what yesterday you regretted fo see in the possession of others, f said that the chastisement would be to experience honor throughout the country. A hor¬ ror which, thinking it Over among yourselves, you would consider a feverish nightmare. Now you see if it was true? But will you mend your ways? "The Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees in My time saw with their own eyes the fruit of their repealed sins. Israel humiliated, persecuted, dominated, scattered, used to say in a wailing voice: 'Hare is the chastisement for no longer being rraJ children of GodJ' 3 " Yet none of the leaders, at least very very few leaders, became converted to Me. Exhortations and re¬ bukes, gentleness and sternness, indulgence and intransigenoe, smiles and sadness, readiness fo work miracles or apathy for tlieir requests for miracles— I used everything to shake them and persuade them. All I obtained was thei r more intense, more complete prostitution with Satan until they went so far as to ride; roughshod over the prophets, refusing to acknowledge Me as Christ aa the facte proved by bearing out the prophecies, and they went so far as to kill Christ, the Word of God. "Now the same thing is happening. Among the powerful and among the powerless, socially or individually, 90% of people live like the Pharisees of back then and art with the same systems- Self-seeking, pride, hardness of heart, lust, greed, gluttony and all the forms of selfishness are the foundations of your lives and the rules of your actions. You are not horrified by fohmael's harshness. You too do die same fo those you have no more use for. Both Charity and charity' are dead in you. You love only yourselves. "But now Isay: Charity, whom you do not want, flows onto precisely those you scorn, forsake, and laugh at after even 140 141 exploiting them- They are those who live only for Charity's sake arid who, loving God more than themselves, love you more dian them.selves. They love you a s t <od loves, helping you in sou I and matter. You do not know anything, understand anything, wonder about anything. But God knows, secs and understands without asking. He knows why there is some compassion for you from on high: because of these charitable people who Love Me and love you, and who have turned love into their life purpose—not for you as you are, but to do something agreeable to Me. J 'Do vou people know r how many tears, h ow many sorrow's, how many penances, ho w many sacrifices, are the price of your existence? You think you have life from your mothers who gave you birth and from your fathers who gave you bread. IVue, if you measure yourselves by the yardstick of brutes, you haw life from your parents. But Life, true Life, goes on for you, to gin# you time to fw conrwrfriii, thanks to those charitable people. And many of you do not die forever because of these heroes unknown to you: by putting themselves beLw r eer you and God, With raised arms, they stave off the divine punishments and transfuse gome spiritual blood into you. Yes, into you. whose veins have been slashed by moral diseases, they transfuse that blood which flows in the great mystical Body and which is the blood of grace- But it is through the sifter of their sacrificed wines that this good filters to you wicked people- "This is a severe dictation- T am sorry about it for My Little John's sake. 1 * But I comfort her with a caress, this one: though all forsook you, JMariaJ f will bo for you- Though ati forgot you, I will remember you. Though all hated you, I will love you. See how f help you even bodily with physical strength when the time is right? You are in My hands, a beloved and precious instrument- Have no fear. "Live in and fij r your mission. Do as a child given that toy which yhows wonderful views if you keep your eyes next to the lenses, but which is [ust a black box if you move your eyes away. Maria, you keep your eyes glued on Me and your mission. The world is around you. Jt must stay ound. It must nfll be within you. Within, is Afy world. Give the world, the poor unknowing and blind world, the lessons and Lights which cume to you from My world, if you could only s$fc how much of Heaven is around your work! " AH How happy you will be when you realize you are in My world forever, and have comm over, from the poor world, without even noticing, going from a vision io tlie reality, like a little child dreaming about mother and who wakes up being priced against mother's heart 1 will act like this with yon. 234 "Be good, patient, charitable, and have no fear. T give you My peace, I give it to you in plenty, today, JMame of Mary, 35 ’ 1 and let it be the gift of grace to Little John." 81. Prepare for the time of the Antichrist A leans dnd Marie the fbl3ow ing l orripJet e- text. Mfuia then E t, add ragging hex spiiEtuaJ director. Then Jesus gives her a dictation. April 15,1A45 tompLebe teat Q45;57-5 B Ezechfel, ch.37, vv.1-14. Jesus says; "I ask you, Maria, what the Lord asked Ezaehfel: 'Do you think these bones shall live?'" I, like Ezechiel, reply: "O Lord Cod, Yoit know," because I understand the mean¬ ing of the won! 'bones/ used here to mean 'people.' In other words i (.understand that Jesus is not asking me if the dead will rise on the last Day. It is of faith, and there is no doubt about it. But He gives the name of bones' to today's poor mankind, all matter and no spirit. I understand il because, as 1 already explained many times to you. Father [MigliormiJ, when God takes me to be His megaphone. My intelligence fe amplified and raised to a power far above that allowed to human beings. And I can 'see,' 'hear/ 'understand' according to the spirit. Jesus smiles because He sees I understood His ques¬ tion, He explains: "It is like this. Today Mankind is but bones, mere ruins burnt to ashea, heavy, dead, sunken in the foul gullies of vices and heresies. The spirit no longer exists, the spirit which is life 142 143 in the flesh and life in eternity, the spirit which is what differ¬ entiates people from animals. People have murdered them- selves, in the best part of their selves. Are they machines? Brutes? Corpses? Yes, they are all that. "They arc machines, because they do their day's work mechanically like a mechanism which works because work it must due to the force of its parts in motion, but which does so without understanding the beauty of what it is doing- People tod up and go bo bed after having eaten, worked, travelled, spoken, without ever understanding die beauty or ugliness of what they are doing. This is simply because, bereft as they are of spirit, they can no longer tell beauty' from ugliness, gwd from evil, "People are brutes because they are content sleeping, eat¬ ing, putting on body fal and stocking up in their lairs, no more no less than brutes. Those operations are the brutes' life goals and the joy of their existence, and justify every thing^sel fish¬ ness. and cruel deeds—for this low, savage law of the need to prey upon others to be glutted. "People am corpses because the rea son humans can be said to be alive is the presence of the spirit in their flesh. When people's souls come out, they become corpses. In truth-today's people are corpses held up and kept in motion by the sorcery of mechanics or of the devil, but they are corpses. "Well, I say 'Behold, I will send spirit into you, dry bones, and you shall live- And I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to grow over you, and will cover you with skin; and 1 will give you spirit and you shall live, arid you shall know that I am the Lord./’* Yes, I will do this. The time shall come when again [ have a people of 'the living' and not of corpses. "Meanwhile here I am, giving the food of My words to tlic best, not dead, but skeleton-like for lack of spiritual food. Ido not want you to die from consumption. Here is the nourishing, sweet-tasting manna which strengthens you. Oh! Feed on it, children of My love and of My sacrifice! And why rmist I see so many going hungry, whe-n so much food has been pre.petredfor Hum by the Savior, and no oy\e dnerojs from it for those who are hungry? Feed on if, rise to your feet, come out of your tombs. Come out of your idleness., come out of the vices of worldly life, come to know ledge, come to 'acknowledge' the Lord your God. "I told you people at the beginning of this work and half¬ way through this tragic war 40 and I tell you again: "This is one of the wars preparing the times of the Antichrist/ Then the era of the living spirit wiil come. Blessed arc those who will pre¬ pare to receive it. "Do not say:' IVe won 't be there.' True, rtot aft of you will. But it is stupid and anti-charitable to think just about yourselves. From atheistic parents, atheistic children are bom- From idfe parents,, idle children are bom. And they, your children and your children's children, will have such great need of spiritual strength for that hour! After all it is a law of human love bo provide for the children's and grand-children's good. Do no less for w'hat Is spiritual, than you do for the things of this world: as you give your children wealth or try' to give it so they' may have happier days than yours, strive to give them a legacy of spiritual strength which they may perfect and increase to have plenty of it when the hail of the last battles of the world and of Lucifer lashes mankind so mercilessly that people will wonder if Hell might not be better. ''Hd.l! Mankind will frit 1 it. Afterwards, for those faithful to the *pi ri t, there will come Faradi se, the Earth which is n ot earth: the Kingdom of the Heavens." 82, The need to be voluntary victims PEoember 26,1945_Extract Q15:162 Jesus says: "The last time shall be that of the spirit. But truly, truly T tell you people that only those who will be voluntary victims for the Spirit, and quarries accepted by the Spirit, shall still be able to acknowledge the supernatural. The others shall be dregs settling to the bottom of hell's pools and for which there will no longer be the. Word, which is not given h> the pigs because It has setf-tespe<;t on Its own and protects Itself on Its own." 144 145 83. God's judgment is impartial March 20,1346 _ Extract ___ Jesus says: "The judgment of people neither impa its nor inf luences the judgment of God." 64.1950: An End-Times Holy Year 3n 13*7, JesusdktaSvil to Maria Valuta LiutP^tiiicLi stout th« iipuming Holy Yenr of 19S0. These instructions were intended Pope fins X1T: "U they hear Mesa the wrordsot the Work, you will impart thcS* other v-ords to the One you fcjnnw" ^Lhe Work referred to was (he original Italian typescript of Tbs Poem <if tbs Mati-Gaty- 'Nit Lord's instruction* were indeed mnHc known to die Pope who generously complied with them; to1^(l,hedeEmod as n iJoema of faith Most lloly Mary's Assumption body and sollI into heavenly glory. (Mi\st of Lire dictation is quoted; i^tly a few Luwa personalty meant forMana at the beginning have Lean omitted-) October 23 ,1347 Extract_ Q45:4S5^& J«sus says: "... the upcoming Holy Year must bo heightened with a special charachtf of its own; the character of Mary. "An extraordinary Holv Year was celebrated on the nine- twnth centennial of My Passion. 2 ” Infinite Wisdom would life' another centennial to be celebrated also—that of MyMother s glop- (?ui Assumption io Hearten—and would like tHis celebration the ttfjl Holy Year ft special character, infinite Wisdom rmnild like obedience to this duty, this need, this foresight ofgiving the next Holy YdSjr tire char a c ter of Morin n irutnipnandso on incentiveffr Marian veneration. Mary ?s your Salvation in this terrifying end of Jfrfs terrifying century in which f/te complete opening of the seven seals* 3 * may happen doe. to God's jntHi's/rrrtcnf. For too many centuries already Christendom has been awaiting this triumphal procla¬ mation of the Mother-Virgin assumed by God to Heaven m order to be Gnd's joy after having been Fis living Temple on earthy and assumed in order to be Queen of the heavenly dicirs and of the throng of Saints, "Truly many of the seals have already been opened. But woe if they were all opened, Witf if they arc opened! "Anticipate the hour of the triumph of the Woman, found¬ ress of the family of those marked with the sign of God's servants, of the elect whose home is Heaven. Anticipate the hour of Mary's triumph over Satan r over the world, matter, and death—death which was vanquished bv us twice, vanquished in her. a creature, even in her non-experiencing the spiritual death of sin, as well as in her flesh which dues not corrupt and lives here fin Hcavenl. Anticipate the hour of Mary's triumph, Let men, women and children of the One, Holy> Catholic, Apostolic Church of Rome join the Angels, captained by Mi¬ chael, so that the seven-headed dragon with ten henna and seven cursed crown* 3 ™—the seven seductions—be thrown down for a time, and so that Christendom have time to be reunited and strengthened in charity and in the faith anti squeeze together to defend themselves in the last battle. "Woe if the woman dressed in purple and scarlet, whose throne is the 1 oathsome bea st with blasphemous names, 111 were proclaimed queen before the Woman clothed with the sun, whose feet tread on the moon and whose head is crowned with stars 212 was proclaimed, with infallible words. Queen of angels and of mankind- "There cannot be a second Redemption carried out by Me, Christ. But there can still be one savt* a greater number of souls front hell's coils: the one by Maty in glory. The secret of ttie last Rudempti^m is found m veneration of Mary. "If they hear Me in die wi julIs of the Work, you [Maria] shall impart these other words to the One you know." 85. Wonder seekers March 1W> _ Extract _ Q49;S60 J esus says: J T am God- As for those who want to see wonders bo satisfy their foolishness and their corrupt spirits—'all that dwell upon the Earth' as John the apostle calls them 3 "—they turn to the Beast, which will give them what they yearn after more than the a yearn after Truth . The Beast will give them falsehood, to lead them astray and entice them to eternal death,, /' 146 147 % f Woe unto those rejecting Jesus' revelations Jft two dkfiWiHd on the same day, jesus deals with attitude probJems residing Hi5 revelations to l^ria VaLtorta. TT» firet Station is aimed al the people who oppuse the m the second, at the people who support them. August 1.6,19*9 Two complete dictations Q49:p16-517; 517-5 IB Jesus says: "There is a hypnotical and unreasonable sentence, which is a challenge ho Charity, Wisdom and Justice and which is also a curtain to hide the; will of those who say it, a will damply and haughtily and also basely dashing with Mine: 'If it is God's work, God will look after it and will make it prevail.' When I hear it, with a start of holy anger I would like to come down to Earth and repeal the gesture with which I cleaned out the Temple from swindlers, thieves and traders- "1 should do that But I am Mercy, and L am such as long as people are on earth. I await their conversion as long as they have breath. But then, for the arrogant and those who tempt their Lord—and they tempt Him because they know He is loo good with ihem—there shall be the first and second Judg¬ ment and they shall become aware of a Fa« of the Lord unlike the one against which they spit out their irritating sentence- . "What should 1 do to look after the Work and make it prevail? T should have the dreadful God of Sinai act, 1h* God of the times of wrath and strictness, and I should shrike them by lightning in their sin, in their sins, because many are the Sins contained in their stubborn pride against My will, What else should 1 do if not that? "I gave, through you, [Maria,] all the proof?- In you there is no sin of revolt, of pretense, of pride- You are a meek victim of their will - You yourself defend their will, because they are the Chureh/ from those who would like to ride roughshod over it Due lo your crucifixion" 5 it is indisputable that you cannot scrutinize scholarly books. With your learning it is indisput¬ able that you cannot w rite those pages. Wha t else do they want, if this is not enough for them to say: 'Yes. It is die Spirit of God here present'? There is no dogmatic error, truly there is none m the Work. 143 "If the Spirit has given tights [lights of grace) 1 ** to light up completely what this or that school in twenty centuries had only lit with one ray in one spot, they should bless God for His grace and not say: 'But we say otherwise.' "What is Wisdom? Their servant or their sovereign? "But to avoid calling themselves rebels out of human pride, to hide these wounds of theirs, they say: 'It's up to God.' "God has been acting. But the prince of the world rules in this world whereas the King of kings reigns in Heaven and since He is faithful—yes. He is faithful—to the free will He entrusted to people, for their trial, their reward and many limes for their condemnation, tie does not coerce their wills. But Ife waits for them, soon, at the judgment, "They would do well bo meditate the page of the Gospel where 1, Master of masters, incarnate Wisdom, Word and Truth, say that the sins against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven, "And in truth this is work of the Spirit, of the Spirit of God, of the Love of the Father and of the Son, of the Spirit who knows every truth and comes lo speak thy truth to the people caught in today's turmoil, in fact turmoils, so they' may defend them¬ selves against infernal doctrines." Then Jesus says to me: "You will tell your and My real friends never Lo say that sentence again. They say it innocently, but it grieves Me all Ihe same. Children of Truth as they want to be, they ought to either hold their tongues about it or say the truth: 'Jesus cannot triumph with the Work because mm do not want Him to.' "They are to say Ibis truth within themselves and to their peers (not to the enemies), just as l always said the Truth even warning children of the Torah (My apostles and disciples) against the leaven and sins of the masters of (he Torah ((be Scribes and Pharisees, even the greatest among them, Caiaphas and Annas). "Warn all of them: lay people and Priest (My Fr. S,) r so that they would not cause Me this grief. "This grief f What a grief! To see Myself, I-C >od, trampled on in My will by people, or misunderstood to the extent that I hear: 'You must look after it.' Doesn't anyone think it over that this J if the work is from God, He is to look after it' is proof of the 145 offensive doubt present in them that it may not be from Cod? Don't they realize they offend against charity towards Me by insinuating that to persuade them God should perform Ex¬ traordinary works to make the already extraordinary works prevail? Don't they realise they offend against charity towards you, [Maria,] by insinuating even unconsciously, that you ei¬ ther simulated, or had Darkness for a master? They must not say that anymore. Never again. "I had wanted to tell you this for a long time, because L see your heart is being covered with wounds, one for each time that the silly sentence is said- Hut now you are too wounded, soul of Mine, for Me to be able to remain silent any longer. "Soul of Mine, soul of Mine, soul of Mine! Come and weep here, to be able to live some more . Come to Me, Here. And let us weep together, because once more 1 came to My own and My (Yivn did n<ft rtvrive Mr. and did no t acknowledge. Me 1 " and tmee again Jerusalem kills its prophets between the temple and the alter-™ , . . "Since the creation of the Angds and of Mankind, how many of God's perfect works have been trampled on or brought to nought by mankind?! And were they by any chance not of God because they did not prevail? On the contrary it is precisely because they awr? af God that they were trampled on. I tell you, that it is *o." 150 Notes 1. Genesis chapters 6-9. 2. Hebrews 9:11-14. 3. Luke 23:39-43, 4. Longinus is the traditional name of the Roman soldier who pierced Jesus' side with a lance (John 19:34). 5. John 10:15. 6. Jesus said so to Maria Valtorta on June 2,1943 (Q43:17), in a text not quoted in this book because it is not directly related to the End Times. 7. See Matthew 5:17, 8. Mark 9:47-48, 9. Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-17; Luke 19:45-46; John 2:14-17. 10. Matthew 12:22-32; Mark 3:22-30; Luke 11:14-20. 11. Luke 24:50-51. 12. Matthew 25:31-46. 13. Daniel 9:27; 11:31; 12:11; Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14. 14. Matthew 12:25; Mark 3:24; Luke 11:17, 15. Luke 22:31. 16. Jesus said so to Maria Valtorta on June 4,1943 (Q43:24-25), in a text not quoted in this book for the same reason as in note 6. 17. See Ezechiel 9:4 & Apocalypse 7:3. 18. Here Jesus is referring to the World-War-II destruction of churches, which scattered Consecrated Hosts amidst the wreckage. Jesus told Maria Valtorta about that type of dose- 153 nation earlier {Q43:24), in a text not quoted in this book for the same reason as in note 6. 19. Fiua XII,. Pope from 1939 to 1958- 20. Gen e sis 1:3. 21. Apocalypse Id; 21:6; 22:13. 22. Jesus said SO to Maria Valtorta on May 31, 1913 (Q43:14J r in a (ex! not quoted in this book for tilo same re a son as usual. 23. Genesis 1:3-5. 24. Such blessings and curses are tbund in Leviticus 26; Deutero¬ nomy 7:11-16; 11:26-28; and Deuteronomy, chapter20. 25. John 8:12. 26. John 1:9-11. 27. Hebrews 9:1-5, 26. World War II. 29- Apocalypse 12:3-1, 30. Matthew 5:13-16; Mark 9:50; Luke 14:34-35- 31- Hem Valtorta left a small space in which she later penciled in: "Ch.26-33." 32. Isaiah 2$: 10. 33. Isaiah 26:14-15. 34. Isaiah 26:18-19- 35. isaiah 23:22. 36. Isaiah 29:15-16- 37. Isaiah 30:1. 38 . Isaiah 30:12-14. 39. Isaiah31:1. 40. Isaiah 31:3- 41. Isaiah 33:1. 42. For instancy Matthew 21:16-22; Mark 11:12-14 St 20-25- 41 Luke 16:6. 44. John 1:13. "The Enemy's son," in Other words Satan's SOU- 45. Job 21:32-33. 46. In the dictation of June 19,1943 (ET:7-8). 47. Genesis 4:8- 46- Genesis 18:32. 49. Colossi; ii e? 1:16; see also Apocalypse 1:5- 50- John 11:1-44. 51. Luke 11:28. 52- Matthew 27:48; Mark 15:36; Luke 23:36; John 19:29, 53, In the July 9,1943 ■dictation (043:117), a text not quoted in tills book, 54- Alternative translation; "led their/onbrara towards the light." The Italian original is uncertain ('paSSi' Or 'parfri'). 154 55. John 1:9. 56. Mark 15:26; John 19:19. 57. 5ee John 19r37- Notice that whereas Modernists falsely claim that the Evangelists put words into Jesus' mouth, here- wo yix- Jesus saying exactly the opposite: He put words into His Beloved's mouth. 58 In the dictation of August 16,1943 {ET;29-3tJl. 59- Matthew 23:31-46, (M. Apoce lypse 2:7- 61. John 14:23. 62. Apocalypse 2d 7. 63. See Matthew 7:6. 64. S3ec Fx<xfos l6:t6-20. 65. Apocalypse 2:17. 66. John 14=6- 67. Apccaiypse, chapters 5-8. 68. World War TL 69. Apocalypse 7:3. 70. World Warll. 71. As of 1943. 72. Apocalypse 9:1-2. 73- 2 ThessalOflians 2;7-&. On a typewritten copy, VaEtortft wrote in pencil: "Defeat of the Antichrist, but not the universal Judg¬ ment-" 74. Apocalypse 10:3. 75. Apnea lyp&e 10:4, 76. Let the reader bear in mind (tot rtlis Statement, true when written in 1913, may very well no longer apply. 77. As previously, Valtorta annotates: "The seven thunders corre¬ spond to the seven plagues described later on, on August 22" {see ET:48-50). 78- Matthew 25;31“46, 79. See John 15:13, 80. See the June 19 dictation (ET:7-8). 81. World War II, 82. World War II. 83. On June 19,1943 (ET;7). 84. ApacalypLse 13:4. 85. Apocalypse 13:5-8. 86. Genesis 25:29-34. 87. Apocalypse 13:11-18. 88. Apocalypse 14:14-16. 89. Apocalypse 15:5 to 16:21- 155 90. Those mentioned in the AuguSl 20 dictation (ET:42). 91. Numbers 12:1-15- 92. Leviticus. chapter 11- 93. ''Kings of the East" translates the Italian "re d'Qriente." Com¬ pare with "the kings from the rising of the sun" (Apcxjiilypse Lb; 12), and consider Jesus' choice of the Italian word "Gri- ente," which can mean '‘east" Or "[Masonic] lodge " 94. ApOCftlypae, chapter 12, 95. Apocalypse, chapters 17-lft. 96. Apocalypse 17:3-14. 97. Apocalypse 17:B. 9B. On a typewritten copy of this text, VaJtnrta pencilled in the following footnote: "After the defeat of the Antichrist and the destruction of Babylon-" 99. "Gesu" is the Italian for "JcsuS-" 1 DO. "Cristo" is the Italian for "Christ,'' 101, 1 translated the Italian "Sapienzs" as "Sagacity" to follow the letter-pattern of "Cristo/' although the best translation would have been "Wisdom." 102. In A typewritten copy, Valtorta pencilled in the following foot¬ note; "in (he period of peace that comes before thcjudgmeJit.'' 103, Apocalypse 14:2-3- 104. On a typewritten copy. Valtorta pencilled In the following footnote: "The attempt of peace after the chastisements, the at¬ tempt of spiritual evangelization " 1Q5. Apocalypse 20-745. 106. Apocalypse 2(k9-10- 107. Apocalypse 22:20. 103, In other words the corporate entity of mankind as a whole, 109. The first resurrection; Apocalypse 20:A 110. Ihe second death: Apocalypse 21 -A; 20:14; 2:1 1; 20A. 111. Ecclesiastes 12; 13, 112. See John 5:29. 113. Exodus 20:2; LteuterOHOJiny 5A. 114- Matthew 27:51-54; Mark 15:3&; Luke 23:45. 115. Matthew 24:1-31; Mark 13:1-27; Luke 21:5-23; Apocalypse 14:14-20; 19=11-21; 20:1-15. 116. Jolm 1:1-11. 117- 1943, lid. John 11-43. 119. Apocalypse 22:20. IZ0. Exodus 3:14. 121. Apocalypse 7:4 & 14:1- 156 . 122. Valtorta peri rilled in: "Kings, book 4,011.9, v.22." (That is ac¬ cording to the Vulgate's numbering. Another system cliUs that book 2 Kings,) 923. Also in the dictation of August 15,1943 (ET;27), 124. Luke 2:14 say& "Glory to God in the higheet; and on earth peace to men of good wi Ll"—a verse which is often mistrans¬ lated- 125. In the October 29, I9J3 dictation (EH69). 126. World Warll. 127. Isaiah 222. 123, See for instance the dictations of August 21-22,1943 (ET:44-4o & 49). 129. Genesis 2:9 & chapter 3. L30. On the same line, VaUorl* pencilled in: "01.5:1-29" ("Isaiah" being understood). 131. World War II. L32. On a typewritten copy, Valtorta added the following footnote: "Rome. Because all of Rome is a Sanctuary since it was satu¬ rated with the early Christians' blood and virtues," 133- Christ's chosen Rock was FetCr, a name derived from the Crock Petros, which means stone or rock. 134- World War El. 135. 043:336 (a passage not quoted in this book). 136- Matthew 24:21-22; Mark 13:20. 137. Isaiah 10:5, 138- Matthew 5:5- 139. Matthew 25:31-46; Apocalypse 6:11. 140l Luke 16:19-31- 141. Isaiah 45:8- 142. Genesis 4:8-10. 143. Genesis 25:29-34- 144. Matthew 27:3-9. 145. Leviticus, chapters 1—7, passim; Numbers; 15:1-31; Malachi 1 : 11 . 146. John 8:12. 147-See John 14:12. 148. Matthew 27:25. 149- Exodus 14:21-31. 150. Exodus 17:1-7- 151- Exodus 16. 152 ■ Exodus 23:20-23; 32:34; 33:2. 153. Luke 23:33-43- Dismah Ls the traditional name of the repen¬ tant thief. 157 154 John 21il5'17, 1 55. flic reading or Villtorta's manuscript is uncertain it this point: the word "paasitui" (Italian "p#issionO could Alsc- be read ns ''pressure 1 ' (Italian "pnesedMiL‘")- 156. Deuteronomy 6:4-5- 137. tixoduK 20:J-17; Deuteronomy 5:6-21. 155, MaLthew 10:24; Luke 6:4U. 159- John 2:15. £60. Matthew 26:48-4<?; Mark 14:44-45; Luke 22:47-43. lt>J. Apocalypse 1,2:1-4. 162. Tolm8il2. 163. MatlltfW 11:15; 133; 13:43;Mark4:9;4:23;7:16;Luka5:5; 14:35- 164- ForiTia-tanci: Apocalypse, chapters 12,13, & 20. 165. In the December 9.1943 message to Pope (’jus XII (ET:98). 156. Matthew 24:15; Mark 13 _ 14; Daniel 9:27. 167. Apocalvpse r chapter 12. 166. The flight: Zecba'rLah 14:5; Apocalypse CM2, v.6 (fr V.14?). \ff>. Joel 238-29 (Vulgate's numbering; according to other systems, 3:1-2). 170. Hie fat hers' blood vailing; Matthew 27-25- Their suns' looking upon the pieived One; ^ectiariiili 12:111 (rc£ Jotin 19:34-5//. ] 71. "Uiuwraai" is the originiil iiiflaning of the word rttho lie. in accnTdiin^e- with itb Gi^k rcoh?. 172. Numbers 24:17- [ 73 . Acte 17:22-33. 174 . John 1:3; Col03fiiajis 1:15-1?. 175. Valtorla pencilled in: "Third book of Kings, di.&, V.19" 1.1 his is according to die Vulgate's numbering; another system calls it 1 Kiixgfl-1 176- Matthew 27:45; Mark 3 5:33; Luke 23:44. 177. E£echiel7:l0. ITS. Genesis 6 : 17 . 1?9. Genesis 1923-25. ISO. Jesus is referring to a group of seven dictations addressed- to Ihcwfl whubdifive in the false teaciiinfiS of reincarnation and ndaled forms of Satanism, such a?- spiritism (Q44:2G-5 Sl¬ im . Namely the false duetdnes of ruiu.camation, clt- 192- 1^44. 183. Numbers 21:4-9; John 3:14-15. 184. Isaiah 14:9-15. 185 Matthew 6:9 13 ; T .nke 11 ; 2 - 4 - 196. Matthew 5:3-E 2; Luke 6:20-23. 197. Daniel 12:11-12. 1.58 188 . Matthew 10:22. 189. Daniel 12:13. [TiO. "LiLtlp Jnhn jr jfi the nickname which Jesus gave Marla to ex¬ press t h l j fact Eh at in some respects her love for Jesus and he r missiun were not unlike those of SL John the Apostle and Evangelist- 191- Ittiah 2:1 -5; 7: Lfl-17; 9:1-6; 11:1 -9 192. Apocalypse oh, 13;ch.17; & 19=11 to 20:JO- 193. Daniel 7, verses t-8,11-12, i 15-25. 191. Tn the June 19,1943 and August 22 r 1943 dictations {CT:7 & 46)- “-as wen Ln a January 3,1944 dictation (L]44:2ft) net quoted in this book - 195. In the July 23, 1943 dictation (ET: 16), 196. Luke 2:40, 197 John 10:1-21 198. Ezechicl 8=11. 199- The Italian original has: iJ l J adorazionc dd'orimti 1 ," Here the word "oriente" taken at face value simply means "east/ 1 ns in EsEchitzl 8;16; "about twenty-live men having their ba^ks In¬ wards the tem pie of the Lord, and their facet fu the cash <uul Hi Cy adored towards the rising of the sun." "Oriente'" In Ital¬ ian can also refer totlieMasofiic Lodge. 200. The Italian original has '"le settc 7 which can mean "sects/' as for instance Protestant sects, or* again "secret societies/' a meaning which would tic in with the word commented upon in the previous footnote ( J 'orient c"). If we tftike the word "sfetle^ to mean 1 'sects/ Our Lord'salJusicm could be taken AS ;q rebuke against the now prevalent false sensE of ecumenism, which amounts to indiiferentism and the loss of Catholicism. 201. Matthew 23:1-32; Luke 11:3-7-54. 202. Genesis 1:1-2- 203. 3 Corinthians 15:26. 204. Ezechiel 37:1-14. 203- 1 Corinthians ] 5:35-58. ZJCfr. "better yet: EzechLd 9:1 tu 11-21/ (Editorial footnolP trans¬ lated from QlJ:! l£.) 207. Matthew 27:37; Mark 15=26; T.uke 23:3R; John 19:] 9-22. 206. Evrydus 20:1-17; Deuteronomy 5 rL-22. 209. In a January 15, 1944 dictation (044:69; not quoted in this bonk). 210. Matthew 25:31-46. 211. In the jAOuaty 29, 1944 vision (ET:]24). 212. SeeJohn 4 lU-U. 159 213- Eaechiehas mentioned just before the dictation. 214. ApKilypH 13rM8. Zl5, Exodus 3:14- 216. Genesis fc7- 217. Genesis 9:11. 2lS,OnAprimiM3P:l). 219. lit a pottage not quoted in this book (0^3; 13) 22fl. ^5- - 221. The latest time had been March 2$, 1944 (q44;296), m a pa.^ sage net quoted in this twk. 222. During a January 10,1944 Apparition described in Q44:43 but not in this book- 223. John £22. 22*. August 6, feait of the Transfiguration. 225. See note 190- 226. Jesus did show ValtOrte a vision of His transfiguration on the SA(ne day. This vision is found in Tftfl Patm uf the Man-God, void, pp.406-411 - 227. Matthew 17:1-3; Mark 92.-8; Luke 9:28-36. 228. Likely allusion to Ik end of World War II. 229. Matthew 14:3-11; Mark6rl7'26; luke 9:9. 230. 3Kings 17:1fo4 6Cmg$2:l». 231. Especially on May 16 (0*4:353; not quoted in this book). 232- For (Example, I ^mentations, chapter 5. 233. Sec note 1W. 234. These words wefc touchingly prophetic IB one bears tfi msnd that Maria Valwrtadied (on October 12,1961) after a few vow? of gradual, growing psychological isolation, by which she became irremediably estranged from the outer world us though she wore 1<X*Uy absorbed by her inner life. Thus she passed iltrough death from a contemplated vision to a reality that she was to live forever. 255. it was the feast of the of Mary accord ing to the Church Calendar of llw Homan Rite (September 12). 216LSfl’EzecW325'6. 237. "Al the beginning of this ivork"; ‘'this work" means Q43, V**, and Q45 taken as a whole. "I told you": see ET 3,44 & 143 (as web as q43;2*-25 and 044:353, not quoted in ET). 233. In 1933, under PopeFius XI, An extraordinary Holy Year o£ Redemption was celebrated. 239. Apocalypse, chapters 5 && 240. Apocalypse 12:3. 241. Apocalypse 123'* 160 242. Apocalypse 12:1. 243. Apocalypse 13:8. 244. Elsewhere, Valtoria was Cold by her guardian angel, Azariah, about two different reasons why people w|w ate granted the gills of private relations sometime* refuse to believe in them: '‘Haw Bome, like Paul, believing they were doing good, rejected the gift {of a private revela tion]? Have they called it imaginary foolishness on seeing it in other*' heart*? Lot them examine themselves. Why? With what thought did they do SO? With thuf of denying thal Cod can do all? If fltx they' have sinned- With the thought thal what the Church possesses is sufficient and tlvat it is useless to wish to perfect what t* per¬ fect? IF it is because of this thought, Ihey haw not sinned, for a. respectful, zealous love 'of the tradition of the Fathers' has moved them" (Maria ValtorfA, The Bari Azanafj, Centro Editorials Vo. I tor nano. Iso la del Liri [EK. Italy), 1993, p.l(j2). 245. The "crucifixion" refers to Marla's bfdrirfdennesi. 246. All parentheses in these lasl two dictations ait found in the Italian original. It is sumehmes unclear whether their contents should be ascribed to Jesus, as port and parcel ot the dicta¬ tions, or to Maria, as explanations. These could have been pro¬ vided to her by ei second voice speaking within her, a guidance which she explicitly cLaimed Was at work during vi¬ sions (see for insi arce ET:1 Z3). 247. See John 1:11, 248. See Matthew 23:29-37; Luke 11^7-51- 161 BREAKTHROUGH ON THE END TIMES Until recently, the End Times had been poorly understood because the best source on them, the Book of Apocalypse, is full of symbols difficult to interpret. But in 1943 there was a breakthrough. God lifted some veils off the Antichrist, the two Beasts, and the great Babylon; He shed light cm the Woman clothed with the sun, and the two Witnesses; and He clarified many other Scriptural passages about the End Times, He did so in an extensive series of revelations to an Italian mystic, Maria Valtorta, Jesus did not grant those revelations to satisfy idle curiosity, Jesus bestowed them in these troubled days of ours to help you to persevere until your death and particular judgment. At times sad, at times exalting; at times soul-searching, at times comforting; Jesus J stirring dictations to Maria Valtorta are powerful prophecies, exhortations, rebukes, and teachings to shake us up, to show us our world for what it is, to enlighten our minds about public revelation and set our hearts on fire for God. — Find out why the period of the forerunners of the Antichrist is a concern of yours; — look carefully for hints On how to hasten the defeat of the Antichrist; — straighten your hope by glimpsing Jesus' victory over the Anti- christ and Jesus r glorious blessings in store for His elect; — see the crackling tension between God's overflowing Love and His offended Justice; — heed Jesus's compassionate appeals to you for help to save your soul and the souls of others in these uncertain rimes of ours, these times of ours which are called ... the End Times. ISBN 2-89420-221-0 rrv £mnom paulines CU JM, faouL SHERBROOKE, QC, J1E 2B9 {Canada! ■ Phoiw: (B19) 5S0-SS3S — Fax: 56S-S47*
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