Questions and Answers
on the Third Fiat of God
(The Divine Will ...)
Author : Père Thomas M. Fahy
Translated by Guy Harvey and his team
Full version available boutique ou chez Guy Harvey
1. Q. What does the word Fiat?
R. The word Fiat, which is a Latin word, means : That this be done. It is an order or a decree on the creation of a project. It can also mean yes a request, with the intention to meet this demand.
3. Q. En quoi is the first Fiat of God?
R. The first Fiat God is the one that resulted in the Creation of the universe and all that exists outside of God himself. In this brochure, we are particularly interested in the creation of mankind and that God has done for the love of man.
5. Q. En quoi is the Third Fiat of God?
R. The third Fiat God is a fulfillment of the eternal decree of God for the sanctification the man by the same divine holiness, insofar as it is possible for a creature, by rewarding the man in the fullness of the life of the Holy Trinity and the Divine Will, eternal fountain of graces and blessings. This gift of God makes man capable of accomplishing on earth God's will as it is done in Heaven. -Jesus prayed for this intention in prayer to the Father he left us, prayer throughout Christendom repeat : Thy kingdom come. The third Fiat unifies and crown the first Fiat and the second, bringing them to their completion.
7. Q. Does someone has already done the will of God on earth as in heaven?
R. Yes. Initially, Adam and Eve have done the will of God as in Heaven, before choosing to follow their own will at the time of the event. From, with the exception of Jesus and Mary, nobody has done the will of God on earth as in heaven and this, until the third day Fiat God began to do in the soul Luisa de Corato, Italy, in the year 1889.
10. Q. Luisa Piccarreta she was the first to receive the gift of the Divine Will?
R. Yes. With the exception, of course, Adam and Eve in the beginning, then Jesus and Mary, Luisa Piccarreta was the first to receive the gift of the Divine Will. This is evident in the review of his life and writings. -Jesus called the messenger of the Divine Will, the daughter of the Divine Will and many other ways, explaining how she was the first to experience the fulfillment of the prayer of the Lord : the Our Father.
11. Q. There were other pioneers of this era of the third Fiat?
R. Yes. Après Luisa Piccarreta, which was the first large, came from other pioneers. L’un d’eux fut le bienheureux Annibale Di Francia d’Italie. There was also Mother Conception Cabrera Mexico, Blessed Dina Belanger Canada and Archbishop Luis Maria Martinez of Mexico. They entered a new kind of holiness that looks, in some respects, To him by Luisa. Today, at various places on earth, there are souls who begin to live in the Divine Will.
12. Q. The world seems more than ever drowned in the darkness of sin. How can we talk about the third Fiat already?
R. The second Fiat de Dieu, Redemption, began a period of great spiritual darkness. We can say that its beginnings were marked by the conception of the Virgin Mary, a few years later, uniting its Fiat the eternal Fiat, conceive the divine Word in its most pure womb and give birth to our Savior Jesus. Few people knew that this second Fiat, Redemption, had begun to be realized before Jesus began his public life is, the age of thirty. The same situation appears at the beginning of the realization of the third Fiat, whose current dawn followed by the clarity of his own day.
13. Q. In prayer the Lord, the words mean : Thy kingdom come ?
R. Words Thy kingdom come taught by Jesus does not mean that inaugurated the reign of the Divine Will at this time; otherwise, he would have said something like : "My Father, Thy kingdom I came to establish on earth, it is confirmed : Thy will rule and reign now ». Rather, he said : "Thy kingdom come", which means that the rule will come in the future and that the creatures must wait with the same certainty that had the Hebrews when they were waiting for the coming of the Redeemer.
16. Q. What do the words : Give us today our daily bread ?
R. These words express the request of three kinds of bread :
1. The bread of the Divine Will. It is necessary above all because, at every moment, the creature needs to receive her divine life.
2. The bread of the Eucharist. But what fruit this bread can he bring to the man if he is not first nurtured by the Divine Will? If the creatures feed on the mud of the human will, -Jesus is not able to provide the benefits of the Blessed Sacrament or holiness. And it gives them something, is in small portions, -according to their provisions. The Eucharist and the other sacraments that Jesus has left his Church provide the fullness of fruit they behave and communicate true holiness only when the Divine Will find fulfillment on earth as in heaven.
3. Finally, equipment necessary for our body bread subsistence.
17. Q. What do the words : Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us ?
R. This request will be answered completely when man shall eat the Divine Will as Jesus did in His Humanity. So, the love of man is perfect and forgiveness will be like that of Jesus on the Cross, that is to say, it will mark the heroism. Its virtues, coming directly from the Supreme Will, be as current arising from this Will as a vast ocean.
19. Q. What is the human soul? the nature humaine?
R. The human soul is the spiritual essence of human nature. Human nature is composed of a body (visible and physical) and a vibrant and active soul (invisible and spiritual) animating the body. The human soul is immortal, which means she will live forever, is in Heaven, or hell, after life on earth. However, many of those who are destined to heaven pass through purgatory before. The human soul, image of the Holy Trinity, has three main faculties : his will, his intellect and memory.
Possessing all the science and the art of creating, God willed that man is not only equipped with a body and a soul, but also limit its Divine Will, which is the principle of life and body and soul. What the soul is to the body, the Divine Will will be the one and the other. So it was for Adam and Eve before their rejection of the gift of the Divine Will.
20. Q. What is will?
R. Humans, the will is what most resembles his Creator. It is the engine and the vital principle of the soul. The will gives life to the intellect and memory. It also has the power of decision, to choose to do or not to do something. This is called Free arbitre.
Humans, the will is not thinking, but it causes the activity of the mind; it is not the eye, however, it gives life to look and search for all, the observation of any; it is not speech, but it gives life to the words; it is not hand, but, however, dictates his movements; it is not the feet, but it provides walking; it is neither love nor desires, but it is the life of love and desires.
Initially, when Adam and Eve were created, it was the Divine Will who led and ruled by them and animated all their activities. Sort of, their human will remained behind, leaving the Divine Will reign freely in them. After the failure that followed the race that God has made them suffer, the Divine Will took his kingdom and their soul, and poor human will began his long and pitiful reign among human generations to the current time. This unfortunate situation is now coming to an end, because we are at the dawn of the realization of the third Fiat !
21. Q. In the first chapter of the Bible, it is said that God saw everything he had created were beautiful. How is it that the human will is so weak, inconstant, disorderly, toward evil?
R. It was not the intention of God that the human will operate separately from the Divine Will. By creating the human will, God intended nature united with the Divine Will, so that this force is Divine Will, the first motor, the support, the food and the life of the human will.
With the sin of Adam, Humanity has lost his happy relationship with the Divine Will. Since that time, it is the human will reign on earth, rather than the Divine Will. This great misfortune will be repaired in the era of the third Fiat, when the Divine Will will reign again on earth as in heaven !
22. Q. Is that Adam and Eve were created with the Divine Will reigning in them? Was that the original state of justice of our first parents?
R. Yes. Adam and Eve were created in the image and likeness of God. It was their natural state as human beings. So, all humans are in the image of God, even those who are in hell. This image can be significantly distorted. It can also be beautiful and harmonious if it reflects God. And the likeness of God can be experienced at different levels.
The likeness of God is a wonderful gift giving Adam and Eve the title of King and Queen of Creation. They were created immaculate. God gave them the greatest gift, the same life as the Holy Trinity, the Divine Volonté, source of all grace and every good. Our first parents possessed God and God had. They were led by the Divine Will which reigned in them. Each of their actions was divine, penetrating everywhere, se multipliant à l’infini, delightful God himself who rejoiced at the sight of his own activity within its creatures. Even the angels were amazed to see the activity of the Holy Trinity from Adam and Eve and they loved each of their acts.
23. Q. What Adam and Eve did to deserve this unsurpassable gift?
R. Nothing! The creation of Adam and Eve came from a decree of the Holy Trinity to get containers for the overflow of God's love overflowing, if it were, one dehors d'partial-même. These containers must be able to recognize this divine love and return to God's People.
Adam and Eve did not deserve this gift, nor have intelligence, or to have a free will, or be images of God, or live in the Garden of Eden, etc., and even fewer have the gift of the Divine Will. God wanted Adam and Eve exist and they are out of God.
30. Q. What is the greatest joy a soul can give to Jesus?
R. -Jesus said to the Blessed Dina Bélanger, the 30 April 1928, the following words : «Ma joie, in addition to the perfect and eternal happiness that I have in my Father and myself, is to reproduce me in souls I created out of love. More soul allows me to really reproduce it myself, I feel more happiness and rest in it. The greatest joy a soul can give me is to let me raise to Divinity. Yes, my little wife, I feel immense pleasure to transform a soul in myself, in divinisant, by absorbing it completely Divinity. »
Note : Blessed Dina Belanger is one of the pioneers of the new era of holiness. She was beatified by Pope John Paul II 20 March 1993. His religious name was Marie Sainte-Cécile-de-Rome, RJM.
31. Q. What is the mystery of iniquity which St. Paul spoke?
R. One can find a partial explanation considering the rule of the human will from the fall of Adam and Eve. Our first parents lost the Kingdom of the Divine Will preferring their own will to that of God. When Jesus came to earth to save us, he regained the kingdom lost to mankind. However, divine wisdom did not want to restore the Kingdom of the Divine Will at the time of redemption, but asked all Christendom to pray for the return of the Heavenly Kingdom.
One reason was the great ignorance of humanity for divine things; it should be corrected over the centuries by the Holy Spirit through the Catholic Church. For example, the doctrine of the Trinity was unknown when Our–Lord came, except by a very small number. Ignorant of the truths necessary, humanity would not know what to do with the gift of the Divine Will. So, the human will went to reign once our–Lord had ascended to Heaven. Somehow, this explains the mystery of iniquity. The counterpart of this mystery seems to be the mystery of the Divine Will, also mentioned by St. Paul, which will be revealed in the last days.
32. Q. -Jesus he has two wills, one divine and the other human?
R. Yes. As the second person of the Holy Trinity, the Divine in the Volonté par divine natures, in common with the Father and the Holy Spirit. After the human nature in the womb of Mary, he also had a human will. He never gave life to its activities with only his human will, freely choosing to let the Divine Will realize. By never giving life to his human will, except in unity with the Divine Will, he recovered the Kingdom of the Divine Will for humanity. This kingdom will be given to men in the era of the third Fiat.
33. Q. If Jesus left the Divine Will operate freely in him, does this mean that all his actions were divine though, outwardly, they were human acts?
R. Yes. All his activity was divine, even in the smallest things like blinking his eyes. This explains the difference between the holiness of the activity of Jesus and the saints. All the holiness of the activity of the soul is rooted in the will that produces this activity. The activity of the saints was generated by a human will strengthened by grace, but it was still a human will that produced acts. In Jesus and Mary, it was the Divine Will which produced activity; an infinite difference!
34. Q. How can we say that Mary had the Divine Will to lead its activities?
R. God gave Mary the gift of the Divine Will at the moment of her Immaculate Conception. Par nature, she had a human will. Pair gift, she possessed the Divine Will. This allowed him to fulfill the Will of God as God himself. In fact, it is not because of her Immaculate Conception and because it was spared from original sin that God the Son could come within it the Incarnation, but rather due to the fact that the Divine Will she reigned. It would not have been appropriate for the second divine person is embodied in Mary if the human will had ruled it.
35. Q. St. John the Baptist did he not done the will of God and in Heaven because Jesus said that there is no greater than he among men born of women ; and Scripture says he was sanctified in the womb of his mother Elizabeth, even before being born ?
R. -Jesus ended this wonderful comment about John the Baptist with the words : "Yet, the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. "Adam and Eve were not born a woman. Adam was created by God from the dust of the earth, and Eve was formed from Adam's rib. They possessed the Kingdom of Heaven when they were created, but lost by vanity and disobedience, refusing to continue to love God above all things.
There were no humans in heaven when Jesus spoke this way John the Baptist; however, the Mother of Jesus, born of St. Anne, was certainly greater than John the Baptist, because it is by far the highest of creatures. Marie had the Kingdom of Heaven, which is the Kingdom of the Father's Will.
36. Q. What is the difference between sanctifying grace and the Divine Will?
R. This difference can be compared to that between the light produced by the sun and the sun itself. The Divine Will is the uncreated source of sanctifying grace. Possess the Divine Will as in Heaven, is holding the source of all grace. Have sanctifying grace, which is a participation in the divine life, is a great gift. Possess the Divine Will is even greater. Grace might be called the mystical life and the divine life real life.
37. Q. Mary did she not been called full of grace by the archangel Gabriel?
R. Yes. The Scriptures present both Jesus and Mary as full of grace. They surabondaient Thanksgiving because they had both the Divine Will, the source of all grace. -Jesus possessed the Divine Will in nature; Mary possessed by Don.
70. Q. Provide a simple way to understand the difference between a soul that lives in the Divine Will and a living soul resigned to the Will of God.
R. A good illustration is to consider the first as the sun and the second as the earth receives the effects of the sun. The first has the Divine Will as his. The second subject is a human will to the Divine Will.
87. Q. Quote some writings of saints, mystics and spiritual masters on the deification of souls.
R. It is a good and useful question for at least two reasons. One first reason is that modern day Christians do not know very well what sanctifying grace and it is accompanied by the presence of the Holy Spirit whose mission is to deify the souls, even in this life.
The early Christians, more likely to appreciate the immense benefits associated with membership in the Mystical Body of Christ, were very conscious of being deified by sanctifying grace and had no reluctance to accept and appreciate the truth that the Infinite had made them gods, allowing them to share the divine nature. Knowing this sublime reality in them, they were diligent to behave accordingly, realizing what a wonderful gift it is to be a Christian, born in the life of God through the sacrament of baptism and can grow well in the divine life through the other sacraments, especially the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.
One second reason is that the Catholic Church has been blessed with many saints, mystic and spiritual master who wrote under the influence of grace; they were able to use the language and the appropriate language to explain the mission and operation of God in the soul with sanctifying grace; they were able to explain the effects of divinisants it. So, from the writings of the Servant of God, Father Juan G. Arintero, we noted some comments from real Christians, men and women, who received the light of grace to understand the reality of that which is deified by the action of God himself :
Saint Dionysius : "... And salvation is found in the deification, that is to say, in the most perfect union with God and assimilation. »
Père Arintero : "This fire is the Holy Spirit that should animate us, inflame us, cleanse us, make us perfect to the point of deification. »
"The true supernatural is the fact that God descends to the level of his creatures and the student as much as possible at the Creator. »
"Without destroying our nature or our personality, but enriching, Holy Spirit renews us, transforms us, deifies us and unites us intimately to Jesus Christ our Savior ... "
"But we are created Gods, while he alone is the Living and Yahweh, being God by nature, can make us gods by participation. He is the God deifying : we are Gods deified. »
Saint Augustin : "If God humbled Himself to become man, is to exalt men and make Gods. »
"The (God) calls men gods, because they are deified by his grace and not because they were born of his substance. »
"The son of God form the body of the only Son of the Father. He is the Head and we, members. Together, we are the Son of God. »
Eadmer (a disciple of St. Anselm) : "God made other Gods, but he alone is the God who deifies; we are gods that are deified. »
Saint Peter Chrysologus : "That is why those who believe and who professes to be the son of such a father ... should make acts worthy of his Father and proclaim in thought and action he became divine in nature. »
Saint Basile : "... So souls who have the Spirit in and they are illuminated by the Spirit, themselves become spiritual, and send thanks to the other ... So, you are like Gods and nothing more sublime can not be desired. »
Cyril : "For this reason we are called Gods, not only because we were raised to a supernatural glory by divine grace, but because we now have that God lives and dwells in us.
"And if we are Gods and son of God by grace, then the Divine Word, by whose grace we have become gods and son of God, itself is the true Son of God. »
Athanasius : "As the Lord became man by giving a body, so we, men, have been deified by the Divine Word. »
"The Son of God assumed our nature to make us gods. »
Louis de Grenade : "The grace is infused into the soul and transforms man into God, so that, without ceasing to be man, it assumes the virtues and purity of God. »
Pourrat : "The usual grace divine life communicated to the soul. As a resident in the substance of the soul to deify, it is called sanctifying grace. Sanctifying grace, the virtues and the seven gifts of the Holy–Spirit is habitual grace. All sacraments without exception produce. »
Père John of Los Angeles : "The soul is made to participate in God himself by divine infiltration, that is to say, by a divine gift saturating our whole being to deify us. »
"The soul is completely transformed and deified, in what it is and what it does, it is God who is in it and is. All that God is by nature, the soul by grace. Although she does not cease to be a creature, it is fully deified and takes on the appearance of God. »
Sainte Gertrude : "When we receive the grace created, eg sanctifying grace, it is by participation in the uncreated grace, who is God. »
Saint John of the Cross : "The substance of the soul, though not the substance of God - may not be as substantial -, nevertheless united to Him, absorbée in lui. It thus becomes God by participation, God making him reach this perfect state of spiritual life. »
"God communicates more to the soul that has made more progress in love, that is to say to the person whose will is more perfect conformity with the Will of God. »
Sainte Madeleine Pazzi : "Lord, you're particularly glorified in all your priests with your Spirit, because every priest is like a God in you, as another Word (Ps 81, 6). Although there is only one God in essence, there are thousands of Gods by communication, participation and union. »
About the Holy Sacrament of the Altar : « Nobody could have imagined that God would become a creature and a creature of God become the ineffable manner and this dual communication. »
Words of God the Father in the Holy : "... My Word, which is the fire that ignites, came ignite the earth to turn all hearts. In this furnace where the breath of the Holy–Spirit stirs the fire, the soul is so consumed by the fire that, instead of human, it becomes fully divine, transformed in me and with me by becoming a charity. »
Saint Thomas of Aquin : "Charity is a virtue of the man as, but man insofar as he is himself God and through participation. »
Padre Pio : "Yes, sanctifying grace prints the image of God in us so that we might become divine by participation and, as St. Peter says well, we become partakers of the divine nature. »
Note : We conclude this series of quotes by observation père Juan Arintero :
"Living in Grace, we live in the divine life in truth, well, usually, we realize little account. We are divine, but we hardly realize. We tend to live only in our life and, because of our lukewarm, we stifle the seed of eternal life in us, or if we prevent its growth, however, we do not completely lose.
Note : The first three questions dealt with material aimed to highlight the authentic Catholic understanding of the deification of the soul by the Holy Spirit. This sublime operation of God is performed only in the souls who recognize their nothingness. Satan is very clever to imitate the works of God, to confuse and mislead the proud. Thus it inspires some movements like New Age, with its pretentious and false doctrines, in order to neutralize the fruit of what God has already begun to spread to humanity through humble souls like Luisa Piccarreta, Blessed Dina Bélanger, and other.
88. Q. We have seen how respect and understanding of what holy people, at different periods of the history of the Church, dealt with sanctifying grace and its effects on the soul. Is there something even greater when the souls are called to participate ?
R. Unless God himself did make us know the original state in which he had placed mankind at the time of the creation of Adam and Eve, it seems that it is impossible for us to know the highest degree to which God invites us to participate through his eternal life and divine activity.
The purpose of 36 volumes of the book The Book of Heaven, livrés par Luisa Piccarreta, is to teach us that God wants to give us something that is bigger than anything that had previously been shown, incredible as it may seem. Several other people (Blessed Dina Bélanger, for example), we have been taught similar things on this topic.
107. Q. Can be drawn from the writings of Luisa passages explaining what it means to live for Jesus in his Divine Will?
R. In response to what he said on the subject Luisa, -Jesus added : « Ah ! you do not know what it means to live in my Will! This means looking back pure joy expected when creating, the innocent pleasures which I made. This means away from me all the bitterness with which the treacherous man overwhelmed me almost at the very beginning of creation. This means a continuous exchange between the human will and the Divine Will; firstly, soul fearing his own will and living on my own and, secondly, Will my rushing to fill the soul with joy, love and endless blessings. Oh ! as I feel happy to give all that I want this soul, because my Will who lives in scope to accommodate any!
"So, there is more division between me and the soul, but a stable union in the work, thought and love, because my Will compensates for his in everything; we are in perfect agreement and perfect communion of goods. This is the first goal of the creation of man : let him live as our son, put our things in common with him so he is completely happy and ourselves exultions his happiness. Living in my Will is actually this : let us restore the joys and feasts of Creation.
"And you (Luisa), you tell me that I have to keep it all hidden inside of my church, without letting things go forward! On the contrary, in order to know what will be the fulfillment of Creation, I will turn heaven and earth upside down, I will train the souls by an irresistible force! Do you see how this life I'm interested in my Will, she puts the seal on all my works so that everything is done? Maybe for you, it seems nothing, or you think that there are currently similar things in my church. Not, not for me! Rather, it is there all of my works. You must therefore appreciate and be more attentive to fulfill the mission that I want for you.
108. Q. In his letter to the Galatians, speaking of the sending of the Son by the Father to redeem us, Paul uses the term : When the time had gone. And, in his letter to the Ephesians, speaking of the mystery of God's Will, he uses the term : « He introduces us to the mysterious plan of his will that, in his favor, he had stopped forever, to finalize, when the time will be made, the intention to unite all things in Christ, in heaven and on earth. "What do these expressions?
R. In God's plan for humanity, it seems that there three time periods and a half period time, where a period of time is approximately 2000 years and a half period of 1000 years. From the fall of Adam to the Flood, the period is 2000 years. The flood to Christ, another period 2000 years. Of Christ to the present day, a third period of about 2000 years. Then, current time to the end of the world, there would be a period of about 1000 years, that is to say a half-time.
The first ended with the purification of the world water ; the second purifying the world the Precious Blood of Jesus ; the third one, likely, currently reaches its fullness, ends with the purification fire. After that, there will be full days of the reign of the Divine Will on earth as in Heaven and all things will be restored in Christ. This new era is about to start. Peacefully, in souls, third Fiat is being established, as the sun at daybreak, before daylight. It really seems that the time has come for answered prayer is Lord and that also comes the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
109. Q. Wherein live in the Divine Will differe-t-il de dwell in the soul of the Holy Trinity?
R. The Holy Trinity is present in all things and, by the power of their Divine Will, the divine Persons keep all things in existence according to the nature of each. When a child comes, Holy Trinity is present to keep the child in existence, selon the nature humaine. When he was baptized, something amazing happens : the Divine Will implements the splendor of sanctifying grace in his soul and the Persons of the Holy Trinity will make their home, providing their life and their resemblance to a mystical way, but limited. Receiving sanctifying grace, the newly baptized soul becomes an adopted child of God.
However, grace is created and, thereby, is not the life of God itself, because the life of God is eternal and uncreated Divine. Created grace, emanating from the Divine Will of the Trinity, makes the soul that lives more or less holy and pleasing to God, according to its level of compliance and surrender to the Divine Will. The actions of the soul are generated by human will and are therefore limited, unable to penetrate everywhere multiply to infinity, or embrace everything eternity contains. So that was the life of the faithful Christians throughout the history of the Church, Whatever the concept was their way of life. And so it was that God's Will is done on earth, but not as in Heaven.
The blessed souls, aware of their nothingness, took possession of the Divine Will not only the Holy Trinity they, but they entered inside the Holy Trinity, thus contributing to the divine and universal activity, as Adam and Eve were initially. The actions of these souls are generated by the Divine Will itself and, thereby, se multiplient à l’infini, penetrate everywhere and embrace all that eternity has. One of their actions is greater than heaven and earth. These souls, with the Divine Will as their own, not only live a mystical life with God as those in sanctifying grace, but the real life of God, the vie of the Divine Volonté, sharing the very life of the Holy Trinity.
This, in essence, how God's will is done in Heaven and how, in praying the Lord, we ask her to come on earth.
Note : This translation is that of the second edition of “Book of Glory — Questions and Answers on the Third Fiat of God”, written by Thomas M. Fahy, in 1994.
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