quarta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2022

The End Times By Maria Valtorta


What are the end times about? Essentially, they are the time for Divine Justice to settle everything concerning Planet Earth. Let us start at the end. The end times end with the last judgment. On this occasion, Christ will publicly demonstrate His mercy and justice by taking all His loyal friends to Heaven everlasting and by consigning all His enemies to never-ending hell. It will be the most spectacular event in the entire history of earth. In a way, however, the last judgment is only the making public of the sentences already passed "at the hour of our death." Hence we can see the dire gravity of the particular judgment of each and every individual. As the last judgment closes the end times, so the particular judgment closes the earth-bound life of each and every one of us. In turn an individual's success at the particular judgment hinges on whether he managed, with the Savior's help, to use well the personal freedom given him by God during his life-time. In turn this freedom is given him to make a choice: to love God and neighbor and self, or to pamper the self to the detri-ment of God and neighbor. Such freedom is necessary. 

God wants to love His creatures and be loved by them, but He does not force love on anyone and expects human love for Him to be manifested freely, through free will, which is everyone's greatest power. Through it, one must keep Cod's command-ments. By obeying them, one passes the one-time life-test. By breaking them, one fails forever. Thus we know when the end times come to an end and what happens then: at the last judgment, the Kingdom of Cod closes its doors behind the Elect who passed their test, and leaves forever outside the Rejected who failed theirs. But do we know when the end times begin... or have begun? And do we know what happens then? Those are ques-tions to which, unaided, humanity could never have hoped to find an answer. But Jesus has given the answers to a certain mystic for the common good of all mankind. And here is the context of His telling. It is difficult enough at any time to win with the help of Christ the Savior a good account before His tribunal at the particular judgment. It is even harder nowadays because for quite a number of years the Church, by and large, has failed to pass on Christ's teachings in a life-giving way. Such was Jesus' assessment already in the 1940s, as expressed to that certain mystic. And to remedy the situation, He made a special, au-thoritative intervention in 1943-1951, precisely through that certain mystic, Maria Valtorta. Indeed, to compensate for the lack of proper teaching from the Catholic pulpits in the mid-20th century, Jesus inaugurated a new method of teaching the Catholic Faith and thus of spreading the Faith. Jesus thus presented the Church with new supernatural tools, namely His Revelations to Maria Valtorta. These consist of almost 700 visions of episodes of His Life on Earth, some previously known and others not. His Revelations to her also consist of about 800 dictations on a great many topics pertaining to the Church's Life and the salvation of as many people as possible. Now as part of His dictations to her, Christ specifically dealt quite at length with the end times. That is where He told her that the end times had already begun by 1943. And He went on making very specific explanations and prophecies abou t the end times, covering all aspects of the happenings as they started in the 1940s and shall follow one another until the end of time, like dominoes toppling one another until the end of the line. In the entire history of the Catholic Church, there is nothi ng that can compare with these revelations that come from the very mouth of Jesus Christ. Prophets prophesied about the end times vaguely. 

But the Prophet s f prophets, Jesus Christ, in the mid-20th century, prophesied about the end times with aston-ishing precision and uni maginable descriptions, as well as with most profound and clear explanations of the cause of so much horror to be witnessed by humanity from 1943 until the Last Judgment. Thus we are in the end times. And this has an overwhelm-ingly important implication. There is no time to waste before joining the most sublime task there can be: helping to save as many souls as we can. For many are on their way to damna-tion—Jesus Himself says that "the majority" are. And they cannot work on their own at their own salvation. They need hilp. Your help and mine. What Jesus has to teach is serious. It is Divine Truth. And only Truth can save human beings, whose greatest and most despicable enemy can be none other than Satan, the Father of Lies and the Killer of Believers in God. And it is good to bear in mind that the goal of God's Plan is His glory through the sanctification of a certain number of His human creatures who are then brought into Heaven for eternity to share in His Love. When that happens, Earth will have reached the end of its existence, history, and purpose. In the meantime, we are in the end times, described in the pages of this book. Leo A. Brodeur, M.A., ISL., Phil, H.Sc.D. President of the Maria Valtorta Research Center Sherbrooke, QC, Canada 

Translator's note 

The revelations to Maria Valtorta about the End Times constitute only a small portion of all the revelations made to her by Jesus Christ and other heavenly persons (see the brief biography of Maria Valtorta preceding this note). Furthermore, this book does not contain all the passages about the End Times in all her works. The Poem of the Man-God and the commentary on St. Paul's epistle to the Romans com-prise strong words on the End Times, but they are not included here, since they already are in print or are to be in other books. The present book consists of extracts only from Valtorta's volumes entitled 1 Quaderui de11943,1Quaderni de/ 1944, and I Qtuderni dal' 1945 at 1950 (throughout referred to as Q43, Q44, and Q45). Page references to the Quaderni all follow the model of Q43:83-85, which means I Quaderni del 1943, pp.83-85. Sometimes the quotations retained here refer to other texts in the Quadenti which are too indirectly related to the End Times to be part of this book; the reference is given anyway to the original Italian (for example, Q45:222 would mean 1 Quaderni da11945a11950, p.222). Whenever a passage referred to is indeed quoted in this book on the End Tunes, the reference is given to ET (for End Times) and the page number, for instance •T08. All notes are found at the back, on pp.153ff. 

Despite the restrictions on the contents of the present book, there is more than enough about the End Ti mcs to serve Christ's purpose: to rouse His followers to spiritual action (see Fore-word). In the course of His teachings, Jesus sheds light on many a Scripture that had remained obscure until now. This book quotes the Bible from its Douay-Challoner translation, except that archaic expressions have been replaced with current equivalents. Since Heaven knows best, all the revelations to Maria Valtorta have been left in the chronological order in which they were given. It will be seen that the Lord adopts a cyclical presentation, as He first hints at something, then comes back to it in greater depth, and touches upon the same topic several times more. Due to their specific purpose, however, the three Quaderni did not have Valtorta's writings in their chronological order, and that is why the page references to Q43, etc. seem jumbled up although the dates are orderly. (The three Quaderni were designed to reproduce the texts in the same order as they are found in the original handwritten scribblers. These in turn do not contain the texts in chronological order, because whenever Valtorta's spiritual director saw her, he took the scribbler she was currently writing in so as to read it and make a typewritten copy. At the same time, he returned the scribbler he had pre-viously borrowed and she simply continued writing in it to save paper.) Valtorta left Jesus' dictations to her untitled. I am the one who added titles. Most notes are translated from Q43, Q44, & Q45 and adapted for this book. Editorial omissions within texts in the current book are indicated by raised ellipsis points, like this: • • • Ellipsis points found in the original Italian edition are rendered as follows: ... 
Paul T.Y. Acworth 

The End Times 

1. The first hint The End Times were first hinted at in Maria Valtorta's writings in the very tirst dictation which she received. When Jesus says: "I will come only at the last hour," He already refutes the opinion of millenarianists who mistakenly believe that He would come back on earth before the end of the world and physically rule for one thousand years. April 23, 1943 Complete dictation Q43:83 

Jesus says: "The first time My Father, to purify the earth, sent a cleans-ing by water;' the second time He sent a cleansing by blood" and by what Blood! Neither the first cleansing nor the second has availed to turn the human beings into children of God. Now the Father is wears and to make the human race perish He lets the chastisements of hell go wild, because human beings have preferred hell to Heaven, and their Ruler, Lucifer, torments them to make them blaspheme Us so as to make them completely his children. "I would come a second time to die, to save them from an even more atrocious death. But My Father will not allow it. My love would allow it, but My Justice would not. He knows it would be useless. Therefore, I will come only at the last hour. But woe unto those who in that hour will see Me after choosing Lucifer as their lord! There will be no need of weapons in My angels' hands to win the battle against the antichrists. Myglance will be enough. "Oh! If people could still turn to Me who am salvation! I desire only that and I weep because I see that nothing can make them raise their heads towards Heaven from where I stretch My arms towards them. "Suffer, Maria, and tell the good to suffer to make up for the second martyrdom which the Father does not want Me to undergo. Everyone of those who immolate themselves is granted to save a few souls. Only a few. It should come as no surprise that only a few souls be granted to every little re-deemer if one thinks that I, the divine Redeemer, on Calvary, at the hour of My immolation, of all the thousands of persons present at My death, I managed to save the thief,' and Longinus,' and very few others." 

2. Sacrificial blood for the last harvest June 1, 1943 Extract Q43:19-16 

Jesus says: "I look at My flock... My flock? Not anymore. You used to be My sheep and you have gone out of My pastures. Outside you found the Evil One who led you astray and you no longer remembered that at the price of My Blood I had gathered you and saved you from the wolves and the mercenaries that wanted to kill you. I have died for you" to give you life, Life to the full as I have it in the Father. And you, you have preferred death. You have placed yourselves under the sign of the Evil One and he has changed you into wild billy goats. l no longer have a flock. The Shepherd is weeping. "I am left with just a few faithful ewes, ready to present their necks to the sacrificer's knife to mix their blood, not innocent but loving blood, with My own absolutely innocent Blood, and loaf the chalice that will be elevated on the last day, for the last Mass, before you are all called to the dreadful Judgment. By means of that Blood and the others' blood, at the last hour, I will be able to reap My last harvest among the last ones to be saved. As for the others, they will serve as straw for the demons to rest on and as branches in the never-ending fire. "But My ewes shall be with Me, in a place chosen by Me for their blessed repose after so much strife. Their place will be different from that of the saved: for the generous, there is a special place. Not among the martyrs and not among the saved. They are less than martyrs and much more than the saved and they are in the middle, between the two groups. "Persevere, all of you who love Me. That place is worth every present effort because it is the zone of the coredeemers, at the head of which is Mary, My Mother." 

lune 3, 1943 
3. The sign Complete dictation 
Jesus says: "Many ask Me for a sign. What sign? Sign of the hour or sign of My power? "The sign of the hour, you already have it. I repeat:' 'I did not come to change the faro.' You are the ones who changed it. And I do not change My Word. What I have said, I have said. Everything that had to take place—from the time I spoke as Man among men, until the time I come, as God Son of God, to judge mankind—everything is contained in My Gospel. "You fools with your heads full of a thousand useless rumors and wicked thoughts, you are the ones who no longer understand what I said. Are you by any chance not salted with fire, that fire which will forever salt My enemies?' That which burns you now and comes down upon you to destroy you and lead you more and more into blasphemy and heresy is but an advance ty" what the fire I am speaking about will be, a fire destined for the scandal-mongers who are not converted. And you are among them. All you worry about is the body and wicked riches, and you trample on consciences and altars, and you defile every-thing you touch, and within yourselves you kill Me a second time.

"Those are the gifts which Lucifer knows how to give you, who have put yourselves under his sign. The Beast blows the fire from its mouth after having sunk you into the evil of corruption. Such are his gifts. He can give you nothing else, whereas I had given you, together with My own self, all the treasures of grace. "Do you want a sign of My power? Why, I have been giving you this sign for twenty centuries! What was the use? I have opened above you the streams of My graces and from Heaven I have made them come down onto earth in thousands and tens of thousands of miracles. I have healed your sick; I have quelled your wars; I have prospered your businesses; I have replied to your doubts, even on matters of faith, because I know your weakness that does not believe unless it sees; I have come to repeat My teachings; I have sent My Mother so that with her gentleness she would induce you to penance and love. What was the use? "You have treated Me like an idiot, abusing My power and My patience, convinced that after performing a miracle! would not remember it anymore. No, children of My sorrow. Every-thing is written down in the great book of My Intelligence and it is not ink that is used to write in it, but the burning coal of Love. And everything is remembered. "You have exploited the coming of My Mother to human ends. You have turned it into a laughing-stock and a business.

Don't you know that Mary is My Temple and My Temple is a house of prayer and not a thieves' den?' Her words, so affectionate, so imploring, so sorrowful, were meant for you who killed her Son—and you do not even know how to profit from such a sacrifice. To you her words sounded like a pointless old story. You have kept going on your path to damnation. "My messengers, the souls living as you should all live and which have become My town criers to repeat once more the words of My Heart, you have called them mad and possessed and sometimes you have killed them, always you have har-assed them I too, by the adulterous and murderous generation of My time on earth, was called madman and possessed!• "The sign! You have the sign and it is of no use to give you back My Paternity. A sign other than this will not he given to you. Seek for it in My words and in your consciences, if you still manage to find them alive beneath the mass of lustful acts, adulteries, fomications, thefts, murders, envious thoughts, blasphemies and pride with which you have stoned them. "It is the Ascension today. Before ascending I blessed My Mother and My disciples." I had no one else to bless because the others had rejected Me and cursed Me. Now tool bless My disciples because the others do not want Me and blaspheme against My blessing." 

4. Christ will not come again until Judgment Day The following text shows that the mi Ilenarianist belief in a one-thousand-r period of peace is false. June 5, 1943

 Complete dictation Q43:26.27 Jesus says: "You would like Me to come and show Myself to terrorize the guilty parties and reduce them to ashes. 0 poor people! You do not know what you are asking for! "Unfortunately, I will come. I say 'unfortunately because My coming will be one of Judgment and terrible judgment.11 If I had to come to save you, I would not speak like this, nor would I strive to ward off the times of My coming, but on the contrary, would eagerly hasten to save you again. But My second coming will be a coming of stern, inflexible, general Judgment, and for the majority of you, it will be a judgment of punishment. "You do not know what you are asking for. But if even I appeared, where in people's hearts, especially in those chiefly at fault for today's disasters, is there enough of a glimmer of faith and respect to make them bow with their faces to the ground to beg Me for mercy and forgiveness? No, children who ask the Father for revenge: He is the Father of forgiveness! Even if My Face were to flash in your skies and My Voice, which made the worlds, were to thunder from east to west, things would not change. Only a new blasphemous chorus of insults, only a new whirl of abuse would be hurled at My Person. "I repeat: I could perform a miracle and I would do it if I knew that afterwards you would repent and become better—you, the great offenders who lead the little ones to despair and ask for re-venge, and you, the little offenders who ask for revenge. But neither you, great offenders, nor you, little offenders, would repent and become better after the miracle. Worse than that, you would tread underfoot, in a frenzy of guilty joy, the bodies of those punished, thus at once becoming unworthy in My eyes. You would climb on top of them to oppress others, in your turn, from that throne set upon punishment. "This is what you would like—that I should strike so you could strike in your turn. I am God and I see in people's hearts and therefore, in this case, I do not listen to you. I do not want all of you to damn yourselves. The great offenders have already been judged, but I am trying to save the rest of you. And this hour, for you, is a sieve of salvation. They will fall under the power of the Prince of demons those who already have in them the devil's darnel, whereas those who have in their hearts the grain of wheat germinating the eternal Bread, will germinate in Me in life everlasting." 

June 7, 1943 

5. "Over two thirds" Extract Q43:34 

Jesus says: "In truth I tell you that over two thirds of the human race belong to the category that lives under the sign of the Beast. For them I died uselessly. "The law of those marked by the Beast is sloe opposite of My Law. In one, the flesh rules and produces works of the flesh. In the other, the spirit rules and produces works of the spirit. When the spirit rules, there is the Kingdom of God. When the flesh rules, there is the kingdom of Satan." 

6. The more real priests, the shorter the time of the Antichrist 
June 10, 1943 
Extract Q43:169 
Jesus says: "The day there would no longer be in the world priests who are really priests, the world would end in a horror that words could not describe. The moment of the 'abomination of desolation" would have been reached, in fact reached with a violence so ghastly as to be a hell brought to earth. "Pray and tell others to pray for all the salt not to become tasteless in all except One, the last Martyr who will be there for the last Mass, because My Church militant shall exist until the very last day and the Sacrifice will be accomplished. "The more real priests are in the world when the times are fulfilled, the shorter and less cruel will the time of the Antichrist and of the last convulsions of the human race be. For 'the just' of whom I speak when I preach the end of the world, are the true priests, the real consecrated souls in the convents scattered on earth, the victim souls, unknown host of martyrs whom only My eye knows while the world cannot see them, and those who act with true purity of faith. But these last ones are, even unknown to them, consecrated souls and victims." 

7. Battle between Heaven and hell Jesus explains the real origin of the scourge of World War H. and goes on to hint about the End Times. June 19, 1943 Complete dictation Q13:182-183 

Jesus says: "A few days ago Father IMigliorinij wrote that he was at a loss about the real origin of today's scourge 'because a king-dom divided against itself is no longer a kingdom."' I will show him that this can be, since the division is merely apparent. "Lucifer, in his manifestations, has always tried to imitate God. Just as God gave every Nation its guardian angel, Lucifer gave it its demon. As the various Nations angels obey one God, so the various Nations demons obey one Lucifer. "The order given by Lucifer in the present event to the various demons does not differ from State to State. It is only one order forall. For this reason one can understand that Satan's kingdom is not divided and therefore lasts. "This order can be expressed like this: 'Sow horror, hope-lessness, errors, so that the peoples, cursing God, may break away from Him.' "The demons obey and sow horror and hopelessness, wipe out faith, smother hope, destroy charity. On the rubble they sow hatred, lust, atheism. They sow hell, and they succeed because they find the ground already suitable. "My angels too battle to defend whatever Country I have assigned to them, but My angels do not find a suitable ground. Therefore they come off worst against the infernal enemies. To overcome, My angels should be helped by souls living in the Good and for it, souls living in Me. Some are found, but they are too few compared to those who do not believe, do not love, do not forgive, do not know how to suffer. "It is opportune to repeat 'Satan has requested to sift you.'" And the sifting proves that corruption is what it zoos in the times of the flood, worsened by the fact you have had Christ and His Church, whereas in Noah's time they did not. "I said it" and I repeat it 'This is the battle between Heaven and hell.' You are all nothing but a deceitful screen. Behind your troops, angels and demons are battling. Behind your excuses the real reason is Satan's fight against Christ. "This is one of the first sortings-out of mankind, which nears its last hour, to separate the harvest of the elect from the harvest of the reprobates. Unfortunately the harvest of the elect is small com-pared to the other. "When Christ comes to vanquish His perpetual opponent through His Prophet, He will find few spiritually marked with the Cross." 

8. The forerunners of Christ's second coming Although Christ's second coming will take place only at the end of the world, He already speaks of innocent children slain during World War II as the forerunners of Ills second coming. Such words, together with other words of Jesus' quoted in this book, may be taken as hints that we are relatively close to the end of the world. June 24, 1943 Complete dictation Q13:6243 
Jesus speaks again: "Again today which is the feast-day of My divine Body, Satan has struck Me in My Churches and in My children. I do not go by triumphantly, Host of Peace, in your streets, on carpets of flowers, amidst the singing of hosannas. l fall in the rubble, in the infernal roar of hatred unleashed with all its might against Charity." "The flowers of today, Corpus Domini of the time of wrath, are My slain children. Happy, among these, are those who fall as innocents and whose death without hard feelings becomes beautiful as martyrdom. One cannot see My Blood amid the blood of the slain. I retain My whiteness as Host. It is the others' blood that patters Me, just as it is the cruelty of those enslaved by the Enemy that strikes Me and strikes along with Me those who are victims like Me. From the greatest individual among you—straight as on a mystical cross between the temple and Heaven, and wounded, spat upon, pierced, scourged, like his Lord, by falsehood sold out to the Enemy—all the way to the smallest baby slaughtered like an innocent lamb. Yet, these victims have not been immolated uselessly. in them there is no stain of hatred. They are the  victims. Forever blessed for being the victims! "In My dearest children, in My real children, there is My mark. I have marked all of you who love Me and whom Hove. More than the tiara crowning hint, that sign is divinely a sign on the forehead of My current Peter? in the Pontiff of Peace in whom there into leaven of hatred. More than any halo that sign sparkles on the heads of the victims who fall with Me under Satan's weaponsand who are the forerunners of the second coming. Christ. "And the same angels of the smitten churches who pray, worshipping the knocked-down Hosts, gather the innocent souls whose tears will be soothed in Heaven." 

9. God's embrace after Judgment Day July 1, 1943 Extract Q43:114 

Jesus says: "God is light. An immeasurably great light, majestic and calm, is given out by the Father. The Father is an infinite circle who embraces the whole ofCrration, from the moment it was said: "Let there be light")) until the world without end. For God, who was front everlasting, has been embracing Creation ever since it came to be, and will continue to embrace whatever remains of Creation in the last form, the eternal one, after the Judgment. He will embrace those who are eternal with Him in Heaven."
10. Choosing the flesh is choosing Satan 

July 3, 1943 Extract Q43:194 Jesus says: "1 am the Alpha and the Omega" and I embrace everything that is. Only contrary human will, which puts a person under the Beast's seal, turns aside My influence, because I have made you all free and I do not coerce your wills. If therefore your wilt is flesh and blood, in other words if it is Satan, My Will cannot act, because My Will is Spirit and acts on your spirit and the spirit dies where matter rules." 

11. It is the hour of the Beast Jesus, having shown the Beast to Maria in a figurative vision, explained it to her in a dictation, which we quote in its entirety and preface with some comments by Maria. July 20, 1943 Complete dictation Q43:224-225;226;224

 (Maria Valtorta giving the context! Since the evening of the 18th the good Jesus has had me see a hideous beast, really so hideous it fills me with disgust and makes me feel like screaming.... And the good Jesus makes me understand that its looks are nevertheless inferior to reality, because no human reality can manage to personify exactly supreme Beauty and supreme Ugliness. Thank goodness too that, if the beast was in a corner, right next to me was my Jesus: white, handsome, blond... Light in the light! Comparing Christ's bright, cheering figure with that of the other one, Christ's very gentle, clear eyes with those wicked ones of the other, means that the wretched sinners who are set aside for the second one because they rejected Jesus should really be mourned for. Well, now that I have seen it... I would like not to see it any more because it is too ugly. I will pray that as few wretches as possible end up in its clutches, and I pray the good God to take this sight away from me. Today it is not as vivid and I am very grateful to the Lord for that. And even more grateful because His dear Voice makes me understand why I had this vision which yesterday terror-ized me, since I thought it was meant as a warning to me. Jesus says: "Consider My Radiance and Beauty compared to the Beast's black monstrosity "Don't be afraid to watch even if it is a repulsive sight. You are in my arms. It cannot go up to you and harm you. See? It does not even look at you. It already has so many preys to follow. "Now do you think it would be worthwhile to leave Me to follow it? Yet, the world follows it and leaves Me for it. "Look how glutted and throbbing it is. It is its hour of feasting. But look too how it seeks shadows to act. It hates Light, and it used to be called Lucifer! See how it hypnotizes those who are not marked with My Blood? It piles up its efforts because it knows that it is its hour and that My hour is drawing near when it shall be forever beaten. "Its infernal craftiness and satanical intelligence are a con-tinuous working of Evil, in antithesis to Our One and Triune working of Good, to increase its prey. But craftiness and intelli-gence would not prevail if within people there were My Blood and an honest will. People lack too many things to have weapons to oppose to the Beast, and it knows it and acts openly, without even covering itself with deceitful appearances. "May its loathsome ugliness lead you to a greater and greater conscientiousness and a greater and greater penance, for you and for your wretched brothers and sisters whose souls are senseless or have been seduced and who cannot see or, though they see it, run up to the Evil One, to have his help for one hour and pay for it with an eternity of damnation." 

12. The world will crash down in the end People's malice, on the increase, is speeding the downward course of the world. Our serious sins deserve war and scourges, which will help a few to repent though many will perish. July 21, 1943 Complete dictation Q43:226-230 

Jesus says: "I already told you [Maria] that what is said in the ancient books has a reference to the present'' It is as though a series of mirrors would repeat and bring farther and farther ahead a sight seen behind. "The world repeats itself in its errors and in its repentance, with this difference, however: errors have become nem e and more perfect with the development of the human race towards so-called civiliza-tion, while repentance has become more and more embryonic. Why? Because as the world passed from childhood to a more mature age, the world's malice and pride have increased. "Now you people are at the apex of the world's age and have also reached the apex of malice and pride. "However, do not think [Maria] that you people still have as much to live as you have lived. You are at the apex, and that should mean you have as much to live. But it will not be so. The world's downward course to the end will not be as long as its upward course. It will be a crashing down in the end. It is precisely malice and pride that are making you crash: two weights dragging you into the abyss of the end, at the dreadful judgment. Pride and malice, besides dragging you into the downward course, so dull your spirits as to make you more and more unable to stop your downhill fall with sincere repentance. "But if you have proceeded like that against Good, head-long towards Evil; 1, the Eternal One, have remained immu-table in My exact measure of Good and Evil. On the day light came into being and the world began with it," the Mind that does not err decided once and for all what is Good and what is Evil. Human strength, that slight human strength, cannot budge and undermine that eternal code written by God's finger on un-touchable pages that are not of this earth. "The only change since the moment when My Will created the world and mankind, is this: that beforehand you had to control yourselves and behave according to the tables of the Law and the words of the Prophets; afterwards you had Mc, the Word and Redeemer, to explain the Law to you, to give you My teaching and My Blood, to bring to you with My coming the Spirit who leaves no shadows, and to sustain you through-out the centuries with the Sacraments and sacramentals. "But what have you done with My coming? Anew burden of sins you will have to answer for. "Do we wish to look together at the ancient pages which contain the explanations for the current hour? They felt like a goad to you, (Maria,' but I will show them to you better. "What is promised to those who keep the Law? Prosperity, abundance, peace, power, healthy and plentiful offspring, tri-umph over the enemy, because the Lord would be on the edge of His servants' swords against those who want to lift their hands on the children of the Most High. What are the Law-breakers threatened with? Hunger, shortages, wars, defeats, plagues, God-forsakenness, enemy oppression through which the ex-children of the Most High become like harassed, scared, slaughter-doomed herds' "You people bewail the hour in which you live. In fact you find it unjust? Its sternness seems too harsh? No. It is just and less harsh than what you deserve. "I have saved you and resaved you in thousands of ways. I have forgiven you and reforgiven you for seven thousand and seven thousand crimes. I came precisely to give you Life and Light. I, light of the world? aunt into your darkness to bring you the Word and the Light. I no longer spokeamidst whirlwinds and fire through the Prophets' mouths. No, I Myself came person-ally. I broke My bread with you, I shared My pallet with you, I sweated with you at work, I consumed Myself in evangelizing you, I died for you, I dispelled with My Word every doubt on she Law, I dispelled with My Resurrection every doubt on My Nature, I left you My very Self so as to be your spiritual Food, fit to give you Life—and you gave Me death?" "1 gave you God's Word and Low and Blood, and you shut your ears against the Word, your souls against Love, and blasphemed My Blood "The ancient Tabernacle contained two stone tablets writ-ten by a Prophet's finger and contained a little manna?' I replaced it with the new Tabernacle which contains the rent Bread come down from Heaven and My Heart on which the Covenant of Love is written, a Covenant you break, not I. "You can no longer say: 'We don't know what God is.' I took flesh so you would have a Flesh to love, since it is not enough for your awkwardness to love a spirit. "Well? What have you done? What have you been doing more and more? Turning your backs on God, on His altar, on His Being—that's what. Not wanting God, the One and Triune God, the true God. "You wanted gods. Your present gods are more shameful than the ancient gods or the fetishes of idolaters. Yes. The fetishes of idolaters. Idolaters still harbor respect for the image of God just as their mentality and ignorance can make it out. And in truth, in truth I tell you that natural idolaters will be judged far less harshly than you, idolaters of malice, who have sold yourselves to 11w worst idolatry: self-idolatry. "Yes, you have created for yourselves gods of flesh, of corrupt flesh, and before these gods you have been able to sing hosanna and bow your heads and backs that you were unable to bow before God. You have scorned, denied, scoffed at, and broken My Law; but you have accepted and obeyed, like slaves and tamed animals, the deceitful law given to you by poor men even more corrupt than you and whose doom is such as to make all of heaven tremble with horror. "Idolaters! Idolaters! Pagans! You have sold yourselves to the flesh, to money, to power, to Satan who is boss of these three evil kingdoms of flesh, money and power! "But why, why, 0 My people, have you gone out of the Kingdom I had given you? Why have you run away from your King of Perfection and Love and preferred the chains and uncivilized state of the Kingdom of Satan, Prince of Evil and Death? Is this how you pay back the Most High who is your Father and Savior? And you are amazed if fire springs from the earth and fire rains from the sky to burn down the haughty and treacherous race that has disowned God and welcomed Satan and his agents? 
"No, Satan does not need to labor and toil to swallow you! / lsave to toil to try and draw you to Me again, because if you have disowned your origin, I remember being your Father and Savior. Until the last hour, when you are gathered for the implacable sorting-out, I do not disown My wretched children and I still try to save them. "This, Maria, this punishments is not undeserved. It is just. It is harsh because the sins of you sinners are extremely serious. But it is not, I repeat not, given out of mischief by a God who is all goodness. Your God would give Himself up to spare you it, if He knew this would help you. But He must, He must allow that you punish yourselvesfor your follies, for your prostitution with the Beast. "A thousand and ten thousand shall be lost in every corner of the earth. But in the agony that chokes you people, someone will hear God's Voice resounding and will raise from the darkness his face towards the Light. That one coming back will justify the scourge, because—be aware of this, (Maria,) and think what duty you (victim souls) have to watch over it—one soul's price and twine is such that the treasures of the earth are not enough to buy it. It takes the Blood of a God. My Blood." 

13. The fall of many priests July 23, 1943 Complete dictation Q43:260-261 

Jesus says: "When the time comes, many stars will be swept away by the coils Lucifer" who, to prevail, needs to lessen the lights of souls. "This will be possible because not only the laity but also the clerics have lost and lose more and more that steadfastness of faith, of charity, of strength, of purity, of detachment from the enticements of the world—qualities necessary to remain within the sphere of God's light. "Do you understand (Maria) who these stars lam speaking about aret They are those whom I defined as salt of the earth and light of the world: My ministers." "The plan of Satan's shrewd malice is to put out, by sweeping them away, these stars that are lights reflecting My Light for the crowds. If despite the light still given off by the priestly Church souls are sinking deeper and deeper into the darkness, it can be guessed what darkness shall drive the crowds down when many stars have died down in My sky. "Satan knows it and scatters his seeds to prepare the weakness of the priesthood, to be able to sweep it away easily into sins, not so much of the senses as of their minds. In a mental chaos, it will be easy for him to bring about a spiritual chaos. In the spiritual chaos the weak, confronted with the torrents of persecutions, will commit the sin of faint-heartedness, when they deny the faith. "The Church shall not die because I will be with it. But it shall experience hours of darkness and horror like those of My Passion, hours multiplied in time because it must needs be. "It must needs be that the Church suffer what its Crrator suffered, before dying to rise in an eternal form. It must needs be that the Church sit*r much longer because it is not, in its members, perfect like its Creator, and if I suffered for hours, it must suffer for weeks and weeks of hours. "In the early times the Church was persecuted and fed by a supernatural power in her best children and then she sprang up. She will have the same lot when the last times come, in which she will exist, subsist, and resist the satanical tide and the battles of the Antichrist with her best children: a painful, albeit just selection. "In a world in which so many spiritual lights will have died, it is logical that there openly begins the brief but dreadful reign of the Antichrist, begotten by Satan just as Christ was begotten by the Father. Christ is the Father's Son procreated by Love with Purity. The Antichrist will be Satan's son procreated by Hatred with triple Impurity. "Like olives between the grinders of the oil-press, the chil-dren of Christ will be persecuted, squeezed and crushed by the greedy Beast. But they will not be swallowed, because the Blood will not let them be corrupted in the spirit. Like the first children, the last shall be mown down like sheaves of grain in the dire persecution and the earth will drink their blood. But forever blessed for their perseverance are those who die faithful to the Lord." 

14. Jesus is to judge everything July 26, 1943 Extract Q43:317 
Jesus says: "1 telt you alt that I am the Father's Voice and that I speak in His name. I tell you all that lam the One to whom every judgment has been referred by the Father." 
July 28, 1943 

15. The Beast's breath Extract Q43:319-320 
Jesus says: "In a world such as yours it is so difficult for Me to find disciples' souls! And it is even more difficult to find, even among children, children's souls! The Beast's breath has cor-rupted you people so much that it has killed simplicity, trust, innocence, in which I took My rest, even in little children's souls." 

16. Isaiah's prophecy on the Wicked Man July 29, 1943 Complete dictation Q43:321-325

Jesus says: -One must be able to read the Book not with one's eyes but with the spirit. Then the supernatural Knowledge that inspired it is illuminated with the light of Truth. But to obtain this, one has to have a spirit united to My Spirit. Then it is My Spirit that leads you. "Now look: in the pages of Isaiah let us take, like a mosaic's tesserae, the words of the chapters read together,3, and let us line them up with supernatural sight. They will appear clearer to you. Begin with those I pointed out to you for the guilty. -Let us have pity on the wicked, but he will not learn justice: in 11w land of the saints he has done wicked things, and he shall not see 11w glory of the Lord." "Wherefore hear the word of the Lord, you scornful men, who mle over My people that is in Jerusalem. For you have said: 'We have entered into a league with death, and we have made a covenant with hell. When the overflowing scourge passes through, it shall not come upon us: (or we have placed our hope in lies, and by falsehood we are protected.'" "'Your league with death shall be abolished, and your covenant with hell shall not stand: when the overflowing scourge passes, you shall be trodden down by it.... vexation alone shall make you under-stand what you hear.'m "And now do not mock, lest your bonds be tied strait.° "Woe to you that are deep of bean, to hide your counsel from the Lord: and their works are in the dark, and they say: 'Who sees us, and who knows us?' This thought of yours is perverse.° "'Woe to you, apostate children ... that you would take counsel, and not of Me: and would begin a web, and not by My spirit, that you might add sin upon sin.'21 "Therefore thus says the Holy One of Israel: 'Because you have rejected this word, and have trusted in oppression and tumult, and have leaned upon it: therefore shall this iniquity be to you asa breath that falls and is found wanting in a high wall, for the destruction thereof shall come on a sudden, when it is not looked for, and it shall be broken small.'31 "Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help, trusting in horses, and putting their confidence in chariots, because they are many: and in horsemen, because they are very strong: and have not trusted in the Holy One of Israel, and have not sought after the Lord" "Egypt is man, and not God: and their horses, flesh, and not spirit: and the Lord shall put down He hand, and the helper shall fall, and he that is helped shall fall, and they shall all be confounded together.° "Woe to you that spoil, shall you not yourself also be spoiled? And you that despise, shall you not also be despised? When you have made an end of spoiling, you shall be spoiled: when being wearied you cease to despise, you shall be despised." "Before speaking about God and His promises, let us com-ment this passage. "The heart of the man whom the prophet calls wicked, is a mixture of pride, bullying, rebellion. The threefold lust indwells if, a throne on which the Evil One is seated to fill with demo-niacal thoughts that heart which disowned God and His Jus-tice. Nothing can come out of that heart but iniquity, because its King is the Spirit of Evil, who gives short-lived triumphs paid off later with everlasting ruin. As the wicked man who rules under the Beast's sign passes like a stream of sorrow and corruption in the land of the saints—and Rome is a land of saints—he sways other small-time ungodly people into evil and torments the Lord's children. "It is fair that the Lord should veil His glory in front of the wicked man, in this and the other dwelling. Twice the wicked man shall see My glory, and will not taint to see it because it shall be dreadful for him: when he dies and on the last day. Then I will ask him: 'What have you done with My people? with My gifts?' This question will hurl him, like an arrow from a bow, into the depths no one can get out of. "My second earthly Jerusalem is Rome. It is a dearest land in which I wanted MyChurch. Since it is the center of the world, it should be treated like a shining relic by who is head of it. Instead, how have those who scorn God anew behaved? They have allied themselves with the death-dealing crime, married their souls off to Satan and thought, by such a whorish sacri-lege, to save themselves from the scourges they put others through. "No. Falsehood does not save. The Father of Truth tells you. The lord of falsehood entices you into it and at the right time turns it against you to make you perish. lam the one who saves, and no one except Me can. "You will be stripped of your false armor just at the hour when My punishment strikes you, because that is the way Satan behaves. He cannot behave otherwise because all he can give you is fleeting successes. I alone give protection that never ends and when I appear, to save or to damn, Satan flees, leaving you alone, 0 foolish children of sin. "You will understand who God is and who Lucifer is only on the clasp of torture. Terrible lesson! And the more you sin, the harsher the clasp will be because there is a limit even to My Goodness, boundless but intelligent. Remember that. "Nothing is concealed from the Lord, nothing that earthlings Ounk up in the dark, even in the heart's secret darkness. And if your poor siblings can see only the outside and can be taken in by your hypocrisy, I see everything and act as your actions de-serve. And like a wall undermined by a small breach, your building, founded on sin, shall collapse when no one thinks about it—neither you who consider yourselves safe in your pact with the Father of Falsehood, nor the people who fear you thinking you invincible. "Woe, woe, woe unto you who lead My people to believe that I protect your wrong-doings. Woe betide you who lead My children to distrust My Justice! You will answer for this too because scandal falls back on whoever causes it. And what greater scandal is there than leading common folks to believe that God would unjustly protect the great who sin? "How many souls you have snatched away from Me, 0 workers of iniquity! Yet they will still be children of My Mercy. Not so with you to whom fluid given everything to draw you to Me and turn you into instruments of Good, and who have forgotten everything and have put Me after Satan. "Woe betide you who enter into alliances from which noth-ing but evil can come to My people: evil for both flesh and spirit, and you know it is evil and you do it just the same, misusing power for your own persons to triumph on earth. And what are your persons? Fistfuls of clay which keep their shapes as long as Mercy keeps them moist with a heavenly dew and which, once dried out, turn to powder like sifted chalk and scatter. "Your alliances, a real union of the forerunners of the Anti-christ, are without foundation and have no force for victory. Like yourselves they shall crumble, and they shall leave only a memory of horror in My poor children's bodies, homes, and souls. "When God thunders, what are numerous horses and strong horsemen? Husks blown by the wind in every direction. I am the One who strengthens armed forces, but they must be moved by just reasons, not by inhumanity and pride. "Every sin shall be punished, and every jeering shall be punished by God, because Cod, says the Lord, will never be jeered at and it is not lawful to oppress inferiors. "But notice one thing, Maria. Inferiors too are held to respect the Law, so that you people may always have your God with you."

17. Sword and demons The next quotation is from a dictation in which Jesuscomments on mtvera I passages from Isaiah. We retained Isaiah 345 and 34:13-14. Jesus uses these to tell us what to do to make the End Times less awful. July 50, 1943 Extract Q43:329,330 
Jesus says: "'For My sword is inebriated in heaven: behold it shall come down upon ... the people of My slaughter unto judg-ment.' And it (the devastated land) shall be the habitation of ... demons "••• A nation, Isaiah says, will be struck by Justice's sword, but many more will be struck, since the world has fornicated with the devil in many of its parts. And others yet are about to sin, despite everything I have done to keep them on the way of Life. Pray, pray, pray much to prevent new condemnations, caused by new fornications. 'The demons... Oh! The demons are already where I will punish. It is the demons, installed as bosses in people's hearts, who lead nations to death. And there are nations in which few hearts are not demons' dwellings: legions and legions of de-mons move whole nations like puppets. And how can I reign where hearts have turned into the homes of Lucifer's chil-dren?" 
August 2. 1943 

18. Cursed rationalism; the Antichrist Extract Q43:237-239 
Jesus says: "See, soul of Mine. There are few things that I condemn as sternly as rationalism, which rapes and deconsecrates and kills the Faith. I say 'Faith' with a capital F to mean true Faith, absolute and royal. I condemn rationalism as an assassin hired out against Me: it is the very thing that kills Me in people's hearts and that has prepared and is preparing really sad times for the Chid nia and for the world. 
"I have cursed other things? but I will never curse any as much as this one. It is the seed from which many, many other poisonous doctrines have come up. It has been the traitor that opens the doors to the enemy. In fact it has opened the doors to Satan who had never ruled as much as since rationalism began to rule. "But it is said: 'When the Son of Man comes He will not find faith in hearts:1u Consequently rationalism is doing its work. I will do Mine. "Happy are those who, as they dose the doors on sin and on the passions, can close the doors of their secret temples in the face of science that denies; happy are those when they live, alone with the Only One who is All, until the end. "Truly I tell you that I will press on My Heart the wretch who has committed a human crime, and has repented of it, as long as he has always admitted that I can do everything, but I will have a Judge's face for those who, on the grounds of an arrogantly despotic human science, deny the supernatural in the manifestations which the Father would like Me to give. "Someone born deaf cannot hear, right? Someone whose eardrums were rent in an accident cannot hear, right? Only I could give them back their heating by the touch of My hands. But how can I give hearing to a deaf spirit if this spirit will not let Me touch it? "Concerning the questions of Father IMigliorinil on the last opponent, let us leave Horror wrapped in the shadow of mystery. It does not help you people at all to know certain things. Be good and that is enough. Offer your goodness, in advance, in order to shorten the period of the monstrous reign over Adam's race. "Concerning time: '1000,"2000,"3000' are expressions to give your limited outlook reference points. Now the Enemy's son is not a son 'of the will ofthe flesh,'" he is a son of the will of the soul that has reached the vertex and depth of self-identification with Satan. It beastly sovereignty will be so cruel that every minute will be a day, every day will bea year, every year will bea century for those living at that hour. But as regards God, every century is a thousandth of a second, because eternity is a state of time without a limit. That horror will be so immense that the dark of the darkest night would be noonday sunlight in comparison, for the children of mankind sunk in it. 

"Tire name of the Enemy's son could be 'Negation,' because he Lill deny God, will deny Life, will deny everything. Everything, ezyrything, everything. "You think you arc in those times? Oh! You poor things! What you are living now is like the far-away murmur of thunder. In those times, it will tea crash of lightning on your heads. "Be good, all of you. My Mercy is on you." 
19. Judgment Day Maria Valtorta explains: 'Ibis is the commentary on verses 17-18 of hapter II of the Apocalypse, as Jesus comments on it forme." The opening words refer to World War II raging in Italy. August 5, 1943 Completedictation Q43:242-243 
Jesus says: -This, the nations' anger, is the warning sign of My anger, because it is to happen like this. It is a painful hour, My poor children going through it, but it is unavoidable that it be so, because everything is to be fulfilled, of Good and Evil, on Earth before My hour comes. Then I will say: 'Enough!' and I will come as Judge and King to take on even the rule of earth and to judge the sins and merits of mankind. "When you read in John's book the words: 'the hour of judging the dead,' you think they refer to those who have already, perhaps centuries ago, passed on to other spheres of mystery, a mystery which one will know only when one is let in. Yes. Death means emigration of the soul into other zones, different from earth. But there is a broader meaning in John's words: the dead of whom he speaks can be alive too, according to the flesh, but in reality, in the eyes of who can see, are Dead. "They air the great Dead, because no rrsurrrction is in store for them. Dead to God, they will never hawfor ever and ever the good of possessing Life, in other words God, because God is Life eternal. "In the same way, the prophets, servants and saints of whom John speaks have a broader meaning than what the mere words could arouse. Under those three titles, they hint at all the creatures that have been able to live in the spirit. "How many humble little old women, how many poor children, how many simple and uneducated men, how many illiterate women, unknown to the crowds, are hidden and understood in the words: prophets, servants and saints. Were they made known to the world it would laugh at them. But in truth, in truth, I tell you that one of these paupers, according to the flesh, is more of a prophet, servant and saint of Mine than a proud scholar, a great swaggerer, even a minister of Mine, lacking what turns you into saints in My eyes: being able to live according to My Word and being able to do My Will with steadfast faith, charity and hope. "My smile at My blessed ones at the hour of My coming as King and Judge will light up a sun seven times greater than the common sun and My heavens will shine with it, while the angels' choirs sing My praises and the praises of My servants. At that hour I will proclaim, against the stupid and blind world, My servants' virtues which make them My children. "But for those who are not such, and especially for those who by their actions have led the Earth and the weak of the Earth to their ruin, My gaze will be a flash of lightning that hurls them into the abyss, because it is unavoidable that Evil exist, but cursed forever are those who have become the slams and administrators of Evil." 

20. Job's Prophecy on the Wicked Man: the Antichrist August 7, 1943 Complete dictation Q43:268-270

Jesus says: "It says in the Book: 'He (the wicked man) shall be brought to the graves, and shall watch in the heap of the dead. He has been acceptable to the gravel of Cocytus, and he shall draw every man after hint, and there are innumerable before him."' "All of mankind is sinful. Only one creature did not taste, I do not say the bitter taste, but I say also the bitter stink, of sin. It was Marc My most beloved Mother, the one who did not make Me regret the Paradise I left behind to become Flesh in your midst and redeem your flesh, because in Mary I continu-ally found the eternal purities and bright loves that are in Heaven. In her was the Father who caressed her as the Perfect One among creatures. In her was the Holy Spirit who with His Fire penetrated her to turn the Virgin into the Mother. Around her were the hosts of angels worshipping the Trinity in a creature. "Mary's womb! Mary's heart! No, the mind most enrap-tured in God cannot descend to the depth, or rise to the vertex, of these two perfections of purity and love. I illuminate them for some of you, I illuminate them for the dearest of My dear ones. But only when you are where perfect Knowledge is found, will you understand Mary. "All of mankind is sinful. But there is the sinner who is just a sinner, and there is the wicked man, in other words the one who takes sin to a demoniacal perfection. For the Devil knows how to reach the perfection in Evil, and his most devoted disciples are no less than their master. "I have already told you: 'Lucifer strives to imitate God, in evil of course. He takes on, I will say, the lifestyle and form of court that the Son of God had. The devil poses as Christ, and like Christ has apostles and disciples. Among these heroin dwose the perfect one to turn him into the Antkhrist. For now we are in the preparatory period of the forerunners of the Antichrist.' I already told you that." "'The wicked man shall be brought to the graves.' It is natural. Lucifer can give his favorites, his followers, his slaves all forms of help, but not immunity from Death, because I atone am Lifrand Thiene have conquered Death. Therefore when the sum total of evil committed by the wicked man is complete, I give orders to Death to take possession of that flesh. That flesh therefore knows the horror of the grave. For the wicked man it will be a real grave. "For the good, for the redeemed, for the forgiven it is not so, because they believe and know on the basis of faith. The grave is a place where the mortal garment turns back to its nature of dust. Thus the spirit is set free, awaiting the hour when what was created will be formed again to enter into glory or don:fla-t:on, with the perfection of creation which God created for human beings: the union of a spirit to a flesh. Immortal spirit like God its Creator and Father, and mortal flesh made like an earthly animal, the sovereign of the earth and heir of Heaven too often prefers earth to Heaven and is an 'animal' not on account of being 'animated,' but on account of living like a brute no less than real animals, and sometimes more so. "Souls, divided from bodies, have three dwellings. They will have them until there remain but two, after the Judgment that makes no mistakes. The blessed rejoice immediately in the eternal rest. The souls in Purgatory actively carry out their expiation, thinking about the hour of freedom in God. The damned are restless, raging over the good they lost. The more wicked they were, the more restless they are in their terrible torture. "Now as for the Wicked Man, who with his godlessness swayed others to godlessness and drove others to sin (these are the men and innumerable people spoken of by the Book), he will be like a sleepless tower in a stormy sea. Before him, the crowd of those killed (in their souls) by him; before him, the vivid memory of those many soul-murders committed by him, and remorse, which has given no peace to killers since the day Cain shed his brother's blood,° will lash him far more dreadfully than hell's scourges. "He will watch over his Crime, he who hurled himself against God in God's creatures and like a furious wild beast wrought havoc in souls. How awful to have before oneself the proof of one's misdeed! Punishment upon the other punish-ments! Horror beyond numbers !fitting] the Wicked Man's countless sins among sinners. "Now, Maria, to comfort your heart which is becoming depressed before extracts from another world where God's Love does not rule but His Sternness does, lift up your spirit as you listen to these words just for you and the souls like you. "Do you know what hearts given to Love mean to Me? They are My Paradise on earth. You are the ones who bring a little piece of heaven onto this poor world, and on that little piece the Son of God sets foot to come find His delight among the Father's children. "Open your heart to your Jesus. Give Me you heart. Give it to Me completely. I want it, as Physician and Friend of spirit and of flesh, as Spouse and God who has chosen you for your faith and your bold sentiment of love." 

20. Job's Prophecy on the Wicked Man: the Antichrist August 7, 1943 Complete dictation Q43:266-270 
Jesus says: "It says in the Book: 'He (the wicked man) shall be brought to the graves, and shall watch in the heap of the dead. He has been acceptable to the gravel of Cocytus, and he shall draw every man after him, and there are innumerable before himin "All of mankind is sinful. Only one creature did not taste, I do not say the bitter taste, but I say also: the bitter stink, of sin. It was Mary, My most beloved Mother, the one who did not make Me regret the Paradise I left behind to become Flesh in your midst and redeem your flesh, because in Mary I continu-ally found the eternal purities and bright loves that are in Heaven. In her was the Father who caressed her as the Perfect One among creatures. In her was the Holy Spirit who with His 
Fire penetrated her to turn the Virgin into the Mother. Around her were the hosts of angels worshipping the Trinity in a creature. "Mary's womb! Mary's heart! No, the mind most enrap-tured in God cannot descend to the depth, or rise to the vertex, of these two perfections of purity and love. I illuminate them fur some of you, I illuminate them for the dearest of My dear ones. But only when you are where perfect Knowledge is found, will you understand Mary. "All of mankind is sinful. But there is the sinner who isjust a sinner, and there is the wicked man, in other words the one who takes sin to a demoniacal perfection. For the Devil knows how to reach the perfection in Evil, and his most devoted disciples are no less than their master. "I have already told you: 'Lucifer strives to imitate God, in evil of course. He takes on, I will say, the lifestyle and form of court that the Son of God had. The devil poses as Christ, and like Christ has apostles and disciples. Among these he will choose the perfect one to turn him into the Antichrist. For now we are in the preparatory period of the forerunners of the Antichrist.' I already told you that." "The wicked man shall be brought to the graves.' It is natural. Lucifer can give his favorites, his followers, his slaves all forms of help, but not immunity from Death, because I alone am Life and !alone haw conquered Death. Therefore when the sum total of evil committed by the wicked man is complete, I give orders to Death to take possession of that flesh. That flesh therefore knows the horror of the grave. For the wicked man it will be a real grave. "For the good, for the redeemed, for the forgiven it is not ‘o, because they believe and know on the basis of faith. The grave is a place where the mortal garment turns back to its nature of dust. Thus the spirit is set free, awaiting the hour when what was created will be formed again to enter into glory or damna-tum, with the perfection of creation which God created for human beings: the union of a spirit to a flesh. Immortal spirit like God its Creator and Father, and mortal flesh made like an earthly animal, the sovereign of the earth and heir of Heaven too often prefers earth to Heaven and is an 'animal' not on account of being 'animated,' but on account of living like a brute no less than real animals, and sometimes more so. "Souls, divided from bodies, have three dwellings. They will have them until there remain but two, after the Judgment that makes no mistakes. The blessed rejoice immediately in the eternal rest. The souls in Purgatory actively carry out their expiation, thinking about the hour of freedom in God. The damned are restless, raging over the good they lost. The more wicked they were, the more restless they are in their terrible torture. "Now as for the Wicked Man, who with his godlessness swayed others to godlessness and drove others to sin (these are the men and innumerable people spoken of by the Book), he will be like a sleepless tower in a stormy sea. Before him, the crowd of those killed (in their souls) by him; before him, the vivid memory of those many soul-murders committed by him, and remorse, which has given no peace to killers since the day Cain shed his brother's blood,° will lash him far more dreadfully than hell's scourges. "He will watch over his Crime, he who hurled himself against God in God's creatures and like a furious wild beast wrought havoc in souls. How awful to have before oneself the proof of one's misdeed! Punishment upon the other punish-ments! Horror beyond numbers (fitting) the Wicked Man's countless sins among sinners. "Now, Maria, to comfort your heart which is becoming depressed before extracts from another world where God's Love does not rule but His Sternness does, lift up your spirit as you listen to these words just for you and the souls like you. "Do you know what hearts given to Love mean to Me? They are My Paradise on earth. You are the ones who bring a little piece of heaven onto this poor world, and on that little piece the Son of God sets foot to come find His delight among the Father's children. "Open your heart to your Jesus. Give Me you heart. Give it to Me completely. 1 want it, as Physician and Friend of spirit and of flesh, as Spouse and God who has chosen you for your faith and your bold sentiment of love." 

21. A truce as opposed to peace In I lisdictationstoMaria Valtorta,fesusoftenspeaks about currentevents and draws spiritual teachings from them. Here He warns about the truce about to follow World War H, calling it a twee, not real peace. August 15,1943 Extract Q43:132-133 
Jesus says: "War means ruin for many, but also profit for many, and for she sake of one's profit, one disregards the collective profit. You love one another so little that each one of you lives shut in his own selfishness and armed with stings for his neighbor.... "That is not the way to obtain what is asked for. The truce will come, because come it must, but it will be only a truce. A truce is one thing and peace another. Peace means external and internal harmony, sought for and wanted with spiritual sight and sentiment. "If only you could come to Me, with lips and souls clean and fired with true charity, 1 would give you this peace. 1 would give it to you against all the obstacles which Evil would set up to prevent it, because I am the eternal Conqueror. But even among the not many who will pray in the churches today for this, few, very few will have the requirements that make prayer powerful. It is a painful and ghastly truth, but it is no use hushing it up because its evil remains though hidden. "Poor people, how evil you are! Were this truth to thunder from the heavens, people would be offended like the Pharisees when I used to denounce them, disclosing their secret vices. "But it is as I say. Thue and holy peace is not desired by all. You are so slow-witted and riddled with wicked tendencies that you do not even manage to hear the tone of truth which One better than you reveals to you. But that is the truth. There cannot be another truth because there is only one truth. "We are stilt back at that discourse: 'What if ten upright people should be found there?'• But the just are so few against the mass of the unjust. Satan has a vast number of children and servants. The Son of Cod, when it comes to real children and real servants, has an insignificant number of them. It is in this unbalance that the cause of your ruin is found." 

22. Christ will reign and evangelize with new power Christ will not mignon earth physically, as themillenarianiab would have us believe. lie will nevertheless reign spiritually, spreading His beneficial influence all over the earth. August 16, 1943 Complete dictation Q43:133-136 
Jesus says: "I am the 'First-born from the dead'^ according to both the human and the divine orders. "I am first-born according to the human order because, on My Mother's side, I am a son of Adam. f am the first of those generated in Adam's race to have been born as all the children of those created by My Father should have been born. "Don't open your eyes wide, [Maria]. By God's will, Mary was bom spotless and this preservation was wilted justly, to prepare My coming. But without a special will, Mary, born of a man and woman joined together in accordance with the law of nature, would have been no different frontal( the other children corning from the contaminated root of Adam. She would have been a great upright woman, like many men and women of the ancient times, but nothing more. Grace, the soul's Life, would have been killed in her by original sin. "It is I who have conquered death and Dea t hallo have called back to Life the dead of Limbo. They were asleep, like Lazarus, whose resurrectionnhints at this more real one. I called them, and they rose again. I was born of a woman, a daughter of Adam yes but without original stain, in other words as all of Adam's children should have been. I am therefore the First-born of Adam according to the natural order. I was born alive in the midst of those begotten dead by Adam. "I am the 'First-born' according to the divine order because I am the Father's Son, Begotten, not created by Him. "To beget means to produce a life. To create means to form. I can create a new flower. The artist can create a new work. But only a father and a mother can beget a life. "I am therefore the 'First-born' because, born of God, I am at the head of all those born (according to grace) of God. 
"By My Death I violently shook the doors of the beyond and drew out the sleeping unto the first resurrection. At the None time, l opened the sluices of the mystical lakes in whose cleansing the sign that kills is washed off. Thus the Death of the spirit, t he real De a t h, dies; and the Life of the spirit, the real Life, is born. "At last, I am the 'First-born' from the dead because My Flesh was first to enter Heaven, which at the last Resurrection the fleshes of the saints will enter. Meanwhile, their spirits await in the Light the glorification of their complete selves. This complete glorification is just, because they sanctified themselves by overcoming the flesh and martyrizing it to bring it to victory. It is just, because the disciples are like the Masten out of the Master's loving will, and your Master, entered Glory with My Flesh that was martyred for God's glory. "Further on I will speak to you about the two resurrections, which you people always see with human reference points, whereas they should be seen with spiritual sight. "My being divinely and humanly First-born gives Me, there-fore, sovereign rights, because it is always a king's first-born who inherits the crown. And which king is more of a King than My Father? "He is the eternal King whose reign has neither beginning nor end, and against which all enemies are powerless. He is sole King, rival-less, who raises Me as He begets Me to His own sovereignty because I am One with the Father, consubstantial with Him, inseparable from Him, a living, active, perfect part of Him. He is the holy, holy, holy King of such Perfection that the human mind cannot imagine it. Blazing in Heaven, on earth and over the nether regions, overflowing over the mountains, investing with Itself all that is—such is My Father's glorious holiness, a holiness which We worship because it is from it that We are begotten and from which We proceed. "Glory, glory, glory be to the Father; Maria, always glory to I Jim because from Him every good comes and the first Goal is I. your Savior. "My reign is not of this earth, according to what reigning means on earth. But it is a Reign over the earth, because I will reign over the earth. I will have a real, manifest reign, not only spiritual as it is now and over few. The hour win come when 1 am sole and true King of this earth which I purchased with My Blood, of which 1 was made King by My Father with all power over it. When will I come? What is the hour compared with eternity? And what will the hour matter to you when you are in eternity? "I shall come. I will not have a new flesh because I already have a perfect one. I will evangelize, not as 1 once evangelized, but with new power, because then the good shall be not humanly good as the disciples at My first coming were, they will be spiritually good, and the wicked will be spiritually wicked, satanically wicked, perfectly wicked. Therefore the method will be in keeping with the circumstances, because if I used the method of 20 centuries ago it would be exceeded by the perfect in good, and it would give the satanic ones the means to offend the glorified Word in a way He must not be offended. Like a fine-meshed net I will drag behind My Light those who have reached spiritual sharpness. But those who became clumsy from uniting the flesh with Satan—they, the Dead of the spirit whom soul-decay keeps stuck in the mud—they will not enter My Light. They will complete their self-corruption by uniting with Evil and Darkness. "For now I prepare that time in the future by an extraordi-nary use of the Word that comes down from the heavens to enlighten the souls ready to receive it. I turn you into the radiotelephone operators intent on hearing the teaching which is perfect and which I had already given and which 1 do not change, because there is only One Truth. My teaching, however, has been forgotten or twisted, forgotten too much and twisted too much, because it came in handy to forget it and twist it. "I am doing this because I have mercy on Mankind that is dying without the bread of the spirit. As I gave Myself as bread for your souls, likewise now I give My Word as bread for your spirits. And I repeat: 'Happy are those who listen to God's word and comply with it.'"" 

23. More about the new evangelization August 16, 1943 Complete dictation Q43:134)-139 
Jesus says: "I said that My new corning will have a new method and power in keeping with the circumstances and I explained to you 'Martel what people will be like then. The time of the spirit must come. "Mankind started off from a deep darkness and from a dreadful weight of mud, after losing divine Light of its own will by giving heed to the enemy's seduction. The true essence of this seduction is hinted at in the fruit that teaches Good and Evil, which in other words revealed to mankind what God, for its own good, had concealed from the matter, from the mind, from the heart. How pure, how peaceful, how upright, how godly all of you would have been had you not bit into the threefold concupiscence which is sweet to the mouth, but more bitter to the spirit than the vinegar and gall offered to Me on the Cross!" "Fallen from their paradisiacal dwelling on earth, crushed by the revelation of their flesh desecrated by lust, tortured by the remorse of having caused their own evil, anguished by the conviction that they had aroused God the Creator's punitive anger, they were but poor animal beings in which all the lower forces struggled and gained strength. "I already pointed out to you" (Marial the difference be-tween the precepts given to Moses and Mine. Moses' were necessary, in their provoking crudeness, to curb the tendencies of people who were pieces of flesh barely moved by souls wounded to death and stunned in a spiritual coma. The mem-ory of the Light lost survived in their souls' depths and led their steps towards the light." It was a very tiring journey because matter is heavier than the spirit and drags downwards. Every so often the goodness of the Eternal One gave mankind 'beacons' for the stormy crossing towards the real Light. The patriarchs and the prophets were the beacons of mankind seeking the harbor of light. 
"Then came the One whom John, the Beloved, calls 'the true Light which enlightens everyone.'" "leame,ILight of the world and Word of the Father, and I brought back to you Peace with the Father, the embrace which makes people become children of the Most High again. "I am the One who rekindled the dying lift of your spirits. "1 am the One who taught you the necessity of being born in the spirit. "1 am the One who gathered in My Person all the Light, Wisdom and Love of the Triad and brought it to you. "I am the One who with My sacrifice fixed the chain, where it had been snapped off, binding you anew to the Father and to the Spirit of Truth. "lam the One who, levering on My scaffold, raised your spirits laid low in the mire and gave them a powerful thrust to proceed towards God's Light, towards Myself who in Heaven am awaiting you. "Over the centuries, however, few in the world have bene-fited from it because the world has been preferring darkness to the Light more and more. 1, with My atrocious death, have obtained for you the coming of the perfect Spirit; but, over the centuries, man-kind has rejected Him more and more, as it has rejected Me, as it has rejected the Father. "Think of a liqueur being purified: what is heavy drops to the bottom and the clean parts rise. The same thing, throughout the centuries, has been happening to mankind Those who wanted to remain flesh and blood have fallen lower and lower, while those, the aristocracy of My flock, who wanted to live in the spirit, have become more and more spiritual. In the middle are the name-less lukewarm. There are two contrary mass movements. One group, unfortunately the larger one, absorbs Satan more and more and sinks below the level of beasts. The other group, the smaller one, absorbs Christ more and more; it feeds on His Word—which for 20 centuries has not been silent—and so it becomes more and more able to understand the Spirit. "When I use special means it is to hasten—because time is getting short—the fullness of the teaching of the Word and the fullness of the spiritual formation of the real disciples, the real subjects of Jesus Christ the King. I am not King of the Jews, as was ironically said and written* by a weak man who thought he was strong with his poor power. lam King of the World before the lodgment of the world. "Mankind, proceeding towards the last lwur, must achieve spa-duality. But understand Me, (Maria,. God is spirit; Satan is %prat. God is Spirit of Perfection. Satan is a spirit of sin. The MASS is split in two of its own will, which God respects; all follow thesideof their choice. The children of the Most Iligh and My brothers and sisters choose God's side and out of love for Ifs spiritualize the flesh. Satan's slaves and the Beast's offspring choose Lucifer's side, andfar the sake of the slavery which they themselves wanted, they kill the spirit under carnality, they turn their spirits into foul and disgusting flesh and blood. "twill reign over, and in, the spirits having reached that maturity tellkh today is that of individuals and then will be that of the whole mass of real Christians. At that time I shall address this group may, perfecting it with the last teaching through a new evangeliza-tion, no different in meaning, which cannot change, but different in as tmwer which they will be able to understand then and which they (mild not today. The proof is that I must choose special creatures worthy of that much through their own efforts or made worthy through a miracle of love. -Twenty centuries ago I spoke to everyone. When the time comes I will speak to these only, convinced as I am that speak-ing to the others would be useless. Thus the sorting out of the elect from the reprobate will begin. "You, poor Maria, are one of these souls made worthy by My will. You have but one good thing: the goodwill of love. But that is the kind of will that is enough for Me. On it I can set My Master's chair to turn the little soul into a pedestal, to say, repeat and repeat again the words of love and invitation to Love, who guides and saves. "1 shall come with My glorified Flesh. "By saying this I have aroused your curiosity. You would not be a woman if you were not curious. But I say what I think Is useful to say for the good of all of you, and not what would be food for the useless curiosity of you all. If l appreciate being the Master, I know how to choose within the Truth the truths which are helpful for you to know, and that is enough. 
"So be content knowing this: since the subjects of the Kingdom of the spirit will haw spiritualized the flesh, it is fitting that the King be the One who dressed His perfect Spirit with flesh to redeem and sanctify every flesh, the One who sanctified His own flesh with a twofold holiness, because it was an innocent, perfectly %innocent flesh and a flesh immolated in the sacrifice of love. "1 shall come with My glorified Flesh to gather creatures for the last bonito:ulna the Enemy. I shall judge in My brilliant appearance of glorified Flesh the bodies of those come to life again for the last judgment. I shall return forever to Heaven, after condemning to eternal death the fleshes that did not want to become spirits; and I shall return to Heaven as resplendent King of a resplendent people. In these, the work of the Father, of the Son, of the Spirit shall be glorified with the creation of the perfect human body such as the Father made it in Adam, beautiful with indescribable beauty; glorified with the redemption of Adam's seed by the Son's work; glorified with the sanctification wrought by the Spirit." 
24. The judgment of the wicked August 17, 1943 Complete dictation Q43:140-141 
Jesus says: "When I put in the Beloved's mouth that also those who pierced Me shall see Me," I do not mean to refer to those who pierced Me twenty centuries ago. "When I come, the time of the triumph of My Kingdom shall have come. I explained to you (Maria) what the King-dom and its subjects will be like. It will be the time of the testimony of the spirit, the divine part enclosed in all of you and which gives you the image of God and likeness to Him. Being such, the spiritual parts are what will be in question before the ruling, the judgment that separates the cursed from the blessed." The cursed shall include those who with their sacrilegious spirits, which sought after the Beast, worshipped the Beast and prostituted with the Beast, have pierced over the centuries the divine spirit of the Son of God after having, in the founders of the cursed series, pierced the fleshes of the Son of Man. 
"Son of Man. Have you ever reflected that the truth ex-plained yesterday is in these words?! am, by human ancestry, the (first-born) Son of Adam. "The swarm of those piercing Me is numerous like sand on the seashore. Countless are its grains. "All the crimes, all the sins committed against Me—by now untouchable by human suffering, but stilt susceptible to the offenses against My Spirit—are written in the books that call to mind the works of human beings. "All the betrayals after My kindnesses, all the abjurations, all the denials and sins against the Truth brought by Me, alt the sins against the Holy Spirit who spoke through Me and who through My merit came to illuminate the words of the Word, all these pierrings, done over the centuries by the race I wanted to save though I knew it was so opposed to Good—all will be present in the inner depths of the gathered spirits. In the dazzling Light of My lightning, these shall acknowledge what they did with their stubborn wills to challenge what was said and done by One who could neither lie nor do works useless according to the divine law of love. "The deniers of Low are those who have pierced Me, those who have struck Me and along with Me the One who generated Me and the One who proceeds from Our love of Father and Son. Every judgment has been submitted to the Son, but the Son will pronounce judgment also on the sins committed against the Father and the Spirit. "The bringer of Life, the eternal Living One and the eternal Immolated One—the world wanted Him dead, killed as a harm. fu I criminal S killed, whereas I was the Holy One who forgave, the Good One who helped, the Powerful One who healed, the Wise One who taught. He Himself, the bringer of the Life lived in I leaven, shall open the doors of real Death and put in the bodies and soufs of His piercers. He will shut Hell's doors on the untouchable group of the cursed, who preferred Death to Life. "That's what I shall do, because I, Jesus Christ, Son of God, your Savior and Lord, eternal Judge, have the keys of Death and of Hell." 
25. The overcomers of Apocalypse 2:7 August 18, 1943 Complete dictation Q43:141-143 
Jesus says: "I continue explaining to you the passages that I think timely. "It is said: 'To the one who overcomes 1 will give to eat of the tree of life That thought has been applied to Me. "Yes, I ant the tree of eternal life and give Myself to you people as food in the Eucharist, and seeing Me will be the overcomers' joyful food in the next lift But there is another meaning unknown to many, precisely because many who corn-ment upon Me are not 'overcomers.' "Who is an overcomer? What does it take to be one? Works ringing with heroism? No, that those who overcome would be too few. Overcomers are those who overcome within themselves the Beast that would like to get the upper hand of them. In truth, between the dreadful but brief martyrdom assisted by super-natural and natural factors, and the secret, unknown and con-stant struggle, the one of greater weight on God's scales—or at least the one of a weight of a different, precious kind—is the struggle. "No tyrant is worse than the flesh and the Devil. And those who can overcome the flesh and the Devil and turn their flesh to a spirit and the Devil into a loser, they are the oven:wirers. "But to besuch they need to have given themselves totally to Love. Totally: those who low with all their strength keep nothing for themselves, and keeping nothing for themselves keep nothing for the flesh or for the devil. They give their God everything and God gives those who love Him everything. "He gives them His Word. This is what He gives the overcomers to eat, starting on this earth, and He could have given them nothing greater. He gives Me, the Father's Word, to be food of the spirit consecrated to hmven. "My Words come down to feed the souls wholly given to their Lord God. My Words come to be priests and leaders for you people who seek true guidance and notice so many weak guides on account of the crowds that perish without true guidance. You who have understood Truth, you know that only this is necessary: to live on My Words, believe in My Words, progress according to My Words. "What do you think (Maria) of someone who wants to live on sweets, liquor and tobacco? You say he will die because that is not the food he needs to live healthily. The same is true of someone who works hard for a thousand outward appearances and toes not look after what the nucleus of the soul's whole life is: My Words. "Why do the Mass, the Eucharist, and Confession not sanctify you people as should ensue? Because for you they are for form's sake; you do not make them fruitful by paying attention to My Words. Worse yet, you stifle My Words that I send from on High, from Heaven, to rebuke and enlighten you, smothering them with lukewartnness, hypocrisy and more or less serious sin. "You do not love Me: that's the problem. To love does not swan an occasional superficial visit of worldly courtesy. To love tams to live with the soul united and fused with, and kindled by, the One and only fire that nourishes another soul. Then in the fusion, understanding also comes about. "I speak no longer from afar, from on High in the heavens. I, and with Me the Father and the Spirit because We are one single thing, I settle in the heart that loves Me" and My words are no longer a whisper but full Voice, no longer now and then btu  uninterrupted. Then l am really the 'Master.' I am the One who twenty centuries ago tirelessly spoke to the crowds and who now finds His delight in speaking to His favorites who know how to listen to Him and of whom I make My waterways of grace. "How much Life I give to you people! True Life, holy Life, eternal Life, joyful Life by means of My words which are the lather's words and the Spirit's love. Yes, how in truth I give the 'overcomer' to eat the fruit of the tree of life. I give it to you starting on this earth with My spiritual doctrine which I come back to bring among people so that not all should perish. I give it to you in the next life with My being among you forever. "I am the true Life. Remain in Me, My beloved ones, and you will not experience death." 
26. The hidden manna of Apocalypse 2:17 August 19, 1943 Complete dictation Q43:143-144 
Jesus says: "Still seeing the Beloved's words through My eyes, one can understand that 'the hidden marmite" too is My Word. It is manna because it gathers all the sweetness of love of Our Trinity which is Father, Brother and Spouse of your souls and loves you with the three highest lows. It is hidden because it is said in the depths of the hearts of those worthy to taste it. "I would really like being able to shower it on everyone and feed everyone with it. But it is said: 'Do not give the pearls to the pigs and the holy things to the dogs.'" Although they were cleansed in My Baptism and redeemed by My Blood, many are viler than pigs and more doggish than dogs. "(Maria,] you have read that the manna in the desert spoiled for the ancient Hebrews unworthy to have it." They were unworthy due to their lack of faith and their human worries. Can I have less respect for My Word than I had for the manna destined to feed the belly, whereas the Word is destined to feed the spirit? "Therefore I give manna to those who overcome the lower part with all its tendencies to lack of to the senses, to narrow-minded and selfish cares. I give the manna of My Word that fills your spirits with sweetness and light. I give 'a white pebble, and in the pebble, a new name written.'" In other words, in the pebble, a Truth is revealed which is withheld from the unworthy. It is the 'Truth which opens the doors of eternal Life for you, which gives you the keys to it and puts you on the Way to reach the Gate of My heavenly City. "I am the Way, the Truth, the Life." Outside of Me there is no other way, truth and life. Those who overcome all obstacles to follow Me will become pillars of My temple. Through the Word they kept and put in practice, after being saved in the frightful hour of trial from the temptation that kills, they will have a seat on My own throne, together with the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit."
27. A void in the mystical forest August 19, 1943 Complete dictation Q43:144.145 Jesus further says: "The world is perishing because it has not kept My Word, because it has neglected it and scoffed at it. No human power will be of use to stop the world's rush to the abyss because the world and its powers lack the thing that saves: My Law. "A void has been made in the mystical forest I had grown for you people so you would have a dwelling in the shade of My far-sighted love. Your sins have made it, and in this void the perpetual Serpent has taken over as ruler, poisoning you with his breath and killing you with his bite and preventing My Law from being an agent of Good within you. "You have smoke, poison, horror and hopelessness within you and around you. Yet you could have had Light, Peace, I lope, Joy. You could have had this, had you followed My Word, because I consumed all the horror of life to keep you from it and I did so with that atrocity of agony which I suffered for you. "But you have thrown My gift away and have called Satan your master and king. And Satan teaches you and controls you, and Wines you and whips you to make you worthy of his hell." 
28. More about the Antichrist August 20,1943 Complete dietatioit Q43:145-149 
Jesus says: "If one properly studied what hasbeen happening for some time, and especially since the beginnings of this century that precedes the year 2000, one should think that the seven seals have been opened..? Never as now have I mused Myself to come back in your midst with My Words to gather the troops of My elect to set out with them and with My angels to give battle to the occult forces that work touncover for mankind the gates of the abyss. "War, famine, plagues, instruments of military manslaugh-ter—worse than the fierce beasts spoken of by My Favorite—earthquakes, signs in the sky, eruptions from the depths of the ground; and miraculous callings, to the mystical ways, of little souls moved by Love, persecutions against My followers, loft-inns of souls and vileness of bodies: none of the signs is missing by which the time of My Anger and of My Justice may seem at hand to you people. "In the horror you are going through," you cry out: Time has come! It can't get any more awful!' In a loud voice you call on the end to free you. The guilty call on it, scorning and cursing as always. The good call on it, unable to see Evil triumph over Good any more. "Peace, My elect! A little longer and I will come. The sum total of sacrifice necessary to justify the creation of mankind and the Sacrifice of the Son of God is not yet complete. The deployment of My troops is not yet finished and the angels of the Sign have not yet put the glorious seal on all the foreheads of those who have deserved to be selected for glory.° "The disgrace of the earth is such that its smoke, little different from that arising from Satan's dwelling, rises to the foot of God's throne with sacrilegious onslaught. Before the apparition of My glory, east and west must be purified to be worthy of the appearing of My Face. "There are incense that purifies and oil that consecrates the great, boundless altar where the last Mass will be celebrated by Me, the eternal Pontiff, served at the altar by all the saints that heaven and earth will have at that hour. Those incense and oil are the prayers and sufferings of My saints, those dear to My Heart, those already marked with My Sign, the blessed Cross, before the angels of the Sign mark them. "It is on the earth that the sign is engraved and it is your will that engraves it. Then the angels fill it with white-hot gold which cannot be removed and which makes your foreheads shine like the sun in My Paradise. treat is todays horror," My beloved ones, but how much, how terribly much more it must still increase to be the Horror of the end times! If it truly seems that wormwood has been mixed to the bread, wine, and sleep of people, much, terribly much more wormwood must still drip into your waters, onto your tables, onto your poor beds before you have reached the total bitterness that will be the nude of the last days of this race created by Love, saved by Lone and which has prostituted itself to Hatred. "Cain roamed all over the land for having killed an inno-cent blood, albeit infected with original sin. He found no one who could pull him out of the torment of remembering, be-cause God's sign was on him for his punishment. He procre-ated in bitterness and in bitterness lived and saw others live, and in bitterness he died. What then shouldn't the human race suffer, for having killed in fact and killing in desire the abso-lutely innocent Blood which saved it? "Accordingly, you are to think that these are the warning signs, but it is not yet the hour. "They are here, the forerunners of the one who, as I said, can call himself: 'Negation; 'Evil made flesh,' 'Horror,' 'Sacrilege,' 'Son of Satan,"Revenge,"Destruction; and I could go on giving him clearly and dreadfully informative names. But he is not here yet!' "He will be someone very high up, high up like a heavenly body: not a human star that shines in a human sky, but a heavenly body from a supernatural sphere. Giving in to the Enemy's enticement, he will experience pride after humility, atheism after faith, but after chastity, the craving for gold after evangelical poverty, the thirst for honors after concealment. "It would be less frightful to see a star of the vault of Maven shoot down than it will to see this elect creature hurtle down into Satan's coils, copying the sin of his chosen father. Lucifer, out of pride, became the Cursed and Dark One. The Antichrist, out of the pride of one hour, will become the cursed and dark one after having been a heavenly body in My army. "His abjuration shall shake the heavens under a deep shud-der of horror and make the pillars of My Church tremble in the dismay brought about by his fall. Asa reward for his abjura-tion, he shall get Satan's help in full. Satan will give him the keys of the hole of the abyss for him to open it," in fact to throw it completely open to let out the instruments of horror which Satan has been putting together for thousands of years to drive people to utter hopelessness, so that on their own they would call upon Satan as King and rush after the Antichrist to follow him. The Antichrist will be the only one who can throw the gates of the abyss open to let the King of the abyss out, just as Christ opened the gates of the Heavens to let out grace and forgiveness which turn human beings into gods like God and kings of an eternal Kingdom in which lam the King of kings. "As the Father gave Me all power, so will Satan give the Anti-christ all power, and especially all power of seduction, to sway into his retinue the weak and those corroded by the fevers of ambitions as he, their head, is. But in his unbridled ambition he will find Satan's supernatural forms of help still too little and he will seek other help in Christ's enemies. These shall be armed with deadlier and deadlier weapons, such as their lust for Evil was able to lead them to create in order to spread hopelessness among the crowds. They will help him until Cod utters His 'Enough!' and reduces them to ashes with the radi-ance of His countenance." 'There has been much, too much aimless speculation over the centuries on what John says in chapter 10 of the Apoca-lypse. It was not out of a good yearning and a respectable desire to find a remedy for the imminent evil, it was only out of useless curiosity. But I want you to know, Maria, that I allow you people to know what can be useful to know, and I veil what I find good for you not to know. "You are too weak, My poor children, to know the names of horror of the seven Apocalyptic thunders." My angel said to John: 'Seal up the things which the seven thunders have spoken; and write them not.'" I say that it is not yet the hour for what was sealed to be opened, and if John did not write it down I will not say it. "After all, it does not befall you to taste that horror" and so... All that is left for you to do is pray for those who will have to go through it. Pray forstrength not to fail them. Pray for them not to go over to the crowd of those who, under the harsh scourge, shall not hear of penance and shall blaspheme God instead of calling on Him for help. Many of these are already on earth and their offspring shall be seven times seven more demoniacal than they. "I, not My angel, I Myself swear that when the thunder of the seventh trumpet is over and the horror of the seventh scourge has been carried out," without Adam's race acknowledging Christ the King, Lord, Redeemer and God, and calling upon His Mercy, His Name in which is salvation, I, for My Name's sake and My Nature's sake, swear that I will freeze the moment in eternity. Time will cease and the lodgment will begin? the Judgment that forever divides Good from Evil after thousands of years of cohabitation on earth. "Good shall go back to the source from which it came. Evil will fall to where it had been hurled down at the time of Lucger's uprising and from where it came out to derange Adam's weakness in the seduction of the senses and of pride. "Then God's mystery shall come to an end. Then you shall know God. Everyone, everyone from earth, from Adam to the last born, gathered like grains of sand on the dune of the eternal country, skill see the Lord God, Creator, fudge, King. "Yes, you will all see this God whom you have loved, blasphemed, followed, scorned, blessed, held in contempt, served, shunned. You shall see Him. Then you shall know how much He deserved your love and how praiseworthy it was to serve Him. "Oh! The joy of those who will have worn themselves out in loving Him and obeying Him! Oh! The terror of those who have been His Judases, His Coins, of those who preferred to follow the Opponent and the Seducer instead of the incarnate Word in whom Redemption is found; the Seducer instead of Christ the Way to the Father; the Seducer instead of Jesus the most holy Truth; the Seducer instead of the Word true Life." 
29. The two witnesses of Apocalypse 11 "And I will give unto My two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred sixty days, clothed in sackcloth" (Apocalypse I h3). August 21,1943 Complete dictation Q43:150 
Jesus says: "All the masters in the faith—Pontiffs, bishops, inspired souls, doctors of the Church, souls permeated by the Light and by the Voice—all of them are hinted at in My two witnesses. With a voice free from every human streak, they have pro-claimed Me and the truth of My doctrine and have set the seal of holiness, sorrow and also blood in confirmation of their voice. 
"Hated like Me, Master of masters, Saint of saints, they were always more or less tormented by the world and those in power. My witnessesare found to be those who by their wry behavior tell the world and the great of this world: 'What you do is not right.' But when the hour of the son of Satan has come, Hell, coming up from the abyss opened by the Antichrist, shall wage a ruthless war against them and, from the human point of view, shall crush and kill them. "But it will not be a real death. In fact, it will be the Life of lives, real and glorious Life. Because if those who follow My Law in the commandments have Life, what infinite fullness of Life will be given to those who follow also My emngelkal counsels of perfection and drive their being with Me to total sacrifice out of love for their Jesus, the eternal Immolated One whom they imitate so far as to sacrifice their lives? "Those who give up the thing dears to a human being, life, to follow Me out of love for Me and the brothers and sisters, shall be called to an extraordinarily bright resurrection. I will never weary of repeating this: nothing is greater than love in Heaven and on earth, and no love is greater than that of someone who gives up his life for his brothers and sisters."' 
30. World War II: one of the opening battles August 21, 1943 Complete dictation Q13:150-152 
Jesus further says: "I told you one day° that in today's tragedy" Satan's forces are already on the move and Satan has sent his dark angels to stir up earth's kingdoms against one another. The supernatural Battle has already begun. It is going on. It keeps behind the scenes of the small-scale human battle." "It is not small-scale in size, it is small-scale as motives go. The small-scale human motive is not, I repeat is not, the battle's cause. It is not. Something else is the real motive which turns brothers into murderous wild beasts that take a bite out of each other and kill each other. "You fight with your bodies, but what is actually fighting is your souls. You fight by orders of four or five mighty men. You think it is so. No. Only one executor is behind this ruin. He is on earth because (treatise) you want him there, but he is not of this earth. Satan is the one pulling the strings of this bloodbath in which it is more the souls that die than the bodies. "This is one of the opening battles. The kingdom of the Antichrist orals a cement made of blood and hatred to become consolidated. "And you, no longer able to love, you serve him conscien-tiously and slit each other's throats, and you curse the One who is not to blame for this evil of yours. You curse Cod, who battles with His angels to safeguard what is His: Faith in Christians' hearts, Goodness in the hearts of the good. "lam not the one making a selection, for now. You yourselves are sorting yourselves out, of your own free wills. Those who despite the horror can recognize that God is always God, in other words Goodness and Justice, and that salvation is found in following God's Law, set themselves apart from those who deny these truths. The first rise up to the Light; the others fall towards Darkness. "Really Satan aspires, with his devils, to scale Heaven a second time. But driven back by My archangel he hurtles down to earth to vanquish God through His children's hearts. For every lost soul is a defeat for God. And Satan easily succeeds because people's hearts no longer have the flame of the spirit. They no longer have the life of the spirit. They are gnarls of sin in which the spirit-killing threefold lust thrives. "Blessed are those who have overcome by virtue of the Lamb's blood and have remained and will always remain faithful. Blessed are those who shall have rejected Satan and his enticements and not have been anxiety-ridden about his apparent triumphs, his efforts launched at this hour, which he knows to be brief for his reign of malediction. Blessed are those who will remain faithful to Christ and His Church, dismem-bered by antichristian persecution; the Church, unconquerable martyr like the Great Martyr her Spouse, the Crucified Christ; the Church, rising again more beautiful, after her apparent death, to come glorified into Heaven, where the true Pontiff awaits her to celebrate the wedding."


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